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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14634976 No.14634976 [Reply] [Original]

When did /biz/ become so shit?

>> No.14634980

When you came faggot

>> No.14634986

When you came faggots

>> No.14634998

when you came (in me), faggot

>> No.14635000

jannies and capcha

>> No.14635003


>> No.14635024


>> No.14635039


>> No.14635062

The captcha is annoying as fuck but just imagine biz without it. Telegram pajeet spammers like the EVE faggots would fucking flood the entire catalog even worse then now.

>> No.14635066

>When did /biz/ become so shit?
when you joined

>> No.14635087

When the racists invaded think pol
Never saw any of this hatred years ago I'm an oldfag

>> No.14635096

Liberal Plebbits and /pol/ Edgelords both hoping to make a quick buck.

>> No.14635105

digits confirm

>> No.14635110

true dat, the blacks, spics and chinks are like rabid jackals nowadays

>> No.14635146

it was always shit, it will always be shit

>> No.14635158

/biz/ was never good

>> No.14635166

early 2017 to peak bull was fun as fuck, i dont know if all the based posters left after they made it or it was my newfaggotry that made it so good, its just not the same anymore

>> No.14635167

Make Biz Great Again

>> No.14635174

When r eddit fags like you got here.

>> No.14635200

Surely there must be some sort of final solution to all of this?

>> No.14635206
File: 2.57 MB, 480x222, antifa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here after bizonacci videos.
it was shit then and it's shit now.
they shill the flavor of the week and dump it on suckers.
It's a good misery index, because it's delightful to watch nazis suffer.

>> No.14635223
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It's summer.

>> No.14635294

Whenever Sergey tricked a bunch of low IQ /biz/raelies that he would actually deliver decentralized oracles. Been 2 years, no decentralized oracles in sight but the link posters have went full retard.

>> No.14635316

It was great anon. No homo though

>> No.14635443

the janitors gave up on this place. we should, too.