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1472326 No.1472326 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /never worked a job for more than a few months/?

Anyone else always get fired or quit?

>> No.1472328

Everyone. That's why we're all trying to get rich off SPU.

>> No.1472358

working is for cucks. Shilling and PnD is the real mans game

>> No.1472361

I want to get in the shill game but i hear its hard. You gotta know the right people.

>> No.1472362

i do my shilling solo, but just look around for stock or shitcoin pump news, and you should be fine

>> No.1472398

No memes guys serious talk

>> No.1472422

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.1472423
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>> No.1472484

I was doing this for IT companies as it's a relatively small town and in the south and you see rednecks try to administer networks by getting angry and real loud. They actually think that solves problems.

been at a job where a guy was stuck mentally in 2003 and all copies of windows 7, 8, etc were a virus

been at another job where they had every single computer of 200 of them on a public IP

been at another job where I got in trouble for teaching someone what a router was after they wasted over 7 hours of client's time being completely down trying to plug a modem into a switch

quit all of these after 4 months as most of the time they would try to shove these "little problems" under the rug and every 2-3 days was the same shit of explaining with massive amounts of proof what was going on, nobody would listen, just thinking I am some vocal contrarian, then it would get so bad where we were down more than up, and I had to quit

>> No.1472850

Worked as bartender since 18, I am 21 now. I got fired only once, because I messed up my calendar and realized I have shift that day, but I was already 3-4 hours too late. I call the boss, he says no problem to come in and that we will talk. Note: I was working for about a month, just so they see if I was good enough and everything up unitl that point was going well. So I come to the place and boss sits me down and says he and his fiance decided to ditch me. The funny thing is I got another job at the other bar, so as I'm driving back home I just massaged another boss that I can come in and work at the party tonight. She was happy to hear that and I got the job.

The other funny thing is, I got a job offer at three bars that weekend. I also never got refused at interview, they always took me and I could work the next day.

I don't know, but as a student (even though I'm male) you should of got job 100% in bartending I think. It can be pain in the ass, but just drink few shoots secretly when nobody is watching and cheer yourself up.

I can actually go a bit into this if anyone wants lol. Been working as bartender 3.5 years now and going to collage next year.

>> No.1472869

Me too and I have a University degree with very good grades. Can't play the office politics game.

>> No.1472870

How do u lazy fucks always get fired? Put some fucking balls into your work anon. Ive had like 12 jobs and only been fired once FOR CALLING THE BOSSES DAUGHTER A FAT CUNT BITCH.

Kinda figured that was gonna happen ;)

>> No.1472913



Keep ur day job

>> No.1473264

Idfk man. They either hate me or I'm not enthusiastic to work a wagecuck job or sonethng

>> No.1473273

>massaged another boss
now i see why they hired you.