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File: 70 KB, 719x623, tendermint_hubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14731557 No.14731557 [Reply] [Original]

>lets discuss tendermint superior orizontal scaling model, and its pros and cons over other platforms.
>also lets discuss projects built on tendermint tech or that will connect to cosmos hub.
some of tendermint chains features:

>superior transaction speed and finality
>developer friendly SDK
>80+ projects building on it
>most of the supply locked cause of dpos
>on chain governance (DAO)

>tendermint will have 3 major hubs:
cosmos hub
iris hub
sentinel hub

>> No.14731616

Which hub is Althea Mesh using?

>> No.14731627

>cosmos litterally the next ethereum
when will you buy cosmos shitcoins anon? when its already too late?

>> No.14731682

I feel uncomf with cosmos having such high market cap before alt szn though, good shit nonetheless saw binance dex was built on it

>> No.14731684

althea has not confirmed yet, but the 2 major candidates are either :
cosmos cause of the bigger and more developed validator set
sentinel cause the sinergies between the 2 project seem obvious vpn + mesh network

>> No.14731707

the value will be dispersed between the whole tendermint ecosystem so buy a bit of all the projects building on top of it (mostly the 3 hubs projects).
im still waiting on my cosmos buy tho
i think the project is solid but i wanna see btc reach ath, thats when i think we will get money flowing into alts again

>> No.14731764

yeah but look how comfy sentinel market cap is, crypto VPN's litterally most undervalued product class in crypto right now

>> No.14731767
File: 56 KB, 748x471, IMG_20190712_001418_717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tendermint allows users to have cheap txn and not have to use eth shitcoin to use dapps

>> No.14731784 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 748x471, cosmos chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14731805
File: 146 KB, 1257x796, sent-adoption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ive bought a bag of sentinel too cause its the lowest mcap of all the project building on tendermint, and they will be launching main net soon
also sentinel will be one of the 3 major hubs

>> No.14731840

Thats a nice infographic, can you explain better what sentinel does ?

>> No.14731866

Litterally both Cosmos and Iris expressed their wishes to partner with sentinel in some ways, just gotta read between the lines anon, also theres gonna be one more hub I think, Kira hybrid dex wich also gonna use sentinel to help US based validators keep them online

>> No.14731902

sent will be like the monero of cosmos, it will offer all kinds of services related to anonimity and privacy.
the first one they delivered already is the decentralized VPN here is the live network stats https://stats.sentinel.co/ its probably one of the most used dapps other then gambling and loans
then they are going to release a mixer module which will allow to mix all crypto thanks to interoperability included btc
they will also release a decentralized chat module
and a module for corporations to set up their own private net

>> No.14731919
File: 108 KB, 927x681, BTC bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its the most undervalued project in crypto right now

>> No.14731994

with 2m market cap, yeah no shit lol

>> No.14732047

Thats a lot of users for a marketcap that small, augur has at best a couple dozens of users and has a marketcap 75 times higher then that

>> No.14732059

With all the alts going to shit ai would much prefer to hold bitcoin, maybe next time anon

>> No.14732089

yeah and if you look at the charts users have been going parabolic lately, they also have an incentive program going where people get payed for hosting nodes, on main net you will be able to monetize your bandwidth

>> No.14732110

my portfolio is 75% bitcoin but that doesn't mean im not scooping up stuff for when alt pamp again, ive been in this game for long and some solid project always recover.
it might be after btc reaches 80% dominance but they will recover

>> No.14732116

marketcaps are not always just about users, coins that managed to scam people into giving them money will do better short term but as we seen in 2018 without utility they die off during bear