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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14522700 No.14522700 [Reply] [Original]

ok /biz/,

I’ve got $30k sitting in a checking account right now and no clue what to do with it.

>US 22 year old male
>employed (government), >going to college for free (military paying for all of it... actually overpaying but that’s beside the point)
>single with no kids

My only “debt” is the 4k I have left on my car loan.

There’s a million articles out there saying a million different things. What is the opinion of the board?

No crypto

>> No.14522713
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all in on link faggot

>> No.14522715

>no crypto
Never gonna make it

>> No.14522717

>No crypto
Hookers and cocaine it is then.

>> No.14522725

Whats the APR on your car loan? If its above like 6 or 8% just pay that off and get that behind you

>> No.14522727

Buy beyblades

>> No.14522728

You're not gonna make it

>> No.14522743
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1561848520548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you leave this board, nigger.
Jesus i hate newfags so much

>> No.14522744

This is literally a crypto board..gtfo

>> No.14522755

You have 2 options, I personally don't care which one you'll take;
1- fuck off back to lereddit
2- do your own research / lurk

>> No.14522764

That’s the plan. I don’t know the APR. Everyone at least seems to agree though debt should be taken care of first.

>> No.14522784

4k to clear debt
20k in wealthfront cash account
6k to start off investing in stocks, crypto if you want to lose money

>> No.14522793

You mean wait and see how long it takes for me to lose enough IQ points to fall for the crypto meme?

Nah dawg I’m good

>> No.14522800

But Magic the gathering cards and hold them for decades.

>> No.14522813

so mommy takes care of it? retard

>> No.14522814


>> No.14522818

Well you became a crayoneater to die for israel so how high could your iq possibly be

>> No.14522821

Why wealthfront as opposed to other roboadvisors?

>> No.14522826

>no crypto

Go buy stocks and bonds then, boomer faggot.

>> No.14522847

Rare yugiohs and hodl

>> No.14522853

> no crypto
Spend on traveling then. Fiat isn't designed for saving.

>> No.14522879

Alright I'll answer your question honestly then; the fact that you have 30k usd at 22 y-o is great. Just keep doing whatever you're doing

>> No.14522897

It’s enough for the vacation of a lifetime but I would feel like shit afterwards

>> No.14522943

not for its investments, for its cash account. highest interest rate at the moment at 2.51, hold onto your cash for now since stock market has a lot of uncertainty right now, you can shift more cash into the market as you see fit but don't let your cash sit and do nothing, it'll earn money.

>> No.14522949

Buy Crypto then.
What's your problem?

>> No.14523013

If you have a time machine back to the late 2000s I’ll gladly buy crypto.

Til then I’ve known enough people personally who blew all they had and either lost it all or got out in time to recoup most of what they put in. Not for me.

>> No.14523042

>I’ve known enough people personally who blew all they had and either lost it all or got out in time to recoup most of what they put in
Why are u here?

>> No.14523068

>”Invest all your assets into an extremely volatile and unregulated dark market”

I’m starting to wonder the same thing

>> No.14523080

That's most investments. You obviously havent done your research on crypto so you really cant say how good of an investment it is

>> No.14523111

percentages are a great thing. those ppl you know don't know the first thing about investing. if you're impatient or get into the losing picks, the market will respond accordingly.

>> No.14523116
File: 51 KB, 600x508, 97466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... perhaps you should get the fuck outta here, huh?

>> No.14523127

Even if u buy right before long bear market (which isn't now because we already experienced it, we are in bull trend now because halvening is on horizon) u just need to wait to get profit. And in the bull u can do 3x in a month.

Maybe u should look into PMs if u don't want crypto, but no 100x there, just real value instead of paper meme money.
Or try to open your own business in a sphere u like. Just avoid stocks and bonds, recession is coming.

>> No.14523130

Show me evidence that crypto isn’t a purely speculation fueled market propped up by a need for untraceable (and frequently shady) transactions and maybe Ill start treating it like most investments.

>> No.14523183

I get the same feeling. I don’t think the recession will hit this year (unless shit pops off in the ME) but next year is likely.

And I’m not denying crypto is great for getting unbeatable returns, it’s just the risk is way to damn high to bet everything I have on it.

>> No.14523212

pay your car off, put the rest into a roth IRA, rollover some into a pure stocks account, leave the rest in the IRA to go into ETFs with very aggressive investment strategy

the stockmarket is about to explode to the moon. seriously how the fuck have you been living in the badass TRUMP era with $30k languishing in a fucking checking account? you could have already turned that into $50k if you had put it into the stockmarket 2 years ago. its not too late. just remmeber to pull out of stocks and flip all to bonds if it looks like Trump might lose to a moronic leftwing socialist piece of shit who will destroy americas economy. but right now its looking good for america and for Trump. thank god

>> No.14523283

2 years ago I had maybe $500 in my bank account. The $30k has come in the last few months.

>> No.14523320

Invest in a technology platform, such as Ethereum, etc, with utility (future promise). Also, bitcoin isn't necessarily a pure speculative instrument. It has attractive properties. You don't have to bet everything on anything. Spread your positions in everything if you're so unsure and consolidate into a few or one position if you're sure. Risk was necessary even for early late 2000's when you wanted to invest.

>> No.14523356

stop wasting time you moron the stock market is riding up because of all the good news coming out of the asia trade talks. put it into stocks tomorrow and thank daddy Trump for your wealth and putting america first

>> No.14523381


>> No.14523422

>he can't outperform an 8% apr

>> No.14523472

Are the fucking retards supporting Trump? I just read some flaming dumbass call him "daddy Trump" you guys are fuckwits

>> No.14523475

Start a Roth IRA now. Ask friends , family if they have a decent broker. Have auto pay set up to have $500 taken out each month so you max it out in a year (maybe even meet the maximum - $5500 - straight away this year).

Personally, I’d keep at least 20k in a checking account. It feels good and mentally means you have money for a rainy day. Spend some money on fun shit - dinners etc but keep a tight leash.

>> No.14523486

This is actually the only answer you need though.

>> No.14523498


>> No.14523546

A diversified portfolio of uncorrelated asset classes.
Stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, crypto and magic the gathering cards.