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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.14533655

praise Kek he is trying to shower his many blessings to all of us
accumulate now anon

>> No.14533675


Yeah accumulate 650 million stinks

Hahha enjoy when your savings are worth $0.10

>> No.14533690

He’s prob gonna dump for a mini celebration party

>> No.14533700

Based Sergey giving us more buying opportunities. And of course he picks 700k as the amount to drop, blessed digits

>> No.14533704

Chainlink has 650,000,000 tokens, but it really seems like a lot are missing. Did the team spend a lot of tokens in addition to the 32 million in eth they got for the ico?

>> No.14533707

>not gonna make it.
Hint: it’s not dumping.

>> No.14533728


was this really suprise?
chainlink is so transparent ponzi scam

>> No.14533747

imagine making 200 line of code in 20 min then 3 years later being a billionaire

>> No.14533751

shut the fuck up im buying regardless
Sergey is our savior he is clearly giving us a chance to share in his many riches

>> No.14533781

They also spent 14.5M link some time ago, from another dev address.

>> No.14533786

He's not dumping he just needs a bit of money for an incredibly large order of Big Macs so he can push through some code changes

>> No.14533794


yeah, you can make erc20 token like chainlink is about 20 minutes

How to issue your own token on Ethereum in less than 20 minutes.


and then when we know that devs owned about 2/3 of token supply, all signs of classic ponzi scam

>> No.14533840

Not even 700k. The first wallet sends out 700k to another that already have a bunch of LINK, but then the second wallet sends only 100k forth (which isn’t even necessarily part of the 700k since it already had more than enough).
This looks like the dev wallet is being used to pay someone, probably a corporation.

>> No.14533888

maybe it's an otc trader.
It still qualifies as selling.

>> No.14533889

all memes aside
all coin should be mined, and any pre-mined coin should be discarded immediately

>> No.14533904
File: 60 KB, 1280x446, 7dk.mbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


selling started already saturday height of the artifially pump

picture related

>> No.14533909

Sigary will soon announce he is taking a step away from link as he has taken it as far as he can and now is the time for another to lead the way. He will be taking time out then will concentrate exclusively on smartcontract.com its been an incredible journey he will say as he exits stage right closely followed by the entire team with a fist full of dollars after the best marketing team on earth relentlessly shilled the shitcoin and all for free ha

>> No.14533912


>> No.14533919

Probably selling for some quick cash

>> No.14533957
File: 81 KB, 608x562, 1560687528995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Based Sergey deserves a few million bucks to grow his belly.

>> No.14533965

He just transferred another 300k to binance

>> No.14533969

Yes, it does. But also nothing out of the ordinary or unexpected. It had happened before.

>> No.14534048

the big mac price in america is currently 5.58 USD
the caloric value of one big mac is 507 kcal

the price of link is right now about 3.7 USD
this means that for 700k link you get 464 157 big macs, which is equal to 235.33 million kcal

sergey is really going too far this time

>> No.14534059

Oh man, is it 2017 again?

This fud didn't work then, and it isn't working now.

>> No.14534095

Transferring to Binance is also a way of keeping plebs from tracking where the tokens are going.

>> No.14534107

Hint: someone is accumulating.

>> No.14534110

this amount of food could feed an african village of 50 people for six and a half years jesus christ

>> No.14534131


>> No.14534145


they have made huge profits to scam clueless people to think that this erc-20 token chainlink has some value, when reality is that chainlink erc-20 token has zero use case so its right value is $ 0, other is just pure speculation

and you can make same similar erc-20 tokens about 20 minutes

How to issue your own token on Ethereum in less than 20 minutes.


>> No.14534155

>big mac price in america
>the price of a Big Mac was $3.57 in the United States


>> No.14534161

>hurrrr it's just an erc20 token!!!
And USD is just cotton paper.

>> No.14534165

>235.33 million kcal
what is this in pounds (american)

>> No.14534173
File: 46 KB, 540x532, 1562041295511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all memes aside, the oldest meme in crypto is the best meme

>> No.14534193
File: 157 KB, 1607x827, google cloud chainlink link tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, does this mean Google Cloud is in on the scam?

Maybe you should buy back in, swingfaggot.

>> No.14534213


>> No.14534234
File: 398 KB, 1280x720, 1546251217798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best case scenario is they are using binance as a mixer to move link to node operators.

worst and most likely case is that the team knows that a price feed for ETH being worth >$.50 is ridiculous and needs money to keep the lights on.

>> No.14534266


nice picture you have there

truth about "partnerships"

News outlet and journalists keep reporting on “partnerships” with Google and Swift. But if you actually read the source for the “partnership”, it’s just a blog post by Google Cloud that promotes their own service (BigQuery) and shows an example about how Chainlink users can use Google Cloud if they want. In no way is Google partnered or planning on using Chainlink themselves.


to think that google need some partnership with some erc-20 token which chainlink is, is really ridiculous

>> No.14534291


I guess it varies by state

I dont know, kcal is a measure of energy not mass. but a big mac weighs about 0.216 kg which is equal to 0.476 pounds, so 464 157 big macs would weigh about 220,939 pounds which is roughly equal to 15 adult male african elephants

>> No.14534322

the 100k get literally sent to binance lol

>> No.14534381

Or youo know they are exit scamming...

