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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14493374 No.14493374 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Pride to all my fellow $DAG FAG$! Based gay coin of choice located in San Francisco.

>> No.14493412
File: 132 KB, 500x750, 0afe9a054c31bdba2274087220855e7a--god-awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the 42%

>> No.14493460

Rainbow gang is gonna ride to the moons of Valhalla

>> No.14493783

redpill me on that shitcoin

>> No.14494244

6 mil Market Cap was hyped b4 they had to fire ceo last year. American Chad team has started pumping the coin ahead of Q3 mainnet. Allegedly are working with NASA and GM. Go check out their twitter and videos. Could be total shit but a 100k suicide bag is $500 that seems worth a shot. It’s a competitor to hashgraph and Fantom. Do your research. Oh and it’s also very gay friendly.

>> No.14494295

I bought 2m earlier today. Shill engines are warming up. Reddit will be all over this shit.

>> No.14494333

Yeah if reddit doesn’t get scared off by the Brendan Playford scandal it could be a rocket.

>> No.14494412

I checked out their Telegram
Seems to me that there are only 5 people texting in there all the time
Also: What the fuck is that shit actually doing?
Validating data? I read up on that autonomous driving stuff, but I don´t really get it.

>> No.14494459

Yeah it’s a tech buzzword salad. They did a video with blockchain Brad a few days ago. It’s hard to tell what their actual game is. It’s low mc so I’m gambling on it.

>> No.14494643

I figured if people will buy the fuck out of Fantom based on “powering smart” cities they will buy this.

>> No.14494736

They have so much real unanswered FUD it's mind boggling. Old CEO was an idiot and broke some laws. New CEO covered it up. Zero transparency and likely very low on funding.
The team passes out cryptic information about big names like IBM, etc and the handful of idiots still holding this shitcoin spread false rumors of definite partnerships and 10000x EOY. Pure vaporware from a team that has no crypto experience.

>> No.14494790

They don't answer their FUD they just ignore it and hope it goes away. That's why after the CEO disaster they went "heads down on tech" which is code for "don't want to forced into a real conversation about our FUD"

>> No.14494803

Like I said it’s a gamble.

>> No.14494922

The only gamble is that they can trick others into believing them after so many lies over the years. Their fanbois can't be trusted. They were hyping paid partnerships like they were incredible acheivements. The whole IBM partnership was a great example. They just shared a forum with them and the fanbois were certain it was a deep 10 figure partnership.
When curious people come to their TG the fanbois attack all legitimate questions with lies and the team sits back and lets it happen. It's a terrible community.

>> No.14495013

why do you care so much about the old CEO? honesty isn't always the best policy in business. The guy was a shithead and fucked things up, why do they need to reveal that? If they've been working hard on the codebase and developing relationships, who gives a shit? The NASA thing has some weight to it. CEO is a goof but the two business execs are mastermind Chads with an insane pedigree. And I was speaking to a guy in the telegram, he doesn't work for team but contributes to github sometimes. PhD in statistical physics, easily 160+ IQ and he's been reviewing this shit with a fine tooth comb. Yeah it's a gamble, but it's much comfier than what you're making it out to be.

And what the fuck does it mean to have experience in crypto? This space is 5 years old. If you have experience that means you left another project, which is not a good sign either

>> No.14495018

Personally I dont think it's worth it. Too many red flags and too few believers. There are no high value bag holders, no industry evaluation. Just moonbois and an inexperienced team selling what is clearly vaporware

>> No.14495106

The issue with the old CEO is that he was gambling the investors funds on Bitmex with full aknowledgment from the current CEO and team. He lost his ass and a bunch of their money. They won't talk about it and won't be transparent about their financial position. This is not a quick profit business, they have to last for 5-10 years with big money. If they don't have it, regardless the tech, they are screwed.
And what about NASA? They just submitted a proposal why does it matter?

>> No.14495246

if they were pinched for money, don't you think they'd be doing things differently? Most people assume this project died or no longer exists. The CEO just said in telegram the other day, that they are focusing on enterprise solutions and building a product, the community can chase market cap if they want to. It'd be so easy for them to hype a 5m cap coin with a DAG meme and sell those 100m coins they are burning in a few days.

