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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14872961 No.14872961 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14873061

Wage on toilet

>> No.14873095

About to go wage. I make like 70k and jack shit all day but I’m still miserable for some reason. I think it’s because I have to look busy while not actually being busy

>> No.14873135

I'm waging from home today. It kind of reduces the sting

>> No.14873160

Open more excel screens and do random calculations vaguely revavent to your work and just leave them on there.

>> No.14873496

How do I make 70k doing Jack shit

>> No.14873572

Drive truck

>> No.14874221

Corporate finance

>> No.14874749

There is more to life than what you’re doing right now. There is so much more than your cubicle, office, dirty factory, etc.
Escape. It is possible. Leave right now. Start your real life.
>B-but muh money muh bills
You won’t get this time back. You are going to die. Live your life on your terms.

>> No.14874852

Have you escaped? And if so how?

>> No.14874855
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on a conf call

>> No.14875759

I hate it here.

>> No.14875778

I just left one day, and stopped going back in. Didn't answer any phone calls asking why. Swore I would never take another job. This was two years ago. There is no "how" after that. You make your own existence and survive. It's on your own terms whether you fail or succeed, and even if you fail, you're living more than you ever were on a wageslave dole.

>> No.14875807

>There is no "how" after that. You make your own existence and survive.

Give us actionable advice. Where are you RIGHT NOW? Sleeping in your car? On a friend's couch? Parents' basement? On disability/neetbux? Literally homeless, stealing stuff and using public wifi?

>> No.14875827
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We dem boys. Some pajeet sat at the desk beside me today and is being extremely obnoxious. I want to die

>> No.14876269

no, somehwere, no, no, no, no, no, and no. Seethe and cope all you want, there is no getting around the fact that you have to forge your own path. The only actionable advice I can ever give you is to stop going in to work. You will thank me in a few years when you look back and realize you're actually living and you didn't need the job even nearly as much as you thought.

>> No.14876337

I'm not seething or coping, you're just laying out feel-good platitudes with no tips or even an example of what your journey has looked like.

>> No.14876492

>you can do it, just quit
>what has the rest of your life looked like? how are you functional? what steps did you take
>hahah just like do it nigga quit your job im not answering shit carve your own path
>are you like, actually paying rent somehow? how are you making ends meet in general?
>nigga you literally only live once just take command of your life quit your job, thank me later

>> No.14876533

Truck driving slave here. Cleared 100k take home last year. 2 more years of this bullshit and I will have my business running full time.

>> No.14877155

What's bullshit about truck driving?
Currently a teacher right now but I don't see long term sustainable here as pay leaves much to be desired and I am a walking law suit waiting to happen. Though my school has protected me pretty well, I often times ride the line of work safe discussion.

>> No.14877166

Night shift at atc tower.

Shitty friday night

>> No.14877256

This advice is the equivalent of
>just start your own business lmao
Fucking gay

>> No.14877541

>tfw sitting in a meeting now shit posting