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14576259 No.14576259 [Reply] [Original]

>Remember when it was pure tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory to accuse one or more banks of aggressively, compulsively and systematically manipulating the precious metals - i.e., gold and silver - market? We do, after all we made the claim over and over, while demonstrating clearly just how said manipulation was taking place, often in real time.
>Well, it's always good to be proven correct, even if it is years after the fact.
>On Tuesday after the close, the CFTC announced that Merrill Lynch Commodities (MLCI), a global commodities trading business, agreed to pay $25 million to resolve the government’s investigation into a multi-year scheme by MLCI precious metals traders to mislead the market for precious metals futures contracts traded on the COMEX (Commodity Exchange Inc.). The announcement was made by Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. of the FBI’s New York Field Office. In other words, if the Merrill Lynch Commodities group was an individual, he would have gotten ye olde perp walk.
>As MLCI itself admitted, beginning in 2008 and continuing through 2014, precious metals traders employed by MLCI schemed to deceive other market participants by injecting materially false and misleading information into the precious metals futures market.

>> No.14576262

>They did so in the now traditional market manipulation way - by placing fraudulent orders for precious metals futures contracts that, at the time the traders placed the orders, they intended to cancel before execution. In doing so, the traders intended to “spoof” or manipulate the market by creating the false impression of increased supply or demand and, in turn, to fraudulently induce other market participants to buy and to sell futures contracts at quantities, prices and times that they otherwise likely would not have done so. Over the relevant period, the traders placed thousands of fraudulent orders.
>Of course, since we are talking about a bank, and since banks are in charge of not only the DOJ, and virtually every other branch of government, not to mention the Fed, nobody will go to jail and MLCI entered into a non-prosecution agreement and agreed to pay a combined - and measly - $25 million in criminal fines, restitution and forfeiture of trading profits.
>Under the terms of the NPA, MLCI and its parent company, Bank of America, have agreed to cooperate with the government’s ongoing investigation of individuals and to report to the Department evidence or allegations of violations of the wire fraud statute, securities and commodities fraud statute, and anti-spoofing provision of the Commodity Exchange Act in BAC’s Global Markets’ Commodities Business, whose function is to conduct wholesale, principal trading and sales of commodities. Laughably, MLCI and BAC also agreed to enhance their existing compliance program and internal controls, where necessary and appropriate, to ensure they are designed to detect and deter, among other things, manipulative conduct in BAC’s Global Markets Commodities Business.

>Translation: it will be much more difficult to catch them manipulating the market next time.

>> No.14576273

>The Department reached this resolution based on a number of factors, including MLCI’s ongoing cooperation with the United States - which means the DOJ must have had the bank dead to rights with many traders potentially ending up in jail - and MLCI and BAC’s remedial efforts, including conducting training concerning appropriate market conduct and implementing improved transaction monitoring and communication surveillance systems and processes. Translation - no longer boasting about market manipulation on semi-public chatboards.
>The Commodity Futures Trading Commission also announced a separate settlement with MLCI today in connection with related, parallel proceedings. Under the terms of the resolution with the CFTC, MLCI agreed to pay a civil monetary penalty of $11.5 million, along with other remedial and cooperation obligations in connection with any CFTC investigation pertaining to the underlying conduct.
>As part of the investigation, the Department obtained an indictment against Edward Bases and John Pacilio, two former MLCI precious metals traders, in July 2018. Those charges remain pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
>This case was investigated by the FBI’s New York Field Office. Trial Attorneys Ankush Khardori and Avi Perry of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section prosecuted the case. The CFTC also provided assistance in this matter.
>Oh, and for anyone asking if they will get some of their money back for having been spoofed and manipulated by Bank of America, and countless other banks, into selling to buying positions that would have eventually made money, the answer is of course not.
25 million in criminal fines.... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14576311

fucking disgusting. there's no justice in this world, because if there was, these people would be eliminated.
best part is when we bail these entities out in the coming recession. can't fucking wait to finance that bullshit.

>> No.14576354
File: 58 KB, 1386x435, 2019-06-21_0907[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude its been known since the 90s that the PM markets are manipulated to hell. the gold price is literally decided by rothschild.

>> No.14576363
File: 66 KB, 675x601, silverboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just happy knowing that I was right.

>> No.14576378

On that day of the noose

>> No.14576427

i don't get it, everyone has the right to put in spoof orders to a free market. and everyone has the right to straight up ignore them.

you fags need to spend a day on bitmex and come back to discuss this.

>> No.14576463

If silver was worth anything they would be making it's physical acquisition more difficult. See gold.

>> No.14576476

on that day of the noose there will be no crooked man, on that day of the noose the bankers go to hell

>> No.14576482

ok but does this mean gold is still a good buy or not?

>> No.14576489

By effectively making it a depreciating asset they don't need to make it difficult, brainlet

>> No.14576496

both going to be base industrial metals in the future. the worlds gdp grows best if metals are not used for monetary reasons anymore. so both regulation and the big players are pushing it that way. add that to btc is better than gold at being gold in every which way but one, and you get to the same conclusion. we gonna get one last short lived bull out of them maybe sell everything!

>> No.14576497

it means neither supply or demand nor other fundamental or technical indicators can be used to determine risk. What autists on here try to explain for ages, pms are a riskier buy than funny internet monies

>> No.14576504

its always a good buy to hedge your bets IMO. central banks are stacking gold like crazy for a reason.

>> No.14576507

Exactly. Regulations don't deter the wealthy from doing anything. They just deter your collective of average Joes from having any buying/selling power.

Once crypto becomes (((regulated))) it will get the same treatment as pms and stocks and that'll be it.

>> No.14576635

imagine how much of a coincidence theorist cuckolded normie faggot you have to be to think precious metals markets are not manipulated when the london gold fix, in which rothschild bankers literally set the price of gold, is a publically known and openly admitted fact

normies truly are disgusting

>> No.14576638

crypto will never become completely regulated the simple reason for that is it doesn't need trust and regulation. but it's possible the exchanges with the vast majority of volume will be regulated futures markets.

>> No.14576694


You idiots dont even understand the the point of "buying" gold and silver. The dollar price of gold and silver means absolutely nothing since the ENTIRE point of buying gold and silver is so you can "make it" once fiat implodes and you have a deflationary collapse of all asset prices.

Gold is not regulated. I have a gold coin right next to me. I own it. Its real savings. Nobody can manipuate my ounce of gold at all.

Its fucking gold that gave the dollar value to begin with, so why in the fuck would i give a shit about the dollar price of gold?

You idiots are literally investing in crypto because it is impossible to "make it" today unironically because gold doesnt back the dollar anymore. 50 years ago you could drive retarded kids to school for a living in a bus and "make it" with your wife at home raising your 4 white kids.

>> No.14576742

See my post above. Dollar price of gold does not matter. IN FACT... I HOPE the price of gold goes back down to 300$/ounce, because that means the govt isnt out of control anymore. AND i wouldnt lose any real value in purchasing power because a gold price at 300$ means a Subway footlong sandwich is 2.50$ again.

All the dollar price of gold represents is how unstable, voltaile, and lack of store of value the dollar is. Its the dollar thats changing not gold. A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same fucking ounce of gold today, doesnt matter if the dollar exists or not.

If the dollar dissapeared from planet earth tomorrow morning my wealth in gold is completely unaffected.

I dont know how you idiots cant understand something so simple. Gold is money and real savings, it is not an investment.

Also....when you buy gold you arent really buying it all you are doing is converting your net worth/wealth from confetti worthless paper to a true store of value.

>> No.14576751

you are a retarded boomer your meme metal is going to $50 an ounce.

>> No.14576762

metals are mined at an exponentially increasing rate while population growth capped. they are going down their fundamentals are shit and the world needs the industry to use it (to make iphones) not retarded boomer faggots keep it under their pillow.

>> No.14576763

Only a 25m fine? What a farce.

>> No.14576783

The gold price is fixed, literally!

>> No.14576798

I would love it if gold goes to 50$/ounce. The only reason you buy gold is because fiat is a scam and the govt is out of control. A gold price at 50$ means a good weekly salary would be like 40-50$.

Gold going down in dollar price doesnt mean shit. Now....dont get me wrong...if you buy gold at 1,500 and it goes down to 1,200 and you sell then you do lose some. But the entire point of holding gold is for the currency reset THATS when you MAKE IT.

>> No.14576842

Dude... the population is almost 9 billion. What was the population in 1900? Much less.

If silver was money again right now... a silver piece the size of a silver dime which used to be a days wage for most of human history AND is a days wage in developing countries today...........

then today a silver dime would probably equal 4-5 days wages because there is so much less siler avaliable and billions more people on the planet.

If you have 500 ounces of silver that will literally be 20-60 years worth of days wages when fiat collapses.

>> No.14576864


>> No.14576869

Oh get fucked boomer faggot. Stop ruining shit. You faggots have ruined enough stuff in life.

>> No.14576881

population growth capped, gold production did not cap and will not for 30 years. gold lost against real inflation in the meantime it's gonna crash hard.
fundamentals are shit.

>> No.14576884

What have boomers ruined?If it wasnt for boomers you niggers wouldnt even have Iphones to send pictures of your little dicks to instagram whores

>> No.14576888

"Spoofing" is a bullshit claim. Everyone spoofs, it's the cornerstone of arbitrage. All this fine means is ML didn't bribe someone properly.

>> No.14576897

gold is boomer rocks it doesn't have inherent value over $50 everything above that is speculative which will collapse.

>> No.14576900

I have one question for you....

Did gold all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created?

>> No.14576913

LOL a real fucking asset in gold is SPECULATIVE?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?

Please tell me you are trolling. You need to teeth kicked in thats how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.14576932

>8 posts by this ID
honestly, just ignore him and eventually his alzheimer's will kick in

>> No.14576935

on that day of the noose

>> No.14576944


>> No.14576947

>it's possible the exchanges with the vast majority of volume will be regulated futures markets.
that sounds pretty bad t b h

>> No.14576956

>LOL a real fucking asset in gold is SPECULATIVE
it's price is speculative, lot's of retards like you keep it up with their mass delusion you gonna get dumped on hard. gold is returning sub $1k soon enough and this time it's possible it won't come back up.

we need gold for real shit finances are gonna be all digital for security ease of transport and convenience.

>> No.14576959

What you faggots dont realize is all the manipulation is going to fucking make gold and silver unbeliveably invaluable when this debt ponzi fiat scheme comes collapsing down.

For anyone out there reading this....who doesnt understand gold and silver or is indifferent to it.....

If you have 100k in the bank and fiat collapses, you will NOT have needed 100k in gold to cover your 100k in fiat. You'll probably only need 2-3 ounces of gold to cover that 100k in the reset. THEN you take that 2-3 ounces of gold and you buy a fucking apartment complex thats now worth 50k that USED to be worth 5 million bucks...and you own it outright, and you become a slumlord for all the idiots who invested in stocks and crypto and when a few families cant pay each month its not much skin off your back because you own it outright and you can have the wives in the family suck your cock for payment.

>> No.14576961

Holy shit you absolute retard, silver is fixed in the exact same way. It's even worse for us silver fags. 3.7k oz hodler here. Average buy price is $22

>> No.14576962
File: 267 KB, 968x634, Babyboomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what have boomers ruined

>> No.14576973

Im fucking 33 and own chainlink.

>> No.14576988


>> No.14576994

im gong to buy more gold now, because of the sentiment of this thread. Also trump loves gold and china fucking stockpiling them.

>> No.14576995

youre a retarded normie and probably a boomer as well

goldbugs are fucking deluded, youve been saying this shit since the 80s at least

>AND i wouldnt lose any real value in purchasing power because a gold price at 300$ means a Subway footlong sandwich is 2.50$ again.
literally retarded

>> No.14577003

Doesn't matter
the traitors to the gallows we put them to the test
on that day on that day of the noose

>> No.14577004

You're not wrong, in a collapse of the dollar even niggers know gold has value, even if they just think it's a shiny rock. But you're trying to explain that to a bunch of basement dwellers that were raised by the internet, and think magical internet monies created by technocrats will save them and their (unlikely) children from the eternal basement life.

I guess that's most of /biz/ now though...

>> No.14577009

>gold going down means that fiat value will necessarily increase
deluded retard

>> No.14577011

Imagine going back in time to be middle class in venezuela 10 years ago. Life is pretty decent, nobody is eating their pets and zoo animals for nourishment. your spic wife makes you tacos while you fuck her from behind the stove... your money is in the bank or stock market.....

