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14790985 No.14790985 [Reply] [Original]

i know XRP is a scam, but why?

>> No.14790988


>> No.14790991

>i know XRP is a scam, but why?

>> No.14791015

No one really knows

>> No.14791024

Not a scam at all, just useless as an investment vehicle. Market cap is insanely high and the total supply is even more insane.

>> No.14791025

Apparently XRP isn't used for most of Ripple's products. When you read about them signing a bank they're using one of Ripple's fiat to fiat products 90% of the time.

>> No.14791059

they just need to get a bank charter, like Trump said. Ripple Bank. I'd be a member.

>> No.14791062

Premined, vast majority held by company, supposedly in time-locked rolling escrow account, use case doesn't explain why the token should have value, to me anyway

>> No.14791134

this. it's like 150x.

buy UND.

>> No.14791164

because 29 cents is the floor / support and there is no where else but up from here.

>> No.14791895

It's just a fucking token.
It is useful as a bandaid solution for international transfers or "Liquidity on demand" as XRP fans call it.
There is no reason for it's value to increase. It only goes up on speculation, the end users of the token couldn't give a shit whether it's 1 cent or $10,000 and its insane marketcap is a big red flag about how stupid crypto investors are.

>> No.14791941

>There is no reason for it's value to increase. It only goes up on speculation
Isn't that true for bitcoin as well?

>> No.14791943
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Do you hear how 100% retarded your line of thinking is? Why dont you just say "I'm thinking about x how I'm supposed to, but why am I supposed to think about it that way"

>> No.14791995

Bitcoin has factors other than speculation that drive it's price. If a miner mines a bitcoin and it costs him $100 to mine it, then he needs to sell it for say $110. If he can't get the price he is after, then he can't justify continued mining and stops. This increases scarcity.

Bitcoin is a big game of 4d chess, you can call it an eternal ponzi but it's also a neat satire piece about the state of economics.

XRP is just a token. That is all it is. No mining, no nodes, no ecosystem. It is just bank pogs that people can collect.

>> No.14792038

well shit, what's the solution then?

>> No.14792069

>I know
>but I dont know why
classic brainlet npc. there is a reason /biz/ calls almost every coin in top 10 a scam, because they all missed their moons and try to cope

>> No.14792089

You mean what would be a good crypto project to invest in? One that has been designed from the ground up to be profitably trustless and has a real use case. I'm unironically saying LINK here, because if you want to invest in anything crypto, why not invest in the one that enables all of the other projects to work, and captures a percent of their net value?
LINK is the only worthwhile project I can find in crypto in any time span.
If you're asking what the solution to XRP's problems is, there is no problem with XRP. It does what it was designed to do.

>> No.14792103

They've dumped hundreds of millions onto the retail market who think XRP is going to be the future when in fact, their products don't even use it. It's literally only used to dump on people to fund their company.

>> No.14792119

true, but show me a coin with any sort of future projects lined up that doesn't do exactly the same

>> No.14792165

Tell me what sort of project has a funding requirement of 500 million last year, and target of 1 billion this year?

>> No.14792279
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No all BTC has is Tether

>> No.14792726

It's basically a bank.

>> No.14792777
File: 52 KB, 640x601, 57202312-99DB-4271-8868-5B8F9D9335A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an insufferable douche-cunt

>> No.14792785

glorified sms service. there's no real value in xrp.

>> No.14792829

>i know XRP is a scam
>but why?

>> No.14792934

those offices around the world, hundreds of employees, jet setting management and bank meetings all over the world surely cost more than a couple fo mc donalds happy meals.

One has to keep up appearances if one wants the plebeians to keep funding the ponzi

>> No.14792954

>use case doesn't explain why the token should have value
>bank 1 owes 10 billion euros to bank 2 or whatever ridiculous number at the end of the day.
>sends that amount worth of ripple to other bank instantly
>the higher the total amount that banks owe each other on a given day, the higher the total mcap of ripple needs to be to facilitate this transfer.
And it doesn't have to be end of day anymore since the transfers are fast and guaranteed with ripple

>> No.14792977

I'm not trying to be a fedora-tipping autist, the word 'satire' wasn't from the realm of redditors when I was young.

I'm just saying XRP has no ancillary market factors to drive price action in either direction. It's price is entirely dependant on hype. No 'halvening', no mining, no nodes, just pure crypto speculation fairy dust and "Muh banks".

>> No.14792982

If all BTC has is tether, then LINK/BTC is ultimately based on Tether as well. ETH is highly bought with Tether and BTC as well.
The only true thing LINK has going for it is LINK/USD on Coinbase Pro.

>> No.14793025

One reason: Larsen
Scammed all his official business partners for fast money, xrp hasn't had developments since 5 years. Read into all the court cases, bribes and acquirements of ghost companies to dodge taxes and hide capital.

If you do business with Larsen you deserve to stay poor

>> No.14793044

>muah Banks
after the R3 disaster and fucking up Ripples reputation with the Swift board the last thing xrp is, is muah banks token. With Larsen buying nigger pay day loan companies all it is is a Nigger Token, would you invest in Niggers?

>> No.14793049

They can ultimately burn the tokens to raise the value. Also crypto adoption over the next five years will push many coins 200x.

2020 is six months away

>> No.14793079

>They can burn the Token
not anymore that easily.
They have been forced to deflate the price for contractual reasons. Court decision, ripple can literally not moon or Larsen loses all. I'm sure some whales would love to fuck him, but he can easily inflate Token numbers to deflate price

>> No.14793086

>thinks mining costs factor in an some thing's price
You must be retarded. My shit cost me $10 worth of food to make. By your logic, my shit must not go below $10. This must be your brain on hopium.

