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14892746 No.14892746 [Reply] [Original]

BTC already had a 300,000x RoI from the initial price to the parabolic peak.

Do people unironically think they didn't already miss the boat and that it will still 1000x from here?

Absolutely delusional. Unless you invest nearly a decade ago and already made it then you WILL need to get a job like everyone and there will NOT be an easy way out. The sooner you accept, the easier the transition from degenerate NEET to productive member of society living a fulfilling life will be.

>> No.14892773


>> No.14892775

Noone's buying BTC for a 1000x

>> No.14892787


>> No.14892791

Even 10x is completely unrealistic unless we are talking over a several decade span. Don't quit your day job kid (and if you don't have a job then that's even worse)

>> No.14892800

>The sooner you accept, the easier the transition from degenerate NEET to productive member of society living a fulfilling life will be
Wow...such penetrating cope. Brutal self judgement.

>> No.14892877

10x easy within 3 years. Screencap this

>> No.14892905

That's a nice bait. Everyone here knows wagecucking doesn't provide a fulfilling life at all

>> No.14892926

That's because you don't know your worth. Not everyone can be a multimillionaire flashing their fancy cars all over instagram. Somebody needs to clean the bathrooms and flip the patties. Fast food can be fulfilling work with a PMA and a determination and drive to improve yourself and move up the ladder.

>> No.14892939

>Somebody needs to clean the bathrooms and flip the patties.
I'd rather be dead thanks

>> No.14892946

yeah this was my line of thinking back in December 2017 through today and that’s why I invested in a bunch of shitcoins that have stagnated or gone to .000001 (FUCK ZIL and FUCK BAT)

>> No.14892949

2 years actually.

>> No.14892970

anon...I can promise you something with absolute certainty.
You will capitulate and buy btc eventually...it will be at a much higher price than this and you will look back on this righteous belief you currently hold as stupid and prideful.
screencap this and refer back to it each Jul 20.

>> No.14893027

nigger you don't even get what btc is or does or why is valuable read a book then come back, you filthy unculturate keynesian pleb

>> No.14893036

Anon, when you live a satisfying and fulfilling life with people that you care about who reciprocate it back then you don't look for get rich quick schemes or dream about hitting the jackpot and being able to sit at home all day in your underwear jerking off

>> No.14893049 [DELETED] 

Anon is delusional, BTC will be at $100k by 2021.
Now, complete this and convert these shitcoins into BTC.
At $100k, that's $100 for two mins work.
In 2025, at $1mil, that's $1000 for two mins work.


1: Blockchain protocol for fast scalable transactions
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradable smart contracts


1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world's financial
2: Facilitating low-cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.

>> No.14893051

you need a basic understanding of austrian economics and capital flight and monetary history to understand why btc will eat the world money supply, teh hardest money always wins


read THE BITCOIN STANDARD then come back

>> No.14893060

hope you get rekt so bad

>> No.14893077

remember about this moment anon when you capitulate and buy bitcoin in the next years
i wonder how your alts will do during the coming financial crysis

>> No.14893143

so you know i am allin in a coin called qash. its an exchange coin from liquid.com
when youll see it in top think of me

>> No.14893168

It's true. I hold 0 BTC for this reason, all in LINK. Gotta take a risk baby. At this point BTC is a grampa stock

>> No.14893186

Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point

>> No.14893190

look dudes i rode this market from way before you guys even entered it, just have at least 30% BTC in the portfolio at all times and don't be retarded faggot that go all in into pink sheet ponzis

>> No.14893202

you think BTC is just a ticker thats what you don't get, come back here again when you will understand what btc is or does read some books about austrian economics

>> No.14893229

whats your other holdings ? mr smarty pants

>> No.14893230

Posts by Israel like the OP here are exactly why we will at least 10x by the Halvning. AT LEAST 10x... With #Fomo it could possibly be much more. Anons just remember, Bitcoin is the scarcest asset in the world and it’s the first time ever we have a legitimate finite amount of something to put our wealth into... When owning Bitcoin becomes “cool”, every millionaire who wants Bitcoin can’t own one. Hell, there’s not enough Bitcoin for each Coinbase account to own one. We are going to the fucking moon before too long, McAfee is right, and anybody with even .28BTC is going to make it. Don’t fall for Isreal’s tricks.

