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14951248 No.14951248 [Reply] [Original]

If I make $200-400 a day playing online poker, but still put in a solid 6-10 hours doing it depending on the day, am I a wage slave still

>> No.14951260


>> No.14951302

how often do you NOT make money, I mean gambling generally is bad news in my experience.

I've met plenty of people that have been up 1000's before, driving a flash mercedes etc. and then lose it all and literally in the fucking dirt because they didnt know when to quit.

Its like drug dealing, you can only be successful for so long before the feds/jealousy/competition puts you out of the business.

Live fast die young kinda gig.

>> No.14951381

>poker is gambling
Fucking kids these days
Yes you are a wagie, just a self employed one who gets to work from home
So you're the best kind of wagie, keep on that grind, try find a satellite to a big event and maybe you'll hit it big if you're patient enough. Then you can retire the wagie life.

>> No.14951455

well it fucking is gambling isnt it you dumb cunt.

Fucking zoomer 'oh no poker is an art ' or whatever fucking nonsense you think.

>> No.14951470

Poker takes skill

>> No.14951476

kekked and checked

>> No.14951487

so does day trading but its still fucking gambling you nonse

>> No.14951496


Nigga everything gambling

>> No.14951505


daytrading and poker are skill games, they're still gambling. You're still betting money without expecting a specific rate of return (which is investing, not gambling).

>> No.14951508

Its still gambling, same as any financial investment is gambling.
Skill and knowledge can turn the odds in your favour over the pack but its still gambling no matter how good your odds are.

Wagie shows up for work 50 hours a week, its not a gamble as hes got a contract detailing what will be paid to him in return for his work, a pro poker player could be dealt AA 100 hands in a row and lose every one.
Unlikely but its a possible outcome.

>> No.14951510

I’ve never came out behind in a month, even on my worst month I grossed 1700, I never go above $1-$2 blinds so unless I get absolutely rekt and have the worst luck of my life it’s a steady income. I also never play in big tournaments.

>> No.14951512

some things are more obvious gambles than others, like horse racing, the casino, and fucking poker.

>kids these days

fucking really....?? go lurk back to plebbit

>> No.14951513

>If I make $200-400 a day playing online poker
But how much did you lose?

>> No.14951529


I almost never lose money in a single day, happens maybe once every 2-3 months

>> No.14951541

Do you set a specific bankroll or goals for days / months?

I'd like to know more about your process.

>> No.14951561

thats nice if you can make it work, like I say, ive friends who have had variable outcomes from it.

One friend, literally has brought property from his gambling gains, some others, have had some 40k payouts in some instances, live fast, lots of coke, partying, nice cars, and blow it all so they are worse off than they began.

It really does take discipline, like most things, but that still doesnt change the fact what you are trying to do is essentially predict the future.

Now this, this is some fucking crazy logic when you think about it. Trying to predict something that is undefined based on variables in the present.

>> No.14951571

Not really, it depends on what I want to do or am doing for the day, i usually play quite a bit from friday to Sunday night, then only in the evenings during the week when it’s soft

>> No.14951647

>I almost never lose money in a single day, happens maybe once every 2-3 months
Okay now I know your full of shit. What site and what games do you play?

>> No.14951674

Probably not. But someone who makes 200 to 400 a day playing poker also wouldnt post on 4chan
You probably lucky 2 days in a row and are considering to quit your job

>> No.14951707

I play ignition Omaha Hi, not full of shit, there’s thousands of people who think they’re going to make it and don’t in poker, I’m not trying to make it I just like not having to answer to anyone besides the wife.

Also hold 17500k link and 25k Req
And don’t tell me how stupid my req is I already know

>> No.14951716


>> No.14951726

17.5k Link kek

>> No.14951744
File: 40 KB, 473x471, 519004833_265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dead game, zoom poker for example we have stats showing nobody is winning before rakeback in omaha etc in nl where rake is lower it's possible maybe win 5-10bb at lower stakes but nl200 or higher zoom is most rocky field on planet no money there prolly AI bots by now in use. 10 hour a day is impossible would get carpal tunnel wrist after 2 days even 1 hour a day long term is barley bearable for most online poker is just dead after black friday definitely no real fish anymore

>> No.14951748

You might consider cashing out your 40 million dollars

>> No.14951754

I played on pokerstars for a while. Not really trying to make cash like that but still with a serious strategy.