>> No.14534427

can confirm, Binance buying otc for the last 3 days
they're planning on running nodes
this is insane

>> No.14534431
File: 175 KB, 1080x1199, 786872332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping continue

>> No.14534438

No source?
Linkies are absolutely desperate. You are getting dumped on.

>> No.14534471

1. Binance buying link for node.
2. Whales and Devs selling
3. Sending to Binance to obscure token destination.

>> No.14534504

>You are getting dumped on
>meanwhile, price is rising
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.14534505

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.14534680

what does this mean?
Should I swing my linkies?
I wanted to sell when those previous whales wound up on Whale Alert, at 4.00, but I didn't.

>> No.14535109
File: 36 KB, 1123x606, 1553436029071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 150k LINK goes to Binance oh nononono

>> No.14535199
File: 104 KB, 885x960, 1549329690908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold me mommy

>> No.14535282

damn it sergy i told you that goddamn shitcoin was going straight to shit town, now put down the cheeseburger

>> No.14535306

and then they could create 1000 more worthless mouths to feed and resources to leech

>> No.14535447

Only a yank would be this fucking stupid.

>> No.14535511

settle down achmed, there's plenty of 8 year olds to go around

>> No.14535545


I’m glad someone here’s seeing what’s happening. Any thoughts who’s accumulating? Also using a dev’s Wallet?

>> No.14535572

Are you retarded, 3500 kcal is a scientifically recognized measurement for 1lb worth of weight gain/loss for the human body. Educate yourself.

>> No.14535625

Stacks this big were only a big deal when link had volume in the hundreds of btc per day.

>> No.14535665

There has been another 1 million LINK moved around just today.

>> No.14535697

Can you even read what you posted, retard? That wallet has been moving them around all day.

>> No.14535765

alright guys, I sold, feel free to pump it now.

>> No.14535780

Poor linkies I feel sorry for them

>> No.14535814

Well as we all have completely different metabolism rates, that's total fuckin bullshit. I think what you meant to say was generally speaking, 1lb of fat on a mammal's body contains roughly 3500 kcal. Educate yourself.

>> No.14535874


look at the whales be swing trading. Others are just taking profits

>> No.14535877

Putting a lot of trust in a philosophy dropout that has written a token that does what 3 lines of code do!

>> No.14535897


>> No.14535941

CEO's don't need to be code monkeys.
Sergey was even a legend in the NY VC scene before he founded Smart Contract.

>> No.14535957

oh shit lol this is for real


seriously tho do we continue holding?

>> No.14535967
File: 70 KB, 786x574, 1522535208384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"y-yeah. Dump it."

>> No.14535975


>> No.14536030
File: 898 KB, 487x560, FEeTh5h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you hodl goofball

>> No.14536040
File: 84 KB, 1487x786, OP is a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is buying this bait? The Dev accounts haven't moved a single LINK today. It's the whales with less than 1% of the supply moving a lot.

>> No.14536049
File: 79 KB, 383x383, Sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based sergey realizes when his own shitcoin is overvalued and dumps it back to cup of coffee parity value. lmfao you fucking plebs are done for.

>> No.14536062
File: 22 KB, 1120x442, 1547428568816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANOTHER 700k from the dev account!

>> No.14536070

metabolism affects how many calories you spend/save to perform actions, it has nothing to do with still needing 3500 kcal to gain/lose a pound. It affects what you have to do to spend/gain 3500kcal. Educate yourself.

>> No.14536075


>> No.14536079

Hold and buy into the dip. Or just fucking sperg out and lose everything and kill yourself in a few years when we go to the moon.

>> No.14536083

are you fucking retarded?

LOOK NIGGER https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0xdad22a85ef8310ef582b70e4051e543f3153e11f


>> No.14536091

for the brainlets and redditors that dont understand anything in this thread: chainlink is slowly exitscamming, be careful and take your profits leave chainlink

>> No.14536097

I'm getting Bitconnect vibes.

>> No.14536112

??? That's not a Dev account. The Dev accounts are the top 7. That's a whale from ICO.

>> No.14536113


>> No.14536120
File: 64 KB, 430x650, 1551527315744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are literally dumping millions of link lmao

>> No.14536124

based sergey just cashed out 5m LOL while the coping bagholders are left with NOTHING

>> No.14536135

its a wallet holding 50M LINK idiot....

>> No.14536157

>CEO's don't need to be code monkeys

If they run a software company, YES THEY FUCKING DO LMAO.