>> No.14893289

bitfinex is dumping on your ass with the tethers

>> No.14893307
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Based and redpilled, you can smell the state of despair in the degenerate NEETS here. They actually think institutions will allow this to go parabolic so they can live an unproductive life in society. I pray for the day this shit crashes so they can all wake up from their fantasies.

>> No.14893315

you wanna know what shitcoins i hold ?
right now i hold only BTC (75%) DCR and SENT (cause its very difficult to accumulate)
but when alts give actual confirmation of bottoms on higher timeframes i will buy some of those new IEOs scams, monero ethereum doge cosmos grin
im just not into falling knifes ant i understand that shitcoins are just to play with and not to hold.
just don't be a retard and be like those guys that have been calling for alt season for the past 6 months

>> No.14893346

you are probably an old boomer who lives on government subsidies and moves around in his government subsidized car with his governent subsidized oil.
im just here waiting for your ponzi pensions schemes to collapse while im enjoying my un inflatable hard digital money that is censorship resistant and borderless

>> No.14893459
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually only 21 but i'm a realist. Only way to make it in this market now unless you have big money in the game is catching the 2-5x pumps without making wrong choices too often, which btw is nearly impossible with inside info. Have fun dreaming though

>> No.14893504

you are just a kid that doesn't understand, how the modern monetary system works get educated read some books about austrian economics, and you will see why modern banking and modern soverign debt are just bubbles waiting to pop, and how governments will massively devalue currency to try to save those bubble once again like in 2008

>> No.14893549

The absolute state of this board...Buy BTC, XMR, and ZEC in bulk and stop wasting your time. Sincerely,
God Tier Chad

>> No.14893566

I actually have a degree in finance so im well versed in some of these topics, and the difference this time is many many people are waiting to profit from it using things like crypto which is precisely why it wont happen. If you think you have a 'get rich quick scheme' and you're 'ahead of the game' then millions of other retards do as well.

>> No.14893620

>productive member of society
>fulfilling life
>implying desk administratio is productive and contributing to society and fulfills
wagecucking is a soulless experience.

>> No.14893625

degree in finance LOL
im not either ahead of the game or want to get rich quick, i just understand that fiat money will get debased and interest rates will completely destroy savings, gold will get confiscated and the only way to save your value will be owning some btc which is borderless and much hard to detect/steal.
trump last comments on monetary policies and the coming election of christine lagarde as head of ecb confirm what im saying

>> No.14894084

digital gold
get over it boomer
the best money ever invented

>> No.14894209

BTC at $0.1
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point
BTC at $1
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point
BTC at $10
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point
BTC at $100
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point
BTC at $1000
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point
BTC at $10000
>Even a 2x BTC its pretty much impossible at this point

not sure if there's pattern. need more data to confirm.

>> No.14894273

people like him will fomo way higher then now, maybe at 1m$ and will get wiped when it crashes 80% again and then fomo again when it reaches 10m$
some people are made to loose money

>> No.14894358

>bitcoin could never be $1
>bitcoin could never be $10
>bitcoin could never be $100
>bitcoin could never be $1000
>bitcoin could never be $10 000
>bitcoin could never be $100 000
>bitcoin could never be $1 000 000

>> No.14894378
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 1549448072093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck the amount of newfags out here.
This is a fucking pasta from 2017.

>> No.14894400

Fuck off boomer you already posted this shit multiple times yesterday. Stay poor

>> No.14894535

do you even realize how retarded that is ?
obviously the higher up the price the harder it will be to find new buyer
I hope all of you bullfags just chug thousand of dollars into btc every month and don't just hope someone else buy in otherwise you're basically admitting this is jsut a ponzi

>> No.14894552

>he doesn't understand that BTC is eating away at the global money supply and gold mcap and it will become the new global reserve currency

i would just neck if i was you

>> No.14894554
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>> No.14894597

>calling others newfags
>doesn't know 4chin is the same posts over and over again

>> No.14894641

>get rich quick schemes
a decade of involvement isn't "getting rich quick".
I realize you missed out on the majority of the upside and that makes you feel upset, but dont project your inane insults on others who had a clue at the time.