>> No.14495279

This is all they have, hype around proposal submissions. There is a reason nobody stays in their community.

>> No.14495327

Every single news that they have about enterprise use is just about submitting proposals and building PoCs. basically begging big companies to use their directed acyclic meme graph

>> No.14495350

Pumping the token value and creating a vibrant healthy community work the same way. There is no real crypto project that operates this way. It's also very suspicious they had such a big drama about their financial losses and refusal to discuss it....then suddenly going silent and cutting all budgets except the dev team. Managing a community is a necessity and doesn't require "focus".
You would have to be an idiot to believe that story.

>> No.14495357

Watch the fireside constellation (DAG) ama. It has all the potential for a 100x blow up. Cool trendy ticker and project name, key use of techy buzzwords, deflationary tokenomics, big named partnerships and collabs (potentially nasa and general motors), and a 6m mcap (100+x less compared to iota) without much volume on the logs due to not being listed on any non shit exchange yet. Not to mention the CEO has ACTUALLY ran a business with 45mil in revenue a year. One of the few teams that are actually aware of how to add value to a project and sell it.

> We will burn 10M $DAG for partnership acquired to the Constellation Network regardless of contract size or current market value of our token

> In the event that we cannot publicly announce our partnership due to non-disclosure agreements, we will still announce the acquisition and burn of 10M $DAG publicly.

> We will announce new partners at the beginning of every quarter, at which point DAG will be burned.

Complete article of the team's revolutionary technology: https://medium.com/@benjorgensen/an-industry-for-the-future-a-company-for-a-future-industry-e96eabf149ae


Interview w blockchain Brad:

> Built plug and play API that integrates enterprise big data to blockchain
> Tokens are staked through a burning mechanism to imprint on network the enterprise partnerships
> CTO Wyatt's paper on creating a map reduce model for microservices was accepted for academic publication
> Successfully developed a way to integrate the enterprise business model with the crypto economics model
> CEO: Working on being listed on more exchanges
> CTO: We will be flicking ON the light switch to everything we've been working on
> Make validated data on a decentralized network available for everyone, and not on the hands of Facebook, Amazon or Google that figured out how to monetize people's data.

>> No.14495444

80% of the fud is some pajeet that doxxd himself and tried to pin it on the team.

>> No.14495479

Duck off with your wall of text.
Just tell me in three sentences what that shit token does and why the fuck it should be used by anyone. Not even this is possible here.

>> No.14495538

Blah blah blah sounds like vaporware. If this were real they would have SF investors buying up every last token. They don't, ever wonder why?

>> No.14495592

Not true my man. The FUD is real and is the reason every major whale dumped their shitcoin and the entire community abandoned them. Now they are back with hanging unanswered FUD. You are paid to be here and whitewash it, but it's not working.

>> No.14495609

This is a valid point. I think we need to wait for the main net to come out before we can determine if this team is full of shit or not.

>> No.14495711


Literally read part 5 in the link. I csn only spoonfeed you so much.

>> No.14495712

I agree. When it seems too good to be true it always is. The project has a track record of dishonesty so I can't trust anything they say or any announcements because so many have been bullshit.

>> No.14495808

We found the paid shill. Sell your vaporware somewhere else. Betting on proposals with govt agencies is a joke

>> No.14495837

I’m not paid I was just proud to be a $DAG FAG. I’m gonna dump my bags

>> No.14495918

I never got to be a stinky linky. All I wanted was to be part of it all. I’ll die a fag

>> No.14495939

I hopefulled that this would be the next Fantom.

>> No.14496007

This project is worth keeping an eye on for the next few months to see if they can actually deliver. I do own a suicide stack of DAG despite being very unhappy with the team's behavior over the last year. Unironically in the green on this one because I doubled down in January before this coin pumped

>> No.14496014

It's better than fantom

>> No.14496030

Lol. I have bags and want it to go parabolic early on. Paid? I wish.

>> No.14496042

Fuck this they said it’s vaporware. I don’t understand how it works. I’m only 15. And used all my money from my meme page to buy in.

