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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14538792 No.14538792 [Reply] [Original]

>just turned 18
>have money, want to buy LINK
>fucking no debit card or anything
>no idea how to get one
>jew parents constantly putting off helping me with it
>try calling the bank, goes terribly
I just want to buy <10 and hold guys :( When is it too late? I don't want to be a poorfag in my 20s

>> No.14538813

Get a bank account and debit card retard.
Your parents don't want you to have a bank account?

>> No.14538820

You already missed link kid, go read up on market cap and why it matters. Never buy a top 50 market cap coin if you are planning to use lunch money and actually get some returns.

>> No.14538822

You won't make it without investing at least $3M into chainlink which would give you nice $500K EOY.

>> No.14538828

shut the fuck up zoomer and invest that 20 bucks into a book, anything to get you fucking educated on things, before dumping it all on the autistic equivalent of penny stocks.
99.99% of /Biz/ hasn't made it. You're not going to be the 0.001$ you negrosaurus rex

>> No.14538835


>> No.14538848


>> No.14538866

>coinbase earn / blockchain aidrop
>spend $50-$100 on LINK
oh wow, crypto so easy and free

>> No.14538873

>can’t even figure out how to make a bank account
you’re not gonna make it, and even if by some miracle you do, the first scammer to cross your path will take it all because you’re barely smart enough to breathe
go get a job and put your money into a normal retirement account

>> No.14538884

Tbh if you aren’t investing at least 10k or more into link don’t bother at this point.

>> No.14538903


> Don't have credit

Blame the Jew kiddo

>> No.14538924
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>> No.14538975

Jesus dude...
Look up Charles Schwab you can make a free account online and they will mail you a debit card.
#1 Don’t let your parents mingle into your finances. Don’t tell them shit

>> No.14539002

If you can prove to me you're a zoomer I will send you 10 link.

Remember the rules: timestamp with sharpie in butt.

>> No.14539005

You fucking nigger retard, in the day and age of literally everything became 100x easier than before you still seem to fuck it up, no wonder why zoomers are retarded, next generation will be literal crossbreed dum dum tier once we reach ultimate automation

>> No.14539013

How do you have a job and not a bank account?

>> No.14539036

I will send you 10 if you post your boipucci right now.

>> No.14539045

Kek. Relatable jew parents.

>> No.14539047

I already have a bank account, just no debit. I'm stuck to in store purchases.
I am though, or at least trying to. I have the money

>> No.14539088

Blows my fucking mind that 10 LINK is now $35

>> No.14539165
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How are you this much of a zoomer?! Tell all your teachers and your parents that they failed you

>> No.14539195

I'm a zoomer too (just turned 19) and this shit is so relate able. Parents and teachers don't tell you shit and when you want to help your parents and learn they tell you to fuck off

>> No.14539253 [DELETED] 

LOLOL poorfag.

I am also 18, about to turn 19.
Have $100k+ pf all in crypto buying LINK, FTM anf AERGO bottom just from this year.

There is no excuse. Stop victimizing.
Research and Invest.

>> No.14539289

Are you in college or just wagecucking or both?

>> No.14539332

LOLOL poorfags.
Also a Zoomer here, 18, about to turn 19 next month.
Have $100k+ pf all in crypto buying LINK, FTM and AERGO bottom just from this year.

There is no excuse. Stop victimizing.
Do independent research, FA and Invest.

>> No.14539358

Yes, used scholarship money and had saved up $2.5k from wagecuking

>> No.14539381

Do you know how to do laundry?

>> No.14539387

I'm fucking banned aren't I

>> No.14539414

Oh just from /fit/. Nice :)))))

>> No.14539429
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>zoomer with boomer mindset
never gunna make it

>> No.14539447

Lol wtf man, LtoNetwork Lto is the next best thing!

>> No.14539478

LARP or are a genius IQ amerilard

you have a full ride?

>> No.14539650
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>no idea how to get debit card
proof that humans are deevolving. AI is our only hope now

>> No.14539774

How the fuck am I actually supposed to find out unless being told. You think I didn't spend an hour googling this shit before I posted this gay thread? No faggot.
This webpage is the only fucking bit of info I could find on the subject, and 90% of the page is just advertising the debit, 10% just tells me to call them or walk in. Calling yielded jack shit and if I walk in I'll make a 1000x bigger ass of myself there than I did posting this thread here.

>> No.14539807

Just go to the bank in person and tell them you want to add a debit card to your checking

You zoomers can still walk right?

>> No.14539858

Do debit cards not come by default with bank accounts or something? Just go to a bank website and open an account

>> No.14539896

And if they ask me a bunch of questions I can't answer like they did on the phone? What then? I'm not scared to walk in and ask I just know I don't have the info I'll need and I don't even know what info that is. Since my account was made for me I know fuckall about it except its balance. Dad doesn't get home until 8pm until then I'm stuck here watching LINK go up.
My retarded bank gave me a client card that doesn't work online I need an actual debit to make purchases.