>NY VC “””””scene”””””

Yeah that’s why he had to start an illegal ICO fundraiser. No venture capital fund would give money an idea as dumb as Chainlink. Where are your decentralised oracles after 2 years of development, tell me?

>> No.14536181

see the first account
350M goes to the ico, 350M goes to one another, then there are 6 dev accounts with 50M each.
Those links are outside the 350M "circulating" supply.

>> No.14536213

This is too fucking funny. I can't believe they're actually dumping on you faggot idiots so obviously and people still cling to hope.

Get absolutely fucked

>> No.14536228
File: 17 KB, 1104x288, dev_wallets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is, pic related

that was a dev address with 50m LINK and 1.4m has just been drawn out and through 4 other addresses moved to binance

can all be checked on etherscan


>> No.14536233 [DELETED] 


No. #7 ...

>> No.14536235

Either the laws of thermodynamics are real, which means either 1. 3500kcal is one pound of fat, or 2. fat people should be rounded up to unlock the mystery of free energy and power our cities.
> if 1. You’re fucking retarded
> if 2. America has solved the energy crisis and our future is bright.

>> No.14536271

Sergey is dumping in order to use the funds to invest in some McDonalds restaurants... if he owns the place he don't have to pay for the big macs. smart decision by him.

>> No.14536284

should i sell im scared /biz/
If I sell now I will have only lost 594 dollars, but if I dont sell and it tanks hard, I will risk losing a lot more. IM SCARED HELP

>> No.14536305

Yeah I was incorrect the site I pulled from didn't have updates. Seemed like you guys were photoshopping cause it was showing all 50m accounts still at 50m but etherscan isn't showing that. Seems 1 Dev sold two increments of 700k OTC who sent it to a secondary wallet in increments (or sold OTC to someone who sent to Binance) then sent those all to Binance and sold. Probably had one of their contracts blocking sales end at the end of Q3 2019 (yesterday 12:01AM) and they couldn't hold their bags anymore.

>> No.14536306

set stop loss at $3 don't risk it in case of dump

>> No.14536307


>i'm buying regardless if it tanks

lmfao pride > profits

never change /biz/

>> No.14536321

can we get any info on this account?
It's the wallet that fueled the wallet that's second in the transaction chain with ETH for gas.

>> No.14536322


If they are dumping, why isn't the price tanking?

>> No.14536324

not much time left before reddit gets a wind of this and panic sells.
Euphoria can easily turn into panic.

>> No.14536323
File: 17 KB, 466x349, 1465020105116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*start of Q3

>> No.14536326

Dude sell. I already sold my stack after seeing op's pic. That's it, game over. Put all of your money in nano and vechain trust me bro

>> No.14536328

we're reaching levels of denial that were thought impossible

>> No.14536402

One dev is selling their bags at the start of a new quarter right after major announcements in Q2. Pretty obvious that a contract to not sell until the quarter after main net/announcements just ended for one person and he wanted some cash. When Serg sells is when I will kill myself, until then I hold.

>> No.14536421

nobody really knows it's been moved yet, but it has hit binance's wallet and i'm going to go ahead and assume they didn't just move it there for fun

the weird fucked up part is they're not just openly moving 1.4m, they're trying to obfuscate it by moving 700k + 700k then splitting it up into further smaller amounts every couple hours going into binance

obviously they know they can't just dump 1.4m at once, and we don't know that this is sergey, could just be a developer that works for him cashing out, but either way it's fucked because this is a dev account with LINK that wasn't in circulating supply

fucking god damnit, nothing's legit in this world anymore

>> No.14536460


Imagine being this fucking insane seeing a dev dumping his bags on top of you and you go "yea but its probably not the main scammer doing it so maybe the scam isnt over!"

>> No.14536471

You fags worry about every little thing. Literally will never make it.

>> No.14536510

A scam endorsed by google and oracle, right.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14536534

did you ever hear about theranos?

>> No.14536543

I sold. I can't handle this, I'll never make it. My total loss ironically is $666, just a week of work, but goddamn it all.

>> No.14536548

dude, its a dev wallet that had LINK not in the circulating supply

and it's safe to assume this isn't some random dev that is done working with them and wants to cash out because the amount is a lot, that's $5m in LINK that was never paid out from the dev wallet to a dev properly moved to another address and slowly being moved to binance

what else are we supposed to assume?

>> No.14536575


It's Rory's wallet, he has to pay child support to all the black children his wife has given birth to.

>> No.14536581

you are dumb AF, or new AF. Dev get paid in Link and/or fiat. The devs that choose Link obviously can sell that Link. What do you want them to do, hold it forever and never paid themselves? These are dev wallets.

>> No.14536611

the average link holder is 19 years old and this is their first "investment", so...

>> No.14536615


4 minutes ago


>> No.14536618

>You HAVE to hold your $150,000,000 life's achievement in cryptocurrency
>I don't care if the binding contract ended, how DARE you want to cash out 2% to buy a house and retirement plan!
Think like a human for a second.

