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14499354 No.14499354 [Reply] [Original]

How do you autists do it?
I got in to crypto 3 days ago and I can’t fucking go 2 minutes without checking my fucking portfolio.
I used to be able to sit down and watch a movie or play some vidya but I can’t do that now because I’m thinking about crypto every fucking second of my waking life?
Does this shit ever go away or am I fucked as long as i’m involved in crypto?

>> No.14499365

it's normal

>> No.14499373

If you have no motivation in life to do anything else and have no prospects or hopes outside of getting rich quick it's never gonna end until the whole market crashes like January 2018, at which point you'll slowly forget after an emotional few days/weeks until it booms up again and you get sucked back into the mix.

>> No.14499374

welcome in your new prison

>> No.14499390

Just end your life now anon. It doesn't get any better

>> No.14499405

Because you're gambling. Which is unironically addicting.

>> No.14499434
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The future is going to happen since it is just the culmination of everyone's decisions. If you are HODLING there's nothing you can do about the market, It eventually will rise and the news and normies will catch on. Like ETH, when it was $10 I bought 50 and let them sit. When the prices started rising I started hearing about it and i found out it was $50+ and was pretty excited but I always knew it would exceed $100. Basically don't worry about it, Buy a large some of crypto for a thousand/two thousand and forget about it.

>> No.14499443

>Does this shit ever go away or am I fucked as long as i’m involved in crypto?
Pretty much everybody (ime anyway) goes through that phase when it first starts, especially when things are moving up (at least some of the time). I remember November, December 2017 when I first start buying alts (before then I just had btc, eth and ltc on coinbase). Every hour I would log in and see gains, and it got very addictive and hard to do anytying else.

Then things came crashing down.

Then I took a break for many many months. Had no motivation to keep checking.

Anyway, point is, my guess is that you'll get used to it and get to a more stable place with it. If you can I would try to enjoy it for what it is right now. You've discovered this new crazy thing and right now you are in the middle of it.

>> No.14499475

I used to be like this until I decided I wouldn't go lower than 2h charts. I mean sometimes if I'm curious I'll pull up the 15m or whatever but mostly I just check the 2h and 4h three or four times and that's it. Much less stressful and honestly better to keep the bigger picture in mind

>> No.14499584

you need to lose money hard, this way you will avoid it completly, just bet crazy

>> No.14499733

it doesnt go away even if you sell and try to forget. Welcome to hell

>> No.14499761

good post

>> No.14499854
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Welcome to the addiction, I can't get my self away from the laptop. I'm looking every five minutes to see if CZ has announced that RAVEN coin is coming to binance

>> No.14499882

Once your brain learns how to filter out small oscillations in price without having an emotional reaction you may feel less of a compulsion to keep checking so often. In other words its part of the learning process.

>> No.14499915

I bought $1000 worth back in 2011, which got me my 454 BTC. I was feeling rich despite being just a highschool junior by 2013. I parlayed some of my profits into painfully buying more at much inflated prices, I recall deciding I needed just $50k in cash, and using the remaining profits to buy my second 454 BTC. I owned 908 BTC by christmas time 2015, when I was a senior in HS and held it ever since. I had a networth over $18million when btc mooned a couple years later. I did nothing - I was frozen in shock and awe over my circumstances. I continued to work til it all collapsed this past year. Now its up big again. I think Im going to sell this time if it hits even $15k. Or should I keep holding? May sell half and keep $8million in treasuries?

>> No.14499923

The ride never ends OP welcome to hell

>> No.14499930
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>he fell for the trading meme
>he didn't just buy BTC and HODL

>> No.14499934

Kys OP
Simple as that

>> No.14499950

you're set for life. don't keep hodl'ing. pass the btc onto someone else to make a fortune off.

>> No.14499951

you will keep checking until you are down 90%+
then you will just say fuck it and stop checking.
years will go by...
then you will check again and you will almost break even..
then you watch it go back down 89%...
years will go by and you will check again
you will almost break even.. +$1.00 gain.
finally it is your time..
you go to sell, to get back to some normalcy..
flash crash. you are down -88%
you sell.

you are out of the game.

y-yessir, may i take your order?


>> No.14499956

you check every moment because of the anticipation of the ups and downs, and it only goes away with time. the anxiety is useless on long hold so your brain starts to filter it out

>> No.14500062

I think youre right. Im selling in the am and going to put the $10million or so (hopefully) in mysavingsdirect and try living off the monthly interest for a while. Im calculating itll be like $18k per month income before taxes, so $9k per month income after taxes. This is enough. When will the fed drop interest rates though? If it drops to 1% Ill be a poor schlub again.

>> No.14500118

just sell it all and forget about it, it's going 0 anyways in the long run so why bother

>> No.14500126

have sex OP

>> No.14500149

dude with 10 mill youre set for life. sell half and let the rest ride is what I would do.

>> No.14500307

Will 9k per month income be enough for me to attract and buy a good wife from ukraine or russia?

>> No.14500701

yep, this happened to me, luckily I got back in fast enough to get some gains but instead of getting 10x and 20x I could only manage 6x and 8x and not with as much cash as I would have liked

>> No.14500746

man i feel the same i already lost my GF because i didnt have time for her anymore and i lost 20kgs. before i found out about crypto i went regularly to the gym now i dont go anymore and i even forget to eat most days. my sleep pattern is fucked too, somedays i dont sleep at all because im staring at charts all the time

at least im rich as fuck now and probably can retire if bitcoin hits 20k

>> No.14500906

once you suffer a 90% loss from your ATH then you'll stop looking every 2 minutes

>> No.14500921

It’s fun anon. Crypto graphs become your new friends. Every now and then they reward you with btc gains if you pick right

>> No.14501022


The honeymoon phase will be over eventually and you'll only check it once a day or once a few, depends on how actively your managing your portfolio.
At least that's hopefully what'll happen, otherwise you'll remain a money addicted slave forever.

>> No.14501134
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There was a time in late 2017 you *HAD* to check every 2 minutes.

>> No.14501837
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If you feel the need to always check your balances, you've invested more than you can afford to lose.

>> No.14501940

I'm also new and I don't know how these guys deal with all of the constant verification e-mails/texts, the waiting for funds to become available, the hour long transfer times, etc. This is incredibly frustrating.

>> No.14501994

Im 2 years later now and check it maybe 3 times a day

>> No.14502197

When you see your investment tank -20%/+20% , it hardens tf out you.

>> No.14502223

This is just a sign that you are not invested enough.

>> No.14502760

that shit only started for me when i broke 100k and got excited, but it only went on for a few weeks, now i only check the btc chart a few times a day if i have a large bitmex position open. it's probably different for everyone, depending on your adhd levels

>> No.14503015
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welcom fren you are here forever

>> No.14503059

The token market is unironically a casino.
It’s a roulette wheel that never stops turning.

>> No.14503435
File: 683 KB, 1000x1003, bsv_coin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome friend. How many BSV have you picked up?