So you go back 10 years and know exactly what will happen in venezuela the last few years. so you have 5-6 years before SHTF.... are you telling me that you wouldnt have put money into gold and silver?

If you have gold and silver down there you are sitting pretty relatively.

>> No.14577029

go ahead faggot you have been warned. at one time fucking rice and tea was money. but of course gold was more convenient nonperishable etc... and in the old days gold production increased with population growth in proportions so it was excellent store of value. not since 1900 tho, but the population boom and inflation kinda masked this effect from your eyes. but today gold is over too because a better asset class came along at the dawn of the 21th century. crypto. mathematically designed to be deflationary.

>> No.14577034

>boomer reflexively starts talking about iphones
fuck you nigger, youre worse than a nigger, boomers are worse than niggers

>> No.14577041

100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$. A gold ounce 100 years ago = 20$.

So lets say you put in 2 full weeks of work 100 years ago, and 1 week you accepted 20$ and the next week you accepted 20$ and converted it to an ounce of gold.

Then you held that 20$ and gold ounce in your pocket for 100 years.

What does that 20$ buy you today? that you worked an entire week for 100 years ago? It buys you fucking NOTHING you fuckhead. You can barely buy 1 meal at Jimmy johns with that 20$

But that gold ounce is $1,400.....which is STILL A FUCKING GOOD WEEKLY SALARY.


>> No.14577043
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Based and truth pilled.

>> No.14577046

yep, all of this boils down to normalfags who fomo after someone because they're trend-following sheep, then in a classic tyranny of the majority scenario, lobby the government to punish someone
there is literally nothing wrong with orderspoofing and you should kys if you invest in something because others seem interested in it rather than because your own personal careful analysis of the asset has led you to believe it's undervalued

>> No.14577047

The funny part about people calling gold and silver "boomer rocks" is that the vast majority of boomers don't own any and in fact actually hate gold and silver more than bitcoin zoomers.

>> No.14577054




















>> No.14577060

Id rather sit next to a nigger on the bus than a boomer.

>> No.14577061

See post above.

100 years ago 20$ was a good weekly salary and it also equaled 1 ounce of gold.

today 20$ doesnt even buy you a blowjob from a cracked tooth whore, but that gold ounce still equals a good weekly salary.

>> No.14577079

BINGO. fucking chinks have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for a decade now. My gut feeling is america has tons of silver. JP morgan etc.

So they will go back to a gold standard WITH the deal that the currently crazy out of whack 80 to 1 silver to gold ratio goes back to the historical ratio of 16-1....so then we have a clean reset

>> No.14577090
File: 403 KB, 1600x1309, EPI_productivity_compensation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that gold ounce still equals a good weekly salary
good? no it's worth about half of what it used to.
probably direct consequence of females entering the workforce and productivity wage decoupling.

>> No.14577098

ABSOLUTLEY RIGHT! Boomers dont own any fucking gold. Almost nobody does. I have a ton of trump supporters touting the fake imaginary fantasy paper wealth stock market gains under trump and i tell them to get gold and silver bcause this will all collapse and they think gold is kryptonite.

The last smart americans died off in the 40's 50's and 60's who understood gold was real money.

>> No.14577108

idk about you mate but i would have converted my money to freedombucks and emigrated
if you think holding gold in a failing country is smarter, you might just have a fetish for shiny objects over an investment strategy

>> No.14577121

Well thats probably because of the manipulation that this thread is all about. But even if I concede your point that gold is worth half of what it was back then......thats still a fuck ton more than what 20$ is worth today in comparison to what 20$ was worth 100 years ago. So your argument doesnt really hold much merit.

>> No.14577135

>Day of the pillow
Hard kek

>> No.14577159

Well ok, yeah I mean....you could have converted your bolivars to dollars and been just as fine, but why the fuck would you buy american currency in venezuela?

So yes, venezuelans could have converted to dollars because obviously the dollar is the world reserve currency and obviously wouldnt go under before the bolivar....

but wtf do you do when the dollar goes under?

Following the logic here?

>> No.14577165

first day, huh?
enjoy your stay ;)

>> No.14577180

>17 posts by this ID
ok at first it was funny
now it's just sad
don't you have something else to do than sit around typing word diarrhea on a laotian knitting board?

>> No.14577223

I agree with boomers being cool with multiculturalism.....but the debt is because of the central bank and jews and going off gold standard.

>> No.14577246

No multi culti and debt exist because of the voting behavior, the ideologies, the hypocrisy and the laziness of Boomers. There is no worse generation, maybe the non Boomers acting like Boomers but they are just a loudly screaming minority which makes it easier to identify them, like you, and put them to rest with a stick, a stone, a knife, a noose, or a .308

>> No.14577261

do you not understand the word "emigrated"? google search is one step away bro

>> No.14577281
File: 875 KB, 1080x2286, Screenshot_20190703-161124_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you clueless imbecile, we didn't ask for iPhones or Instagram whores, but you idiots are such dog shit parents, that you raised a bunch of whores. iPhones are like a ankle monitor, and idiots like you think it's a good thing.

>> No.14577291

how is that easier than leaving a fucking rock under ur bed

>> No.14577322

If I went back 10 years in Venezuela I'd buy bitcoin, you fucking retarded boomer. Even in your own example crypto is a better hedge than your meme rocks

>> No.14577343

Exactly, I was gonna say I'd be mining btc and buying as much as possible. Boomers really are scum of the earth

>> No.14577346

You arent supposed to trade gold for something you idiot. Gold is money that has to back the currency otherwise the currency (like the dollar) is a fraud.

Gold CAN be used as currency but it isnt fucking 900 years ago where we are going to do that. Gold is more importantly money though that backs the currency.

There is LITERALLY no arguement to be had between gold and bitcoin. Gold was de-monetized decades ago and the reason you are investing in bitcoin is because it is impossible to MAKE IT now BECAUSE we went off the gold standard. Bitcoin has uses dont get me wrong, and im not saying its worthless, all I am saying is trying to argure between gold and bitcoin is like arguing between a giraffe and a table and which is better. It makes no sense.

If bitcoin goes to 1 million dollars a coin that wont make gold any less valuable than it is today or has always been.

>> No.14577375

>Gold is money
Hey milk man I want to buy a liter of your finest cheese, let me get to my vault and split up my bar

You are stupider than a rock

>> No.14577376
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>Gold 2.0

>> No.14577381

What you fucking zoomers dont understand is....you dont even know the primary function of money. The primary function of money is to MEASURE VALUE of goods exchanged for it. MONEY is a BAROMETER to MEASURE VALUE.

And like 100 years ago when 20$ = 1 oz of gold....that gold has measured value perfectly for 100 years because a good weekly salary of 20$ buys you nothing today while that gold ounce which equaled a good weekly salary too 100 years ago is still equal to a good weekly salary today being that its $1,400 and $1,400 is a good weekly salary.

>> No.14577404

kek. You don't get it. Gen Y, Millenials and Zoomers simply refuse to carry your bags and torch. Enjoy holding your bags till the end, we don't trust a generation of TV indoctrinated imbeciles

>> No.14577405

LOL did you even read what i wrote? I just said the argument for gold has nothing to do with exhcanging gold for milk. and that gold is money that has to back the currency.

You know that there is a bible verse stating that 2,500 years ago you could buy 350 loaves of bread with 1 ounce of gold?

Hmmmm.....if you exchange an ounce of gold today at a coin shop youll get 1400 bucks....if you take that 1400 bucks to safeway you can still buy roughly 350 loaves of bread! with bread costing about 3.50-4$

>> No.14577406

his arguments aren´t wrong though

it is possible that he is right, it is also possible that he is wrong.

the government indeed lost control over fiat.
the questions is how this will develop.

if people realize, gold is basically worthless because it is just metall...he will be wrong.
if people see gold as an alternative fiat, he will be very right with his thinking

how can anyone know?
it is possible that the zoomers will use fortnite skins as an alternative fiat

>> No.14577411

I dont need anyone to buy my gold for it to have value. When the currency reset happens OR we have a shtf scenario temporarily....ill be exchaning my gold for the new currency or buying a fucking farm with my few ounces of gold.

Im not going to be selling my gold to anyone.

>> No.14577426

I don't care what you write, as much as I don't care what some journalist, politician, banker or real estate broker says. You lost all trust, and if nobody wants to buy your shit, you keep your shit. Economics is not about muah values and wealth, it is all about trust, and you lost it all

>> No.14577433

How the fuck would it be worthless though? It is literally going up in dollar price because fiat is failing. If gold was worthless then why would it cost anything right now?

I mean you cant buy anything with gold currently, right?

There have been countless financial calamities throughout world history and gold was never worthless.

Sure...you have a lot of braindead sheep out there that wont fucking know about the value of gold even when fiat collapses, and thats by design because theyll be slaughtered while my few ounces of gold will buy an apartment complex and be sitting pretty.

>> No.14577441

>I don't need anbody to buy my shit for it to have value
Look at that moron, he will die starved with his shiny rocks shoved up his ass

>> No.14577455

Are you black or just stupid? In a fiat collapse Im not going to be SELLING my gold for worthless dollars you moron. Im going to take my gold and buy assets for pennies on the dollar outright for what it cost me to buy that gold in the fiat paradigm.

Why the fuck do you think people buy gold in the first place? Its not to buy at 1,000$ and sell at 2000$. Its to buy at $1,000....wait for fiat collapse and then buy a fucking 1,000 acre farm and mansion with 5 ounces of gold.

>> No.14577465

>In a FIAT collapse
>looks at muah value in FIAT
like a shitcoin trader looking at USD value. The delusion is strong with this one

>> No.14577472

Also im not even saying bitcoin doesnt have its place....all im saying is comparing gold to bitcoin is pointless, its like comparing a car to a vagina.

>> No.14577475

So Gold hasn't gone up in value in 3000 years. How the fuck am I supposed to get rich off something that doesn't increase in value. Maybe after I get these crypto gains I'll get some boomer rocks.

>> No.14577490

People are unknowingly investing in bitcoin because of the massive inflation caused by going off a gold standard.

You are literally investing in bitcoin because the gold standard was dropped whether you realize it or not.

>> No.14577497

i wonder how you going to measure btc when the dollar collapsed. Hm I know gold!

>> No.14577503

I have a farm faggot, and if shit breaks down I will not accept gold or other shiny rocks, period. You Boomers can offer as much as you like, you will not get a single pound of grain

>> No.14577516

It didnt go up in value its basically the same value as 2,500 years ago. The way you get rich at least in relative terms is when the debt ponzi scheme collapses. And gold has to be revalued overnight to somewhere between 20k-100k/oz. And a current median priced home in america which is about 180k is now worth 30k after the deflationary collapse.

The manipulation (especially for silver) has gone on so long that the rubberband effect will be huge. Thats why you might actually have a scenario where silver becomes equal to gold or more valuable.

>> No.14577536

Of course youll sell food, thats what you do now, right? You sell food. So does that mean youll just stop selling food when the stupid dollar is worthless? How you going to buy toilet paper, medicine, hookers, etc?

>> No.14577538

> Gold is money and real savings, it is not an investment.
So why should I buy gold and not crypto then?
Imagine I put an amount of dollars that is enough to buy new iPhone- $1000 - into gold. Then wait 10 years and sell this gold for $5000. But because of inflation the purchasing power of this $5000 will be the same as of today's $1000, so I'll be able to buy new iPhone once again.
Meanwhile if I put $1000 into Bitcoin, in 10 years I'll have much more money & purchasing power because BTC is rising parabolic in the long term.

>> No.14577548
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All of this FUD is actually good since I'm not done acquiring.

>> No.14577557

>Hey fellow goys how about we go back to gold standard, it is just controlled by a bunch of incompetent chosen people and ineffective institutions
You don't know what fiat collapse means. It means trust in those controlling it is gone, it means trust in those security institutions providing their security is gone. Do the math

>> No.14577582

Sure I will sell food, for ammo and things I need to keep my farm running. I don't need shiny rocks

>> No.14577583

its a hedge, fuck the guys said he bought link

>> No.14577636

I'm not saying dont invest in bitcoin. If you read 2-3 posts above I get into the fact that gold and bitcoin are not in competition nor is there any reason to compare them. In fact, people are literally investing in bitcoin because the dollar is being inflated away into nothing and people cant "make it" today BECAUSE we went off the gold standard. The problem isnt with gold, the problem is with the dollar that isnt backed by gold.