>> No.14536624


enron is more appropriate

>> No.14536639


Shift those goal posts!

>> No.14536661

Holy shit this is it lmao

>> No.14536663


>I don't care if the binding contract ended, how DARE you want to cash out 2% to buy a house and

tell that to the whatsapp devs who had pledges to never sell out

the saying "every man has his price" / "everyone listens at a certain price"

just saying some people have principles

>> No.14536669

Link is a test.
Self mastery is required to make.
Control of emotions, stoicism.
One’s emotions must be detached from outcome.
Otherwise, never gonna make it.

I didn’t realize how much I care about money until trying to hold Link. This is more than a trade for me. It’s a reminder to take control.

>> No.14536681

What did I shift? You can't just shout some meme. My goalpost was already stated: If Sergey sells we are in trouble. Because Sergey already has fiat money. The devs aren't rich, they're allowed to sell some to secure a house or retirement plan or money for their family.

>> No.14536697

/fit/ here, 3500 is correct, you're making yourself look very silly being so rude about it, embarrassing

>> No.14536728


Which wallets is Sergey's? has he publicly stated which is his?

>> No.14536729

If you're a dev at CL, and NEED to cash out millions of link at one time, either the mob placed a hit on you, or they felt like the project ran into a major hurdle. This is not "I need some money to tidy me over a few months or years"

>> No.14536733

someone post the pie chart of the distribution of wallets

there are only approximately five devs

>> No.14536746

Why would coinbase list Chainlink if it was a scam you fucking retards.

>> No.14536753

this is a dev account, don't get it confused with this is where devs get to withdraw from

this is where sergey pays devs from

1.4m LINK (~$5,000,000 USD value) was 'paid' to a dev TODAY is the best case scenario, and in this best case scenario, that dev is slowly moving everything to binance and going out of his way to obfuscate it for some reason

so red flags have to be raised here

>> No.14536760

how can you fall this obvious scam, quick recearch reveals so many red flags, and scream that chainlink is a scam

like someone wrote chainlink

I think it's a scam, and it's a pnd coin, also I think for a jason parser, the 2 dev team is doing a horrible job...I mean how hard is ti to simply write JSON.parse(str) JSON.stringify(str)....ffs thi sis the most stupid coin I saw for a long time And I kinda hope people don't fall for it...I think mobius got it all figured and it looks like it's the best alternative.

they are based in the caymans? I mean? HELLOOO? really? the team owns like 70% of the coins? how stupid is that? they will exit scam soon enough...it's sad...really sad...the total circulating supply is 1 BILLION? OMG? no thanks.

>> No.14536768


They listed XLM dumbass. They only care about trading volume to get fees off of dumbshits like you. They aren't vetting the tokens.

>> No.14536782

lmao classic, I sold and now its pumping again. I learned my lesson, I'm stupid as shit.

>> No.14536793





Look at the history on the wallets the dev wallet is sending link to.

>> No.14536797

Fine, then let me say: If the #1 wallet with 350m tokens, which I assume is considered Sergey's, starts transferring them to Binance, we are in trouble. That wallet is for major purposes not for selling. The 50m wallets are what was given to major players during development and most of them are not already rich. If I was in a startup as a dev and didn't sell for years than suddenly I was worth $150,000,000 in tokens, I would sell some tokens. I'm not afraid that one person did it. I'd be afraid if the major wallet (which I treat as sergey's/smartcontract) sold.

>> No.14536812

where'd this big green candle come from?

>> No.14536813

imagine selling the only token in the crypto world that has a use

>> No.14536818


This is sad. This is someone investing in LINK trying to make "bad" FUD so it looks legit.

Think about your life.

>> No.14536843

Why can't it be Binance buying for node hosting. Someone mentioned earlier about futures trading was just announced.

>> No.14536845

if a dev is smart enough to dump at ATH, don't be stupid and hold bags

>> No.14536855
File: 12 KB, 331x334, 1478537224778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I learned my lesson
Did you?

>> No.14536858


That's not Sergey's wallet you idiot, his is one of the 50m ones. The 350 is reserved for businesses

>> No.14536860

LOL you actually thought they were exit scamming?

>> No.14536871

I cant believe a man with the initials S N is about to scam all of us

>> No.14536877

lmao dude
if you guys weren't so full of shit I would feel bad for you. pride cometh before the fall. and the fall is imminent.

>> No.14536878

brainlet here, what does this mean?

>> No.14536886


>> No.14536889

That's what I'm saying, if the business wallet is selling we're in trouble. If a regular human is selling 2% to buy a house or something then I don't care. The devs are NOT rich except for Sergey. They have a use for fiat. The business doesn't.

