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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14713627 No.14713627 [Reply] [Original]

Hi all I keep meaning to make more threads but I get lazy. Some cool finds here though. I fucked up my hand on a beer can lol so typing is slower and worse than usual today. Bear with me.

Main areas of interest are Siemens the EWF, BIMs, and the CBC

Keep the thread alive pls, last time we got archived real quick it sucked

>> No.14713715

nufags have no right to exist

>> No.14713729
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I dont feel like being super edifying/pedantic so heres the stuff: EWF is a energy consortium. In my opinion they are or will work with LINK>



“Distributed Databases. Most use cases need a form of database to store their data. This database needs to provide high throughput, high capacity, low latency, permissioning and ideally a rich query support. While most of those requirements are not fulfilled by a blockchain, a distributed database can provide a solution. BigchainDB / IPDB provide that solution by creating a network controlled by a federation of nodes that validates requests and stores them in the database. While BigchainDB is ready to be used to deploy your own decentralized database, IPDB is developing a public database to be used by everybody."

You all remember drunk anon talking about bigchain right?

>> No.14713748
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“Future Solutions. Plasma is a recent whitepaper that provides details on side-chain technologies. Instead of storing volatile data on the blockchain, it can be stored on a sidechain with different properties then the main chain. Only the proof of correctness of the sidechain will be stored on the main chain.

Swarm is a mix between Storj and IPFS. It is implemented into the Ethereum client and is under high development, but lags behind other solutions in term of feature set.

Instead of verifying a transaction through all nodes, Sharding tries to verify them by a sub set of nodes, and thus enable parallel processing. There are still a lot of unsolved problems on how to implement that.

Polkadot connects different blockchains, so called parachains, and enables the communication between them. It is a relay system that finds consensus between the chains through a proof of stake algorithm. With so called links, the EWF chain could be connected to the polkadot network, which would allow you to run different blockchains for different use cases, each having there own storage space. The user would only run the blockchains he is interested in. “

All pretty weak crumbs so far but it gets better I promise

>> No.14713752

Bump for based kate bush poster. Glad you're still around fren

>> No.14713791
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Another EWF paper shows a template that I am seeing alot of lately in everybody from EOS to private chain whitepapers:

Notably: “If the Oracle is compromised, so does your smart contract and the whole DApp. This is the "Oracle problem", and the search for the perfect Oracles is ongoing (and probably unachievable). Centralized Oracle services are criticized because they introduce a single point of failure and totally negate the decentralization related benefits. There are projects like the ChainLink project, that aim to build a decentralized, Byzantine Fault Tolerant Oracle network.”

This template I keep seeing is companies bring up oraclize, my fave link vassal, then immediately criticize it. This is a particularly good example bc it also mentions CL as a potential fix.

We saw this template (I did!) Like with the Lloyds crumb from today:

>> No.14713866
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So I found this EWF thing because a CRG Lad was just curious about Siemens and that got me curious. Shocks form the outside are what move our research case in point. Siemens is a member and maybe the one member with the most name clout.


Gee it would be nice if sergey was in with them from way back, like 2016 way back wouldnt it?

Take a look in there for familiar faces, youll see one(maybe more)

Pic Related

>> No.14713907

Praise Kate Bush.

>> No.14713916
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nice dubs I get those alot lately.

Some more minor links to cool Siemens stuff:


>Same author: >https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.02390.pdf

She has some super eggheaded google scholar citations pretty dense they could use another looking at if you all don’t mind

>> No.14714003
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More links im posting just for the sake of completeness:


"The EW Chain is an open-source, publicly-accessible blockchain. It is derived from the Ethereum technology stack and currently deployed as a test network. It is designed specifically for energy-sector applications, using a Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism to significantly increase transaction capacity and decrease energy consumption compared to the Ethereum mainnet and other public blockchains. The EW Chain supports new features such as private transactions and permissioning of smart contracts that make it possible to control data access for competitive and/or regulated energy market applications, in addition to providing technical solutions for secure, low-cost, and efficient integration with hardware (e.g., smart meters)....We intend to launch the EW Chain in Q3 2019"


these affiliates are all worth looking into please do so lads ty

>> No.14714061
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OK time for a subject change.

Simens also belongs to the CBC:
> https://www.constructionblockchain.org/

""We are in an unprecedented period of technological change and disruption – an ‘Information Tsunami’ – BIM, blockchain technology, machine learning, IoT, Big data analysis, AI-based intelligent advisors etc. This is having a profound effect on most sectors, especially financial services, and will clearly cause major disruption in construction. The UK Government has been highly successful in encouraging FinTech to rejuvenate the Banks, and is now encouraging similar initiative in HealthTech, and LawTech. The Construction Blockchain Consortium aims to encourage change and respond to opportunities.""

