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File: 14 KB, 226x260, ETHEREUM-ICON_Black_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14523344 No.14523344 [Reply] [Original]

So all of these erc20 memecoins are seating on top of this even bigger shitcoin? How can it handle high throughput if fucking cryptokitties managed to clog the pipe?

>> No.14523401
File: 287 KB, 508x504, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.0 is around the corner faggot. Do you really think this god would build something on top of it if he didn't think it could scale?

>> No.14523412

All in BSV.

>> No.14523447


>> No.14523459

do you even crypto bro. its one of the only working smart contract platforms. transactions are nearing ATH https://etherscan.io/chart/tx Eth2 is set in stone. fortune 500 companies announcing project almost every week. strap in

>> No.14523468

Eth 2.0 you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.14523479

forgot to mention the growing equity in defi http://defipulse.com

>> No.14523480

>2.0 is around the corner faggot
this time for real

>> No.14523494
File: 83 KB, 957x742, ETH under ETC Chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real redpill is that ETH is just a token of Ethereum Classic. It is not even its own separate crypto

>> No.14523524

Literally everything is riding on ETH, if it fails you might aswell just sell everything because it's going to take everything else with it.

>> No.14524638

As for your question, tokens aren't moved on the scale it would break yet, so it just about works currently. But it won't properly run broadly used dApps, especially with heavier execution

>> No.14524742

bitching about cryptokitties clogging ethereum is the litmus test for dunning-kruger opinions about this
the gas market performed as intended during the initial rush. the network literally never slowed down or crashed. newbies letting their gas price autosuggested to 20 by primitive wallets got their tx stuck for a while, that's about it. worth noting at 100 gas price, ethereum transactions were still cheaper than bitcoin
no later than the next weekend, eth devs of all stripes came up with network improvements to drive down the costs and increase thoroughput
three weeks later, costs were back to normal
then for the following year and a half, regular improvements were made
hundreds of dapps have been running on layer 1. layer 2 solutions have matured through 2018, and some popular dapps seamlessly run millions of transactions there
ofc, if you're the average btc bagholding retard who gets your news from coindesk, you don't know that. more importantly, you don't WANT to know that. after king shitcoin has been gimped into a purely speculative tool for market manipulators, you have to cling to the store of value narrative for dear life. ignore all information, refuse to learn, stick to debunked talking points. bitch about the 2016 DAO while the 2018 parity bailout failed. complain about emission rate (that you call inflation, because it's a serious economic term and makes you feel like a serious man talking about serious money - even if any economist could tell you this is not what inflation means), even though by design ethereum emission rate naturally trends towards 0 as we approach infinity, not unlike bitcoin pow stretching decades - save for the fact bitcoin has no plans to deal with decreasing block rewards, except "the price will magically rise forever because deflation". cry about PoS being about the rich, when the minimum level of entry for bitcoin mining is an ASIC farm
bitcoin has swapped fundamental value for spiritual value. gl with that

>> No.14524766

how do I join the cult?

>> No.14524775

Not sure if this counts but I'm getting a great rate on compound.finance rather than any savings account.

>> No.14525366

>2.0 is around the corner faggot
that's some unbridled hopium-infused horesehit right there. 2.0 is years away, they hope to get the first phase of it live early next year - that shit will be delayed. Everybody knows this except ETH bagholders apparently. good thing is that LINK is blockchain agnostic and will be able to jump ship pronto when a better platform emerges.

>> No.14525388

>Literally everything is riding on ETH
no anon, ETH is nothing more than a little toy right now that lets people run smart contracts. it will go quietly into the night and be supplanted

>> No.14525427

>bitching about cryptokitties clogging ethereum is the litmus test for dunning-kruger opinions about this
>the gas market performed as intended during the initial rush. the network literally never slowed down or crashed. newbies letting their gas price autosuggested to 20 by primitive wallets got their tx stuck for a while, that's about it. worth noting at 100 gas price, ethereum transactions were still cheaper than bitcoin
translation: if everyone had raised their gas price then the entire network would have clogged, but some would have outbid, letting their transactions go through, but according to your model if everyone had raised their gas in response to being outbid to the same level, the network would have clogged once again. the only dunning-kruger opinion here is yours - pajeet. kys

>> No.14525450

>and some popular dapps seamlessly run millions of transactions there
offchain - on a regular old server. wow so impressive anon, running transactions on a regular ol' webserver because the ETH network cannot handle the load. lmao

>> No.14525475

LMAO, ETH is dead. Didnt you see all those ETH-killers being shilled here the last 2 years? Biz is never wrong. All those ETH killers are going to still rekt Ethereum. lmao

>> No.14525513






>> No.14525522
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 3FAFDC30-1AD1-43C3-BDF7-101F2CCED27A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody said ETH is dead retard. your COPE is pretty damn funny though

>> No.14525564

Do you honestly think ETH has a chance anymore? Even if an altcoin season comes, the trend is setting XRP, LTC and EOS above ETH already within 2 months.

>> No.14525581


ETH isnt dead
but look like it will be replaced platform which is already now exist what ETH 2.0 trying to be some future
this platform blockchain is already hundred times faster than ETH is

>> No.14525586


>> No.14525600

>the absolute state of shitcoin bagholders
loom, poa, etc. are sidechains, not web servers. their consensus model makes them essentiallt identical to eos, tron or whatever other chink scam you've got your stake in
as for other solutions, state channels aren't web servers, signed messages aren't web servers... do you even crypto, bruh?

>> No.14525652

what, your showcase for ETH scaling is a fucking sidechain that runs on its own network? that has nothing to do with ETH scaling dumbass. sidechains can run on multiple networks, says nothing about ETH scaling. as to the games for loom's network, guess where the heavy work will be done, regular old offchain servers. dumbfucks abound today

>> No.14525678

How can millions of websites support billions of users every day lol you fucking retard

>> No.14525693

Exactly, literally the same shit scaling as Bitcoin. Yet, some people still fall for it.