>> No.14496069 [DELETED] 

Delete this or get underage banned kid

>> No.14496184

>So is chain link according to someone posting here

>> No.14496387

You fucking pajeets with an average IQ of 22 don't get it. They built a DLT platform from scratch based on DAG that has a built in API to integrate enterprise data to their protocol. Do you fucking pajeets know what it means? It will render most of your shitcoins into being obsoletes.They're github is literally on fire and they're about to uncover their work in a few weeks. You pajeet clowns fapping to anime pic on /biz/ can't do anything to stop this coin from mooning.

>> No.14496507

Are you a paid shill as well??
Fucking hell
> Do you fucking pajeets know what it means?
I know what an API is, yes. What should that mean for this shitcoin?
>It will render most of your shitcoins into being obsoletes.
Ah yeah? And how?

>> No.14496755

Brainlet, I wish I am paid. But since you asked, I'm going to spoonfeed you, you little plankton. With API's, enterprises, with existing infrastructure models, would be able to easily use or integrate their data to Constellation's network. With ease of use, it will then be very easy to onboard them. Once a partnership is confirmed, a certain number of coins will staked through a burning mechanism to imprint the enterprise's usage of the network. So now, with less coins you'd be able to formulate a conclusion with your 33 IQ. Oh, ease of use = more shitcoins would be rendered obsoletes. Look at what fucking Apple did.

>> No.14496890

This is the general attitude of their entire community. Nobody knows shit more than explaining some technical jargon that explains nothing. If this vaporware had this much power their investor base would consist of more than the 10 teenage moonbois screaming at anyone who asks any question

>> No.14496935

It’s all one guy talking to himself. He’s in the telegram and offered me 10k DAG to come talk here and be a fag for him.

>> No.14497005

I knew all of that already. And it is absolutely not convincing you faggot.
This is not how you sell a coin. You should improve.
Tell me why anybody would use that shitcoin? How do they bemefit from it?
Yeah right, it's useless. And you are bagholding. I actually thought about investing in it. But this is just a joke.

>> No.14497067

> IQ of 33
> Not convinced that ease of use is not a selling point
No need to talk you anymore, I'd rather talk to a fucking coconut, at least it could think

>> No.14497206

>Not convinced that ease of use is not a selling point
EASE OF USE FOR FUCKING WHAT???? For implementing something?? Wow! Congrats. Fucking idiot

>> No.14497251

I watched a video of them driving in a car with numbers flashing on a computer. It looked like something from the 80s. They acted like they reopened Jurassic park.

>> No.14497272

Nice general /biz/ FUD copy pasta. I've seen your type of shit on a LINK thread before. Are you paid by FTM to FUD?

>> No.14497914

Vaporware for the unintelligent investor

>> No.14497963

how about instead of writing vague bullshit you go thru the github and explain to us why exactly this project is shit? And also explain why you're writing the same shit in every DAG thread that pops up. I'm a NEET. I shitpost on biz all day. But I have a gift for recognizing writing styles, and you are the same fag

>> No.14497969

I dumped my dag. Fuck this. Scammer vaporware bullshit.

>> No.14499030

Oh God VPN conspiracy guy is back. Get a grip cuz

>> No.14499072

>I dumped my dag. Fuck this. Scammer vaporware bullshit.
Give me a better 1000x candidate. You can't.

>> No.14499096

I will buy more today, low mc is irresistible.

>> No.14499153

It's like IOTA but only better. The coin can be used as a currency, so it's like Nano but only better.

Just as Nano, DAG is:

However, they are superiour to Nano in virtually every way.
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Banks regulators, like Ethereum IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system.
>Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. This will either lead to a crash where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. Constellation has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwith will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens or run their own node.

>> No.14499168

>low mc is irresistible.
True. It's a bargain. I bought 10M and will buy more.

>> No.14499202

These threads are the best. Day shills get shut down. Accuse everyone of being whales on a VPN holding back the amazing tech so they can accumulate.

>Almost no real volume besides wash trades

>> No.14499218

So much obvious samfag shilling. How many years will you try before you understand nobody believes in this tech or this company?

>> No.14499237
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>> No.14499244

I am also spending my pocket money on this shitcoin. gonna mewn and haters gonna cry.

