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14553127 No.14553127 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14553205

i hold a lot, and i think this is the one that's going to make me rich. but i don't consider it a good candidate for making a quick buck. it's just a project with incredibly strong fundamentals whose success i think is inevitable.

>> No.14553250

it'll still be a while, people are arguing for the existence of something similar while not realizing it already exists in the best form we've seen yet. brainlets still think it's a scam

>> No.14553319

Thanks for buying my bags!

>> No.14553390

hi, we're trying to have an adult conversation, please try to elevate your mentality above the sea cucumber level thinking of bags and shilling

>> No.14553432

here's a dude going on and on about bitcoin on ethereum, but his emphasis is that he wants the original actual bitcoin to have the advantages of ethereum rather than to implement bitcoin in ethereum, as 0xbitcoin does.

>> No.14553556

oh, but i will say that there are serious behind-the-scenes efforts underway to increase adoption, usage, volume, etc.

>> No.14554487

this is good or bad for 0xbtc, help brainlet plz

>> No.14554549

You can't do a trustless bridge between BTC and Ethereum. 0xBTC is the way to go for BTC on Ethereum.

>> No.14554645

let's not do the "brainlet" talk, all this stuff is extremely complicated and nobody knows what's going to happen or what will turn out to be really strong and good. but, here's how i think about that article: obviously the guy sees it would be great to have some kind of combo of bitcoin and ethereum. that has actually been done since feb 2018, just not in a way that he likes, because he sees bitcoin as being THE bitcoin and seems to dislike other coins that use the same algorithm. but i and seemingly a lot of other people doubt that there's a way to do what he wants. but there is a real bitcoin-ethereum combo, and it works.

>> No.14555132

maybe he doesn's know about 0xbtc, that solves that problem( bridge)

>> No.14555272

that's what we (in the discord) thought initially, but then someone found this: https://twitter.com/trustlessstate/status/1071851642604085248?s=21

>> No.14555362

why his opinion is important ?

>> No.14555368


Because it's one of the worst ideas ever to exist in crypto.

> Make a random ERC20 shitcoin that's like thousands of others

> Emulate mining and inflation even though neither are needed for any genuine purpose

> Slap the Bitcoin label on it

> Expect the above to make people want to buy it

Shows a severe misunderstanding of what actually makes BTC valuable to people.

>> No.14555375

tell me again why we need a bitcoin running on ethereum network

>> No.14555434

it's not super important, just more confirmation that people find the combo desirable.

>> No.14555515

>one of the worst ideas ever to exist in crypto
it's bitcoin for ethereum. it works exactly like bitcoin, but it is programmable via smart contracts, and it's fast like ethereum.
>Make a random ERC20 shitcoin that's like thousands of others
it is an erc20, you got that right. 0xbitcoin is the first pure-mined token. that pretty much makes it not like thousands of others.
>Emulate mining
there is nothing emulated, it is true mining, exactly like bitcoin.
>and inflation
it is exactly as inflationary and deflationary as bitcoin.
>neither are needed for any genuine purpose
for one thing, mining greatly evens out distribution. for another, mining is a reliable proxy for belief in value.
>Slap the Bitcoin label on it
it works exactly like bitcoin, can you get that through your head? it would have been super weird NOT to have made reference to bitcoin.
>Expect the above to make people want to buy it
please don't try to read people's minds, psychic shit does not work.

>> No.14555546

bitcoin is not programmable. it is very desirable to have trustworthy money like bitcoin, but have it be programmable like ethereum. that is exactly what 0xbitcoin is.

>> No.14555556

Your post shows a severe misunderstanding of 0xBitcoin, what it is, why it is, what has been built on top of it, why its design makes those things possible, and even why it's named what it is.

Smart contract compatibility, which Bitcoin doesn't natively have. Ethereum is also dramatically cheaper and faster to use to transfer value versus BTC. BTC's distribution, including anti-inflationary reward halvenings and a fixed supply, makes it an excellent store of value for Ethereum (read up on why Ether itself isn't, and was never meant to be, good currency).
Every upgrade built on 0xBTC is an upgrade for ERC20 as a whole.




>> No.14555700
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sirs, I need you to buy it sirs pls sirs

>> No.14555750
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>> No.14555786

Literally all blockchains work like bitcoin you mongoloid. Only the ultra scammiest of tokens try to co-opt the bitcoin name. Like this garbage.

Bitcoin's major value proposition is the size of the network due to first mover advantage. 0xbtc is even more worthless than your average scamcoin.

In short, kys you braindead shit-sucking shill.

>> No.14555790
File: 148 KB, 888x888, 0xbitcoin-bitcoin-for-ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at them. they are happily working together to make a higher order entity

>> No.14555826

your name-calling gets strong when your arguments get weak.

>> No.14555939

i don't really think i'm going to be able to talk any sense into you, but i'll try one more time.
the token issuance of 0xbitcoin: works. exactly. like. issuance. in. bitcoin.
same 10-minute block time, rewards, halving, etc etc etc etc etc. all exactly like bitcoin. that's why we have "BITCOIN" in the name, not to try to ride its coattails, but because IT USES EXACTLY THE SAME WAY OF DOING STUFF AND ALL THE SAME VALUES FOR ALL THE PARAMETERS. did you know the guy who wrote and deployed the contract is a huge fan of bitcoin? so are most of the people in the community. but bitcoin can't interact with smart contracts.

>> No.14556026


> it's bitcoin for ethereum. it works exactly like bitcoin, but it is programmable via smart contracts, and it's fast like ethereum.

So? Loads and loads of tokens already out there work exactly like bitcoin, and loads of ERC20 tokens are programmable via smart contracts. No one gives a fuck about them because they do nothing new and provide nothing of value.

> it is an erc20, you got that right. 0xbitcoin is the first pure-mined token. that pretty much makes it not like thousands of others.

So? What makes you think that people buy tokens/coins just because they're mineable? Where's the logic in that? Why is it a reason to buy?

> there is nothing emulated, it is true mining, exactly like bitcoin.

Bitcoin is mined because it has to be mined. It's an essential part of securing the network. 0xBTC doesn't need to be. The broader Eth network secures itself via PoW. 0xBTC "mining" is just about distribution, which again, no one gives a fuck about and it's not a reason to buy it.

> it is exactly as inflationary and deflationary as bitcoin.

So? That's not why people buy BTC. In fact, a token or coin being inflationary is a disadvantage.

> for one thing, mining greatly evens out distribution. for another, mining is a reliable proxy for belief in value.

Tell that to the thousands of other mineable shitcoins that are currently in 1000th-2000th place in CMC because they do nothing else.

Seriously, there is no reason to buy this that 99.99% of people would actually give a shit about, and it's therefore not going to increase in price, which is why it has bled sats for months now. It is truly astounding that people can look at this project and think the price is going to increase. It's akin to people who think the earth is flat.

>> No.14556170

who knows, maybe one of us will have a great opportunity in the future for self-reflection and reevaluation on this topic.