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1450774 No.1450774 [Reply] [Original]

Gentleman how do we profit form Hillary Clinton win in presidential race?

>> No.1450781

short gold

>> No.1450786

Move. No benefits.

>> No.1450799

bet on her winning the presidency.

>> No.1450800

Buy dollars if are form Europe

>> No.1450802

hedge against the tax increases by becoming a NEET

>> No.1450808

Sell T-shirts that say "Impeach The Bitch". Everybody here in the south wore "Impeach the Kenyan" shirts for the first year of Obama's presidency.

>> No.1450809

Hillary is the best candidate for Wallstreet and won't fuck up the economy with retarded protectionists bullshit. Anyone who votes Trump probably doesn't have two nickles to rub together.

>> No.1450811

buy S+P futures
short gold futures
buy bond futures

Whoever is currently entrenched will stay entrenched.

>> No.1450825

this desu. fuck working harder to support more niggers and spics

>> No.1450835
File: 498 KB, 1360x768, MadokaInSims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Gary "weedman" Johnson?

>> No.1450865

No chance

>> No.1450868

Sorry, you're right.
Hillary is the best wallstreet candidate, who actually stands a chance at winning.

>> No.1450872

I was gonna suggest something like this.

I was thinking, a t-shirt with a picture of Bernie Sanders, preferably shrugging with a slogan like

>President of the United States of Sane Mind
>Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
(inb4 that joke implies no difference between candidates, as i'm assuming the people who buy these T-shirts are idiots or will buy it "Eye-Ronically")

Hey Curmudgeonly Cameron, lay off the uninvited opinions, you can be pro, anti, or even neutral to Hillary to profit from her.

>> No.1450884

Fuck Wall Street. Trump wants to decrease the tax rate on business income to 15%. Hillary doesn't give too shits about people who actually work for a living.

>> No.1450890

This desu
I mean I like trump for America but as a Canadian investor I think Hillary will be best for me

>> No.1450964
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New Question
After Hillary wins, and SPY continues to rise, when will it crash? I want to put some kind of money on new 220(??) high then tank to 180 for a while

>> No.1450980

I fail to see how continuing Obama's policies isn't fucking up the economy.

>> No.1451002

long bond
long S&P
long anyone involved in a global conflict

>> No.1451007

That's because you're an idiot. Vote for Trump, let us know how that goes.

>> No.1451008

a 15℅ corporate tax rate doesn't help workers in the least bit. maybe if you're a freelance worker, which is also good for business because then they don't have to deal with providing you benefits.

and if you're of the position that corporation paying less is a good thing for the people, then why support protectionists policies and tariffs for not hiring expensive and stupid amerifats over cheap third world labor?

>> No.1451021
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>> No.1451050


>> No.1451051

Look at donation list for the clinton foundation and bet on those

>> No.1451060
File: 85 KB, 800x688, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really just recovery from the housing crash. It's like blaming bush for the readjustment of the untenable market during the .com boom.

I'm not saying Obama is terrible. Just a mediocre president like Bush jr.

>> No.1451108

It's no use trying to argue with political idiots because they're simpletons with no clue as to why the market is they way it is.
Your best bet is to ride the QE bubble until it pops and then go into gold, bonds or short everything until it hits bottom and then long.

>> No.1451626


Oh it is worry not. Stay short. Keep your hands strong.

Just means the rowers keep on rowing no idea where they might be going.

>> No.1452584


Someone remind me what the stock market looked like at the end of Bush's presidency again. I think there was a little dip, can't remember though. It was ones of years ago.

Anon, there's being neutral, and then there's being objective. Be less of the former and more of the latter.

>> No.1452607

What's wrong with being a freelance worker? We can't all be a wage cuck.

Your second paragraph is just stupid. Why support your own country.. Hmm.

>> No.1452609

buy stock in guns and ammo companies.
buy gold before the election and sell when it spikes after.

>> No.1452764
File: 527 KB, 559x519, laughing president of asia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't. trump will be president.

when that happens, people who aren't morons will be able to make quick and easy money.

since you think clinton is winning, however, that makes you one of the morons. so no tips for you, dumb shit.

>> No.1452773

You're an idiot, dude. He presided over the slowest recovery in American history.Also, kill yourself, libtard.

>> No.1452809


>> No.1452810

buy BLRY coin

>> No.1452821
File: 84 KB, 780x439, 150318113913-chart-presidents-6-year-stocks-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> slowest recovery in American history
kek poorfag detected
the recovery was pretty quick, and the bailout was the single most beneficial agreement the US made in recent history

the only people really affected were brain-dead retards who paniced or over leveraged themselves beyond any reason and lost everything they could never afford in the first place. everyone else who wasn't retarded made a fucking killing.

>> No.1452830

you can profit by not doing anything as her election will result in stable markets and not an apocalyptic trump crash to which he will respond "hey what can i say dont hold stocks!"

>> No.1452901

You're objectively wrong, libtard. And, regarding your pic, he was the only one that was president during a recovery; it's deliberately misleading.

>> No.1452925

lmao, the ignorance of this guy.

>> No.1452931



>> No.1452971

>printing $8TRILLION
totally created value! ! !

>> No.1453007
File: 67 KB, 537x620, 1453389912244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument. Again, kill yourself.

>> No.1454127

Is this pic trying to poke fun at people who believe in global warming lol

Trump supports are turning into bitter old people who never get off Facebook

>> No.1454179

If Trump, buy $AA and $X and $GLD (or $ABX)

If Clinton, buy $VOO, $BND and $QQQ

>> No.1455285

Donate to the Clinton foundation. Apparently that's a great investment.