>> No.14499320
File: 307 KB, 678x678, 2019-06-17_20-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have so much real unanswered FUD it's mind boggling.
>Old CEO was an idiot and broke some laws
Really? You know this or just take some stuff right out off your ass? Tell us all how you reached that conclusion.
>likely very low on funding.
I have heard that whining and bitching for one year. That and that the team did coke, police is coming to get them, they are exit scamming etc etc. After one year we know you are lying through your teeth. You have NOTHING to back up your insane claims with. Keep running, fool.
>The team passes out cryptic information about big names like IBM
You mean like pic, are you on drugs?
>handful of idiots
That will be you and your buddies when DAG moon
>Pure vaporware from a team that has no crypto experience.
If you understood the code and vision, you'd buy at least 500k just as reassurance. It's the highest potential on the market currently.
Hashgraph is another no-brainer, unfortunately it will launch with a humongous market-cap and inflationary metrics initially.
Constellation on the other hand is switching to a DEFLATIONARY token model on top of burning ALL founders tokens. AKA 7.2% of the supply.

>> No.14499343

>The only gamble is that they can trick others into believing them after so many lies over the years
Psychological projection. It is the insane accusations from you and someone close to you that have spread for nearly a year. So how is it going with your report to SEC and your inside information from the DA that they are under investigation and will be arrested soon/exit scamming any moment now, blah, blah. Your FUD has not aged well, but still you are trying.

>> No.14499347

Just get a ticket and relax. This is EZ money.

>> No.14499450

Exact same rubbish that someone else (or you?) presented, answered here>>14499320

>> No.14499472

VPN conspiracy guy is in the house. Next level autism in 3,2,1

>> No.14499489

>clearly vaporware
Either you are the same person abusing your VPN (Raphael) or you are a gang, spreading the exact same old debunked garbage again and again.

>> No.14499565 [DELETED] 
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Either you are Raphael, or you have adopted his tactic of dishonesty. Pic. What is it fool? Don't lie and don't try to run away. You are so transparent.

>> No.14499591 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 1428x455, Creepy serial killer fudder talking to himself again 2019-01-22_10-55-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just waiting for the VPN to malfunction so we again can see a mentally disturbed person talking to himself in true serial killer style, like in pic related.

>> No.14499621
File: 33 KB, 1428x455, Creepy serial killer fudder talking to himself again 2019-01-22_10-55-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just waiting for the VPN to malfunction so we again can see a mentally disturbed person talking to himself in true serial killer style, like in pic related.

>> No.14499640
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>> No.14499662
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>> No.14499669
File: 703 KB, 1242x2208, 1561263279875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally we have CEOs in the crypto space with real business experience and success. Pic.

>> No.14499681
File: 16 KB, 673x362, 2019-06-17_20-02-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation (DAG) has some of the most honest and committed teams in the whole crypto space. Pic.

>> No.14499696

You are so cowardly that you have to hide behind a VPN. Tragic. Name a better 1000x candidate and explain why. I dare you. Go on.

>> No.14499821
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You are either the person in pic, or you are mimicking him. Either way, tragic. Get your life in order.

>> No.14499826

Why are anons trying to FUD this project so hard? Either they want to look out for their fellow anons and protect other anons investments. Or they're scared of $DAG and spend tremendous amounts of efforts in FUDing the project.

I wonder which one it is.

>> No.14499881
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>Or they're scared of $DAG and spend tremendous amounts of efforts in FUDing the project.
Some are scared of DAG, others invested early and got burned when the market crashed. No one is warning other anons as there is nothing to warn about and you can see it from their nasty comments that they have nothing and will run away from any questions and will never substantiate their lies, only to pop up again with a new VNP persona and present more lies and unfounded accusations.

>> No.14499887

It makes more sense to me that they're looking to protect their OWN investment, rather than random anons. Which would mean that the FUD in this post is ignited by fear. Thus also the emotions that you can read out of them.

>> No.14499890

deep rooted hatred. i would be more worried about another dag project.

>> No.14499939

You also have this guy: A psycho Nano whale is suppressing the DAG price, dropping heavy DAG bags on the market all the time.

Good time to buy.

>> No.14500565

>If this were real they would have SF investors buying up every last token. They don't, ever wonder why?
Every single day you are spewing the same debunked garbage. Every day you just run away. OK here we go again.

