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14546427 No.14546427 [Reply] [Original]

Won't we become even more lonely once we make it? I'm not saying it isn't preferable to our current lifestyles but nearly everyone we know is going to be stuck wageslaving and whatnot like they're in a completely different world to us. Who will we be able to talk to?
>inb4 just talk to people on 4chan
Alot of the people on here probably won't make it, and those that do might just completely leave 4chan behind.

>> No.14546477

That's when we post NEET threads and dab on everyone else who didn't make it

>> No.14546531

I have a white baby on the way with 15k link. You are more than welcome to come visit anon. You only choose to be lonely once you make it.

>> No.14546571

loneliness is a meme anon, it's wishing for something that doesn't and cannot exist except in the mind of a child

>> No.14546597

This is based. And even if I don't find a nice girl to settle down with I will absolutely get a dog.

>> No.14546826

>he doesn't know about the /linkfash/ settlements
we're gonna be breeding white babies and building an army to slaughter kikes and niggers.