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14657182 No.14657182 [Reply] [Original]


>apply for a grant from an EU program
>call yourself "acting partner and advisor" to said EU program

>> No.14657210

lots and lots of turkish comments

>> No.14657240

Just to clarify Holo never applied for an EU grant. Decentr have applied for the grant money who are a separate entity to Holochain.
If HOLO say they are an advisor to H2020 they have no reason to lie.
Weak FUD

>> No.14657310

>Holo never applied for an EU grant. Decentr have applied for the grant money
Holo is actively involved.

>If HOLO say they are an advisor to H2020 they have no reason to lie.
Sure they do: money.

>> No.14657441

That part really is the cherry on top.

>> No.14657553
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god I'm going to be so rich thanks to Holo. Not because of this news, but because of the retarded late buyers that are desperately trying to FUD to keep the price lower just a bit more before they get priced out.

>> No.14657594

Bro the only thing suppressing the price right now is those boomer fucks and their refusal to ship their ports. This shit looks more and more like a scam/vaporware everyday and people are getting fed up with it.

>> No.14657598

every time holo pumps 1% bitcoin pumps four times as hard
alts are not worth it for the time being

>> No.14657603

HOLOCHADS gonna make it

>> No.14657711
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if only there was a way to press that "sell" button and get rid of these negative emotions

>> No.14657747

So you're not bothered by this at all?

>> No.14657788

IS THIS FUD? Decentr is a separate entity and wants to use the money to build great holochain apps. Holo is not actively involved in the bid. retard fud.
Imagine selling ETH at 3 bucks because of turkish comments kek.
i am turbocomfy and will make it easily. i only care about the price in 2-3 years. buy pnds if you have ADHD

>> No.14657831

>Decentr is a separate entity
Holo is actively involved.

>Holo is not actively involved in the bid. r
They literally are.

Read the link in Holo's tweet: https://medium.com/@Rich.James/breaking-news-holochain-joins-the-decentr-2019-h2020-fet-open-bid-fd3446905a6
The title is literally "Holochain Joins the Decentr 2019 H2020 FET-Open BID"

Holo is literally claiming to be a "partner and advisor" to H2020 because of this.

>> No.14657918
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I'm not a trader and I'm not looking for the next quick buck. I bought at ICO and I'm like 11x up in fiat. This is the most researched project in my portfolio and my sell target is between 2 and 12 billion marketcap. If you think I'll get shaken out by retarded shit like holoports delay when those holoports don't even matter once the software is working, you're deluded. Holo might unironically be the last 1000x in crypto and I'm not gonna get emotional like a bitch and sell my stash cause "muh holoports" (which are useless without the software and irrelevant once the software can be installed on any PC). Get real.

>> No.14657948

>I'm not looking for the next quick buck.
Holo sure seem to be.

And please address the issue in OP and stop deflecting with the holoports. I'm not talking about the holoports.

>> No.14657994

stop whining lad, the initiative was started by Decentr not HOLO. That HOLO decided to join as an advisor is bullish if anything. Is this nothingburger all you got to FUD?

>> No.14658029

>the initiative was started by Decentr not HOLO
Holo is actively involved.

And the problem isn't that Holo is asking for grants, it's the fact that Holo is claiming to be a "partner and advisor" to H2020 when in reality they're just a grant applicant.

>> No.14658071
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Does it look like I work for Holo so I can address something in their tweet? Here's your options:
1. Holo suddenly decided to do Substratum tier marketing and are planning an exit scam.
2. What they said in the tweet is real and we don't all the details.
3. That Decentr retard (seems to be only 1 guy behind that shit) bamboozled them to profit from this in some way and they bought it.

From the article, it seems that it's legit (if that fag isn't lying) and they are actually playing and advisor role, which wouldn't surprise me since the Holo team is well connected with the EU, UN and Silicon Valley.

>> No.14658093

>it seems that it's legit and Holo are actually playing and advisor role
Yes, to Decentr.
Not to EU_H2020, like Holo are claiming.