Think about this....if bitcoin was trying to replace gold or if they were the same thing...why wouldnt you just buy gold? I mean....govts dont use bitcoin either right? In fact, bitcoin isnt even trying to replace gold because gold is already fucking de-monetized. For all intents and purposes gold is already worthless by economic standards, yet it isnt worthless.

Gold is just gold, its savings. Gold isnt supposed to be doing what bitcoin has done the last 10 years.

But to answet your question....Im not saying investing in bitcoin is stupid, im saying that if you arent invested in some gold and some silver, especially if you have a decent amount of cash, then you are very stupid, and chances are you will get fucked.

>> No.14577659

Well you are stupid, because you NEVER sell ammo for ANYTHING. Literally prepper rule #1. Have fun fucking using ammo as currency and then get fucking dead.

>> No.14577662

>Come on goy buy some of my shiny rocks
>look I like your means of transaction too
>like mine too, pleassssse

>> No.14577673

And before 1972, what did you accept? Beer? A song and dance? Or the US dollar, which was backed by Gold?

Shiny rocks work as an effective store of value. Obviously, if you're preparing for the great depression 2.0, a wiser choice would be to buy land, food, and various other necessities.

But liquid assets - those are probably best stored in gold or silver. Or, if you prefer, steel or copper. Which can also function as money (historically, there have been iron coins). But steel and copper don't travel very easily.

>Boomers have gold
Over our long history, US had been accumulating gold - especially in the post-WW2 era. The boomers are the ones that reversed the trend. Today, China and Russia are the ones accumulating gold, and the US is the one selling it.

Boomers have shitloads of debt, and most feel disinclined to save or invest. They're the first generation of old Americans to be fundamentally broke, and mostly living off the government (a.k.a. Social Security). They're not accumulating gold, or any other type of investment. Most of the stock market is owned by a minority of wealthy people.

>> No.14577676

Fiat means fake money. Gold is money federal reserve NOTES are not. NOTE...literally debt.

"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentleman, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves."

>> No.14577680

Its silly to think that in a fiat collapse gold will moon to 20k-100k, but bitcoin won't go up just as much if not more.

>> No.14577681

>You are stupid
I will laugh about the Boomers driving with there SUV to my farm believing they made a good financial decision and can buy food, when even the Nigger working the field will have a higher chance to get some bread

>> No.14577689

Holy shit I found the actual most retarded person on this board

>> No.14577705

Humor me -

You have 100k in the bank. You get inside knowledge that hyperinflation will hit in 1 month. Do you buy and gold and how much?

Or are you going to put 100k your entire net worth into ammo and canned food that will spoil in 2 years.

>> No.14577712

You don't get means of transaction. All that currently keeps the dollar as a mean of transaction are big guns, all that could make gold a mean of transaction are big guns. If a central institution lacks the means to enforce their rule and make it legal tender it value goes to its practical use, which in a recession is nearly 0

>> No.14577724


















>> No.14577737

Gold would not be "mooning" if it goes to 50k/ounce.

You fucking idiots need to understand that the worlds BIGGEST PROBLEM is that it is SWIMMING IN DEBT!

A simple gold revaluation to 50k/ounce will PURGE ALL THE DEBT FROM THE SYSTEM.

Gold being revalued to 50k/oz isnt the same fucking thing as Amazon stock going from 100$ to $1,600 per share.

Gold goes to 50k/oz and all other asset prices collapse. You become rich, while the peasants are all eating onions green. Its a fucking reset.

>> No.14577750

>33 posts by this ID
For fuck's sake. Seek help.

>> No.14577757

Ammo isnt currency otherwise it already would be currency. Gold is money and its inherent value is that its got all the characteristics that moneyhas to be.

Ammo is for defense.

>> No.14577770

>talks about FIAT collapse
>keeps looking at shiny rock/dollar value
the delusion in you is great. How heavily are you invested and rely on your shiny rocks to moon to be able to afford food in a FIAT, logistic collapse

>> No.14577791

Ammo is currency in a situation where central security institutions are not able to guarantee the security of a food producer

>> No.14577814

And how fucking long you going to do that for? buying and selling shit with ammo.

>> No.14577818

>inflation over 5 years will be 400%
Very doubtful.

>over 5 years gold will go up 400%

>BTC is rising parabolic in the long term
1) It can't. Even if BTC becomes the default currency in the world, it's limit will be a few trillion dollars. The total value of all the world's currencies is about $60 Trillion. If BTC takes half of that (which is a ridiculously generous assumption), then it will be worth $30 Trillion. And it already has a market cap of $200 Billion. Even in a ridiculously optimistic scenario, the growth will eventually stop. And most likely, the growth will stop long before that.

2) Just because something has been rising quickly, doesn't imply that the trend will continue. Predicting the future price of bitcoin is difficult, and it's ridiculous to simply assume that it will continue. Plenty of cryptos have gone up, up, up, up, and then disappeared.

>> No.14577820

> In fact, people are literally investing in bitcoin because the dollar is being inflated away into nothing and people cant "make it" today BECAUSE we went off the gold standard.
I agree. BTC was constructed to be deflationary.
> govts dont use bitcoin either right?
I guess they do. Soros, Rotshilds and different banks also control large supply of BTC, Bitfinex and Binance are already owned by bankers. Putin uses crypto to bribe European politicians.
> saying that if you arent invested in some gold and some silver, especially if you have a decent amount of cash, then you are very stupid, and chances are you will get fucked.
I own some silver cutlery because I like it and some jewelry. However do u realise that if fiat ponzi collapses then we will move to crypto? It's very unlikely that both fiat and crypto will fail, and if something like this happens, then the chaos will be impossibly high and the currency will be not gold and silver but bullets, food and water.

>> No.14577824

>Think about this....if bitcoin was trying to replace gold or if they were the same thing...why wouldnt you just buy gold?
They can supress the price of gold using "paper gold" not even backed by real gold. And there is no way to call them out on it.
They've basically made it fiat as well with "paper gold".

They can't do that with Bitcoin because people can trade it directly, brokers and exchanges are not necessary.

If they ever try to suppress the price of Bitcoin with paper bitcoins, the annual "proof of keys" event will expose any exchanges running a fractional reserve as insolvent, and the supply scarcity will correct the price upwards.

This is something gold can't do. If there was a way to expose unbacked "paper gold" then it wouldn't just be a repeat of the problem with fiat, but there isn't.

>> No.14577840

>Buying selling
Top Kek. I sell food, the ammo would be to shot Boomers trying to steal my food because I didn't took their shiny rocks or toilet paper

>> No.14577843

Why is gold $1,400 per ounce. I mean if you go buy an ounce of gold today, you cant do anything with it right?

So if you drive pass a coin shop today and you see someone going inside to buy some gold, are you thinking to yourself...."geez, why is he doing that? Why doesnt he just flush is $1,400 down the toilet instead?"

Tell me why people buy gold and silver, tell me your reasoning for why they do such a thing?

>> No.14577850

>Ammo isnt currency otherwise it already would be currency.
Anything can be currency if it's widely accepted, and used as an effective store of value. Ammo is already like that in hick country - seriously, you can pay your neighbor with 0.22 LR.

And in a collapse, people will start using ammo, among other things.

>> No.14577858

>Why is gold $1,400 per ounce.
Because a generation of TV indoctrinated mongoloids unfortunatelly didn't stop breathing

>> No.14577894

Why do you think they are suppressing the price? Because if they dont then people will realize how truly worthless the dollar is.

I mean why the fuck do you think our military is all over the world fucking countries up and forcing them to use dollars for trade in oil?

All these countries hate america because of this reason. WW3 is literally being fought over the dollar being the reserve currency.

Why do you think we can support such an expansive military? Because we print money out of thin air! Which is exactly why income inequality is a top 2-3 presidential issue whereas 50 years ago the term income ineqaulity didnt even exist.

Liberals are faggots but they are right about income ineqaulity...there problem is they are too stupid to realize that we have income ineqaulity because the dollar isnt backed by gold anymore.

>> No.14577907

>I mean if you go buy an ounce of gold today, you cant do anything with it right?
Demand for Gold is about

50% Speculation/Investment.
40% Jewelry.
10% Electronics and other Industrial Uses.

>Tell me why people buy gold and silver
1) Because they want to use it for jewelry/electronic/industrial purposes

2) Because they want to hold it, and sell it in the future to people who want to use it for jewelry/electronic/industrial purposes

And because Gold is worth so much per ounce, it also is easier to transport than steel, copper, or silver. That makes it a natural currency. But, someone could certainly use copper, silver, or iron as currency - and they totally have used those metals in the past.

>> No.14577908

Sure....in theory anything can be currency. Hey...lets all go live on a beach and deem sand as currency. Wont work out too well, right? Why dont we make sand currency?

>> No.14577915

According to your logic Beany Babies are a good investment too
>look I don't like the people you don't like too
>lets be frens

>> No.14577957

Utter bullshit. Nobody at a coin shop is buying gold or silver for jewelry. Im there all the time, and tht has no refletion on the price.

I literally spoonfed you an example.

100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$. a gold ounce also equaled 20$. So in 1920 both 20$ and a gold ounce equaled a good weekly salary.

Had you worked in 1920 for an entire week slaving away....and you got paid 20$ and held it in your wallet for 100 years, today you cant even buy lunch for 3 at taco bell. But if you held that gold ounce in your pocket for 100 years and brought it to a coin shop, you will get $1,400 which is STILL a good weekly salary.

So obviously the dollar price of gold jusst shows how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is and has nothing to do with jewelery.

>> No.14577959

>my farm doesn't run on shiny rocks
Yes you do. I'm pretty sure you use steel. You probably also use copper.

Both of those have been used as currencies. Pennies used to be made out of copper. Certain countries have had iron/steel coins.

Gold is essentially like that, except it's usually used for stuff like jewelry, or electronics. Because Gold is so valuable per ounce, and it doesn't rust, it's easier to transport. So it became the default currency.

Perhaps it will be the default currency again. But I don't know that.

>> No.14577961

Bitcoin is the Beanie Baby of the 21st century

>> No.14577983

Gold is not an investment gold is real wealth and savings.

Gold going up in dollar price isnt the same as amazon stock going up in dollar price.

Gold going up in dollar price just means the dollar is becoming more worthless.

A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today, doesnt matter if the dollar exists or not.

Let me ask you...if the dollar dissapeared from planet earth tomorrow would your gold become worthless?

>> No.14577989

Unfortunatelly I can't transact Beanie Babies securely without the need of armed guards and a truck convoy in a matter of an hour or less from one side of the planet to another to buy spare parts for my John Deere

>> No.14577999

>Repeating 20th century mantras
Religious gold bugs, top kek

>> No.14578007

>buy spare parts for my John Deere
ironically your John Deere is made out of shiny rocks

>> No.14578021

Answer the question

>> No.14578022

Sure, but the amount of gold in the platines is minuscule. And if the tractor becomes too expensive and I can use a band of Niggers working for food I will gladly take a band of Niggers

>> No.14578032

If the dollar disappeared or became entirely worthless tomorrow morning would my goldbe worthless?

>> No.14578034

>Answer the question
make me, how many shiny rocks you are willing to trade for an answer

>> No.14578036

bunch of boomertards..
could have put their gold into chainlink and 10x'd their goldstack right now..

boomers never learn.
they NEVER learn.

>> No.14578055

Yeah but when the musical chairs manipulation stops and you dont own any gold and silver youll be fucked. So owning none at any given time is playing with fire.

>> No.14578062

As long as mongoloid Boomers who buy the story live, not really. But does it mean I will take your shiny rock so you don't starve? No. Does it mean you might pay a bunch of thugs trying to take my farm could work, maybe, but would it be worth the risk to be shot? Probably. Would you die, highly probably.

I never said Gold may not moon, doesn't change that I would never put any investments into it or take it as a mean of transaction

>> No.14578067

The thing you don't get though, is if the dollar disappeared would my bitcoin be worthless?

>> No.14578102


I said
>Anything can be currency if it's widely accepted, and used as an effective store of value.
Is sand widely accepted? Is it an effective store of value?

Obviously not. So sand is not going to be currency. Of course, ammunition is widely accepted (at least among the rural, gun-using population). So, in a collapse it will often be used as a kind of currency. Remember the great depression, when nobody had any money? People exchanged ammunition, firewood, and all sorts of miscellaneous items.

>Utter bullshit.
>The world consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry.

>Nobody at a coin shop is buying gold or silver for jewelry.
Loads of people are selling gold and silver jewelry. They're buying the gold/silver somewhere, regardless of whether it's at a coin shop.

