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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14540971 No.14540971 [Reply] [Original]

confess your mortal crypto sins, children.

abandon hope all ye who post here.

no absolution, just eternal damnation in the land of /nevermadeit/

what did you do, anon?

>> No.14541098
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I enjoy fudding because I don't want anyone to make it!

>> No.14541161

i swung my links and it paid off. then i swung and lost them.

>> No.14541189

I think a little bit of fudding is necessary.

>> No.14541214

Bought 1000 bucks of XLM and REQ back in 2017

>> No.14541242
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>> No.14541362

I feel scared of being rich.

>> No.14541393

Bought heavy into GVT and didn't sell even when my bags were way up. Suffered most of the way down. Sold around 6 months ago. Still bummed, I think it's a really cool project, but there just aren't enough people using it.

>> No.14541608
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>> No.14541773

I bought two pizzas for 10,000 BTC in 2010

>> No.14541800

LARP but it makes me sad that this did actually happen

>> No.14541825

I forgot to take fiber for poop gains yesterday.

>> No.14541844
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I told people on biz I would give them crypto in exchange for sharpies in their asses and they believed me

>> No.14541847

I'm thinking of selling my link stack for req. Even a small 20% would be huge for me

>> No.14541850

when i see an obvious pajeet shilling coins that i own i fud i just to piss them off

>> No.14541868

>I actually keep most of my LINK on Binance, even now that Coinbase has come along. The only reason is because I prefer how it looks
>I swinglink, and I almost swung from the elm
>I pretend to know what I am doing

>> No.14541887

I didn't put money in LINK. Pretty upset considering I've been on this site for almost half my life. You win some, you win none

>> No.14541892

I can get this. What if I make it and I realise that the one thing I wanted, I can't have?

>> No.14541926
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I hit 39k last bullrun on shitcoins and didn't sell a single dollars worth. Bottomed out around 800 dollars.

>> No.14541937


>> No.14541951
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my god

>> No.14541978

I didnt buy link because the shilling came in waves and it seemed suspicious.

>> No.14541995

Sold btc for $800 years ago. Fomod into link at $4 (also bought at $1.8 tho so still up).

>> No.14542065

didn't tp on bullrun. sold all my link eventually down 400k

>> No.14542090

im gonna puke

>> No.14542107

ive never sold a single link, and i own 0 eth or btc. i have 50k fiat and i missed the bottom, but am too stubborn to buy at these prices.

>> No.14542213

I used to market buy

>> No.14542278

>was consistently buying drugs with bitcoin when it was $400
>spent over $3000 on it from 2015-2017
>ignored chain link shills
>nothing to show for it

>> No.14542356

I bought ARK @ $3.91 over two years ago. Although it wasn’t much I wish I had bought literally anything else.

>> No.14542409

>sold 11 btc years ago for like $1000
>went with bsv over link a month ago

such is life. sold my bsv and have a tiny stack of link now.