>> No.14658135

HOLO has been advising think tanks for over a year, it's well known. Stop this now or I post the UN screenshots. Also they are indeed advising the EU fags just by proposing to them how to spend the money, please explain what kind of advisory role you thought of otherwise?


>> No.14658173

do you want me to quote from that screencap?
>We are now calling through the EU portal [this link will be supplied in around 48 hours time in conjunction with our EU rep—apologies for the delay]
keywords here: EU portal, EU rep
A random dipshit that is applying for a grant doesn't have a EU rep or any say in what is posted on the EU website. Not to mention the fact that they seem to aggregate projects that relate to Holochain via the EU's website, which strongly implies a partnership.

>> No.14658177

>HOLO has been advising think tanks for over a year, it's well known.
The article linked in the tweet shows they're advising Decentr, not H2020.

>they are indeed advising the EU fags just by proposing to them how to spend the money
In that case, wording it like "we're acting partners and advisors to EU_2020" is outright scammy.

>> No.14658222

>We are now calling through the EU portal [this link will be supplied in around 48 hours time in conjunction with our EU rep—apologies for the delay]
>keywords here: EU portal, EU rep
That part is about Decentr using the EU portal to call on the community to submit innovative new ideas/projects.
You should really start by reading the whole thing.

>do you want me to quote from that screencap?
Sure: "We (Decentr) will head the consortium as lead partner, with Holochain having agreed to join as a partner in an advisory role."

>> No.14658293
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>In that case, wording it like "we're acting partners and advisors to EU_2020" is outright scammy.
ok, so let's go through your logic
>EU wants to spend billions of dollars on "innovation"
>Holo and the Decentr guy suggest that they use Holochain to develop new happs
>The EU is ok with this and they give them special treatment and allow them to use their website for this initiative which means that a good percentage of that EU money would be dedicated to Holochain apps
>hurr durr this is scammy and not a real partnership
So if this isn't a real partnership, why don't I see every pajeet or chink project in crypto doing this? Do they hate money?

>> No.14658309

The only thing convincing me not to dump my bags at this point is the Holochain integration with Urbit's PKI that Poprox is working on

>> No.14658329

This is an open bid. Says so right in the title of that "partnership announcement".
There is no "special treatment".

>> No.14658335

this thread is getting pathethic.

>> No.14658367

dude, this is getting retarded and I strongly suspect you might be either retarded or baiting me.
Do you even know what a consortium means?
>That part is about Decentr using the EU portal to call on the community to submit innovative new ideas/projects.
It's like you have selective reading. "to submit to us". This means they have access via the EU portal to the projects that are submitted because they are leading the fucking consortium together with Holochain and the EU is ok with this, hence they allowed them to use their fucking website.

Seriously fuck this shit. I honestly don't have the energy to debate this shit with you. Sell and stretch.

>> No.14658510

>It's like you have selective reading. "to submit to us". This means they have access via the EU portal to the projects that are submitted because they are leading the fucking consortium together with Holochain and the EU is ok with this, hence they allowed them to use their fucking website.
Decentr/Holo are applicants, and as such they get to ask for contributions from third parties.

Between 2014 and 2016, there had already been 400,000 H2020 applications, of which 115,235 eligible, and 13,903 actually successful.
And we're three years further into the H2020 program now.

So even if Decentr/Holo are successful in their bid, they are but one among a vast sea of projects.
Now please tell me how this justifies Holo's claim of being a "partner and advisor" to H2020.

>> No.14658660

>imagine caring this much about H2020
you must be new to crypto.. no one gives a fuck about facts in crypto it's all justin sun style marketing and i am fine with that. you will miss many pumps with this fagot attitude and fact checking mindset. i expect HOLO to win the bid based on my connections and insights.

>> No.14658736

>no one gives a fuck about facts in crypto it's all justin sun style marketing and i am fine with that.
Fair enough.

>> No.14658797

>i expect HOLO to win the bid
If they do, they're just one among tens of thousands.