>20$ and a gold ounce equaled a good weekly salary.
Or, you could have invested it in the stock market, and made $20,000


>So obviously the dollar price of gold jusst shows how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is and has nothing to do with jewelery.
Dude, the choice isn't between

1) Hold $1,000 for 100 years


2) Hold 1 oz of gold for 100 years

The choice is between

1) Buy stocks
2) Buy real estate
3) Buy bonds
4) Buy gold/silver

Obviously, you need to keep enough cash around to pay immediate expenses. (You're not going to exchange two 1 oz silver coins every time you go to Wal-Mart). And obviously, cash is declining in value (a.k.a. inflation). And obviously, Gold is increasing in value.

But given the above options in 1920, Gold/Silver performed the worst.

>> No.14578110

Might not be worthless, but bitcoin does rely on fiat. Where as gold does not derive its value from fiat.

>> No.14578129

You understand that it was ALWAYS good investment advice to have 10% of your net worth in physical gold/silver. You understand financial assets denominated in fraud dollars are not the same as real assets, right?

>> No.14578140

>Where as gold does not derive its value from fiat.
Neither does copper, steel, or any other tangible item.

Why should gold be used as the only currency, and not those?

>Hint: Historically, copper HAS been used as currency.

>> No.14578148

Bitcoin relies on fiat, but gold doesn't, ok boomer

>> No.14578153

Well why dont we make it so sand is widely accepted since anything can theoretically ce currency?

Why is sand not a store of value and why is gold a store of value? What if everyone woke up tommorrow morning and agreed sand was currency....wouldnt work out well, right?

>> No.14578162

Dude, google "fiat currency".


>> No.14578165

>It was always
And? Humans believed for the most part of their history that the earth is the center of the universe. A story that becomes unbelievable under th pressure of reality is a dying story. Gold is a dying story. It is a bad mean of transaction, its muah story of value relies 98% on FIAT depreciation and the hope nobody manages to recreate it on an atomic level or starts to import it from of the planet.

>> No.14578168

gold performed the worst because it was the currency at the time until it was taken off. Given the growth rate of the stock market now i dont think you will see that growth except in crypto.

>> No.14578175

I answered that already. Re-read my post.

>> No.14578190

Great argument grandpa, I'm buying boomer rocks rn

>> No.14578200
File: 121 KB, 1280x790, historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold performed the worst because it was the currency at the time until it was taken off
Look at a gold chart some time. After 1972-1973, when gold was demonetized, it had a huge increase in value. Demonetization increased the price of Gold a LOT.

>> No.14578249


>Loads of people are selling gold and silver jewelry. They're buying the gold/silver somewhere, regardless of whether it's at a coin shop.

Yeah but that has nothing to do with the price of gold and silver jewelry, how much did a gold ring cost in 1920? Probably not 5k like it does today, right?

>20$ and a gold ounce equaled a good weekly salary.
>Or, you could have invested it in the stock market, and made $20,000

Nobody is saying don't invest in the market. THE POINT IS....you can LOSE in the stock market too, right? What if I earn a weeks pay and dont want to invest in the market and potentially lose my weeks pay, and I just want my earnings secure in a store of value that doesnt get eaten away by inflation?

You are having some trouble understanding the difference between stocks and money. 20$ used to be a good weekly salary. Why was 20$ a good weekly salary while today it barely buys you lunch at jimmy johns? What is happening? This has nothing to do with the stock market whatsoever. You are comparing apples to oranges.

Also, 100 years ago gold backed the dollar, so holding gold wasn't needed as much because the dollar literally equaled gold. But since we went off the gold standard you now see how high golds value is because the dollar has lost all its value.

The year 1800 gold = 20$

The year 1900 gold = 20$

The year 2019 gold = $1,400

See a pattern? First two were under a gold standard and 2019 is not under a gold standard.

>> No.14578272

1) I'm not saying that, idiot. Buy physical assets. Land. Equipment. Et cetera. If you had prior knowledge of the great depression, you wouldn't have bought gold or silver - neither were particularly epic investments in the great depression. The only advantage gold and silver have over land, is that they are liquid, and can be moved anywhere. So if you're planning on fleeing the country, feel free to stock up on gold. Otherwise, buy real stuff.

2) Boomers don't have gold. The US kept accumulating gold until the boomers got in control, and started selling it to China. Boomers have social security, and not much else.

>> No.14578276

And what about purchasing power?

>> No.14578280

Just stop it, your whole argument relies on the story of shiny rocks being recreated and believed by a generation that ignores and hates Boomers for their betrayal and a FIAT collapse, that would make your shiny rocks look like shit when means of transactions like crypto exist

>> No.14578289

You dont get it. gold isnt supposed to "perform"


A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today. Gold does not derive its value from the dollar existing.

Do you fucking retards even understand that gold was money and savings before the dollar even existed?

>> No.14578295

Gold is proto fiat, it's worthless in a real crisis, people will sell gold bars for milk and eggs. It's a good store of value in the rare case of hyperinflation. Gold has no market cap and the production increased 40% since 2008, and we don't know what underwater and asteroid mining will do to the value of gold. Crypto seems to have more potential to store value, just by metrics.

>> No.14578305

Nigger the fuck are you even arguing

>> No.14578321

Your whole argument is muh boomer rocks. I wrote out good substantive points and you cant intellectually respond.

If gold is so worthless and so meaningless what was the point of going off the gold standard to begin with. We were on a gold standard right/ So why go off of it? for shits and giggles?

Why is there no silver in the coins anymore?

>> No.14578364

>Gold is proto fiat, it's worthless in a real crisis, >people will sell gold bars for milk and eggs. It's a >good store of value in the rare case of >hyperinflation.

So if I bought gold at 300$ 20 years ago my value wasnt stored, despite hyperinflation having not hit?

So you are effectively saying that gold isnt a store of value or savings, unless hyperinflation hits?

And yes....you are potentially right that gold would be worthless in a real crisis, but that real crisis might only last a couple weeks or couple months, until there is a reset. Then what? Your 100k that you didnt put in gold is now worthless on the other side, but had you put 20k into gold before the crisis, then you are sitting pretty when shit gets reset. GET IT?

>> No.14578374

>Yeah but that has nothing to do with the price of gold and silver jewelry, how much did a gold ring cost in 1920? Probably not 5k like it does today, right?
Jewelry is a large portion of the demand for gold/silver. If people stopped making jewelry out of gold/silver, the price of gold/silver would decrease A LOT.

>THE POINT IS....you can LOSE in the stock market too, right?
You can LOSE in gold, too, y'know. Imagine buying in 1979, and selling anytime before 2007. See the chart >>14578200

(and remember, the chart is denominated in US dollars, which are undergoing inflation. So if you bought at $2,000 in 1979, and sold at $800 in 2004, you'd lose more than just $1,200. That 2004-$800 is worth a lot less than the 1979-$800. So you probably lost 3/4 of the value of your investment)

>The year 1800 gold = 20$
Lol. You really don't know financial history do you? Take a look at the first US dollar coin ever made.

>26.96 g
That's a dollar, which has about an ounce of gold in it. Inflation didn't start in 1920, dude.

The year 1800 gold = 1$

>> No.14578380
File: 100 KB, 520x800, 1561560823291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want your metal which has actual intrinsic value, I'll take your internet memes instead

>> No.14578399


I was a really shitty "answer", because your idea was shitty to begin with

>> No.14578417

You dont get it, buying gold and silver will enable you to buy assets/food/land for pennies on the dollar for what it cost you to accumulate that gold in the fiat paradigm.

Remember the storu of the hotel bellcap in weimar republic germany who had 25 ounces of gold sved up, and after hyperinflation hit he was able to buy an entire city block for a measly 25 ounces of gold.

Comparing land to gold is pointless, they both have different use cases, one is money to buy land, and the other is land to live on.

Sure, nobody is saying dont buy shit before a potential collaspse, but how much shit can 1 person buy for stocking up? couple years tops? then what? You going to put all yur net worth into ammo and canned food and not save any of it in gold?

>> No.14578419

Inflation rates have never been above 10%.


Look at the chart. >>14578200

I don't have a chart of the purchasing power of gold, but it's clear that the purchasing power of gold increased a LOT after demonetization. It went from below $400 to above $800 in a few years. Much faster than inflation, even 1970s inflation.

>> No.14578449

Buy the stuff you need to live. Pay off debt. Buy a house. Buy equipment, if you need it.

Also buy the stock market.

If you absolutely insist, buy a little gold/silver. But not very much, because it's a terrible investment. And bitcoin is even worse.

>> No.14578477

He literally said that he would sell food for ammo and things, not that he would sell ammo. Fucking boomer

>> No.14578487
File: 7 KB, 231x219, 1560551197336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And bitcoin is even worse.

ok grandpa

>> No.14578498

no u retard, the other anon is saying no one is selling him ammo because they can shoot him. and steal his foods

>> No.14578500

>Jewelry is a large portion of the demand for gold/silver. If people stopped making jewelry out of gold/silver, the price of gold/silver would decrease A LOT.

Central banks and govts dont hold gold because of muh jewlery.

Are you trying to tell me that the demand of gold jewelry has more than 3x from 2002 until today in 2019?

>You can LOSE in gold, too, y'know. Imagine >buying in 1979, and selling anytime before 2007. >See the chart >>14578200

Thats central bank price manipulation going on what happened then. We had just went off the gold standard. You buy gold and dont sell until currency reset and you cant lose and will gain big.

The entire point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam. You dont buy gold to re-buy back into dollars. You buy gold for when the dollar collapses.

>> No.14578509

uhmm I have news for you anon
the dollar IS a fraud

>> No.14578528

When did I say the dollar isnt a fraud? Thats the entire point of buying gold...because the dollar is a fraud.

>> No.14578541

>he thinks the venezuela thought police will let you keep, trade and sell your gold.

>> No.14578547

> buying gold and silver will enable you to buy assets/food/land for pennies on the dollar
It literally has never happened like that.

At the lowest point in the great depression, you could buy the stock market for 20% of it's previous high. Since you'll never be able to precisely time the highs and lows of the stock market, maybe you could buy stock for 30%-40% of it's previous highs. That's not nothing, but it's not great.

>Remember the storu of the hotel bellcap in weimar republic germany
Never heard that story. And I briefly googled it, and still couldn't find anything.

>but how much shit can 1 person buy for stocking up? couple years tops? then what?
1) You can store a lot of some things. Rice stores for about 8 years. Gasoline for about 5 years. Since I don't recommend pushing the dates, maybe you can save 4 years worth of rice, and 2 years worth of gasoline.

2) A couple years of necessities is a lot. A couple years of gasoline, food, ammunition, and all other kinds of stuff. Seriously, just buy everything you currently buy now, that doesn't expire. You can probably store $25,000 worth of necessities, that doesn't expire.

>You going to put all yur net worth into ammo and canned food and not save any of it in gold?
Yeah, pretty much. Or better yet - buy income-producing assets (e.g. land, equipment), and live off the income. Even in the great depression, you'll do well. Quite well in fact - because you'll eventually run out of gold, while land will continue to produce value.

>> No.14578578

The problem with gold is that it doesn't increase in value. With 20 gold you can buy the same stuff 100 years ago, but it would be great if you could buy even more. That means it's still getting mined too fast. If the news hit that gold is about to get depleted, this will be the best time to invest.

>> No.14578584

Learn to read

>> No.14578598

well the government dupe you in paying you a salary that decreases over the year. So technically gold is buying more of you time.

>> No.14578674

>Central banks and govts dont hold gold because of muh jewlery.
Central banks hold lots of stuff. For various reasons, which are often stupid. The Chinese central bank holds lot of US treasury notes, and US dollars. Are they smart to do that?

The "use" of gold is jewelry, electronics, and industry. The reason people buy something, in order to re-sell it, is because someone will ultimately want to buy it, and consume it. Otherwise, gold is just a pointless valuable item.

The reason gold was the "king" of currencies, is because it was a prized item for making jewelry. And because it was so easy to transport. A merchant couldn't transport a million dollars of steel, or a million dollars of ammunition. So, often, gold (or in a pinch, silver) was the only functioning currency that could be used for long-distance trade. That's why it because the default currency.

I don't know whether gold will be the default currency in a thousand years. It might. It might not.

>>You can LOSE in gold, too, y'know.
>Thats central bank price manipulation
Conspiracy theory. I can't definitely say that it's false, but I have no reason to believe it.

