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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14595868 No.14595868 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a real talk biz? Why should any of us work hard at our jobs? You can put in 10 times the amount of effort and get a 1-10% raise. Or you can be a lazy bum, and just job hop and effectively double your income.

Why try hard at work? Why hustle for raises when at the end of the day you just need to keep your head down and get the "years of experience" requirement so you can effectively hop to a better promotion.

Why should I burn myself out on the scam that is "working hard"

>> No.14595906

Don't work hard. Just give the impression that you do so that you get good recommendations or referrals when you hop to the next job.

>> No.14596451

You should only care if you are a shareholder of the company

>> No.14596503

keks and lulz for days
honkhonkler.com Crypto UBI program means none of us NEETS ever have to work again
Just spin the wheel and move to Asia
Get a QT yellow waifu to worship the BWC and pop out some ultra rare HAPAS

>> No.14596550

>sir, they're waking up
>damp eet
>damp eet all