>> No.14658855

who cares. it's gonna help with adoption and legitimacy if the EU is getting involved or even giving them money. i don't see the EU giving scams like TRX any money you know, try to see the big picture.

>> No.14658867

I wouldn't think too highly of getting an H2020 grant, considering the vast number of successful bids.
Also, doesn't explain away the scammy wording in Holo's tweet. That shit affects price too.

>> No.14658981

kek. you are one persistent fudder, congrats on your work ethic. i couldn't care less about H2020 or the holoports or what they communicate on social media. i won't sell anytime soon that's for sure tho.

>> No.14659112

Yeah, this must be just me "fudding".

>> No.14659141

Guys please buy HOT, I'm fucking dying here with the low price! I NEED food!

>> No.14659435

Is this ever going to reach $1+?

>> No.14659442

No, it will never reach $1+.

>> No.14659445

No, it will never reach $1+.

>> No.14659469

holding for 1$ plus here - 2021 at latest

>> No.14659481

everything is possible in the upcoming golden bullrun. ripple reached a mcap of 150 BILLION or so, so we can certainly get to $1 let alone $0.50.

>> No.14659482
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calm down matrix

>> No.14659517

the real challenge will be to not sell way to early around 10-25 cents. 1 dollar is happening screencap this

>> No.14659523


>> No.14659524

Most boring shitcoin ever. Bought a 5M suicide bag with some of my LINK gains what a mistake.

>> No.14659544

The $1 moonboys are prob the cringiest people on this board. Never happening you broke faggots.

>> No.14659582
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this is extremely bullish

>> No.14659584
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>mfw i rely on population genetics to pump my bags

>> No.14659598

11 sats incoming and then we are headed down to 7 before everyone capitulates at 1.
>b-buy that f-fucking dip guys haha
>mozilla partnership is locked in guys haha
>price is still declining everyday
Imagine being so stupid that you actually bought this shitcoin instead of link

>> No.14659622

No its not. Keep coping loser.

>> No.14659660

this coin is on life support after the huge dump the sjw team to donate to starving nggers on africa.

>> No.14659690

link bag holders are expecting 1k...lol - i plan on selling 5-10% a year for next few years

>> No.14659821


>> No.14659862
File: 467 KB, 760x542, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 11.08.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Procedure/Bidding Strategy

Here’s how it works: we (Decentr) will head the consortium as lead partner, with Holochain having agreed to join as a partner in an advisory role.

>> No.14659891

why would people buy the holoports and pay for internet with nearly worthless tokens when they can use the regular internet?

>> No.14660174

Next Generation Internet has many benefits, most being faster, cheaper, end user is in control of his data, less energy consumption, decentralized servers, peer to peer. You don't pay for the internet you earn holo fuel by hosting on your phone or whatever extra computer power you have

>> No.14660254
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think of it like before we had automobiles people asked why do we need cars for?

>> No.14660271

Its literally going to zero

>> No.14660333

yikes looks like its currently trading at 14 satoshis
you bag holders better hope these boomers deliver before it goes to 0

>> No.14660405

>was at $0.0005 just 5-6 minths ago, now still at $0.0018 or something
>on life support

>> No.14660419
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It's never going to be delivered. The boomers are unable to implement the idea they described in whitepaper, currently, they need to sync at least 5000 holoports for open alpha but they fail to establish a reliable connection even between 3-5 nodes.

>> No.14660451

Dumb frogs like yourself never realize that they are in boiling hot water until its too late.

>> No.14660518

you blockchain bag holders better hope it never makes it cause you will be left holding empty bags. Holo hasn't even started a marketing campaign yet they are waiting till open alpha at earliest so maybe end of year we will start to see partnerships

>> No.14660523

>baseless lies
buy signal
i bought the ico ranjeesh, still more than 10x up

>> No.14660568

there's literarily 14 people on the buy side on binance
ranging from 14 satoshis to 1 satoshi
If those boomers had any sense they'd buy they're own tokens to keep it from collapsing

>> No.14660603

What makes you think there's only one person per sat?