>> No.14539946

Just go to the bank and tell them you don't know shit. Then the bank will tell youw hat you need to know to get a debit card and then when your dad comes home, ask him.

Just treat it like you're in an RPG and you're running up to various NPCs asking them questions for clues on how to complete your quests or doing various sidequests.

>> No.14540040

>Just treat it like you're in an RPG and you're running up to various NPCs asking them questions for clues on how to complete your quests or doing various sidequests.
Based wtf. I'll talk to my dad about it tonight and if he decides to keep being a Jew I guess this is my only option. Maybe the bitch on the phone just wanted me to fuck off so she could get back to playing solitaire. God knows I do the same shit when I answer the phone at my wagecuck job

>> No.14540044

What questions did they ask you that you couldn't answer?

>> No.14540050

Could just be luck idk or the right timing. It was pretty obvious buy when Aergo was at 2mil cap, Fantom at 8mil, Link under 200mil.

>> No.14540076
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>And if they ask me a bunch of questions I can't answer like they did on the phone? What then?

I don't know how Canada's system works but in the USA as long as you have your ID, your social security number, etc you can open a new account somewhere.

Do you have all the vital documents you need to open a new account?

Could you just start fresh with a different bank that your parents don't have their hooks in?

Many people actually recommend credit unions over banks. I guess they tend to be a little easier to deal with as far as fees and customer service goes.

>> No.14540083

Good luck. Normies like you always FOMO into buying the top

>> No.14540092

Just detach yourself from the situation. I used to be so scared of asking anything to anyone because I don't want to look stupid but it really doesn't matter. You're the player character and the rest are NPC's to help you on your way. There will be people who act all snarky and mean but others will be more hospitable but in the end it doesn't matter

>> No.14540096
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Do you have a personal, checking bank account? Then you must have a card for that bank account

Is you card not accepted? Well then wtf is it, unless it's prepaid it should. Still, just walk to the bank or call, tell them you wanna get a credit/debit card that's linked to that account, and what and how to do that. Otherwise do a bank transfer to obtain XBT, convert to LINK. Or even withdraw the money and buy in person.

I'm a zoomer living in the middle east with laws that prevent having a personal bank account for non-working citizens (Can't work because of laws restricting that too for students), with friends that would milk me if I tell them how much I wanna put in, and boomer parents way too scared to put money in anything other than real estate, and I still managed to buy XBT with only 5.5% fees (V. fucking good, especially in comparison with card/transfer options available).

If a dune coon in the crossroads of a warzone can do that then so can you, some of these fucking zoomers senpai baka

>> No.14540318

I do have a checking account trust me man I tried to use it but my card is some autistic shit.
I didn't really understand the question enough to even remember it, all I remember is just sperging out on the very first question.
I don't really want to open a new accoutn and all that I just want my debit. My parents aren't controlling my financed they're just being jews and not helping me when I ask them to. I do have everything I need to open a new account if I need to though.
>he thinks we've reached the top
Pretty much this thread, ik. Idc about people talking shit they're mostly right but it doesn't really matter. I just want to fix this retarded situation.

>> No.14540463


Tell them you wanna get a debit/credit card that you can make online purchases with, and ask what the required documents are, or go to their FAQ page if you're an autist when presented with human interaction. Simple as that.

Otherwise you can also purchase using wire transfer, using cash IRL, etc. Check this for resources, just enter country and preferred method of purchase:

>> No.14540497

Probably need to go to the bank branch you have the account with and see if they have on offer some type of cheap student account that comes with a debit card (should have mastercard/visa on it and the gold round thing showing you can buy shit online). Pretty much all accounts with a debit/credit require an income, but if you get a student one (if they have, or if some other bank has) then it should be really cheap monthly fees, but then you just need to show proof you are at either school or college/university by showing a grades report or something

>> No.14540576

>I already have a bank account, just no debit. I'm stuck to in store purchases.
I am fucking fried, what the fuck does this mean?

>> No.14540577

Oh I saw you have a McJob so I'm sure if you just went to them directly and asked how to do it, it should work out

>> No.14540596

Some cards are limited so you can only go to wallmart and buy there. You can't put in the card numbers and 3 digit security code on ebay or some other online jew

>> No.14540614
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Use your checking account to buy bitcoins on coinbase then use the bitcoins to buy link on an exchange
Or buy them directly on coinbase with your checking account but their prices seem to be a little higher than what you can get them for on the exchanges.

>> No.14540620
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Just go to a bank and set it up with them, it's really not that hard.

