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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 509 KB, 3151x1269, Screenshot from 2019-07-10 17-01-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14702823 No.14702823 [Reply] [Original]

Let me aware you on the best investment of the last couple of years.

Quant network will connect to EXISTING networks/platforms/applications and all blockchains.
Quant will ensure interoperability between all these systems. It's literally gonna be the mesh structure of society
They are working together with SIA who has 570 banks using their software.
These banks will use Quant.

CEO has promised QNT will be listed on traditional stock exchanges aswell.
They are currently under NDA with 2 exchanges.

>> No.14702954



>> No.14703000

Doesn't LINK do this without needing a ledger?

>> No.14703128


QNT doesn't have a ledger either. It's OVERledger. Do some research into it anon, it could change your life.

>> No.14703147

It's not a blockchain

>> No.14703184

My bad shouldve said crypto

>> No.14703224

Yeah. It’s a server application
Absolute laughing stock

>> No.14703252

But it's closed source and proprietary. Why would big companies choose this versus something that can be crossed checked by devs around the world?

>> No.14703319

Why companies will use a centralized app? Do not offer any advantage. Banks need a risk free solution.

>> No.14703347

Its a protocol

>> No.14703385


Why don't you ask:

SIA Group - SWIFT of Europe
Crowdz - Barclays bank partner
AUCloud - Australian government cloud network
And so on.

They've had the technical meetings with Quant, and clearly know something you don't.

My guess? Because it's a ready-to-go, turn-key solution that solves a huge problem, it provides on-going enterprise level SLA support to help enterprises feel confident when dealing with an emerging technology, and it's patented tech, so Overledger is actually the only way enterprises can have a system that does what Overledger does.

>> No.14703386

Hope you’re not serious...you realize 90% of what companies use is closed source right?

>> No.14703436

Not really. Almost all infrastructure used by every company is open sourced software like Linux. Why would I put a billion dollar contract on a closed source platform that can be tampered with instead of an open source decentralized platform that is tamperless? Open source always wins.

>> No.14703479

>you realize 90% of what companies use is closed source right?
Hell no.
Their Cobol backend is being kept artificially alive by open-source projects; banks are constantly using open-source SAAS; their servers run on open-source Linux, ...

>> No.14703492


This as well, of course. There are loads of multi-billion dollar closed source enterprise software companies like Microsoft and Oracle. It's only the crypto neet hippies who seem to incorrectly think that businesses prioritize open source.

In fact, anyone with even basic business knowledge/experience knows that most companies prefer closed source systems for numerous reasons. And when you're a big company, a few hundred thousand bucks on a software license is a drop in the ocean.

>> No.14703520

You’re a dumbass if you think companies prioritize open source

>> No.14703538

Well they do.

>> No.14703597

Quant isn't a blockchain dumb dumb... idiot...

Signed, someone with a lot of Quant

>> No.14703606

You’ve clearly never worked in an office. I’m literally a fucking software engineer at a major company

>> No.14703613

See >>14703479

>> No.14703648

explain oracle db's then

>> No.14703658

Haha i literally was about to say.... does this person have a job? I work with SDK's and DMP's every day of my life and have for 10 years.... this children literally think that everything is open source in the real world and are just actually retarded. Get a job, learn.

>> No.14703676

See >>14703479

>> No.14703698

Quant is a nice middleware SaaS product but not going to be an open standard like everyone thinks. It's too centralized and risky being closed source to be an standard for sending value across the industry. Closed source software is ok for internal systems but when designing external contracts with other parties you need open source decentralized protocols. Thats where this movement is going. Quant might work for internal networks or networks that want a sandbox to connect to different chains.