>> No.14660614

They’ve been marketing retard. No one wants to buy this piece of shit. See price. >>14660523
>more than 10x up
Yeah use dollars instead of percentages buddy. You probably don’t even hold more than 50m. Poorfag cope. My dump is going to kill this shit.

>> No.14660670

brain damage obviously
bought 122m in the ico, sold 15m on binance listing. life is comfy i love this fud lately, confirms we are holding the golden goose

>> No.14660732

lol ive just realized
a whale could literarilly destroy the project with 300 btc

>> No.14660784

Better sell now before I help the whales kill this shit by dumping my 200m. I’m going to wait until this trash gets back around to 7 sats before I drop the killswitch. My dump combined with massive sell pressure will destroy this piece of shit for good.

>> No.14660840
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The state of holochain investors

>> No.14660842

They had a posting for the position for Director of Marketing so dont think anything official has started yet dipshit plus you usually need a working product before you go public with trying to promote it

>> No.14660860

200 million aint shit, a handful of whales hold 53 billion

>> No.14660866

>you need a working product
No you don’t. Look at TRX retard. Keep on coping because you got emotionally attatched to your bags.

>> No.14660893

Yeah and those whales are dumping their bags because they realized they got duped

>> No.14660923

please dump, end my pointless suffering

>> No.14660937

dont think so im just standing up to a bunch of link gayboys pissed off cause they are going below 3$.

I dont concern myself with the price in sats as $ is what i invested and $ i will get out

>> No.14660997

i might just cut my losses and get out of this abomination of a coin. time is money in this market. we could be hopping into other shitcoins that are actually going up, instead of holding this bleeding corpse. will it go up eventually? probably. but im not going to sit and wait 6 months for it to go up 5 sats, lol. theres other moon missions to be had. this is like XLM. dump it and check back in 2-3 years.

>> No.14660998

you can check the whales daily position and its at 2.3 red for last 7 days. also whales are distributing the tokens to smaller holders by selling so its kind of their job

>> No.14661019

do you always make random post before you sale, kind of pointless and waste of time as no one cares

>> No.14661040

So true, dump this shit while there are still people who are willing to buy

>> No.14661118

>thinks 200m HOT are a lot
just sell and move on. if you keep caring it's really just "where's your buy order, son?" from now on. it's funny how you try to paint the devil on the wall when holochain hasn't looked this bullish since the ICO. the price stayed pretty much stable through 2018 with a few pumps and corrections and now the project is finally taking off and you faggots appear to scare the newfags kek. sorry you are priced out.

>I dont concern myself with the price in sats as $ is what i invested and $ i will get out

>> No.14661199

>sorry you are priced out.
priced out at 14 satoshis right...

>> No.14661266
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>I help the whales kill this shit by dumping my 200m
Brainlet you could market sell 200M HOT right now and they price would hardly change

>> No.14661353

Or I can just wait for that buy wall to be inveitably eaten and then sell which would tank the fuck out of this piece of shit. Chart monkeys would be shook out and you would go back to idex prices.

>> No.14661381

It would do literally nothing

>> No.14661393

brainlet who the fuck cares about sats, you can't buy shit with sats. i for my part hold HOT long-term to pay as little money to the IRS as possible, i don't give a fuck about day trading. time in the market beats timing the market, degenerate gambler.

it's easy to say muh look it dropped in sats but what you omit is the fact that the price of BTC pumped hard as well, so the USD value isn't even that much affected. A drop in sats only indicates that HOT hasn't pumped ALONG with BTC. It doesn't indicate that HOT is crashing or whatever you are saying. And yes you are priced out of buying as much as people that bought in November-December when the price was 3-4x lower, correct.

>> No.14661431

Cry about it
The point of trading alts is to acquire more BTC you stupid aspie. Fuck off you believe otherwise. Enjoy holding your dollars when we go into stagflation.

>> No.14661438

do you realize that this is the daily volume??? 200 million HOT is pathetic in the grand scheme of things. it's like 0.00015% of the supply kek, a drop in the ocean.