>> No.14536890

because it'd be a set amount and they'd transfer is directly from the project wallet (350m) instead of the dev wallet

also, they wouldn't transfer it through 4 other addresses first to obfuscate it if it were for project purposes

this is clearly a move to sell, i understand you want to be optimistic and so do i, but we're staring facts in the face here, we just have to see what happens, if this dev or whoever it is keeps moving more out through different addresses and then into binance

>> No.14536901

Headed to walmart to pick up a rope right now.

>> No.14536912
File: 56 KB, 611x689, iykyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've been warned

>> No.14536915


imagine being this deluded, although you are propably chainlink shill

>> No.14536936


Those FUCKING GOAL POSTS man. So now its not if Sergey sells, its if they totally misuse reserves and just straight exit scam. Cool buddy I'm sure you'll time your exit perfectly when that happens.

Good luck dumbass!

>> No.14536958

this is actually fuckinf bullish as fuck.

in the future it makes sense to have more people runnning nodes.

this is a chance at giving the linklets more time to accumulate.


we wont moon for a while. but we are not going to dump any lower then 2.50 either.

>> No.14536970

See you in Gensokyo

>> No.14536984


>> No.14536986



1 min ago


>> No.14536993

Keep searching and maybe you’ll figure it out.
The cult is strong for a reason.

>> No.14536995

It’s in this thread

>> No.14537006

why you trust this Sergey, i heard that he doesnt even code

quick search chainlink, and you find warnings this Sergey that he is scammer, and chainlink is another scam

like someone wrote about 5 months ago chainlink:

this project reeks to high heaven of S-C-A-M

just to list a few items:

Sergey Nazarov, founder, is a russian con artist who already led other cash grab projects like NXT

It's based in the Cayman Islands (read: avoiding crackdown by US authorities; SEC, FBI, etc)

hundreds of investors got scammed during the ICO. The team refused refunds for tons of people who sent in ETH over the limit, and there were rumors of the community manager Rory giving out his own ETH address as the "ICO address".

>> No.14537008



>> No.14537017


cope, ur getting scammed

>> No.14537018

Yeah fuck this I'm selling

>> No.14537036


alright, this looks so blatant exit scam

>> No.14537040

Just sold half of what I have, did a 10x meme so it can't hurt taking part of the profits now

>> No.14537045

>truth about "partnerships"
To Google Cloud, a "partnership" is a paying sponsor or a media outlet. Look up "Google cloud partner with us".

What Google Cloud did with Chainlink is MUCH more valuable: integration.


>> No.14537051

somebody cashing out already and buying a Lambo...obviously team doesn't believe in their project like you fags on here seem to think its going to $1000

>> No.14537057

Sending link to partners who are setting up data nodes?

>> No.14537062
File: 85 KB, 600x857, 6edfa494e92170e49b161d03798ee44f-free-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're moving GOAL POSTS
>Uh no only if sergey sells
>This one

>> No.14537064

I’ll know in a few months. I haven’t taken a huge risk.

Millions of have been funneled from binance into a single wallet for the past two days. Really makes you think.

>> No.14537066


>> No.14537069

do we have any info on where the interim wallets came from?
Who's funding them?
The second wallet in the chain has gobs of chainlink transactions. This wallet was fueled from another wallet with transactions all over the place.
The last wallet was fueled from a wallet with a a bunch of "FarmaTrustTokens" from ICO.
Can we cross reference these?

>> No.14537092

would not need to go through Binance.

>> No.14537132

Yes you would if you don't want every neet out there to know where those tokens are going.

>> No.14537144


you newfag they already used binance before to send huge stacks without being able to trace it back

>> No.14537146

The recent transactions have passes through a founder controlled wallet. I traced some back to the other founder wallet that has 35,000,000 in it.

But millions are being funneled out of binance wallets into a single wallet the last two days. Why? We don’t know.

>> No.14537147


That isnt his wallet you dumb dishonest faggot.

I pointed out this could absolutely be sergeys wallet and you changed your condition from Sergey selling to their company liquidating the fucking business reserves. COPE

>> No.14537161
File: 38 KB, 399x349, and its gone lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is gonna pull a charlie lee, but still HODL.

>> No.14537171


That would come from the 350m account meant for that and theyd have a responsibility to announce that happening

>> No.14537180

You fudders need to get a life.
Salty you didn't get in Chainlink when it was a $1. Cope forever you faggots.

>> No.14537182
File: 136 KB, 898x599, 243702357020r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he really took the fat-macdonalds-sergey memes to heart

>> No.14537183

>post number ends in 700
not quite keked but still checked

>> No.14537190

I'm out

>> No.14537205

Didn't they fire someone recently? Perhaps he is taking his money on the way out.

>> No.14537209


>> No.14537242
File: 420 KB, 640x633, 1457559641143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, i'll get plenty when it's $0.10 lmao

>> No.14537256

YAWN, it’s been almost two hours since these transferred happening and we are still $3.5+
There was a lot of fud the last few days about millions being transferred to Binance too. Still didn’t go under $3 for any considerable amount of time.
Never selling you fucking Redditors.