Also, look at the chart.>>14578200 People lost significant money in gold if they bought in 1915-1918, 1932-1942, or 2009-2010, and sold shortly afterward.

>We had just went off the gold standard.
We went off the gold standard in 1972-1973. The peak was in 1979. That's 6 years difference. >>14578200

>The entire point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam.
Dude, inflation happened, even when we had a gold standard. Money was a scam, long before it was fiat.


>26.96 g
That's a dollar, which has about an ounce of gold in it. Inflation didn't start in 1920, dude.

The year 1800 gold = 1$

>> No.14578692

True this

>> No.14578883

Hold I will respond

>> No.14578941

You morons dont understand that theres a difference between MONEY/SAVINGS and INVESTMENTS.

Seriously how fucking hard is it to understand that money is not supposed to increase in value.

Does anyone earn 100$ and then think to themselves, i better hold this 100$ in my wallet for 7 years and then maybe ill be able to buy a car if it increases in price.

MONEY IS SUPPOSES TO BE STABLE. But the problem with money/dollars now is inflation is eating it because of the central bank jews. So you earn 100$ today and in 10 years it buys you a good decent amount less than if you spent that 100$ today. But if you put that 100$ in gold your EARNINGS ARE SECURE!

>> No.14579020

Keep the FUD rolling in! I want to see silver down to $6/oz and gold back around $7-800/oz so I can stack them high and deep!

>> No.14579031

>Dude, inflation happened, even when we had a gold standard. Money was a scam, long before it was fiat.

Why is inflation happening! THATS THE QUESTION! What is inflation? Inflation is DESTRUCTION OF WEALTH. Who is destroying the wealth and benfitting off of it? the central bank jews.

Here is a fun example......

Why is it that people complain about minimum wage? The left says raise min wage, which is wrong. the right says get a better job by becoming more educated and youll make more, which is good advice but it isnt getting at the root of the problem of WHY ARE PRICES INCREASING SO FAST TO BEGIN WITH?!


minimum wage people arent the only ones getting poorer even millionaires are getting poorer too. somone making 50$/hour in 1980 was much wealthier than someone making 50$/hour today

>> No.14579086

we know it isn't an investment but it is still subject to inflation which one can take advantage off for either long or short term speculation. Very much like BTC.

>> No.14579126

The most significant advantage that gold has, which I haven't seen you mention, is it's mobility. If you need to escape to Brazil, because you're fleeing the mafia, or the government, or total social collapse, or something, it's going to be difficult or impossible to bring land/stocks/bonds/etc with you.

>But if you put that 100$ in gold your EARNINGS ARE SECURE!

I mean, long-term, Gold keeps it's value. Whereas US dollars obviously don't. Inflation is the power of compound interest, working against you.

However, short-term, Gold fluctuates significantly. You could certainly buy $100 worth of gold, and 7 years later, only have $75 worth of gold. It's happened before, and will presumably happen again. Happened around 1917, around 1932, the whole 1979-1990 period, and around 2009.

Probably the best approach is to acknowledge that there is no perfect store-of-value. And just pick some secure, income generating assets, that will keep most of their value (even in an economic downturn).

>> No.14579232

>Seriously how fucking hard is it to understand that money is not supposed to increase in value.
Why shouldn't it increase in value, I don't get it. A value that is constant sounds as artificial as a decreasing value through inflation.

>> No.14579277
File: 558 KB, 367x265, 152475396579745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silver down to $6/oz

>> No.14579351

>What is inflation? Inflation is DESTRUCTION OF WEALTH.
Um, no.

Inflation is the decrease in purchasing power. Dollars become less valuable, and thus buy less consumer staples. If you hold land, or stock, or anything that isn't a dollar, inflation doesn't directly affect you.

(Of course, if you report your wealth in dollars, and you had 3% inflation, and the value of your stocks have not changed, their reported value in dollars will increase by 3%).

>Who is destroying the wealth and benfitting off of it? the central bank jews.
Those damn jews!

Oooh, I've got a question. Did Nazi Germany have inflation? It didn't have very many Jewish-run banks, right?

How about the US during the civil war? Not very many Jews around, right? Did we have inflation?

Only the wealth you store in dollars. Or dollar-denominated notes (e.g. bonds).

Historically, governments have always done this. Do you know why inflation happened, even when we had gold/silver coins? Because the government would promise people dollars, and periodically mint new dollars. And the new dollars usually had slightly less gold content than the last batch.

You don't even need a central bank to do that. Roman Emperors would do exactly the same thing.

That's why smart people (for thousands of years) didn't store their wealth in currency. Or if they did, it was in old currency, which they held for it's metal content. See: Gresham's Law.


>> No.14579554

LMAO....im not buying gold to flee. If I have to flee america then im fucked anyway in some nigger or spic country.

>> No.14579587

Why is it that when you earn 100$ that it doesnt buy you 200$ worth of goods 5 years later?

So you bought bitcoin or someone paid you in btc in 2010 and you held until 2019 and now you can buy 5 mansions. Thats not how money works dude.

Thats like saying when they first started issuing dollars that if they hold that first 5$ they made for a week of work, they can buy a mansion with it 7 years later.

>> No.14579618

Here's to 120 footlongs per ounce!

>> No.14579645

>Um, no.
>Inflation is the decrease in purchasing power. >Dollars become less valuable, and thus buy less

Lmao.... thats literally destruction of wealth what you just said. You earned 20$ in 1920 and it was a good weekly salary. Had you held that 20$ in your pocket for 100 years, that 20$ you earned 100 years ago now barely buys you lunch at Jimmy Johns.

So what the fuck happened? Why can you buy so much less and who is benefitting from that? Who stole that wealth from you?


Why do you think it says in the constitution only gold and silver shall be legal tender? Because our founders knew if some secret central bank controlled the money supply then they can steal your wealth!

Do you even know that the literal revolutionary war was fought over England wanting to subject the colonists to paper money not backed by sound money? And the colonists said fuck off and the war commenced. If the colonists agreed to using paper money then England would have gotten rich off the colonists while the colonists would have ended up like in debt americans today, and America would have never become wealthy like it has.

>> No.14579648

>I have to flee america then im fucked anyway in some nigger or spic country.
Firstly, the obligatory
>implying America isn't already nigger and spic country

Secondly, Gold lets you can literally flee anywhere. If America gets into a nuclear war with Russia, Brazil may be a nice place to live. If America has a debt crisis, China or Saudi Arabia may be a nice place to live.

You can wait for the crisis to happen, and pick whichever country is the best-functioning, and go there. Refugees usually do poorly, but refugees with money are welcomed.

>> No.14579668

>Only the wealth you store in dollars. Or dollar-denominated notes (e.g. bonds).
>Historically, governments have always done this. Do you know why inflation happened, even when we had gold/silver coins? Because the government would promise people dollars, and periodically mint new dollars. And the new dollars usually had slightly less gold content than the last batch.

Yes, INFLATION that isn't man made is ok. And back in the day 100-200 years ago we didnt have the rampant inflation we have today. Market set interest rates and inflatin based on the free market is healthy. Not a bunch of jews in a central bank trying t manage an economy that government has no business managing.

Its almost like you dont even understand how America became so fucking wealthy to begin with.

>> No.14579670

>Inflation is the decrease in purchasing power. Dollars become less valuable, and thus buy less consumer staples. If you hold land, or stock, or anything that isn't a dollar, inflation doesn't directly affect you.
The fuck?

Let's print money like motherfuckers then. Destroy every tree in the word in our quest for printing dollars. Why the fuck not.

>> No.14579686

>hey it should be legal to sell things you don't have and trick people to buy it
ultimate brainlet right here

>> No.14579775

option trading?

>> No.14579792

>You earned 20$ in 1920 and it was a good weekly salary. Had you held that 20$ in your pocket for 100 years, that 20$ you earned 100 years ago now barely buys you lunch at Jimmy Johns.
Who holds $20 for 100 years? You're literally describing something that nobody ever does.

Most people hold small or moderate amounts of cash, in order to pay expenses. Most of their wealth (if they have any) is stored in stocks, bonds, real estate, et cetera.

>Why do you think it says in the constitution only gold and silver shall be legal tender?
It says that states, may only issue money in gold/silver. Doesn't say anything about the federal government.

>Because our founders knew if some secret central bank controlled the money supply then they can steal your wealth!
The first national bank was created in 1791. By the founding fathers.


>Do you even know that the literal revolutionary war was fought over England wanting to subject the colonists to paper money not backed by sound money?
Jesus dude, pick up a history book before you say stuff. Google "scrip". The colonies didn't have much gold/silver, so people either used Spanish currency, or the colonial governments had been issuing paper money for a long time.

Actually, you know what? I'll find it for you.

>Because few coins were minted in the thirteen colonies that became the United States, foreign coins like the Spanish dollar were widely circulated. Colonial governments sometimes issued paper money to facilitate economic activities.
>The Continental Congress also issued paper money during the Revolution, known as Continental currency, to fund the war effort.

>> No.14579844

Yes, I agree with you, nobody should keep fiat paper under their matress. But if I have to pick between Bitcoin and gold right now, why should I put my paper money into gold, excluding the supposed intrinsic value and the speculative nature of crypto atm (I own gold myself for this reason, not 100% sure about the future of crypto). Bitcoin simulates what happens when the supply of an asset dries up over the years, in its concept it's the supreme god of assets.

>> No.14579858

You are aware that there is little to no paper in printed bill correct anon???

>> No.14579900

>And back in the day 100-200 years ago we didnt have the rampant inflation we have today.
Since the early 1980s, inflation has been 2%-3% per year. That's roughly similar to historical norms.

Of course, the incredible inflation in the 1960-1985 period was massive, and very historically abnormal. Historically, you only saw inflation like that during a massive war - and it usually returns to baseline levels after the war is over.

>Its almost like you dont even understand how America became so fucking wealthy to begin with.
Right. I'm the one that doesn't understand history, Mr. inflation-started-in-1920.

>Let's print money like motherfuckers then. Destroy every tree in the word in our quest for printing dollars. Why the fuck not.
I mean, why? it won't create any more wealth.

All printing money does, is take money from money-holders, and re-distribute it to the people who got the newly printed money. In the US, that means people who hold lots of cash lose, and people who borrow money win.

>> No.14579931

>Who holds $20 for 100 years? You're literally describing something that nobody ever does.

DUDE IM MAKING A POINT. The point is 204 used to be a decent weekly salary, and had you held that 20$ for 100 years it is now WORTHLESS. so you worked hard for an entire week, and you held that 20$ in your pocket for 100 years and today that one week of hard work thats "saved" in that 20$ bill only barely buys you a jimmy john sandwich chips and a drink.


You can use it on smaller timescales too. If you made 100k in 1980 and you saved it until today, that 100k doesnt go nearly as far today as it did when you earned it in 1980.

>> No.14579964

>The first national bank was created in 1791. By the founding fathers.

At the time it was sort of needed to help after the revolutionary war. But was then ended.

>> No.14580040

Ok, I'm going to use caps lock


The only thing being stolen is actual dollars. Which is why nobody fucking holds dollars for a long period of time. People store 98% of their wealth elsewhere. It's like carrying around money in your wallet, and getting pick-pocketed - if people steal your money that often, avoid carrying large amounts of money.

Also, since the early 1980s and Volcker's policies, inflation has been 2-3% per year, which still sucks, but is not ridiculous.

>> No.14580058

they didnt suppress the price to the downside like all the goldbug brainlets claimed

>> No.14580069

the Rothchild that horde gold, or a better answer the 1%

>> No.14580105

>50 years ago you could drive retarded kids to school for a living in a bus and "make it" with your wife at home raising your 4 white kids.
it wasn't because of the gold backed dollars you brainlet

>> No.14580108

Read a book, nigger.

>At the time it was sort of needed to help after the revolutionary war. But was then ended.
It was ended in 1836, after all the Founding Fathers were dead, and 55 years after the end of the revolutionary war.

It was also ended by Andrew Jackson, who represented a radically different sort of politics than the Founding Fathers represented. In fact, he ran against John Quincy Adams, who was the son of one of America's Founding Fathers, and who roughly represented their views (or, at least the Federalist/Nationalist/high-Whig faction of the Founding Fathers).

>> No.14580119

>*53 years after the end of the revolutionary war.
I mistyped.

>> No.14580126

The money changers in the govt/fed are stealing our wealth. That is why a central bank having a printing press is destroying our country to the point where people are throwing their money in BTC to have a chance at making it because the dollar is being destroyed.