I'm convinced that site is rigged. I'd play sooo fucking conservatively watching hand after hand go by then bet when I had a straight or whatever and the other guy would have a straight flush or some shit EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Any tips for strategy etc? Do you look for games that have the most stupid rubes or are you generally playing skilled players/against the cards?

>> No.14951755

stop calling poker gambling you absolute retard. also go back to r*ddit i'm getting eye cancer from all these newfags with that spacing why are you infesting this board all of a sudden it was so nice half a year ago

>> No.14951764


You sound like one of the people I take money from on a daily basis, thank you for your donations. What you said was completely made up, goy poorfag

>> No.14951804


You can have runs like that, you have to play during the times when there’s high traffic, which is every evening and the weekends. Then you play low to mid blinds. 25/50 cent tables is the lowest I’ll play and $1/2 is usually the highest. I usually like to watch and only play blinds when first entering table. Never get it all in pre flop in Omaha, even if you have a monster

>> No.14951811

> Poker isn't gambling
You're a fucking retard. I've played tournaments where even if I had played every hand to the river, I would have not won a single hand even well into 3rd or 4th rounds. I've been playing poker for more than 15 years, have hosted tournaments at halls with trophies etc. If you don't get cards, you'll lose eventually. This idea that you're so smooth and so talented as a poker player that you will override that reality enough to make consistently better hands fold against your amazing skills wreeks of inexperience and retardation. There's a reason almost every professional poker player made their money in other ways, then took up poker as a hobby.

>> No.14951818
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 9E4F3C5B-385F-4938-BA39-8653AC483952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and pic related

>> No.14951830


>have to get cards to win
>probably jams pre flop with any pocket pair over 10s

Ultimate KEK

>> No.14951854

semi true, you can still make great money in poker but not on pokerstars
cringe, you will cry soon newfag

>> No.14951897

what site do you play on? and US or row?

>> No.14951906

Where are these soft games open to most countries? What site? What roll do you need?

>> No.14951913

this meme still makes me chuckle. i hope that you're memeing and not retarded

>> No.14951930

>not texas

>> No.14951940


Ignition poker if you’re in U.S

If you’re playing right you should only need $500 at most to start

>> No.14951959

not op but i've been playing intertops from US semi-professionally for 8 years since black friday. it's super soft for cash games. couple of good pros to look out for. couple ultra fish regs that spew thousands weekly. I follow usually 50 buyins for heads up, 20 for six max and 10 for full ring is fine. I play same as op but with some 400nl and 600nl included

>> No.14951967
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, D3BE4B4D-0FFE-4AA3-AC67-21CF543AFF74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doesn’t play Omaha
>doesn’t get to play against fish who play literally every hand in Omaha

Top kek I’ll keep the money to myself

>> No.14951986

Nope hate pocket pairs of all kinds, aces I will push hard preflop to get as many if not everyone out before, because I hate playing them. You can call me a shitty player all you want to, on my 18th birthday the first day I could legally play poker I won a tournament with 80+ people. Bluffing works best after you've shown your cards on a few big wins.

>> No.14951988

Ignition is bovoda so its anonymous and no huds still right? i don't trust that as much

>> No.14952005

>stop calling poker gambling

top kek anon

>> No.14952022


I found that a lot of fish like it because it’s anonymous. I used to play BetOnline.AG, that got really tight and I have a lot more success at ignition

>> No.14952263

I used to be a pro for 5 years at pokerstars. Honestly to succeed you need to put massive amounts of time playing and reviewing/studying your hands. It gets pretty repetitive after a certain point when it becomes your job. You get put in similar situations and you do the same thing day after day. I could compare it to working on a conveyor belt.

>> No.14952765

that's why i always played heads up or 3/4 handed. much more situational and player dependent with 1 or 2 pros at a table and one giant fish. kept it fun