>> No.14537274

I don't get it, why don't you just get an indicator, some trading classes and swing trade?
I'm waiting for the RSI to reach oversold so I can buy some and put my target at 5%

You don't need risky 1000x investments, you only need safe minor gains

>> No.14537337

thank god I deposited my shit on coinbase today to store them there, I sold half at 3.68$... fuck this I should've taken profits anyways. Fuck it's a real bummer, I thought Chainlink was holy.

>> No.14537353

dude nobody "endorsed" it. Jewgle posted a fucking blog mentioning it and you niggers take that as a sign that it's a (((sure thing))) and go all-in while you get absolutely dumped on by the devs and pushers.

>> No.14537359

do you realize that this shitcoin is still heavily overvalued because last week artificially pump

remember that when Sergey and team has done exit scamming, chainlink erc-20 token is totally worthless, value $ 0

volume is still very high, this hype cant last, and its sure price tankin when volume inevitable decreasing normal levels i.e. at least 70 % from down here

now is still hype period, volume is record high but ofcourse it wont last, and then price tanking at least

>> No.14537365

>admitted he doesn’t get it.
> recommends swinging.
When you get it, you will not swing.

>> No.14537380

I mean I'm happy I did a 10x as I bought mine at 0.37 cents, sold now at 3.75

>> No.14537381

positive thoughts only

>> No.14537389

if you all set a stop loss and it dumps it will plummet so fast and you will increase your stacks by lots. anon look 777 id you sold right

>> No.14537403

If they brought on new team members it makes sense, or if they are paying out some current members after their respective holding period is up. I know that some later members were going to receive 300k link.

>> No.14537425

fucking hell... take your meds son

>> No.14537426



>> No.14537428
File: 804 KB, 2048x2048, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the fucking creator is dumping
"chainlink will chagne the world"

>> No.14537439

If selling why use Binance instead of coin base?

>> No.14537447


fucking COPE

>> No.14537455
File: 6 KB, 249x172, 1561903687201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's totally okay. All /biz/ wanted to (((accumulate))) for the half of this year. Their prayers were heard and ow they'll get the opportunity.

>> No.14537456
File: 1.24 MB, 365x298, 1553356334687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep on trying to defend the indefensible. it's a fucking scam; that doesn't mean it's going to bottom out. but if you fags have contingency plans, might wanna get them ready to deploy.

>> No.14537494

This whole thread needs to dilate ASAP.

>> No.14537521

holy fuck this is every discord tranny ever

>> No.14537545
File: 122 KB, 452x391, Girugamesh01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has been dripping 100 LINK sales every second for the last day or so on CB between LINK-USD and LINK-ETH.

You guys have been getting exit scammed for a while now and are just now finding out.

>> No.14537547

Ok I'm dumping

>> No.14537602

Didn't vitalik sell his eth at $7 or something

>> No.14537612

that was vlad zamfir the pothead

>> No.14537625

i still dont understand how many fall this scam

chainlink is fuckin erc-20 token, zero real use case

this Sergey had shady past and he doesnt even code

this project reeks to high heaven of S-C-A-M

just to list a few items:

Sergey Nazarov, founder, is a russian con artist who already led other cash grab projects like NXT

It's based in the Cayman Islands (read: avoiding crackdown by US authorities; SEC, FBI, etc)

hundreds of investors got scammed during the ICO. The team refused refunds for tons of people who sent in ETH over the limit, and there were rumors of the community manager Rory giving out his own ETH address as the "ICO address".

wtf, dont you investigate coin that you bought at all?

and Sergey and devs control about 70 % token supply

how can anyone bought this obvious scam???

>> No.14537627

LOL, then sell you nigger. There is no option or future timeline where I sell before I'm a multimillionaire.

Seriously sell. you are not welcome on this journey. You will stay poor and have a life filled with regret.

>> No.14537628

>people sell assets on exchanges
NO WAY????

>> No.14537632

Oracle places there name on something it’s a scam yeah come on cause some dev is getting a new ride and a house

>> No.14537639

do the needful

buy more chain stink. praise vishnu i buy new toilet.

>> No.14537651

I just dumped my entire 7.5k link stack l into BTC

>> No.14537671

sergey beat up jason parser for attempting to do a shadow fork


>> No.14537694

They're clearly trying to get as much out of their LINK as they can without crashing the market with this sale method.

Imagine if they just started dumping 1K LINK every second instead. Shit would go to $0.10 in a day.

>> No.14537704


I'm shorting Chainlink faggot. Hoping to make a couple thousand of you mongoloid call center workers.

>> No.14537715
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>> No.14537719




Though don't get me wrong, their terror is quite nice!

>> No.14537731

it's like a fucking cult, jesus...
just don't kys bro, there are other ways we can all make it.

>> No.14537747

It is, buddy. People are catching on slowly but surely. Once this news goes public to the norms we're in for a massacre.

Shit is going to tank to $3 today minimum.