>> No.14661465

You realize that the volume is fake and its just bots trading back and forth??

>> No.14661479

Bitch market sell right now you fucking pussy. Screenshot it too and post.
Sell now or shut the fuck up

>> No.14661491

you realize 200 million HOT is still a tiny tiny fraction of the supply that doesn't do shit?? it's okay manvinder just sell and move on.

>> No.14661536

Bro take your prozac you seem a little off base today.
Whatever helps you cope kid. You don’t even have enough money to buy 200m LOL

>> No.14661553

Yeah thats what I thought

>> No.14661568

yeah, ppl who say "i dont care about sats, i only care about dollar value" , are basically fudding their own coin and show you the kind of ppl holding this trash.

a true beleiver in the project would care about sats , not dollars, since the end goal of all this is to not deal in dollars/cents anymore. thats why crypto exists, to become a world currency.

>> No.14661573

Its good that you thought about taking your prozac as well I got a little worried there that we weren’t on the same page. The dump will happen on MY time. Not yours simpleton.

>> No.14661643

The Mudman literally sold this shit at 40 sats and entered LINK. Holo fags are grasping at straws praying their trannies will save them.

Tune squad is done with your shitcoin, move on.

>> No.14661666

okay buddy. let's see if you got the money or if you are just a larping incel.

go and post your wallet address so we can verify that you have 200 million HOT. inb4 it's on a exchange wallet just move it on a new MEW wallet.

delusional but keep it up lol. we need more of your kind.

>> No.14661693

You think these poorfags have even 1 million HOT? We only dumped 800 million and the price will never recover at this rate.

>> No.14661697

>post your wallet
imagine doxing yourself to four chan

>> No.14661963
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>> No.14662031

Your living in a dream world if you think btc has a chance as main currency

>> No.14662442


Yes, very bothered. I sold all my holo and so should you.

>> No.14662482


>> No.14662655

keep telling yourself you have an effect... on anything.. you matter!

>> No.14662669


Elrond is cooperating with Holo

>> No.14662682

You just gave me validation by responding to me :). Enjoy the dump back to 350 vits because bitcoin is charging up again.

>> No.14662701

Literal who scam shit no one cares nigger. Go back to holotroopers.

>> No.14662981

Wait... Why does this fudder know about some shitty unofficial telegram group?

>> No.14663065
File: 15 KB, 783x161, 0D1F901A-3A07-4EEA-B912-16BCE5AC9DB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW the market seems to really like this news! Truely revolutionary tech being pumped out by the holochain team :)

>> No.14663075
File: 326 KB, 754x692, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 2.26.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next ieo at binance patterned with holochain

>> No.14663104

linkies mad cause google and msm canceled

>> No.14663109

And dumped to hell on that news. Doesn’t seem like people like holo on twitter buddy. Ouch.

>> No.14663221
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>> No.14663389

not trying to pump the price as im not a degenerate gambler like most of you here, time in the market beats timing the market....patience my friends we will win

>> No.14663421

i am turbocomfy fren, remember all the faggots talkung shit are just fudding. it was quiet for months and out of a sudden after good news come out they start fudding. like clockwork...

>> No.14663424

Lol no

>> No.14663433

You seem really confident in a project that's lying to the public.

>> No.14663461

There is no good news, but hey pass the bong man you’ve been hogging it for far too long.

>> No.14663522

like clockwork :)

>> No.14663539

What Holo did in OP is unforgivable.

>> No.14663558

Have sex

>> No.14663570

sell. you do not matter.

>> No.14663583

I'm calling this shit out whether you like it or not.

>> No.14663651

You don’t matter because you’re a wageslave who is hoping that your lottery ticket worth less than 10k USD is going to save your ass. You should have bought link.

>> No.14663841


>> No.14664085

With what? Already being rich? Take your prozac.

>> No.14664141

>15 year old ERC-20 token
I'm gettting MaidSafe vibes

>> No.14664400

I’m getting link vibes from a month ago