If you are in control of the money supply and you print 100 million dollars for you and all your buddies on wall street. Once you spend that 100 million and it starts circulating in the economy, you then have too much money chasing too few goods and prices rise.

You dont give a shit about prices rising because you can print money. Who gives a shit if bread is 5$ a loaf or a median priced home is 180k? I can just print another 100 million and buy as many homes or as much land or as much food as I want. I dont suffer because im the first person touching the money, but everyone else suffers and becomes poorer with more fake money in circulation.

It isnt just min wage people who suffer even people making 40$/hour are getting poorer. If you made 40$ hour 30 years ago you were much wealthier than someone making 40$/hour today.

In the 80's when I was growing up my dad was making 400k a year. That was like making over a million dollars today.

>> No.14580166

learn how to invest dumb boomer

>> No.14580187

Still had silver coins and gold with that first national bank

>> No.14580201

Nobody is saying dont invest. But if I want to just save, my savings is stolen through inflation. What? You dont think the stock market and stocks go down? They just go up forever and ever? fucking dip shit.

Theres a difference between money/savings and investments

>> No.14580233

investments = savings

how fucking dumb you are to not know this? only retards save by putting their money under the mattress.
learn how to invest dumb boomer

>> No.14580271

without inflation you wouldn't have a job to save money to begin with retard.
Inflation forces you to invest/spend and make the economy work instead of hoarding like a retard.

>> No.14580304

>The money changers in the govt/fed are stealing our wealth.
No they're not. We've been over this. Go buy 20 acres of land, or 20 shares of stock. Wait a year to see some inflation happen. Now, check your land, or your stock portfolio. How many acres do you have? How many shares of stock do you have?

The only thing that you lose is the wealth you store in ACTUAL US DOLLARS. (Or dollar-denominated notes, like bonds. But for those, inflation is usually already priced-in to their interest rates).

>If you made 40$ hour 30 years ago you were much wealthier than someone making 40$/hour today.
You don't get this. If 3% inflation happens, and you're still producing the same value as last year, you can expect to get about a 3% raise. (of course, not exactly, necessarily, because that depends on your employer's policy)

Wages have risen with inflation. As the value of a dollar goes down, it becomes necessary to pay more in wages.

Back in the 1970s, when they had huge 8% or 10% inflation, people typically got 8% or 10% raises. Today, they get 2% or 3% raises, because inflation is much lower.

If we didn't have any inflation, a 2%-3% raise wouldn't be the normal raise. Normal would be a 0% raise.

>> No.14580330

We still had silver coins until 1963, and gold coins until sometime in the 1930s (1932, if I recall correctly).

The Second National Bank was created in 1963, and the Federal Reserve was established in 1912-1913.

>> No.14580345

Whoops, typed a "9" instead of an "8"

*The Second National Bank was created in 1863, and the Federal Reserve was established in 1912-1913.

>> No.14580362
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>without inflation you wouldn't have a job

>> No.14580417

what do you think a recession is?

>> No.14580461

>But if I want to just save, my savings is stolen through inflation.
Serious question that will (hopefully) make you see the light.

Why save at all? Why not just invest?

>> No.14580528

kek power of modern slavery

>> No.14580530

investments and savings are the same thing

there is a reason its called "savings account", its an investment designed for even the most absolute retards and your 90 year old grandma that dont know how to invest

>> No.14580548

Why are you shilling so hard for materialistic customer driven economy where people have to constantly spend to constantly rape earth's resources. Short-sighted faggots like you are the reason that we're in this mess.

>> No.14580562

ways to make money: invest or work.
if you dont work you either invested, have daddy money (who worked or invested), or have neetbux (other people's work)

>> No.14580565

Banks being forced to deleverage and prove that their reserves are actually real.

>> No.14580586

You can create value through work without wageslavery. I. E. Growing strawberries and selling them.

Inflation is only there for corporations to ensnare people into wageslavery.

>> No.14580602

if you hate the evil materialistic society why dont you go live in the woods then?

>> No.14580619

Jesus christ. You cant honestly be asking such a retarded question?

To be able to invest you have to have savings you absolute brainlet.

>> No.14580635

says the moron writing on his computer/phone

>> No.14580639

Not really. Savings is something that you can easily spend tomorrow. An investment is something that you cannot easily spend tomorrow.

If I have $1,000,000 in a savings account, I can buy a Lambo tomorrow. If I have $1,000,000 in real estate, I cannot buy a Lambo tomorrow. (Unless the lambo place is willing to let me buy on credit, which doesn't count)

>its an investment designed for even the most absolute retards
It's designed to store savings for large purchases, and people's emergency funds, so they can have quick access to cash. For example, if someone is saving up to buy a new car, or they have sudden large car repair expenses. They cad use a savings account to store the money, and eventually withdraw it. (People often use credit for this stuff, but they probably shouldn't - they're often paying excessive interest rates)

You obviously couldn't do the same thing with real estate. Because you can only "invest" in real estate. You can't "save" in real estate.

Interestingly, you might be able to save money in stocks, because they are very liquid. But that's a more complicated subject, and has complicated tax implications.

>> No.14580665

>to constantly rape earth's resources
>Short-sighted faggots like you are the reason that we're in this mess.
I mean, if you aren't going to use them, why can't I?

Do you wanna just leave the oil in the ground?

>> No.14580666

and to have savings you need to work.

>> No.14580672

Remember 2008? Remember people lost their life savings because they had it in the kike rigged stock market? My friends dad comittied suicide. And again nobody is saying dont invest but you have to be dumber than a nigger to invest 100% of your wealth in dollar denominated financial assets that are only inflated because of criminally suppressed interest rates.

You know...Im barely old enough to remember...where in the mid 90's had you suggested we shouldhave 0% interest rates you would have been put in a straight jacket and thrown in a mental instutiton.

Today you have a bunch of 25-35 year old millenial business professional that actually think 0-1% interest rates are all fine and dandy.

>> No.14580680

that makes no sense
if you have 1,000,000 investments in stocks, you can buy lambo tomorrow by just selling your stock with 1 click. what you are describing is liquid vs illiquid investments. houses are illiquid investments, savings accounts, stocks, bonds are liquid investments

>> No.14580708

ever heard of this thing called bond? its a low risk investment designed for dumb boomers like you that are too dumb or scared to invest in stocks

>> No.14580709

No you don't.

Loads of people receive stock as compensation for labor. There are various other financial arrangements you can make, that entirely skip the "savings" phase, and goes straight to the "investment" phase.

Jesus, you're thick.

>> No.14580713

Investments arent savings you fucking idiot. they are two different fucking words. With two different purposes.

Gold is real savings. Amazon stock is an investment.

When i buy a gold ounce im doing so for a completely different reason than when i buy amazon stock. I care about the dollar price of amazon going up whereas I dont give a fuck about the dollar price of gold.

But when you make a profit in amazon stock, it truly isnt yours unless you shave off at least a % of the profits and put it into real tangible wealth which is gold.

>> No.14580730

Yeah but those stocks arent savings unless you cash out. When the market crashed in 2008 did people lose a lot of wealth? YES. which means they werent saving that money. You cant lose when you have real savings.

>> No.14580742

no they aren't you absolute moron

you see, in your dumb brainlet boomer mind, you thing savings = putting money under the mattress. This is as far as your retarded brain can comprehend about savings. Non-retards save their money in bonds. Stocks isn't the only investment that exist you know brainlet

>> No.14580758

Oh man as a silver stacker I love these threads

I’m selling all my link on oct 1st and going all in on Ag. And none of you faggots will stop me from being insanely rich

>> No.14580768

man, we will be so jealous of your 5% profit in 10 years

>> No.14580791

yes please go all in silver. I love seeing low IQs losing money over the long term.

>> No.14580800

If you strip away emotions, there is no difference between us dollars, gold, Amazon stocks, or bitcoins being considered as "wealth". It's literally memes all the way down.

>> No.14580836

No, what you dont understand is that gold is REAL SAVINGS. What you dont think the bond market is going to blow up? Pro-tip...it is.

But you still arent fucking comprehending retard. All those things you mention, stocks, bonds, cds, blah blah blah....Those are all dollar denominated FINANCIAL ASSETS that can and WILL implode. Gold is a REAL ASSET.

Moreover, the stock and bond market are (((backed))) by the government. FDIC insurance is literal communism.

If the govt wasnt backing your bank account, then people would actually give a shit what kind of loans their banks are making before depositing with them. But since we have FDIC insurance, the people dont give a fuck what kind of loans their banks are making therefore the banks dont give a fuck what kind of bad loans they make because its all fucking taxpayer insured.

In real life capitalism under a gold standard where the govt isnt involved in the economy, banks would be FORCED to be responsible with loans otherwise people wouldnt deposit at their banks, and then the banks wouldnt ever make a penny and would be out of business before even getting started.

>> No.14580846
File: 167 KB, 1280x790, sp-500-historical-chart-data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember people lost their life savings because they had it in the kike rigged stock market?
Except they didn't. Look at this chart. It's the S&P 500 (the y-axis is as a logarithm, but it still makes my point)

The only way to lose any money in the 2007-2009 crash, is if you only started buying stock after 1995. The stock market has not gone down, in any 15-year period of US history.

>My friends dad comittied suicide.
Well that was stupid. I mean, he presumably lived in the US, which has a great standard of living, even for the poor.

>where in the mid 90's had you suggested we should have 0% interest rates you would have been put in a straight jacket and thrown in a mental instutiton.
Um ... no. Firstly, we don't have 0% interest rates. Secondly, while our current interest rates are certainly unprecedented, I'm pretty sure nobody has ever been sent to a mental institution over weird interest rate predictions.

He's scared of inflation. He's probably even more scared of bonds, than he is of stocks.

>> No.14580849
File: 34 KB, 512x420, 62A4F70D-23CC-4EBA-A24D-DCA1D362378A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiny rocks aren’t being recreated as standard money, they already are. There isn’t a single CB on the planet that isn’t hoarding gold, but not a single one is buying BTC

the fact of the matter is that institutions aren’t going to guys btc in the next crash, they will buy gold and silver

You retards who think a new paradigm is going to magically pop up while CB’s get left in the dust are delusional. It will happen but not now

>> No.14580853

from my point of view both sides of this thread are idiots
*offers no further information*

>> No.14580868
File: 70 KB, 923x576, 7413D612-F7E5-4277-96F7-7BA6876CF2DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at btc sub 2k and link sub $1 after it hits $20 in sept

The liquidity crisis is only months away now

And no I’m not going to make 5%, I’m going to make just as much as link hodlers have made so far...except white everything else tanks, so it’ll really be a 100x

>> No.14580872

just because you put the word "real" in front of something doesn't make it better dumb boomer

gold is a shiny rock, its a commodity that can be pumped and dumped just like everything else, just like stocks and crypto and bonds. nothing in life is 100% safe proof especially not your useless shiny rocks

>> No.14580886

Gold has been money and savings for thousands of years dude. The jew federal reserve note has been here for 100 years and just about finished. Stock market is all low interest rate inflated bullshit. Bitcoins are fine but they have nothing to do with gold, and they arent competing with gold.

Gold for all intents and purposes is worthless in the sense that is has been de-monetized by governments. So all the bitcoin versus gold argument is fucking pointless. People invest in bitcoin because you cant make it today because the dollar isnt backed by gold unironically.

>> No.14580891

Because CB’s delayed the crisis through money printing. What you faggots don’t understand is that this time actually *is* different: QE 4 is going to be larger than all prev QE *combined*, and interest rates will be negative. This will lead to hyperinflation guaranteed.

>> No.14580924

The new generation is more interested in fortnite skins rather than gold watches. Do you think they will invest in bitcoin, or boomer rocks?

>> No.14580942

The reason we live in shit clown world is because of Jews that is correct but the boomers are the ones that cucked out to their every demand and took their bait every time and is the reason in the first place why they have so much power over us.

>> No.14580947

>Except they didn't. Look at this chart. It's the S&P 500 (the y-axis is as a logarithm, but it still makes my point)
>The only way to lose any money in the 2007-2009 crash, is if you only started buying stock after 1995. The stock market has not gone down, in any 15-year period of US history.

Thats because we have a world reserve currency and a central bank re-propping everything up. Under bush we had 1% interest rates and a housing crash as a result, then Obama did the exact same thing as bush did but on a grander scale with 0% interest rates, the next crash will make 2008 look like a fucking time of economic prosperity. All we have done the past 12 years is go deeper into debt to finance consumption.