>> No.14537752

This is nothing compared to DENT, they dumped half of the supply on binance lmao

>> No.14537792

>Jewgle posted a fucking blog
Google uses blogposts to announce its biggest news.
Like when they announces their flagship Anthos project: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/hybrid-cloud/new-platform-for-managing-applications-in-todays-multi-cloud-world


>> No.14537797
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>> No.14537815
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>> No.14537818

Hi newfags, I'll use Reddit spacing so you feel this post is more elaborated so it feels more trustworthy

The tranny discord fud narrative is that those are DEV wallets. They aren't dev wallets, they are FUNDING wallets. Real companies are starting to use the network.

This is bullish af and this thread is full of rekt swinglinkers trying to get back what they lost.

Hold, don't sell and please, get the fuck out of 4chan and social crypto in general, place your bets and leave for years, that's the best strat

>> No.14537819


>> No.14537847

Sell to papa give me sell all of you dirty little slunts

>> No.14537849

Nice try trannie but I have always stuck to the same wallet. When you asked me to explain which wallet, I explained the wallet I meant. At no point did I ever change the wallet I was talking about. Dilate.

>> No.14537873

Bullish as fuck, just sold my leg to a cannibal so I can buy 1000 more link.

>> No.14537882

Fuck that is bad and probably even worse the dude can't spell visible correctly.

>> No.14537935

price suppression lol

>> No.14537966

hes too busy pressing the sell button but its all for his wifes son

>> No.14537974

they are dumping and they are dumping in waves

>> No.14537992
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>> No.14538015

Blessed 700 get. Something greater is at work here

>> No.14538033
File: 13 KB, 229x221, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sergey and devs control about 70 % token supply

decentralized oracles


>> No.14538088

how is moving it through 4 addresses enough obfuscation to hide an exit scam

>> No.14538116




>> No.14538120


>> No.14538172
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 5rydgvgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooooood, goooood

>> No.14538173

Jesus... they're unironically exit scamming. Why didn't I sell the other day at ATH? So stupid of me to put faith in a bunch of scam artists.

>> No.14538186


>> No.14538189



>> No.14538192

at least you sold xd

>> No.14538193

No. I haven't made it yet.

>> No.14538215

True. Glad I got something from this piece of Russian shit.

>> No.14538218

how is moving it through 4 addresses then splitting the amounts within 2 hours going into binance not shady?

answer my question first

>> No.14538223

tried telling you poofs for months that a billion coins is too many, that it's a 5 dollar shitcoin, and that you should cash out asap anywhere above 4. all i got was teenagers screaming in my face and insisting that it'll hit 1k. a trillion dollar mcap. batshit insanity.

>> No.14538236
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>> No.14538241
File: 147 KB, 291x517, 1315696624345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme magic was real. The fud, the scamming, his belly.

>> No.14538263

Yeah right dev wallet selling the top could you have a bigger sell signal. FUCK. idk what to do god dammit

>> No.14538317

>This fucking thread
Haven't had a good laugh in a while.
By the way, LINK is reaching oversold on the RSI, you should be getting your BTC, ETH, Tethers and USD ready to buy

>> No.14538352

>LINK is reaching oversold on the RSI
How do I short this shit?

>> No.14538354

Hahahahahahha stupid fucking linkies!

>> No.14538364


> I’m getting exit scammed
> haha all so f-funny right fellow link marines!?
>u-unironically buying 100k right guys!?

>> No.14538385
File: 165 KB, 1080x1350, 1560231296772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the numbers niggers

>> No.14538391

>the "i" isnt even next to "a" on the keyboard
>chainlink team is illiterate
the absolute state of this scamcoin

>> No.14538392

>trading crypto with RSI
<80 IQ, you should not be allowed to procreate.

>> No.14538399


Borrow link on nuo exchange then sell the link on an exchange

>> No.14538429

Me and my gains don't give a shit about you, you tripple nigger
Whatever, fag. This shit has still one last pump before going below 3 bucks, I'll be making some sweat 10% then.
>selling while oversold
Fuck, nigger, what are you doing

>> No.14538449

This shit is going to dump to 0.20 cents

>> No.14538462

remembering all the braindead morons that kept saying that the supply was gonna be 350 million forever. yeah, they printed the other 650 million to look at them because they are pretty lmao.
>link supply: 350,000,000
>link supply: 350,780,000
>link supply: 351,400,000
>link supply: 400,000,000
>link supply: 500,000,000
>link supply: 750,000,000
>link supply: 1,000,000,000

>> No.14538476

>remembering all the braindead morons that kept saying that the supply was gonna be 350 million forever.
you mean nobody?

>> No.14538497

and dont tell me its to fund the project. these people got 32 MILLION from the ICO in ETH, which mooned to more than 100 MILLION DOLLARS

>> No.14538499

might actually sell because of this

>> No.14538502

1 penny! hurrrrrr!

