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File: 500 KB, 1862x1204, silver tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14778686 No.14778686 [Reply] [Original]

Today you are reminded

>> No.14778755

Buy physical silver and sit on it. The day is rapidly approaching for this to finally blow up. The first time in years there is a single paper long that has more long contracts than all the shorts combined, and its fucking CHINA! Get ready for this to absolutely fucking dominate all financial news as the biggest gains in recent history. The FOMO triggered will be absolutely insane and unfathomable. I read a little known analyst and he predicts that silver will briefly pass gold in price on the spike that will happen due to over leveraged shorts that will be forced to cover.
This news about the paper long contracts is just starting to quietly make it's rounds in the PM circles, and guaranteed that this alone will start to drive the price up.

>> No.14778776

>what's a stagflation?

>> No.14778777

Lmao silver will hit over 1.5k ? OK buddy

>> No.14778843
File: 361 KB, 1567x1253, 1563117749368_1562617467649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missing out on the Chainlink singularity

>> No.14778854
File: 91 KB, 789x1200, D5xEhk-XkAEii0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of your wealth should be in PMs?
Once LINK has its ETH run, I am going to stack silver fat. Gold as well, but 10 times as much silver.

>> No.14778861
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>> No.14778895
File: 145 KB, 800x905, 41E74063-4CB1-471A-9443-7A7A3077AE48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo OP... how many dank OC memes does silver have? The memes told you about Bitcoin, the memes told you about Ethereum, the memes told you about Trump, and now the memes are telling you about Chainlink. The memes are the decentralized oracle. Will you listen this time?

>> No.14778943

>memes are telling you about Chainlink
your memes are forced as fuck

>> No.14778990

>What is a short squeeze...
I said price spike, not sustained price levels. Laugh all you want, but millions of paper contracts scrambling to cover will create the spike. China doesn't fuck around.

>> No.14779089

>China doesn't fuck around
i wanna talk to this anon. China: what are your thoughts? Competitor or true enemy? Are they going to implode or outpace the world?

>> No.14779094

Thinking about buying some coins to play with. Does it matter which kind of round I get? It's all silver anyway isn't it?

>> No.14779202

best best is to buy your local minted products. they have the lowest tax/no tax burden sometimes.
im starting to favor coins over rounds for long term.

>> No.14779215

>any day now!

>> No.14779232

So right now the theory is that China is counter trading major banks

>> No.14779248

In 5 years this board will be loaded with precious metal threads. Now is the time to be accumulating. Gold is the safest bet but if silver turns around and it eventually will there will be massive gains to be made.

>> No.14779273

If you are in the US just stick with American Eagles and junk silver (pre 64 and under quarters and dimes). This coming from someone who has bought just about everything and have learned in the end American Eagles and junk silver are the best.

>> No.14779302

What about silver buffalos?

>> No.14779327
File: 3.73 MB, 3074x2918, SERGEY.777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even have memes! AAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *inhales* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

>> No.14779362

Do i really need the physical silver or gold? No etfs i can just dump money in? Whats the best market play for silver skyrocketing?

>> No.14779407

China is a direct competitor, but definitely crosses the line between that and enemy. (Honestly name a super power that doesn't) They are in the same boat that all the super powers are in, and that's to be in the #1 spot in the end.
I think they will attempt to outpace the world, but as they have shown in the past, they have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot so to speak when it comes to certain things. I highly doubt they will implode, but they may go into a major recession/depression for a while if they don't get things in line. The one thing that they are doing to help on this front though is hording PM's and rare earth minerals to keep themselves in the game.

>> No.14779450

Those are considered rounds and are generic. You will get less when you go to sell them compared to American Eagles. Eagles are considered legal tender which is a big difference compared to rounds.

>> No.14779463

You're going to want some physical. In the end the paper contracts will be scrambling to cover in physical. That's what this whole thing is based around, over leveraged short contracts on silver that isn't readily available.
>inb4 comex says they have plenty of physical in their vaults
Comex has been under fire several times over the past years for lying/covering up price manipulation, so yeah totally believable.

>> No.14779573

classic design and theres a lot of them. best just for weight but id like to find as many different versions as i could
>highland mint
>sunshine mint
>CNT .9999
>monarch p.m.
>golden state mint
>elemental mint
these are just the currently made ones ive seen

the prez trump gen of /biz/

>> No.14779575
File: 103 KB, 1100x619, type 055 PLAN destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone who has lived in China, studied Chinese language and politics in college, and worked briefly as an intern at a defense think tank in DC focusing on China here...

they are THE long term great power competitor of the United States. How we confront of fail to confront them will make or break our civilization, world order, economic markets, whatever you want to call it. This extends to Europe and Canada. The long and short of it is that the Chinese Communist Party and wants what it wants and the Chinese people are 95% behind that. Those desires diverge radically from the post-WW2 world order built by the US and its allies in NATO.

For better or worse, if they win, it means no more petrodollar, no more wars and interventions overseas to defend democracy or human rights (at least by the United States... China is already training for, planning and wargaming out expeditionary operations to prop up client regimes in Africa and South Asia... look for the buzzwords "defending stability" or something similar when it happens), no more unified markets in Europe and the Americas making trade and profits easy for us, probably no more United States as we even know it.

China is the real deal. They are more unified than we are, more willing to sacrifice, more eager to invest blood and treasure in imperial ventures, hungrier to avenge slights by the West. Google "century of humiliation". It's something children in China have been taught in school for generations now. They are coming for us. There's an old saying... "if you take a shot at the king, you'd better not miss". America has been "King" since 1991, arguably since 1945. Right now, they are in a position where they have been setting up a bench, sighting in their rifle, and have now loudly chambered around and taken the safety off about three feet away from the king's head. Meanwhile, the king is sitting in a lazy boy masturbating to Game of Thrones.

>> No.14780113

Silver $25 EOY

>> No.14780178

do we really stand a chance?