>> No.14540644

My client card can't buy shit online. It's that simple/retarded. No expiry date on the crad or CVV none of that.
>inb4 post pic

>> No.14540683

It wasn't a problem for me, a millennial. I had this magic thing called a PC where I could comfortably look stuff up and spend a few hours learning precisely what I need to do to achieve my goal. You zoomcucks only have a shitty cell phone that gives you a neckache and burns your eyes after 10 minutes, before you head back to playing Fortnite Mobile.

>> No.14540711

It'll probably be easiest just to go in and ask. You could come up with a script or some lines beforehand so you don't drop your spaghetti talking to the teller. Start with something like "I'd like to get a debit card for an account I have here, what do I need to do that?" Then if they start listing a bunch of things, you can ask if they a flyer that itemizes it and if not, something you could take notes on.

>> No.14540726

That's true but we never take accountability into our own lives until it hits us in the face that we have to get up and do shit

>> No.14540790

What exchange for burgers?

>> No.14540807

are you retarded or something? i get like 10 - 20$ from airdrops from time to time, just look for them...once you get airdrops try to find a way to convert them to LINK, as simple as that man, or use your fucking computer and start mining, or go check some ads online, or steal some kids online game account and sell it on ebay...dude there are so many fucking ways to make money...you could sell your xbox or your gaming console for crypto, no need a debit card there are some people who buy stuff with crypto jus create a wallet...damn when i was your age back in the 2000 i manged to make 3000$ by going on chats and using a fake cam to stream pussy thots to boomers....they paid me for the stream...ffs be creative you little cunt you made it on 4chan, what happened to the new generation of 4channers? a bunch of fucking retarded pussies

>> No.14540809

>>try calling the bank, goes terribly
what, did you sperg out or something? fucking zoomers man

>> No.14540830

underage b&, reddit, discord, /thread, cringe, bluepilled

>> No.14540937

They ask you things like your name and social security number, basic stuff. In any case if you can’t do that you can just close that other account and open another just in your name.

>> No.14541727

Man I have the money I have 10k I'm just trying to find a way to use it. Anyways I already got all the answers I needed in this thread thanks to the Anons who gave me advice. Soon I can finally get into this shit. So is LINK my best bet guys? Should I wait for another dip or just buy and hold now?

>> No.14542078

Thanks OP, you're a fuckin idiot

>> No.14542874

OP after 3 hours I have come back to call you a faggot

>> No.14542896


Get a secured credit card, you should have done this at 16.

>> No.14542909

>So is LINK my best bet guys? Should I wait for another dip or just buy and hold now?
You should look into DYOR, I hear it's pretty valuable.

>> No.14542942
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please leave from biz

>> No.14542974
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>> No.14543029

I won't fall for it

>> No.14543066


>such a beta that he cannot make his own bank--- a business who is legally answerable to him and only needs proof of identity--- to set him up with a checkbook and debit card before he hangs up the phone in embarrassment


>> No.14543073

RBC cuck here, our bank doesn't do visa debits for their default client cards. Just found this though and it seems like what you're looking for, a card that's linked to your chequing acc that can only be used for online purchases etc.


>> No.14543100

based zoomer newfag calling people Jews as an insult

they know the score

Gen Z will save us

>> No.14543132

holy fucking shit how useless is this generation hahahahahaha

even boomers can use Google or last 5 minutes on a phone call.

>> No.14543215

God bless you Anon

>> No.14543315

no worries fren, I've been in your situation a million times. I only just recently got my own big boy credit card, had to use my brother's every time I bought shit online before then

>> No.14544172

I would trade my link stack to be your age again. So jealous of you putrid youthful zoomers. Do you know what it's like to think about your decaying and failing body at every moment? Will I be able to poop today? Will it become lodged and I'll end up in the ER again with a bowel obstruction? Will my blood sugar spike and cause my limbs to go numb again? Will my gallbladder become inflamed making me vomit? Will my doctor make me consume barriium again and make me poop it out while they X-ray it on video and the nurse laughs as she pulls my butt plug? Will I need another colonoscopy? Do I need to count the sodium in my next meal so that it doesn't send my heart into arythimia? Better make sure my heart rate stays under 120 BPM or the top half of the heart might stop beating and send an explosive second beat to compensate and blow out or tear my valves. Well it's time for bed now. Time to take my dozens of meds and supplements.
>me as a fucking 35 y/o boomer. Enjoy your fucking youth kid

>> No.14544305

>make a wallet
>go to your local bitcoin ATM and buy some BTC with cash
>put that BTC on your wallet adress and then trade atleast half of it
>lamboland it is
simple as

>> No.14544322

It's hard to believe we are in the era of single digit link holders

>> No.14544368


Haa not even started yet desu