>> No.14714074

Wow been reading link breadcrumbs for awhile never seen this one. Good finds OP thanks.

>> No.14714133
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This is a BIM by the way:


Its a cool application that could benefit from link IMO
This is also good to look at it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XNq7ajv7g4

Focus on the slides in the presentation

all of the partners in CBC warrant attention:



>> No.14714182
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Fuck more dubs. Post more guys I know biz sucks LATELY BUT BUMP THIS SHIT>

Another notable partner:


""Data held in oracle contracts is at greater risk of being inaccurate, but this is minimised by the fact that data included is the median value from all oracles. For example, if an oracle contract wanted to include. And Suscurrent temperature data for a location, instead of trusting one source (such as a website), it could seek the data from several sources and calculate the average value. Using this method, the data would be mostly accurate (although not 100%) and also more readily available, since the removal of one source would not mean that the data would not be retrievable"

As always several sources is the most viable solution. Too bad they dont have the foresight to sit on oraclize but oh well.

>> No.14714183

Kate Bush is best Bush. You're doing gods work OP

>> No.14714304
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Never mind how or why but this line of digging led me to Adam Nagy:


again take alook at the slides

I cant prove anything heck I never have proved anything, but Forge will use chainlink IMO. Screencap that lol


These all should be watched

>Oh also I forgot to link to this: https://www.arup.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/10-priorities-for-health-and-wellbeing

All their blockchain research shows you how much they know already. Promising.


control F in that last one
Pic is Nagys twitter btw

>> No.14714395
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OK lads I got a movie to catch. Ill leave with a quote from that ARUP report I linked to earlier that struck me:
"The ‘killer app’ for Blockchain-enabled BIM is the ability to link digital components to their physical counterparts, which has the potential to create an entire new paradigm for building data collection and enable truly live BIM models, filled with data from individual internet-connected devices. A complete and up-to-date dataset for entire buildings would be extremely valuable for facilities managers when buildings are in operation. These ideas are explored further in the next section of this report called ‘The Blockchain of Circular BIM Things’."

"BIM-inspired standardisation for these technologies will greatly help to advance their use and adoption. The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) is currently working38 to create standards for blockchain technology, so things are moving in the right direction."

"COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) is a standard39 for collecting data about a building, during design and construction, for use during operation and maintenance. It is becoming more commonly used, especially in Autodesk Revit MEP, which is the leading software package used to create the BIM models for the mechanical, 3DShape"

BIM is very coindusice to standardization:

Here is another CBC partner Mace on that:
> https://www.macegroup.com/perspectives/180712-building-on-the-blockchain

"Initially we see the opportunity with consultancy services where there is large amounts of existing data to exchange, such as project and programme management. This is where set-up is key to identifying stakeholder decision points and ensure schedule, budget, and quality are all met.

The design management phase, which ensures the scope of work meets all expectations, has been advanced in recent years by BIM. In the future, BIM Level 3 (as dictated by PAS1192)"

>> No.14714442
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If you dunno what that shit is:
> https://www.thenbs.com/knowledge/what-is-the-pas-1192-framework:

"The PAS 1192 framework sets out the requirements for the level of model detail (the graphical content), model information (non-graphical content, such as specification data), model definition (its meaning) and model information exchanges."

IMO this will be as standardized as derivatives and will leverage SC and CL
OKOK time to go. Rest is up to you guys. Night

>> No.14714539

based. so much stuff to go through

>> No.14714646
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sergy BIM parnership confirm?

>> No.14714671

i farted haha

>> No.14715080
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Bump for breadcrumb basteness.

>> No.14715741
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>> No.14715797

Good work OP best breadcrumb thread we’ve had in months and it’s gone unnoticed. Fucking nulinkers

>> No.14715830
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Post proof of hand

>> No.14715871

Bump for bush

>> No.14715938

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious

>> No.14715950
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Pic related is our cube. Nice work per usual based Kate Bush anon

>> No.14715988
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Thanks for the happy thoughts before I go sleep. Here's a screenshot of me buying 111 links last night

>> No.14716376

bump eet

>> No.14716502

My problem has no end in sight
It haunts me every day and night
Just like a noose around my neck
Making me a nervous wreck
Chewing my fingernails to the bone
Kate Bush won't leave me alone

Kate's sending me a ton of mail
It fills my office without fail
This mound of letters is getting lame
At home or work, it's all the same
Five thousand messages on my phone
Kate Bush won't leave me alone

>> No.14716506
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also fuck nulinkers

>> No.14716520

bless you anon.

>> No.14716561

awesome post