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14512563 No.14512563 [Reply] [Original]

hey anons i wanted to share the following info with you guys. Cus I love you.

I know that a shit ton of you guys have depression and I know that feel.
>tfw empty
>tfw loneliness comsumes you
>tfw you just exist
>tfw you just want sweet release from all the pain
I know it, you know it. If you are reading this and have never had depression. It will probably come one day so why not read further.

Depression sucks and I have dealt with it multiple times. From all my experience I know one thing. Say the fuck away from the meds. Even if doctors are saying: " but look at all these normies, they are doing great XD!" . No dipshit, it is a fake happiness. The pills fuck your hormone system so much that you become dependent.
You have to keep swallowing to stay happy, the depression will not go away this way, it will just lurk in the shadows, ready to fuck you up.

So what is the alternative? Fix your life. What? Yes fix it. But my life is great? No, faggot else you would not have depression. Something in your life is no going your way, something is keeping you down and (you) need to fix that.

Meds won't fix shit. Like I said, it is just fake happiness. I have seen people become insane after they went off their meds, kill themselves even on meds and more. Just dont take the meds, think about what is going wrong and fix that.Else (you) just keep paying and giving these fags your hard earned money for nothing.

I had a shit alcoholic mother, but I didn't think she was the problem. After proper thinking I finally realized what was wrong. Now, I live on my own, have a gf and am kinda happy.(you) can also be happy anon. Trust me, (you) can do it. (You) can make it.

>> No.14512669

nice blog there fren

>> No.14512695
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thank :^)

>> No.14512781

taking an ssri has improved my life objectively

>> No.14512815
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>TLDR; Meds fuck (you) up, just fix your life.

wanna share the experience? Are you sure that you are actually happy or have improved? Generally interessed.

>> No.14512846

Depression is caused by feeling helpless and powerless to effect your own life. I think that's why people love Jordan Peterson so much. He advocates for taking on responsibility, which as a consequence will show you that you do have control over the direction of your life.

>> No.14512896

Holy shit this looks like a very street I used to live on in Osaka.

>> No.14513028

mental health medication is a jewish scam. triggered psychosis and i didn't go back to the therapists since then. i just meditate occasionally and live a healthier lifestyle (if you're a degenerate idk what to tell u)

>> No.14513085


Docs put me on Zoloft. It was great. 6 months into and 3 no monthly check ups, they ask with persistence “do you feel like hurting yourself or others” No I feel great doc, thx. Much happy now but why do you keep asking me?

Doc: Anon, sometimes these meds cause suicidal tendencies, we just have to be sure.

1 month later: Woke up feeling lifeless, walked to a bridge. Stood on the ledge, waiting for the wind to take my feet from under me. Slowly relaxed, eyes closed.

>> No.14513155


All I wanted was to go to sleep forever. Suddenly my phone rings. My 6 year old daughter was FaceTiming me, I answer:

“Daddy where are you? I miss you”. For a second I snap back to reality, remember docs asking me if I feel this way. Go home and hug my child. Call doctors office and tell them I’m going to burn down their building.

Holy fuck, it’s true. These meds are literally useless and cause more harm then good.

2 months to recover from Zoloft withdrawals, worth thing ever.

>> No.14513166

I agree, however I do not agree with peterson. He is a hypocrite and a shitty intellectual. But I don't wanna discuss him. Just depression in general

Is it really the jews anon? Or are you just imagining it? How come so many people do not believe you when you say this to them? Depression fucks with your head anon. I almost shot up a school because I was imagining people hating me. It never happend, I was one of the most popular kids in high school. Just think rationally about it, you are smart right?

It fucks you man, just keep fighting, slowly get of the meds. Things will get better, enjoy that you can actually feel all these feelings. That you have the ability to be happy.

>> No.14513394

6 months off them and really am at the bottom, both mentally and in life. You're absolutely right, don't do it.

>> No.14513415

Atleast you have a daughter man, sounds like she saved you. Good to hear you got rid of the fucking meds.

Art is based on the real world :D

>> No.14513480

Microdose psylocibin every day and do full dosages every once in a while

>> No.14513606

okay, but does it fix anything? Maybe try to figure out what is making you depressed before it hits you hard man. Do you really want to be a person who relies on drugs to be happy?

wanna talk about it?

>> No.14513934
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I need to go boys. Hope you all make it.

>> No.14513996

Thanks OP, I needed this. Genuinely thank you.

>> No.14513998

i agree with most of what you rworte, but i think meds, especially SSRIs are a great tool to overcome the symptoms of depression like not coming out of bed etc. and by this they enable you to be able to fix whats going wrong with your life. The feeling that you accomplished something (even if its bringing down the trash) is well worth the side effects these meds might have. Just dont use these hard stuff like xanax etx, i think these are even illegal in the EU

>> No.14514018

Lol Peterson is on massive doses of jew drugs for like 3 decades. He said they saved his life and he never felt alive until he took them.

>> No.14514035

>taking an ssri has improved my life objectively

same desu. 2 weeks on them and I no longer get OCD thoughts or panic attacks.

>> No.14514049

Go back faggot. Seriously go back. Kike loving fag.

>> No.14514161

post moar art.

>> No.14514172

This is entirely dependent on the individual in question. No two individuals are the same, and neither is their brain chemistry. I do agree that many meds are prescribed in a way that is borderline unethical, and I agree that there are many more beneficial alternative treatments...but again, all dependent on the individual.

There's a treatment for everyone, and for some people, that's medicine. They aren't a scam. Glad you're doing better bud.

>> No.14514250

>don't take them they are a scam
No shit really!
KYS retard

I'm feeling depressed RN, I want a laugh! Tell us what coins you hodl, PLEASE OP

>> No.14514262
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Did 7 months of Zoloft after being abandoned by most of my family and friends, having my opportunities taken away by corrupt bureaucrats, having absolutely no positive role model at age 18 and overall feeling helpless. It got me out of a hole I couldn't get myself out of. And it did fuck me up in different ways. Started 2 months of wellbutrin to fix the damage caused by zoloft. I'm doing exceptionally well now, but I'm much lazier than I've ever been and I've come to accept it.
Meds have their place but the collateral damage is not worth it for at least 99% of people taking them.

>> No.14514299

OP's right can relate

>> No.14514404
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I was on Zoloft for a few years and didn't realize how much it had fucked me up until I was off of them. Even now I feel like it stunted me speech patterns, and I'm not nearly as sharp as I was before taking them.

The best way I could describe SSRIs is that they make you not give a fuck about anything. You don't give a fuck about the bad parts of your life, but it also makes you stop caring about the good parts as well. Zoloft also made me not think twice about self-destructive decisions, and it made me want to use drugs and JUST fuck my shit up.

>> No.14514632
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