>> No.14538517

>Fuck, nigger, what are you doing
I'm doing what smart guys did in 2008 on the real estate market. SHORTING this dog shit bubble.

>> No.14538518

Open the weekly chart my man and check your rsi again

>> No.14538521

It’s actually more like ~366,000,000 released from wallets. If you know you to dig, you will see it’s actually between 350 million and 366 million.

>> No.14538613

Lol check rsi on any scale not in minutes or hours

>> No.14538620

Holy shit.

>> No.14538623

>700 get
>700 eoy!

>> No.14538638


>> No.14538681

>Lol check rsi on any scale not in minutes or hours
>thinking I'm that dense
I check the RSI depending on my target, you really think I want to buy LINK and sell it two weeks from now?
Jesus Christ

>> No.14538701

Lord kek holy what is going on?
Is this the beginning?

>> No.14538777




>> No.14538790

If anything but 0 at the end of this post, we'll all be fine.

>please no fucking zero... if not LINK is going down to zero because they exit scammed

>> No.14538800


>> No.14538807
File: 330 KB, 542x462, 1200px-SDCC_2017_-_Jeremy_Jordan__Melissa_Benoist_and_David_Harewood_01__cropped_-removebg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're fucked

>> No.14538830
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>> No.14538833
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>> No.14538841


>> No.14538847

uh oh

All things considered, it has been 4 hours since the OP and the price hasn't moved beyond 10 cents from the general average of 3.70$ If this was really dumping, would't the price be significantly lower by now?

>> No.14538879


>> No.14538880


>> No.14538902

>alternating 0 and 7 responses

>> No.14538922


>> No.14538925

It's just correcting, check with a fucking indicator.
I knew from this morning that 3.4 is the lowest we are getting today, I'm ready to buy at 3.55 and sell at 3.9

>> No.14538929
File: 8 KB, 249x249, richpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even if it dumps to $0.20, I'm still making money
you guys just don't get it. i'm literally never selling

>> No.14538949

he will buy mcd franchise

>> No.14538954


>> No.14538971

Its obvious. They are trying to keep the price low so 1LINK = 1 cup of coffee

>> No.14538972

so you're just throwing your money away. i mean why are you even on this board? and what is your mental problem?

>> No.14538982

I think we misinterpreted his post anyways. Hes clearly a bobo fuck by judging his color, and his kin wont ”be fine” as proven by his 0.

>> No.14538983


>> No.14538997

If this post is in a compilation because LINK actually exit scammed, I'm going to be really fucking upset.

>> No.14539008
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual pajeet
So linkies really are stinky?

>> No.14539024

imagine buying LINK at $4+ and then getting immediately exit scammed.

>> No.14539029

Better FUDers than you have tried to shake my hands, but MY HANDS are IRON sir.

You ain't getting a fucking inkling of my linkies

>> No.14539032

Boy Google and Oracle must really feel like they have egg on their face now that Sergey decided to exit scam!

>> No.14539034

Whales been trying to sell all day but the price won't go below $3.60. Get fucked whales. I'm never selling.

>> No.14539051

I bought at $4.25 last week. How can I contact customer service?

>> No.14539059


>> No.14539077


Oracle is a boomer software company that gets by on bribing managers to make underlings use shitty old code

Google has never endorsed anything that was a dumb scam before for sure. I’m loving my juicero personally how about you?

>> No.14539109


>> No.14539136

yeah we know retard lmao you faggots didnt sell in the 4s lmaooo

>> No.14539171
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>> No.14539188

+300 replies to a hambeast thread. Linky genocide can't come swiftly enough

>> No.14539294
File: 210 KB, 900x1200, 1486446106310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck africanes. We've been feeding those worthless niggers for a century and they're still too stupid to know how to grow their own food or make roads.

>> No.14539356


>> No.14539469

Hahaha but surely digits can’t always be right. If this is anything but the devil’s six, we will all make it.

>> No.14539489

ITT: People still act like it's 2018

look at the volume, look at the mcap. 700k, 1m etc is nothing. You still haven't grasped how high we are going

btw vitalik dumped eth at 7 dollars

>> No.14539502


>> No.14539522

>You still haven't grasped how high we are going

>> No.14539626

Not the short term price dump may matter. More like, what do they know that makes them want to dump it now.

>> No.14539659


what makes you think they are gonna dump it? what about all the links that got withdrawn from binance? stop thinking so small

>> No.14539762

Damn I want to knock your head off right now. Fucking scumbag, your comments are utter trash and I hope you get reckt there's no place for that kind of racist views on /biz/

>> No.14539812

How new are you?

>> No.14539988

And yet price is going up, dont be retarded marines.

>> No.14539989
File: 1.31 MB, 2020x1895, 1559764523078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team takes profits to fund their lives so they can survive to work on their project full time

>> No.14540051


Also, these types of transfers have happened since two years ago. Tons of fud then too, yet the price was unchanged.

>> No.14540221