>> No.14703713

Nice shill. But this is all bullshit. QNT is listed on scammy exchanges that are known for wash trading. So, what, you think they're going to jump straight from IDEX and some shitty exchanges to an actual fucking real stock exchange? Right. Nice one, anon. Seriously, look up where this token is sold. Also, it's a fucking token, and it's shilled to death here. The constant shilling, the shit exchanges, the bounties, all point to one thing, pump and dump. If this ever makes it to Binance, it's going to have a little spike and then dump to the core of the earth. Overledger is just a fucking meme, every second crypto now is saying they are agnostic, they connect to everything, second layer, transaction speed, sidechain blah blah blah, it's all shitcoin buzzwords that 95% don't even understand so they're words used to bamboozle people. Seriously, you guys did great to pump and wash trade it this far, but this is becoming a joke now. How is QNT any different to all the other TOKENS claiming they are going to 'connect' everything, and who the fuck cares to use this shit when enterprise can just hop on AWS and already start building private blockchains through there (and Azure). Lastly, enterprise right now don't give a shit about blockchain, it's still years off for them, projects in the big business world take a long time and are mostly managed by mid level managers who have no fucking clue about this stuff (and wouldn't risk their jobs on it in the first place)

>> No.14703740
File: 109 KB, 670x767, astolfo thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quant network will
>Quant will
>These banks will
>QNT will
>under NDA

>> No.14703743


>> No.14704158

fucking SCAM. lost my life savings on this shit coin

>> No.14704205


>> No.14704232

where did you short it?

>> No.14704300


It's amazing isn't it? They also ignore the fact that a fucking ex-CISO with 20 years of high level enterprise and government experience has created this system, like he's somehow missed the fact that no enterprise will be interested in "muh closed source" while the neets on Biz with ZERO business experience really know the score.

Completely remarkable levels of delusion.

>> No.14704533


> He actually thinks Quant intentionally tried to get QNT listed on Hotbit and FatBTC

> He doesn't realize that most big exchanges these days fuck around with wanting huge token shares or access to project tech or forced swaps to their own blockchains where some desperate projects voluntarily bend over at the expense of fucking over their own community.

> He doesn't realize Quant has a confirmed partnership with the SWIFT of Europe that handles 50 billion financial transactions per year between 570 banks, making his NEET opinion automatically redundant.

> He assumes enterprise doesn't give a shit about blockchain despite every single credible source, including those actually in business (unlike you) suggesting otherwise.

> His opinion has caused him to miss out on massive QNT gains and even the larger QNT gains still to come

>> No.14704553

Stop talking to yourself and ignoring >>14703479

>> No.14704677

Not sure how you can argue with this dumbass. I can just as easily say hell no, banks are constantly using close sourced SAAS. Banks use a fuck ton of software, only a fucking hippie child would think that it matters if its all open source. Go contact sia, and get me a list of every single one of the SAAS that all 570 of their banks use and we'll find out the ratio of open vs closed source.

>> No.14704716
File: 84 KB, 602x433, 18974834739478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you're saying is just completely, utterly wrong. See pic. There are loads of very well known, very closed source core banking systems that power the global financial system. Temenos being one of the biggest:


You seriously think banks only use open source? Are you honestly that stupid/delusional? What you're saying is hands down, without question, one of the most misinformed things I've ever read on Biz. And the crazy part is you're drawing attention to it again with the genuine belief that what you've said is correct.

>> No.14704815

>banks are constantly using close sourced SAAS

>only a fucking hippie child would think that it matters if its all open source
The point I responded to was "90% is closed source".

>You seriously think banks only use open source?
Lmao no.
Nice strawman though.

>> No.14704837

Just wanted to chime in and say OP is wrong. Quant isnt a blockchain - it's a blockchain OS that required the QNT token to access it.

I do Enjoy the literal ass blasting of the "muh open source" retard though. Can confirm that companies don't just use open source. Anyone who thinks so should get their Brain checked.

>> No.14704885

>Can confirm that companies don't just use open source.
Which nobody said.

Retard lmao.

>> No.14704935

The problem is not closed source software itself, but using decentralized technology with core glue that connects it all being centralized and closed source. That's the issue.

>> No.14704955

>>You seriously think banks only use open source?
>Lmao no.
Then wtf are you arguing? Youre bitching about QNT being closed source stfu

>> No.14704984

>Then wtf are you arguing?
Maybe you should learn to read you absolute moron.
I just told you in my previous reply to you.