After 2008 has we let the free market work things out it would have been pretty painful for a few years but thats how re-hab goes. Now....when this shit blows we are going to have people dying of starvation.

>> No.14580951

Probably neither since the new generation has no large amounts of disposable income.

>> No.14580952

people get old man

>> No.14580953

Listen dumbfuck, name a single CB aorund the world that owns BTC. Now take a look at their gold reserves

The market cap of btc is 100bil vs 10 tril for gold.

Here’s what’s going to happen during the next crash sweetheart so you can prepare yourself mentally:

1. CB’s will print a shit ton of money
2. Gold and silver will skyrocket since they own a shit ton
3. They will simultaneously supress the price of btc with their infinite fiat like they’ve already been doing, and it won’t pass 2k. In fact we’ll see 2k btc st the end of the year

This isn’t to say btc is worthless, its the future. But cbs are too powerful to let it run when they have no reserves. They have already controlled the market since CME futures released and they will continue to do so until they think they have enough

You will not make it just holding btc during the next crash. And it’s coming up later this year

>> No.14580967

fair enough, i dont disagree.

>> No.14580972

The new generation will accept whatever I choose to pay them with.

>> No.14580973

Dude, read my post.

I literally said that stocks are in an interesting category, that's (sorta) liquid, but still an investment.

Basically, if you have $1,000,000 in stocks, and want to buy a lambo, you'll probably end up paying $200,000 for the lambo, and an extra $10,000 in taxes.

If you have $1,000,000 in a savings account, you don't have to worry about tax implications of buying a $200,000 lambo.

(The "sorta" modifier is necessary, because stocks have significant tax implications - you'll get pummeled by short-term taxes on capital gains, if you store short-term money in stocks. And you can only offset capital losses against capital gains, plus $3,000 per year. )

>bonds are liquid investments
You don't hold any bonds, do you? They're not very liquid. They're nothing like stocks.

Frequently, the norm for bonds, it to hold them until they pay out. Often, there isn't even a market for smaller bond issues, because nobody sells them.

>> No.14580983

The funniest most ironic thing to me is....you have so many zoomers saying BiTcoRnS is teh NExT gOLd!

While at the same time being anti gold.

Btc is literally marketed as the next gold but are then anti-gold. Thats how fucking illogical you faggots are.

>> No.14580995

>You cant lose when you have real savings.
Then gold isn't real savings. We've been over this. You could have lost a huge amount in gold, if you purchased at the right time, and sold at the wrong time.

>> No.14581044




>> No.14581050

It’s all manipulation. Gold would have skyrocketed already without it

Go ahead and buy btc but the fact of the matter is that silver *will* outperform it

>> No.14581068

the only cb that like gold are chinks, pajeets and russians aka poortards that can't create a strong currency

shiny rocks are outdated you retarded boomer. we are never going to return to shiny rocks like some retarded middle aged peasants. get with the times

you can buy and sell bonds just like stocks, you will obviously lose the yield if you sell early but you can still make profit from buying and selling

the distinction between savings and investments is arbitrary, it doesn't exist. Investments are a form of savings, you save your money in bonds and stocks. Using the boomer definition of savings it means stuffing things under your mattress because they are too dumb to invest in anything more complicated than that

>> No.14581076



>> No.14581080

I've heard many, many predictions of hyperinflation.

Literally none of them has ever come true.

You don't ever respond to the stuff I say.

You claim inflation started in 1920. I show that you were wrong. You move onto another topic.

You (essentially) claim gold doesn't go down. I show that you were wrong. You move onto a rant about interest rates.

You claim that people lost money in the stock market. I point out that you're wrong. You then move onto a rant about interest rates and propping up the stock market.

Stop being wrong all the time!!!

>> No.14581118

>Using the boomer definition of savings it means stuffing things under your mattress because they are too dumb to invest in anything more complicated than that

Why do you have to invest though? Why cant i earn 20$ in 1970 and have it buy me the same amount of shit today in 2019 as it would have in 1970?

Why do i need to invest to try and beat inflation? Why is my purchasing power losing value to begin with? And who is benefitting from that?

>> No.14581120

they WILL own btc. It was destined to be high powered money from the start (what hal finney predicted)

>> No.14581164

>You (essentially) claim gold doesn't go down. I show that you were wrong. You move onto a rant about interest rates.

Yes... a gold ounce 900 years ago is still that exact same gold ounce today in 2019. The dollar has no influence on my gold ounce. It was the dollar that derived its value from gold. Now that gold doesnt back the dollar anymore, it costs you 15$ to have a meal at jimmy johns whereas 15$ was a decent weekly salary in 1920

>> No.14581165

why not use a savings account? they give you a fixed return that is around the same rate as inflation. If my 90 year old grandma can beat inflation why can't you brainlet?

>> No.14581171
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((They)) haven’t had nearly enough time to acccumulate. But they’ve been accumulating silver and gold for decades.

Massive inflation is coming. It’s onlt a matter of time and it’ll happen much sooner than all of you think. Go ahead and go all in on btc. You’ll be capitulating into my buys within a year for rent money

>> No.14581176

We've been over this. The "dollar scam" of inflation has been around for thousands of years. It has outlasted the Roman Empire. I wouldn't be surprised if it outlasted you.

Or, you could literally buy wealth now. Buy land, and farm it. Then you'll have wealth, when the dollar scam comes. And when you sell the agricultural output of your land, you'll have money. (it might not be dollars, buy you'll presumably exchange it for some useful kind of money)

>> No.14581219

>You claim inflation started in 1920. I show that you were wrong. You move onto another topic.

Inflation is minimal and healthy when man isnt controlling it and you have free market capitalism with market set interest rates and a gold standard.

We had countless recessions in the 19th century, but guess what? they all lasted about 6-18 months. Thats because we had a free market, when it overheated the free market brought it back into balance very quick.

Now recessions last a fucking a decade.

>> No.14581277

Why the fuck would i buy land or a house now when its all about to fucking collapse? lmao. People dont own shit, they have a mortgage. When the currency reset hits ill be able to buy some farm for the cost of 5k or 3 ounces of gold. And have whores milking my cows for free.

>> No.14581303

that's what low IQ goldbugs have been saying for decades. If fiat collapses bitcoin has way more chance to replace fiat than gold.
>muh manipulation
they manipulated gold but not suppressing the price to the downside for extended periods of times

>> No.14581329


>> No.14581347

>when fiat collapses people will rush to muh volatile meme money that half the country has no idea how to use

>> No.14581356

Fucking retard, what was the highest price of btc ever? You realize that hit literally the fucking DAY cme futures were released?

The gold silver and btc charts all look the same for the same reason: they all have managed prices. And btc will not be allowed to spike any time soon.

>> No.14581377

I like how you have 0 economic arguments and always resort to retarded schizo doomer scenarios

well, here is a doomer scenario for you. If governments and fiat collapse, you will get gangraped by niggers that will steal your shiny rocks anyway. If you really think gov is gonna collapse start investing in guns and tuna cans not useless shiny rocks

>> No.14581391

>you can buy and sell bonds just like stocks
1) Some stocks are illiquid. Small-cap ones, particularly. Many small-cap stocks don't have any trading whatsoever, on certain days, because there was no buyers/sellers.

2) Many more bonds are illiquid. Federal government bonds are always (very) liquid. State government bonds, and large corporate bonds are (usually) fairly liquid.

As I stated, the norm for bonds is to hold them until maturity. And so, for smaller bond issues, there are often few/no sellers. And thus nobody interest in buying.

>he distinction between savings and investments is arbitrary, it doesn't exist
It may be a blurry line, but it does exist. I might not know the exact difference between a "fat person" and a "skinny person", but I'm pretty sure there is still a difference. Somebody who is 300 pounds (at 6' tall) is definitely fat, and somebody who is 100 pounds (at 6' tall) is definitely skinny.

Same logic for savings and investment. A savings account is definitely savings. Real estate is definitely investment. Stuff like stocks and bonds have some blurry elements.

>> No.14581429

>because there is absolute no order in Venezuela even though there’s hyperinflation

Kys you dumbass, massive inflation won’t lead to a complete social collapse. It’ll just make everyone poorer and increase civil unrest.

>> No.14581485

Now you're just lying. It was about $400, if you pick the lowest possible price of gold. >>14578200

I mean, after you take away the yearly 2%-3% inflation, the value of an ounce of gold about doubled over that 17 years you're referring to.

And that's only because you deliberately picked the lowest point on the chart.

So yeah, you're full of bullshit.

>> No.14581494
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that's some jcho brainlet tier. the CME dump was a classic sell the news event. Volume was very very small compared to now.

>> No.14581506

>Yes... a gold ounce 900 years ago is still that exact same gold ounce today in 2019.
We talked about his, and you were wrong.

Gold fluctuates over the short term. You can lose significant money in it. Long-term, it has proven to be an effective store of value.

>> No.14581510

by definition, savings is anything you don't spend in consumable products. all investments are savings, its just some of them are very safe investments like bonds and savings accounts and others are very risky like stocks

>durrr a third world socialist shithole has inflation, so its definately gonna happen in usa too durrrrr!!!
dont ever breed retard

>> No.14581536

what makes th usa immune?

>> No.14581573

It's going to happen in Europe first. China will launch the NeoChina plan and force America into spiraling inflationary battle. China has the upper hand as that all of our manufacturing is over there.

>> No.14581610

>only things that need to be regulated are regulated
Hi son, how are you enjoying your first high school civics class?

>> No.14581619

there is a huge difference between high inflation and hyperinflation. Hyperinflation doesn't just happen like that, only in extreme scenarios like world war or giant catastrophe hyperinflation can happen in developed countries. But you goldtards are all schizos so I guess thats still a possibility for you

>> No.14581642

Wait, I thought Jews were (((They))).

>Inflation is minimal and healthy when man isnt controlling it and you have free market capitalism with market set interest rates and a gold standard.
Jesus, I correct you, and you never learn.

1) Inflation has been around forever. Probably since the first government realized that they could print new coins, with less metal value that the old coins. It has always been controlled by man. It has always been controlled by governments

2) Interest rates have often been manipulated by governments.

3) We've had a gold standard forever. It doesn't exactly prevent man-made inflation.

1794: $1 = 1 oz of gold.
1921: $21.50 = 1 oz of gold (a 2050% increase over 127 years)
1973: $35 = 1 oz of gold (a 63% increase over 52 years)
Today: $1400 = 1 oz of gold (3900% increase over 46 years)

>We had countless recessions in the 19th century, but guess what? they all lasted about 6-18 months.
Except they didn't. I'm not even going to cite examples anymore. Go read a fucking book.

>Now recessions last a fucking a decade.
Except they don't. Go read a fucking book.

>> No.14581666

What makes the usa immune?

>> No.14581677

>When the currency reset hits ill be able to buy some farm for the cost of 5k or 3 ounces of gold.
This has literally never happened before. The closest you could come, is the great depression, where stocks lost 80% of their former value, and land lost a bit over half of it's value.

You know that farm that costs $400,000? If the great depression happens again, you'll be able to buy it for $200,000.

Or it won't happen, and you'll just have some shiny rocks, and everybody else will have actual income-producing property.

>> No.14581732

immune from what? becoming vuvuzella? how about the fact that usa isn't a third world shithole? usa might fall behind but they wont become vuvuzella

>> No.14581775

>by definition, savings is anything you don't spend in consumable products
Words get used in different ways. And economists often have their own definitions, which don't correspond to the ordinary English definitions of words.

In ordinary English, "savings" and "investment" are often used to describe opposite types of non-consumption. "Savings" refers to the low-risk, high-liquidity stuff, and "investment" refers to the higher-risk, low-liquidity stuff

From Wikipedia:

>Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption.
>Saving differs from savings. The former refers to the act of increasing one's assets, whereas the latter refers to one part of one's assets, usually deposits in savings accounts, or to all of one's assets. Saving refers to an activity occurring over time, a flow variable, whereas savings refers to something that exists at any one time, a stock variable. This distinction is often misunderstood, and even professional economists and investment professionals will often refer to "saving" as "savings"

>> No.14581808

>Gold is rocks
Did you flunk chemistry?

>> No.14581860

>autistic literalism
Youre the kind of guy who goes on a rant, because some girl used the word "literally" wrong, aren't you.

>> No.14581879

yes, thats why I told you the difference between savings and investments is arbitrary, you can define savings as non-risky investments and you can define investments as high risk savings. In the end they both describe the exact same thing, the portion of your wealth that isn't spend on consumable products.