>> No.14793134

>They have been forced to deflate the price for contractual reasons. Court decision, ripple can literally not moon or Larsen loses all.
I'll dump my 25k Ripple stack right now for more LINK.

>> No.14793151

Your.. shit?

No, I said that if it costs more to mine bitcoin than the price of bitcoin, then miners stop. The *ancillary* effect is that this contributes to scarcity, but it also encourages people to keep the price higher because they are literally justifying multi-million dollar businesses on the price of bitcoin going higher.

Your anecdote would be better served by saying "If I have a business selling shit, and It costs me $10 to make one shit then my shit must not sell for less than $10 or I am making a loss."

>> No.14793202

R3 - Ripple case
>25K ripple stack
you cant be bothered to dyor I guess, enjoy holding till ripple has reached the price they had contractually agreed to sell the Token, like the idiot Larsen is

>> No.14793205

Im like 80% in ripple now.

I hope all of you are just fudders.

>> No.14793295

seems like you fell for the ocean land servers extended pump attempt. Stay poor

>> No.14793339

>Im like 80% in ripple now.
8/10 bait

>> No.14793358

Ripple is the only coin thats worth just as much at the lowest point in the crash of 2018 as now.

>> No.14793365

>The terms of the settlement, however, are being kept under wraps by both parties.

>Court decision, ripple can literally not moon or Larsen loses all.
>enjoy holding till ripple has reached the price they had contractually agreed to sell the Token

Not sure how you drew your conclusion when the settlement is private.
Also, my DCA is 2 cents no larp.

>> No.14793377

unironically im not larping

I bought at 0.40 $ - should sell it at 0.50...

>> No.14793380

Luxembourg is a small country and its blockchain sector is well connected with its banking sector which is well connected with SWIFT. People talk, and xrp with Larsen is toxic

>> No.14793415

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
I'll probably sell most of it and keep a suicide stack.
I don't want to go all in on LINK and already have a ton of ETH. What else would you suggest?

>> No.14793444

What I can tell is, people like Sergey and Johann, because they have been well mannered and seem till now to keep promises and have a good work ethic. Ernst and Young has become wary of the the ETH foundation. Also IBM still has a good reputation.

>> No.14793490

Thank you wise anon. Once in a blue moon I will find actual valuable information on 4chan and this is one of those times.

>> No.14793491

>should sell it at 0.50...
Yes, but realise that .50 is not happening any time soon.
The best sell price is now @.31, Just buy BTC

>> No.14793503

All that said, it is not impossible for xrp to pump a bit, crypto whales do what crypto whales do, but the token and the company has no future in the real world, and the selling pressure is gigantic.

>> No.14793507

Im not going to sell with a loss

>> No.14793528

SCAM. 76% of coins in circulation owned by top 100 addresses - 37.8 Billion

100% if coins not in circulation owned by Ripple - 60 Billion

So top 101 addresses control 97.8% of entire supply. SCAM SCAM SCAM


>> No.14793533

the token is useless and the banks just want your bitcoin

>> No.14793541

>it is not impossible for xrp to pump a bit
I'd rather go after other pumps with more upside potential or projects that show a better future.
Again, gonna keep a suicide stack in case.

>> No.14793544

Anyway, you convinced me faggots to sell as soon as I will get 5% gain

>> No.14793565

You might never sell then...What was your plan if XRP got deemed a unregistered security? What was your plan if tether collapsed the market? XRP won't go to zero even bitconnect has a value.

Let me give you the best advice your going to get on here, margin trade BTC & hedge those trades with options.

>> No.14793571

>margin trade BTC & hedge those trades with options.
which exchange?

>> No.14793642

XRP gets burned through every transaction. There are already millions burned.

>> No.14793713

Current XRP burn rate is a bit under 1 XRP per minute. Let's go crazy and say it's burning 10 XRP per minute.
That's 600 XRP per hour, 14,400 XRP per day.

Not bad right? Let's see how long it will take to burn half of the total supply.


We'll just say 5 million XRP per year, given our generosity rounding up by a factor of ten earlier.

So, 5 million XRP per year.. Into 50 billion.. is..

Ten thousand years.

>> No.14793863

According to coinmarket cap
there are 99.991.588.101 XRP in existence right now.
More than 8 million XRP are already burned. But it doesn't seem to effect the price at all.

>> No.14793874

Of course not. Did you even read the number you posted?

>> No.14793878

Let's look at it another way.

~1.5 billion dollars of volume in transactions on XRP in a day gives a burn rate of 1 XRP per minute.

To introduce any scarcity, you'd want a burn rate of say, 5% per year minimum given the product's limited lifespan. The banks WILL use something better the very second it comes along.

1.5 billion USD volume daily gives a burn rate of about 500,000 tokens per *year*.
To burn 5%, 5 billion tokens per year, would require a daily *volume* of 15 Trillion dollars.

So the entire world yearly GDP would have to course through XRP and XRP alone every week for a whole year to burn 5%. And that is with XRP being 'devalued' as it is. If XRP was worth $1 USD, then the world annual GDP would have to run through XRP every two days.

I'm not being pedantic. I'm just trying to show that if you examine all of the talking points of XRP, token burn being one of them, then you'll realise it's just a flaming pile of dogshit and buzzwords.