>> No.14705045

Anon stop replying you're actually retarded

>> No.14705076

So far this has been the absolute dumbest exchange so far this month.
Let's see your contribution; tell me all about how this: >>14703479
is in any way wrong.

>> No.14705092


But only Biz neets seem to think this is a problem. If what you're saying is such a big concern for enterprise, SIA would have spotted this glaring issue within the first technical meeting and scrapped the idea. So too would AuCloud, Crowdz and the numerous other clients and partners in the pipeline. Not to mention Gilbert, with decades of his own C-level enterprise experience, somehow missing this as well.

It's quite clear, within the patented tech, that Quant has found a way to provide such an interoperability system that maintains the integrity (and therefore the benefits) of decentralized ledgers and networks.

Really just sit back and think about what you're suggesting here. Are you really saying that based only on the publicly available information we have, you've spotted this deal-breaking issue, but all the actual large-scale enterprises, who have had numerous technical meetings with Quant, have managed to miss it?

>> No.14705161

Sis and others are literal who nerd IT startups. Gilbert used shmoozed them into a deal using his executive skills.
Quant, as it stands now, is pointless. Assuming it will work because Gilbert says so is Theranos tier naivete

>> No.14705186

i took out a loan and now I can't fucking pay it back. i sold and will put it into link now and hope for the best, it's all I can do at this point.

>> No.14705201

Quant fud is almost funnier than Link fud.

>> No.14705202

I work at the headquarters for one of the 10 largest banks in North America
Virtually everything we use is not open source
You're wrong
But keep believing that you're right while Quant is already confirmed to be working with 500 banks, clearly you know more than the institutions themselves

>> No.14705211

First off you are under the assumption that large scale enterprises are always on the right side of emerging technology trends in their early days of adoption, which simply isn't true. There are winners and losers and a lot of that comes down to be right on where the trend is going. Plenty of companies go with strategies that turn out were not on the right side and then have to change a few years later. This was very common for cloud infrastructure and adoption of the Internet itself. It's actually quite common.

Banking internal systems might like Quant, but I think the overall open banking trend and adoption of trustless smart contracts will want end-to-end security. So I see a niche for Quant for those intranets sending value between each other but I don't see it as a public open standard. Big difference, like between intranets and the Internet. Intranets are still useful, but they are not the standard where most volume flows through.

>> No.14705223


> Takes out a loan
> Has to pay it back within 48 hrs

>> No.14705237

Banks are mostly closed source, but the infrastructure of the future for sending payments or anything of value is moving open source. Banks will need to connect into their new open highways of sending value.

>> No.14705245

>Virtually everything we use is not open source
See >>14703479

>> No.14705256

guess what faggot even if it was 10 fucking years i wouldn't be able to pay it back if i kept it in this SCAM

>> No.14705276

lmfao weird larp "I sold and now Ill put it into Link because thats higher mcap so less likely to pump significantly and also dumping so Ill hope for the best there"

>> No.14705281


>> No.14705322


The absolute state of LARPers

>> No.14705334

They will use a single blockchain for that. No need for interoperability

>> No.14705345

dude, get a life

>> No.14705356


>muh Persistence

>> No.14705366

Tell me all about how >>14703479
is wrong

>> No.14705379

sia disagrees but you probably know more

>> No.14705392

Half a dozen anons already have, you're just refusing to admit it

>> No.14705394

Ah so you fell for the ripple scam too. Been there brother

>> No.14705402

Why do you think COBOL programmers earn tons. They simply cant abandon their legacy systems without risking a lot. Quant allows them to keep it yet participate in the decentralized network

>> No.14705405

This lol he's had quite a few replies but wont admit it

>> No.14705455

That’s chainlink. Quant deals with DLT interoperability - it’s shit

>> No.14705470

SIA partnership cant be debunked.
Banks use SIA, SIA uses Quant.
How is that so hard

>> No.14705473


It isn't, but neither is the original point.

Quant can exist as it is at this stage of it's life. If it really wants to embody the ISO standard it stems from, it will have to eventually open source it's code.

