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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14872393 No.14872393 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14872400

Tether life support: that was the defribillator firing

>> No.14872403

You can type FUCK here you know. It's okay, your mum won't find out.

>> No.14872411
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>> No.14872412


>> No.14872423

fucking manipulated scam trying to lure new people into buying this turd

>> No.14872437

Reminder that we will never see sub 10k ever again

>> No.14872454

Actually the fact that they are resorting to sudden barts to keep this going means we will see it within 24 hours

>> No.14872459
File: 7 KB, 259x194, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I sold at 10300 hoping to buy back in at 10000

FUCK THIS MARKET WHAT THE FUCK My short is 40% under water

>> No.14872469

this was quite obvious desu

>> No.14872483

Each jump will make the crash even deeper, because in the end all these manufactured spikes are made of desperation.

>> No.14872491
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>> No.14872503

Based brutha

>> No.14872509

thanks for playing. Don't forget to get liq'd

>> No.14872551

you dont understand, when max posts things like this it's true

>> No.14872708
File: 81 KB, 1280x960, kryptomoney.com-Arthur-Hayes-BitMEX-CEO-Predicts-Bitcoin-Will-Rise-To-10000-in-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steals your hopes, corn, gf and bike
Nothin personnel

>> No.14872753

somone photoshop some kfc/watermelon/banana

>> No.14872770

dump incoming.
i wonder how many times these artificial pumps will trick people into FOMOing before people just stop falling for it...

nevermind, people are retarded.

>> No.14872790

You are useing too high time frame. You need to go down to 1s to really get them juicy dildos

>> No.14872844

the pump from 9200 didnt dump

>> No.14872908

it's been less than 24h

>> No.14873062

the market maker doing rogue barts is back

>> No.14873073

A double bart is happening. Nice!

>> No.14873075

max keiser is trying to defend 10k

>> No.14873080

serious fuckerry going on

>> No.14873082

Now barted and newly departed.

>> No.14873094

bart is back
feels like the 6k range

>> No.14873124

Lol not even 2 hours

>> No.14873131

you really feel when those little pieces of shit market makers take control again when trading. You have the large moves (3k -> 14k) that makes them disappear and in ranging markets they are back like little gremlins, doing illegal trading schemes from their offshore accounts.

>> No.14873132
File: 344 KB, 1279x800, Arthur-Hayes-Bitmex-v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strikes again

>> No.14873146


>> No.14873162

Right? Anyone who lived through "This is the floor, it won't go any lower than 6k" and the last bart season has a good idea of what comes next. Be prepared for the final bart down that just keeps on going.

>> No.14873168

that's how they trapped longs. got trapped too and quickly exited with a small loss

>> No.14873184

those violent barts weren't present 2 weeks ago. some little market maker cunt turned his illegal algo again

>> No.14873202

That symbol is Deribit one of his competitors

>> No.14873204

is that one minute candles, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14873223
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>> No.14873286

now that the nig liquidated the longs lets liquidate the shorts and go back up like nothing happened

>> No.14873321

you guys are so stupid,

the owners of these exchanges know exactly what percentage of its users are longing or shorting and buy or sell accordingly to increase BTC for themselves.

>> No.14873412
File: 308 KB, 500x500, D3JmYcCUwAAvyPO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorted again? Yo hol up.

>> No.14874186

natural organic grown.

>> No.14874388

the exchange is not taking risk
the exchange makes money whether it goes up or down
the exchange makes money on volume
don't be retarded!

>> No.14874416

please don't guys. my grandma browses this board sometimes and I don't really like it when you say this kind of stuff or call people niggers.

>> No.14874433

most exchanges dont make money from users except for trading against them, thats why if you buy bitcoin or eth it goes down. Exchanges now make their money from listing fees that almost guarantee a loss for holders of orgs that pay to list

>> No.14874465

mex loans money on interest though. its not most exchanges.

>> No.14874473

Maybe it was just many normies buying at the same time, say, due to a Facebook post talking positively about BTC. Think about that, you morons.

>> No.14874493

good point bitmex is worse than the usual scam exchanges (who exist only to collect listing fees from vc backed crap)

>> No.14874496

Stayin a-crab
Stayin a-crab
Bart Bart Bart Bart

>> No.14874647

That's literally me.
How to overcome porn addiction?

>> No.14874662

I block porn at the firewall. It's the only way to be safe.

>> No.14874705

Switch to hentai

>> No.14874724

how is that any better

>I block porn at the firewall.
> still come here

>> No.14874729

Mex never loans money you fucking retard

The state of brainlets today

>> No.14874759


it's easy when you go a few days. then you just have to watch what triggers you to fap. I noticed my trigger was boredom so I replaced it with going to the gym or taking a bike ride. take 1 day at a time and u gonna make it fren

>> No.14874809

I'm pretty sure you spend too many hours looking at a screen. Stop doing that. Go run outside or whatever.

You need to shift your misaligned sexual energy into something else. Try praying and/or physical exercise.

>> No.14874862

this is a blue board.

>> No.14874885

oh yeah right it's not like Brapp poster ever flood this place

>> No.14874896

Cuck detected. No really. Praying for another man to help you means you are weak.

>> No.14874897

4channel is a family-friendly website.

>> No.14874962

Retard detected. God is not a man.
And >>14874647 is literally saying he's weak so my advice is sound.

>> No.14875018

>God is not a man
No, he's not real. But I bet you're one of them cultural christians that's tired of all the degeneracy.

You know damn well what I mean. "He", depicted as a male, adam was made in his image. Churches are absolutely full of predators and pedophiles that couldn't fit in regular society.

>> No.14875100

You're a monumental faggot and a double retard (probably a nigger) if you picture God like that.

Never in my post did I mention an anthropomorphized god, a church, Christianity or any other Semitic shit.

Meditation is better than prayers but I'd bet my dick he doesn't know how to do it. Prayer is worse than meditation but better than nothing.

>> No.14875272

>most exchanges dont make money from users
are you retarded? what are fees on market orders?