>> No.14894685

bitcoin is literally our best chance to make the world a better place, and these fucking cucks think is a get rich quick scheme
the state of this board

>> No.14894705

I remember when I first bought at $600 people said I was crazy.

>> No.14894710
File: 491 KB, 420x579, economist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no, btc will most likely always stay a fringe decentralize high volatility asset if it doesn't go to zero
if you think the elites aren't coining with their own coin to swap with the usd you're a fucking moron, BTC proved to them that peoples are ready for a fully digital currency, and now they are going to make one which they can control completely, and create an unique global currency.
you're deluded if you think they are gonna let their power slip out without a real fight

>> No.14894733

he doesn't understands that BTC is the currency he is talking about

and teh elites will pump n dump btc on plebs

just cope with your ignorance faggot

>> No.14894744

There are inflationary coins all over the place. They get pumped once and abandoned forever. Many such cases.

>> No.14894755

The tether situation isn't ideal, but it is overblown. There are several stablecoins vying to eat Tether's lunch right now and distributing it out will lessen the blow. BTC got to 1k just fine long before Tether and it will get to 100k with or without it.

>> No.14894772

I buy BTC weekly.

>> No.14894808

BTC has several problems that prevent its value from reaching that high:

1) It is limited by its speed of 4 transactions/second, which won't change unless they change how Bitcoin fundamentally works. This severely limits liquidity in the market. Since Lightning Network doesn't work and people don't trust exchanges enough with large investments, people would be reluctant to invest a lot of money.

2) The nodes and miners are unevenly distributed, which means that anything bad that happens in the countries that host these nodes and mining operations would crash the price severely. The miners are located in mostly poor countries (because of cheap electricity) while the nodes are located mostly in rich countries (because running nodes is charity work).

3) There's no growth in BTC's infrastructure in the past 2 years.

>> No.14894853

yeah sure btc is it
> the internet meme own by unregulated exchanges and massive whales
> the coin which network is completely controlled by privates corporation and the chineses miners
> the limited supply coin peoples rather hoard then spend
yeah that's the coins the elite will use, fucking delusion

>> No.14894887

he doesn't understand that value flows towards the hardest money

hahahah what a faggot

>> No.14894915

This right here. FB is already testing the waters with Libra. Just look at the tech. PoA centralised bullshit.

Not saying (((they))) will succeed with a crypto currency; many use-cases for BTC still are semi-legal/illegal. Maybe it's just enough to ramp up SWIFT tx speed and fix forex txs.

>> No.14894916
File: 84 KB, 750x731, 1563132358480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go boomer. You've collapsed western civilization from your entitlement and lack of political foresight. Nobody wants in on your faggot 1.5% bank interest rates or hyper suppressed wages from mass migration. I'd rather accumulate crypto and survival gear than the nightmare of a life you want our youth to pursue. Kys cuck

>> No.14894919

LOL stay poor fgt

>> No.14895003 [DELETED] 

get rekt Johnathan Cho

>> No.14895021

>bitcoin is literally our best chance
I try to explain this to others as well, but this miss.
The boomers had a perfect financial world: 15% interest rates - which meant simultaneously: (a) low home prices, (b) could make 6% by simply putting money in bank, and (c) low stock market.

They then rode this to 0% interest rates which led them to huge gains across the board, and ruined the long-term economy....BUT this is our oppurtunity...the ruined economy IS the reason for things like BTC to exist, thus its "our chance"....
There is no point trying to blame the boomer game of rising property & stock market...fuck that its crypto or die at this point.

>> No.14895085

also BTC fixes the problems created by keyneisian economic theory, governments won't be able to inflate the supply of money away to fund tehir endless government spedning and war across the globe.
btc literally reduces the power of governments and gives value back to people who earn it

>> No.14895472

From 2 to 33k THIS year. Cope more faggot