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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14584086 No.14584086 [Reply] [Original]

>work for the government
>make 52k per year plus free healthcare and $15k in retirement contributions
>have to wake up every single fucking morning
>have to go to fucking work and do nothing in front of a computer all fucking day
It's destroying my life. But it pays too much to quit. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.14584099
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>> No.14584133
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>> No.14584218

I know that feel. Try to use that free time to learn marketable skills, study for certs etc. In the meantime save as much as possible, until you literally give zero fucks if you lose that job. Once you are confident in your skills, look for a more fulfilling job, but don't quit until you have a deal in your pocket.

>> No.14584336

you wanted to be a rockstar booohooo

>> No.14584356

kys because you're a government employee that's what I'd do if i had to resort to being a parasite

>> No.14584441

I spend literally all day applying to new jobs. State civil service rules allow me to take paid time off to interview at other state agencies, so that's what I've been doing. I've been driving literally 4 hours away to do interviews at places I'd never live just to get away from work. I have an interview pretty much every week.

I have 70k in savings so I can afford to live for a long time without worrying about my job. But I have to save more. I have to pay for gas. I have to pay for food. I'm squatting in an apartment that they're trying to evict me from so I want to move, I know I'll move from this place, but I just need to do SOMETHING until I can finally move on.

>> No.14584506

The greatest parasites are landowners.

I want to be a lawyer, but I got waitlisted at Harvard and Columbia so I'm biding my time until I can retake my LSAT and try to go.

>> No.14584586
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That's a fuck load of money. I was going to start my own business and all the risks involved for similar money. I think you just have to accept your horrible job. Meantime study all that early retirement stuff out there.

>> No.14584631
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Sound like you are just fucking useless.

>The greatest parasites are landowners.

Ah, nevermind, this guy >>14584356 is right and you should kill yourself.

>> No.14584724

I can't retire early. My pension only kicks in at 62, accruing at like 2%, which is why I'm trying to lateral to law enforcement and get my 2.5% at 57. I get a guaranteed 5% raise every year up to the max of my range, so if I never get promoted I'll end up with a $65,000 salary.

You may be doing all of that, but you presumably don't have to get up in the morning and leave your house every day and so on.

You should read some Marx.