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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1469879 No.1469879 [Reply] [Original]

Any people here inherit a shite ton of money/ or have a huge parental safety net?

>Father in real-estate/other bidnesses, worth millions
>tons of jew connections
>can get meme degree and it wont make a difference
>do my uni work easily cause of no stress
>ahead of others without trying


>> No.1469887

It feels good that you'll never surpass your father? To me, I'd feel like my efforts were pointless.

>> No.1469890

My friend has a girl that sleeps on his couch whose family has some /biz/ worthy money. They bought her a house, but took it away because she's a druggie that refuses to get a job. They offered for her to move back in but she's just been hopping houses (read, dicks) for a year or two now.

>> No.1469901

Why not? ill just inherit it and try to grow what he left. The fuck you want me to do?

>> No.1469903

tell him to fix that whore up and the resale value will skyrocket $$$, but true the battle I face with being a jaded/lazy piece of shit is something poor people dont have to deal with if you get what im saying, but no one gives a fuck about me complaining.

>> No.1469913

Not as rich as you OP but my parents are similar, just to a smaller extent. $1M home, $20k monthly salary combined, and lots of connections to multi millionaires. I'm literally studying a meme degree as well because I'm set.

>> No.1469918


Pro fact: Arts degrees were intended for the rich while STEM degrees were intended for the poor because the rich had fall backs while the poor had to earn money by being smarter than others.

This is how I justify my Arts degree, then I flash a wad of cash.

>> No.1469925

Just a free 1k a month. So I just work part time while trying to learn about investments and shit

>> No.1469926

Yeah, I didn't know he cleared over 7 figures a year until I saw his tax returns when I had to do my FAFSA(spoiler: they didn't give me shit), I know we were well off but I didn't know we were that well off.

>> No.1469929

My mom paid for my degree and so I have zero student debt, I sometimes feel ashamed for not having student debt but at the same time grateful for the opportunity

>> No.1469933

You didn't do anything for it though. You didn't accomplish anything. Working towards something matters in life.

>> No.1469957

Yeah I just lie and say I work and have debt, only tell close friends the truth if they persist. They will resent you otherwise, not to your face maybe not even behind your back but the animosity is going to be there in most people.

yeah I realize this im not retarded

>> No.1469962
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My uncle is worth 100 million dollars and let's me work as an intern in his billion dollar company. He helped me transfer from a shit school to a top one in my country. He has introduced me to all sorts of people and promises to keep helping me. Only stipulation is that he's kinda crazy and I have to live in a shit part of the country to work there. Oh well I could still be flipping burgers like I was.

>> No.1469970
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>Worth a 100 million dollars
>Own a billion dollar company

That math.

>> No.1470006

He owns the most stock so it works out that way. He has to give some up for growth

>> No.1470011

What country?

>> No.1470021


>> No.1470023

I wasn't trying to suggest you do anything, you're in a good position. Was just saying how I'd feel in that same position.

>> No.1470031

Yeah sorry self-loathing isn't exactly going to help me or you for that matter, but listening to advice from me is probably going to just make people mad so...

>> No.1470033

Thats nice, set for life or until he sells the business.

>> No.1470044

>Dad left mom when I was 24 and gave her everything (0 inheritance potential from him)
>Mom has a new partner who she 'gave' 30% of our family home to when he moved in
>I don't talk to either of my brothers

Best case scenario, I'll get 1/3 of a 70% share in a $750,000 house = $175,000

That's assuming she doesn't downsize because the rate she and her partner plunders money, she's not gonna last long when fully retired.

>> No.1470053

Yes but I feel like such a fraud. I hate myself. I wish I could have accomplished something on my own.

>> No.1470064

You are a fraud in the sense that your arent the guy I responded to, welcome to /biz/ faggot.