>> No.14581909

No, I'm the guy who comments on people who don't know jack shit about the world we live in, yet they spam their infantile misunderstandings everywhere.

>> No.14581970

You have to be 18 to post here dipshit

>> No.14581994

I wonder how many commies in here think that gold has no value, yet would murder everyone who owns it, just to take possession of it...

>> No.14582029

Commies will steal literally anything because they’re all open thieves, but especially gold because they’re more obsessed with money than any capitalist

>> No.14582054

Why do people buy gold?

Why did gold back the dollar?

>> No.14582089

>why do people buy gold
only boomers, pajeets, niggers and women buy gold, because they are dumb and shallow and like shiny things

>> No.14582100

>Now you're just lying. It was about $400, if you pick the lowest possible price of gold

quit being a nitpicking faggot. the point is the demand for jewelry hasnt fucking tripled in 18 years

>> No.14582115

>In the end they both describe the exact same thing, the portion of your wealth that isn't spend on consumable products.
No, you dumbfuck. You're almost as bad as the doomer goldbug that we're both arguing with.

1) "Saving" refers to non-consumption. it's a verb. "I am saving". Other conjugations of this verb are "I will save", "I have saved".

2) "Savings" is not a verb. It's a noun. It typically refers to low-risk, high-liquidity stuff. A piece of real estate is not a person's "savings". Money in a savings account, is a person's "savings". There is some subjectivity in using the term, but nobody is going to refer to a piece of real estate, held for investment purposes, as "savings".

3) "Investment" typically refers to medium-risk or high-risk, stuff, which is often also illiquid. Nobody is going to call money in a savings account an "investment". Maybe, some people will call a certificate of deposit an "investment" - maybe, but probably not.

4) Sometimes, salesmen or politicians will refer to some types of consumption (e.g. buying a time-share, or a diamond ring, or spending money on various government projects) as an investment, but that's because they're dishonest.

>> No.14582148

>Same logic for savings and investment. A savings account is definitely savings.

If the dollar was savings then it would be impossible for it to go to zero in value, which it can. If dollars were savings then 20$ in 1920 would buy you the same amount of shit today as in 1920

>> No.14582172

you are fucking retarded. Please go learn some basic economics and definitions of words

low risk investment is still an investment. a savings account is still an investment. everything you spend on something that you expoect to make a profit is an investment

>> No.14582266
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>> No.14582322

>Why do people buy gold?
We've literally discussed this twice.

10% of gold is used in industrial stuff, and for electronics
40% is for jewelry
50% is used for speculation/investment

>Why did gold back the dollar?
1) It only partially backed the dollar. For two reasons.
A) Firstly, as I pointed out, the government kept changing the gold-to-dollar ratio, so they wouldn't have to pay as much gold.
B) Secondly, the government also used silver. Bimetalism, and all that.

2) However, gold still partially backed the dollar. Why? Because gold was the most easily transported store-of-value. It was common to use copper as currency (e.g. pennies). Some areas of the US used Whiskey as a kind of currency. However, Gold is a much more effective currency than copper or Whiskey, because it's much, much easier to transport large amounts of it over long distances.

Transporting 1,000 pounds of copper was difficult and expensive, especially for people in the old days. That's a lot of copper - and a lot of horses, which could die along the way. Alternately, you could transport 5 pounds of gold (or whatever the ratio was). That sounds much, much easier.

So Gold became the norm for long-distance trading. To some extent, this has disappeared in today's economy.

>> No.14582328

Cryptocurrencies are tools, not investments.

>> No.14582372

>Once crypto becomes (((regulated)))
you can't regulate ring signatures and shuffled coins
govs would spend 10 times more on tracking then they would ever be able to collect
plus DEXes fucking destroys the chace of someone ever regulating anything

>> No.14582403

>quit being a nitpicking faggot. the point is the demand for jewelry hasnt fucking tripled in 18 years

Which was my goddamn point.

>If the dollar was savings then it would be impossible for it to go to zero in value, which it can.
1) Anything (theoretically) can go to zero in value.

2) The dollar has never gone to zero.

>If dollars were savings then 20$ in 1920 would buy you the same amount of shit today as in 1920
If you kept the money in a savings account (which is what we were talking about), you'd still have decent purchasing power today. In the 1970s, bank accounts often paid like 7% interest.

>low risk investment is still an investment
Words still mean what they mean. "Investment" and "Savings" are often used in a way, which indicates they are mutually exclusive. Wikipedia agrees with me.

>> No.14582430

>In contrast with savings, investments tend to carry more risk, in the form of both a wider variety of risk factors, and a greater level of uncertainty.
Get outta here, dipshit.

>> No.14582436

>50% is used for speculation/investment

bitcoin is speculative.

a gold ounce that bought you 350 loaves of bread before christ was born, that also buys you 350 loaves of bread (roughly) today, is clearly not speculative.

Its a fucking rare earth metal dude!

>> No.14582450

18-20 years ago gold was in the 3-400$ range. today gold is at 1400...thats basically tripled in dollar price give or take. Not sure wtf you are talking about

>> No.14582456

>wikipedia agrees with me
thanks for proving how dumb you are. from an economic perspective there is no actual difference, for the layman people there is a difference because they are too dumb to realize what an investment is. When you put your money in a savings account you are actually investing in the bank and the bank gives you back a profit, thats an investment, but I obviously wouldn't expect the retards and normies that use savings accounts to know this
so you agree that savings are just low risk investments? thanks for agreeing with what I said moron

>> No.14582463

I'm not saying that it will happen, but the government could totally ban all cryptos, except for the government-compliant ones.

>> No.14582553

whats important is the inflation adujsted chart. those who bought gold in 1980 could only briefly sell at breakeven in 2011 before it went down again.

>> No.14582573

The government doesnt decide what money is. Just because they said gold isnt money anymore doesnt make it so.

>> No.14582616

It's funny how in 2010 everyone "knew" bitcoin was "ANONYMOUS AND UNTRACEABLE 1337 H4XX0R MONEY" when reading just a little bit about it showed you that it was in fact very traceable.

Funny how when people think you're a terrorist everything you associate with becomes terrorism/criminal.

But mayeb (((they))) wanted stupid criminals to use it so they could track the money. Now the blockchain/record is there forever.

>> No.14582661
File: 32 KB, 700x312, platinum-prices-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because gold keeps it's value over the long-term, doesn't mean you can't lose a lot of money in it, in the short-term.

>Its a fucking rare earth metal dude!
You never know what you're talking about.

So is Platinum. And Rhodium. And Palladium. But they fluctuate like crazy. See my image, the chart for platinum. And the link, which is some historical prices of these metals. They're definitely speculation.


No it's not.

1) It was about $400

2) You're ignoring 20 years of inflation. A dollar in 1999 (or whenever gold hit the bottom) is worth substantially less than a dollar today. So it's not $400 to $1400. It's more like $722 to $1400, if we adjust the original $400 for 20 years of 3% inflation.

3) You're deliberately picking the bottom price (in 1999 dollars, about $400). Nobody can precisely pick the bottom, so a smart investor, would probably buy gold at, what, $500? $600? $700?

4) So, you didn't even double your money. You probably made like a 70% return, if you were pretty good at picking the bottom. Maybe as much as 95%, if you picked the exact bottom price.

>> No.14582664

governments love bitcoin. if people stopped using cash and used bitcoin instead it would be a dream for them

>> No.14582681

Gold tripled in dollar value because the dollar got more worthless. Go check the price of a loaf of bread in 1999 and then check what it is today.

The purpose of buying gold is not to sell it back for more worthless dollars, the purpose of buying gold is to convert it to the new currency and make a fucking killing.

1980 was a weird anomaly and with central banks doing their fuckery, yes...if you sold gold before the fiat collapse then you broke even fiat wise, but that is not the purpose of buying gold.

Im the biggest gold bug that there is and if you told me I had to either buy gold and sell it back for more dollars as a means of investment OR go to a blackjack table to try and earn a return....id go to the blackjack table to try and make a return. Gold isnt for making returns it for protecting wht you already have.

If you make a million dollars in the lottery and the dollar collapses the next day then you are fucked. If you make a million dollars and go buy 200k worth of gold and the dollar collapses the next day, then you arent fucked.

>> No.14582717

>3) You're deliberately picking the bottom price (in 1999 dollars, about $400). Nobody can precisely pick the bottom, so a smart investor, would probably buy gold at, what, $500? $600? $700?

you still arent understanding the point of buying gold in the first place.

Sure of course you want to buy gold at lower dollar prices, but once you buy it you arent supposed to sell it, since the entire point of buying gold is to protect your wealth and wait for the currency reset.

>> No.14582806

define “currency reset” for a brainlet

>> No.14582809

>If you make a million dollars in the lottery and the dollar collapses the next day then you are fucked. If you make a million dollars and go buy 200k worth of gold and the dollar collapses the next day, then you arent fucked.
brainlet tier thinking.
1. the dollar wont crash in a day
2. you can totally lose your savings buying gold it all depends when you buy and sell it. all those who bouht gold in 2011-2012 have now lost money but hey, at least they are hedged if the dollar collpases eh? the absolute state of goldbugs

>> No.14582826

>from an economic perspective there is no actual difference, for the layman people there is a difference because they are too dumb to realize what an investment is.
Or, get this.

The technical definition of a word, is different than the ordinary English definition of a word. That's common throughout scientific fields. For example, "radiation" technically refers to all radiation (including, y'know "light"), but in casual usage, usually refers to the dangerous-to-human-health radiation.

In fact, there's often a different definition of words, depending on which scientific field you're in. For example, there are two mutually contradictory definition of "gamma ray". One is for chemistry. And one is for astronomy.

>so you agree that savings are just low risk investments?
I'm just going to repeat it.

>In contrast with savings, investments tend to carry more risk, in the form of both a wider variety of risk factors, and a greater level of uncertainty.

Note the phrase "In contrast with savings, investments ...". This indicates that savings and investments are mutually exclusive categories. Duh.

>> No.14582874

>investments tend to carry more risk
so... you agree again that savings are just low risk investments? what point are you even trying to make if you agree with me?

>> No.14582971

Is there some law prohibiting people from exchanging gold for goods and services? Not really? There are some tax implications, but that's about it.

The people are the one that decided not to use Gold as money.

Firstly, you were the one arguing that the price of gold has tripled. I explained (in painstaking detail), that it hasn't even doubled.

>once you buy it you arent supposed to sell it, since the entire point of buying gold is to protect your wealth and wait for the currency reset.
Dude. A currency reset has literally never happened in the US. We've had 106 years of the federal reserve, about 200 years of central banks, and almost 300 years of paper money (which was often fiat paper money). No currency reset so far. It didn't even happen during the great depression.

That doesn't mean it can't happen. But the most likely scenario, is that you hold your gold, while I buy necessities, a farm, and stocks. Now, either

1) The currency reset never happens, and I do a lot better than you.

2) The currency reset happens, and you do a little better than me. But I still do alright, because my farm/stocks have been growing in value, before the crash, and they keep growing in value after the crash. So if I've been holding them for a while, they are probably still more valuable than they were originally.

>> No.14583131

At this point, you're either trolling, or thick. If thick, I'm going to respond once, and no more. If you want more, read the Wikipedia page for "investments" and "savings". It explains it as well as I can.

If trolling, 6.5/10 attempt, because you irritated me.

> you agree again that savings are just low risk investments?
No. As they are used in normal English, "Savings" and "Investment" are mutually exclusive categories. Do you know what "mutually exclusive" means? If not, use google.

Savings, is placed in a low-risk, high-liquidity vehicle. E.g. a checking account.

An investment is a medium-risk or high-risk vehicle. E.g. real estate.

Both of these has nothing to do with the economic term "saving", which refers to non-consumption. You seem to be mixing up the word "savings" and the word "saving", which mean different things.

(Stuff like stocks is probably an investment, but as I pointed out before, there is no precise line between "savings" and "investment", so interpretations may differ.)

>> No.14583174

Dude, he's a brainlet. Just read some of his conversations with anybody in this thread.

(Presumably he's referring to a period of hyperinflation and currency collapse, which eventually ends in the re-monetization of gold, and a new, stable currency.)

>> No.14583189

I can see you are a brainlet that literally just read about this for the first time on wikipedia. for investors there is no such thing as "savings", thats a boomer word. Everything is an investment

>> No.14583283

Problem is that the whole financial system, including our fiat currencies are manipulated in such a way that everyone is essentially forced to speculate in risky markets if they don't want to see their wealth evaporate.