Right now this isn't an issue; they are securing marketshare before releasing backend details.

>> No.14705495

So Cobol isn't being kept alive by open-source projects?
SAAS isn't largely open source, and becoming more so by the day?
Bank servers don't overwhelmingly run on Linux servers?
Cool beans, anons. Cool beans.



>> No.14705509

SIA -> 570 banks

>> No.14705518

... and?

>> No.14705574

I wish you quant bros the best but I'm gonna stick with LINK.
I'll make way more gains from link than if I buy qnt now.

>> No.14705596


Both of you are low energy.

SIA means base level integration of DLT into the Central Banks of over 20 countries.

This is just this start. ISO20022 messaging is just a bridge toward DLT adoption.

>> No.14705606

It is used in what capacity? Worked in a bank and nobody would even know about SIA. Eth, corda, hyperledger fabric and stellar rules

>> No.14705617

Yeah anon let's just ignore that the majority of what banking used is closed source because we also happen to use open source solutions as well

>> No.14705618


Good luck, Quant and Chainlink are part of the same stack of fundamental DLT projects.

>> No.14705641

Eth, corda, hyperledger fabric and stellar
These will connect to quant

>> No.14705647

Not even sure about that, but the only thing I ever replied to was the claim that 90% was closed-source.

>> No.14705654

Lol have you seen the mcaps and total supply? Wish you the best man but come on

>> No.14705669

Everybody knows how link works. Quant is a Theranos tier black-box

>> No.14705675
File: 6 KB, 225x225, gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies on suicide watch. Buy Quant stinky losers or stay forever poor.

>> No.14705701

Thank you for agreeing that SIA claim to working with 570 banks is overblown scammery

>> No.14705703

Everyone who thinks enterprises won't trust Quant due to centralization is wrong. Hyperledger Sawtooth is also centralized, managed by Intel, and one of the most used Framework in hyperledger.
Big enterprises Need a company they can trust and Quant is currently the best Choice for Interoperability.

>> No.14705719


Not even mad, read the white paper.

>muh understanding

It takes time for the public to understand, wait until you get it.

>> No.14705725

He's likely memeing but it's amazing how blinded /biz/ is by link that they cant see another legit project staring them right in the face
Literally rebbit tier level of thinking on this board recently, rather than do the research they just brush the project off and attack it in hopes that it'll go away

>> No.14705729

Probably the same person who shit himself over a google affiliate dev blog post

>> No.14705740

Sawtooth is decentralized. Quant is a server application.
You have no clue what “decentralized ledger” means at all.
It could be developed by a single company believe it or not

>> No.14705748


We are part of the same stack, play nice.

>> No.14705772

You don't get it.
It will be easier to connect existing systems and already existing DLT systems to Quant then to continue replacing legacy code with the former frameworks mentioned by you

>> No.14705780

Not our fault linkies sperg out whenever quant is mentioned, we should be working together but linkies invade our threads regularly

>> No.14705851


When stinkies discover that their Dapp runs better with native multichain abilities, and that Polkadot/Cosmos dont cut the cake when it comes to interoperability, they will come to the table.

>muh bend the knee

If you can't even into distributed architecture stack, you're better off sticking with shitcoins.

>> No.14705857



I tell you what, this thread has made me more aware than ever of how it's possible for neets to come into an opportunity such as crypto, with so many easy ways to get rich, and STILL manage to fuck it up and remain poor.

The "muh no one will trust closed source" brigade are going to be part of their own slow car crash as they continue spouting this while watching Quant climb up and up the rankings.

In fact, this kind of thing highlights one of the saddest sides of humanity in general. These people are so utterly obsessed with their misinformed point of view, they'll latch onto it and refuse to let go like Gollum with the One Ring while everyone around them gets wealthier thanks to Quant.

>> No.14705895

Agree... with an open source protocol. Quant will need to open source to be a standard.

