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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14699167 No.14699167 [Reply] [Original]

i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish shithead. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick biz suck my dick.

>> No.14699228

>I am Indian
Didn’t read pass there you pejeet scum

>> No.14699241
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>> No.14699246

Don’t tske it personally anon. 4chan has always been racist on here but irl we all love Indians and embrace diversity :) the girl in your pic is super cute. I would marry her. Is she Indian?

>> No.14699255

As an Indian, I also tend to view the hatred against Indians as perhaps "worse" than what jews and blacks get. Like it's actually impossible to post on /pol/ with an Indian flag. But it just comes with the terrority, either it's all okay or none of it's okay.

>> No.14699271

Indians are more racist than white people.

>> No.14699287

How stupid can you be? It is literally physically impossible to be a racist if you are not white - it's been scientifically proven over and over again.

>> No.14699291

I love indians but you dont belong in Western forums. We need an Indian 4chan for you guys and IP ban your country

>> No.14699294

>I for 1 am a great person
So your ugly

Now fuck off poo

>> No.14699307

i guess my main problem with indians is their English lacks subtlety. they're very direct with their questions and requests, it's really annoying

>> No.14699349
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Lol this is so untrue, I live in shit hole called Mumbai. Literally fucked up , traffic , low wage jobs.
I'm a civil engineer with a bachelor's degree with 5 years experience getting paid 600$/Month. Fuck this.

Leaving for Canada next year , hopefully

>> No.14699371

+1 I also really like Indians a lot, I mean it. But yes a separate internet forum and stricter border control to keep them out is necessary.

>> No.14699430

Even Indians don't like Indians.

>> No.14699434

I'm a fan of most Indians in person, and when I worked at a mostly Indian fruitshop (but Italian management) they were generally the hardest workers.

My issue is the huge groups of low-paid pajeets that come here just to shill absolutely worthless shit (vidt qnt lit rlc brap coti I'm looking at you) in a desperate attempt to offload bags. That's why we need flags.

>> No.14699451

I find about one in four Indians are tolerable and I actually like maybe one in ten. Most of those have already be fairly heavily filtered to be associating with me though so I'd say the vast majority of Indians are not worth having around at all.

>> No.14699457

Racism means prejudice based on race. What new kind of SJW definition of the word are you using? Anybody can judge someone based on race, which is race-ism. Neck yourself you retarded fuck.

>> No.14699468

brown skin makes you be of low social class

>> No.14699474

A good flags compromise would be to only flag Indian posts. Some other third world countries might need them too and also Israel.

>> No.14699476

this, biz has become so racist over the years. It's becoming insufferable, we all have feeling too! IM A PROUD INDIAN!

>> No.14699477 [DELETED] 

yeah, sure your life is great OP, look, my life really sucks, but still feel fortunate compared to you, because you know, you still indian.

>> No.14699489

>be one of the oldest nations in the world
>still a shitty place to live


>> No.14699514

>thinking qnt is worthless

They may be pajeets but you’ll always be poor

>> No.14699518

based misc

>> No.14699524

Your people killed a man because he wanted them to use a toilet

>> No.14699552
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You are right, honestly white people should start gifting you guys toilets as a sign of friendship, racism is wack man.

>> No.14699561

your telemarketer scammers have really ruined it for the rest of you. every time I pick up the phone and hear an Indian accent I automatically hang up now. I’m sure I’ve lost thousands in business but I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.14699571

Indians are fine IRL. On the internet there's so many pieces of shit from India simply because there's so many of you. Not your fault brah.

>> No.14699575

Indians only match with southern europeans
none else

>> No.14699600

No we dont, burn all non whites

>> No.14699638

come back once you have a toilett

>> No.14699653

poo in loo

>> No.14699670

Also this. Indian recruiters as well. Also a decent amount of Indian software devs are pure shit, and because there's so many Indians involved in software Indian programmers have become synonymous with unmaintainable buggy software. I've personally worked with really good Indian devs, but working with a bad one is much more frustrating than working with a shit American dev due to the language barrier.

>> No.14699696

>we are a great people
Which is why you feel the need to cope post on an American image board? No. You hate yourself and your shit colored skin.

>> No.14699713

Because everyone got fucked over from Sparkster. This is why I buy true American first projects like sntvt

>> No.14699749

Go back to /pol/ with the other basement nazis.

>> No.14699783

Can confirm. Pakistani here and we hate those bloody bastard Indians. We have planes and nukes. Permission to bomb them again biz?

>> No.14699828

Fuck off we dont need more poos and insects in our country

>> No.14699835
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>> No.14699852

I like indians. calling people jeets is just funny

>> No.14699881

providing internet to 1.4 billion tasteless monkeys ruined the world.

language is shit to the ears
the sight of you hurts the eyes
your smell agitates the nostrils and flips the mood

>be me
>be in vancouver
> it's friday night
> gonna hit the club
>wait in line which was mostly pajeets
>finally got in
>80% are male indians
>dj plays that durup du da da da
>a cloud of curry and sweat fills the place
>was about to get a beer
>put the ten back in my pocket and headed home

>> No.14699910
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Leave curry muncher nigger.

>> No.14700552

There are some cool indians, I don't hate you brutha. It's just funny to call you jeets and blame everything on you!

>> No.14700564

Don't take the chink and pajeet comments seriously, they're just a meme and a way for the board to keep the normies out

>> No.14700577

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. the more people kvetch about racists in real life, the more people will vent racistly on this bhutanese tree frog breeding forum

>> No.14700613
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Fucking kek.

>> No.14700618

Indians invented racism. They segregated their society into castes thousands of years ago. It's funny that they cry bitch tears about it now.

>> No.14700673


>> No.14701216


>> No.14701327
File: 163 KB, 1148x811, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are albino dravidians
>albinism occurs during extreme stress and electromagnetic climate change
>crackers are just resentful for having lost their shielding to solar radiation
>crackers need to hide from the generator of existence

inb4 emotional responses

>white European geneticist

>> No.14701483

Ashkenazi despite being 1% of us pop
Are 50% of the wealthiest

>> No.14701491
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Sure is hot out today.

>> No.14701696
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>> No.14701741

Indians are all selfish scam artists and they can't into hygiene. You can never trust a pajeet to do anything fairly. However I do not really hate them as they do not wish me any ill will other than getting whatever they want to scam out of me. It's just how they are and I am happy to coexist so long as it is at a distance in different nations. Jews are what I hate.

>> No.14701762

>looking for acceptance among the scum of the US
OP, there are a bunch of indians who are actually geniuses and might save the human race, sadly, you are in the oppostive end of that spectrum.

>> No.14701940
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That girl is cute, but I wouldn't cross-pollinate with her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.14701953

Teampunishment here, Repped for good pasta usage

>> No.14701967

Amazing how many neckbeards aren’t aware itt