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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14698189 No.14698189 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so shit?

>> No.14698258

By design.
Here's satoshi back in 2008 highlighting the original scaling metrics for the system.
Here is gmaxwell directly contradicting that position with a completely idiotic justification, if it were not possible to make it clearer that sabotage has indeed taken place.
And to spell out why that justification is completely idiotic, here is why a blockchain is not "externalized-cost highly replicated external storage at price zero".
And to spell out why "full blocks is the natural state of the system" is similarly utterly ridiculous, here's Mike Hearn thoroughly eviscerating that.
Also, given that benchmarks in BCH recently clocked 12,000 tx/sec on a 4 core commodity modern system, it turns out that the estimates from back in 2k8 by satoshi, and similar scaling estimates which actually used to be present on the bitcoin wiki before they were purged and the present roadmap was forced into the picture, and the major forums of discussion enacted outright censorship of all the obvious and unquestionable evidence that what was happening was an outright sabotage attack, were in fact extremely conservative.
Not a single other chain in the entire ecosystem agrees with core on their stated scaling position, because that position is utterly ridiculous and completely contrary to all evidence.
The interests behind the sabotage are transparently aligned with the legacy global financial system;

>> No.14698278

Hashing power was always supposed to be the consensus mechanism for the chain, and any rules and incentives necessary can be enforced by it. The full node narrative is a flat out lie.
Core dev team is bought and paid for.
Lightning was designed to resemble the correspondent banking network and its consequent centralisation. It is not just "an unfortunate accident".
BTC is flatly not Bitcoin.
The original plan was indisputably to hard fork to a larger block size, when it was discussed as to how to do it, Satoshi cited a block height over 400k lower than the present one as a prototype for when.
Lightning was never necessary for instant payments.
RBF is vandalism
Blockstream's business model expressly profits on what Bitcoin can't do. It is against their interests to improve Bitcoin.

>> No.14698288

Core cultists have been trying to amend the whitepaper for a long time now in order to cover up the fact that their sabotage was in fact sabotage rather than the original plan all along.
/u/adam3us outright admitted he has a large team whose full time job it is to "correct the record".
Justification for the permanent 1mb block limit has been utterly ridiculous from the beginning, sometimes using analogies from other fields that have nothing whatsoever to do with the technical capacity of compute and network fabric available in the world, in ridiculously egregious ways.
The transparent purpose of lightning is to allow tampering with the currency which would otherwise not be possible.
SPV is not "broken". It was the plan all along, because hashpower is the consensus mechanism, it makes sense to rely on hashpower to pick the canonical chain, which is what segwit and similar soft forks actually do insofaras legacy nodes are concerned. Core cultists want their cake and eat it too; it's ok for hashpower to dictate which chain is canonical for a soft fork, but unacceptable and not intended for SPV to be used which relies on the exact same metric.
Core cultists have lobbied hard against miners ditching them for years now in extremely disingenuous and ridiculous ways