>> No.14705953

You just don't get it. Quant is a nice SaaS product but you Quantfags talk as if Quant is going to be the TCP/IP that glues all DLT together and DLT to the legacy world. This type of protocol cannot and will not be closed source software. That's like a single company patenting the Internet. There is way too much risk involved there and power to one company. So Quant can be useful but not the open standard.

>> No.14706022

This + issues with centralization making the interoperability completely useless

>> No.14706130


It will be if they've patented the only realistic way to do it.

>> No.14706153

Give up anon, nothing is going to convince them at this point

>> No.14706214


Once again, Biz neets make these bold claims while conveniently ignoring that enterprise, including the system that powers the European financial system, are partnering with Quant's Overledger.

You neets can repeat your theories all you like, but you cannot shake the fact that those who matter - the actual businesses, banks and enterprise - completely disagree with you.

>> No.14706343

It's not.

Btw, I'm not bagging Quant. It's a good project but people need to slow the fuck down that it will be some open standard.

>> No.14706373

>repeat a lie long enough and people will believe you
Literally crypto Theranos

>> No.14706396

It’s not a lie? Lol you’re delusional if you think sia is a lie. I’m sorry you didn’t get in on this but save yourself some dignity here

>> No.14706421

>literal crypto theranos
Meanwhile, SIA (570 Banks), after 6 months of beta testing Overledger finally announced they'll be integrating OL into their core chain. They even rolled out a press conference, translated it into Multiple Languages and sent it to multiple news agencies around the world.

>> No.14706493

>SIA (570 Banks)
>believing this bullshit

>> No.14706516

SIA is literal who. Poor of gorillion banks working with them or kys

>> No.14706541

Scam. Sell now or forever hold your bags. This is your final warning.

>> No.14706543

The cope in this thread is strong. Hmmm.

>> No.14706545


>> No.14706581

>waaaah spoonfeed me

>> No.14706734

Where is explanation on gorillion banks

>> No.14706787

>570 European network nodes within SIAnet
This is the source of the claim of SIA working with 570 banks?

>> No.14706816

Where is the source that QNT even exists? has anyone even actually seen it?

>> No.14706823

fair. just sold

>> No.14706829

Christ anon you're actually a brainlet

>> No.14706892

Qnt was a good buy at 2$

Now? Priced in. Make sure you won't buy the top this time.

>> No.14706928

its already corrected dumbass

>> No.14707235

It will correct when it hits 5$

>> No.14707243

Imagine selling QNT before -

- Universal Utility Token implementation details
- Hyperledger Quilt integration
- Community Treasury launch, Community SDK full release
- Dashboard "pulse" of Overledger
- Healthcare consortium launch
- Cross-Chain treaty contracts
- Atomic-swaps through public SDK
- Traditional Stock Exchange Listing
- Binance Listing

This will be a full fledge 10 Billion + Market cap project after all of the above launches.

>> No.14707436

Huh? Haha

>> No.14707444

QNTkeklets, say you'll go on an eth like run, 14$ was the top for eth too. Its going to correct - enjoy

>> No.14707533
File: 32 KB, 576x399, multinetwork_diagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct, this is the framework that glues all DLT together.

UCL is the key, look deeper:

History is repeating itself. QNT represents the generative point for Interblockchain weaving protocols and UCL is the hotbed for this process, just as it was for ARPANET.

>> No.14707573


"Many of the factors that influenced the developments of the above project were unique corollaries of the technology and political scene at the time; others have longer lasting significance. A key factor in the early start of the project was that a small number of key people could make individual decisions and investments for a speculative project, in a way that was quite impractical for larger committees. Second was the lucky chance that Government intervention, in the form of the Customs and Excise, forced the project to remain in private hands in the UK; if it had been under a Government Agency, it would surely have been killed at some vital juncture in its first decade. As an example of the danger, I was requested by one Agency in the late 1970s to stop working on the Internet Protocols and work exclusively on International Standard ones; needless to say, I refused. In private hands, even when the going was rough from one source, another could be mobilised."

Quant the Standard is not a meme. The UK is not dumb. None of this is accidental.

>> No.14707803

Quant literally is the standard though.