Monero had a market cap between 1 and 5 million for nearly two years. Using your crazy and childish business analysis, that would be all the proof you needed to understand that Monero was a doomed project, since no one in the tech industry was buying like crazy. However, every idiot ought to know that there was a market for a pure privacy coin, and Monero later mooned to a 7 billion market cap ATH. This illustrates the stupidity of your warped argument. Constellation (DAG) has a much larger market potential than Monero and is more technical advanced.

You will of course just run away, as you always do, and spew the same line tomorrow. Completely psychotic.

>> No.14501338
File: 20 KB, 762x234, 2019-07-01_12-50-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally the globohomo month is over, so they are back to their usual logo.

>> No.14501412

At the end of the day I still don't understand their gay fucking usecase. It is not clear. Just a bunch of buzzwords. Ao fuck yourself.
Also bad communication. Former CEO fucked up. FUD which is still not adressed. This coin has not much going for it. I could also flip a coin. Seriously. And I actually wanted to get myself one million tokens at one point. But after doing some research there is not much to grasp apart from a bunch of kids on Telegram and a shitload of companys which they TALKED to. Sad. Could have been more

>> No.14501437

Also this doesn't help me make money or increase the price tenfold. Fucking useless

>> No.14501476

>Ao fuck yourself.
Please do, asshole. No wonder you hate DAG.
>I still don't understand their gay fucking usecase
Then you don't understand IOTA, you don't understand NANO, you don't understand ETH. How low is your IQ, "investor"?
>Former CEO fucked up. FUD which is still not adressed.
More gibberish from you VPN abuser. I have asked for you to substantiate your mental garbage again and again. What do you do? Run away as the coward you are, ramp up your VPN and spam the same trash again under a new ID. Tragic and pathetic. No wonder you don't invest in DAG. A total loser.
>But after doing some research there is not much to grasp
You just admitted you are so low-IQ and stupid that you don't understand the project.

>> No.14501495

>They even have to cover cryptos in shit and disease
Fuck off homos.

>> No.14501496

Fucking Walto, I knew it. I almost forgot about you but then you're curry english made me remember. How's life? Is Fantom paying you well to spread FUD?

>> No.14501498

>Also this doesn't help me make money or increase the price tenfold
Right, cooperation with Fortune 500 companies in the automobile industry means nothing for a sociopath and fudding moron like you. Nice to now. Time for you to fuck off psycho. Take your lies and insane, unsubstantiated accusations with you.

>> No.14501505


>> No.14501649

Nice to see this thread climaxing into insults and garbage.

>> No.14501679
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>> No.14502651
File: 190 KB, 1280x1118, photo_2019-06-19_00-59-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me a better 1000x candidate?

>> No.14502929

>I knew all of that already
So you are replying in a conversation but too stupid to realize that your VPN has kicked in and given you a new ID? You only have on comment with that ID, remember? You are exposed as a true nutcase, fudder. Sorry. No wonder you hate DAG.

>> No.14502988

The irony is that you are by the far biggest samefag in these Costellation threads. Also there's gotta only be like 3 other bagholding shills spamming this board with shitposts about this vaporware. You guys are bigger samefags than anyone else here.

>> No.14503825
File: 248 KB, 1172x965, Cardano2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even gayer than Cardano?

>> No.14503992

>The irony is that you are by the far biggest samefag in these Costellation thread
I never use VPN. Your accusation is absurd but fits right into your usual slander and psychological projection. What is wrong with you, mentally? I mean your pathological lying and your demonic desire to trash DAG?

>> No.14504011
File: 391 KB, 828x1325, F3A0CBC1-6AC7-40C6-A60B-76DD774D50A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t even say what it’s trying to do on CMC.

>> No.14504036

So glad I dumped my bags when I heard about that guy. I can't make myself dislike the gay Constellation negro guy. He looks happy and kind, plus stylish and not a degenerate.

>> No.14504325

This is what a marketing campaign looks like for those of you wondering how a company markets itself when it's out of funding. Main net is this quarter and not a marketing or PR person is sight. You can bet your left but they are out of money.

>> No.14504354

I never accused you of using a VPN retard

>> No.14504392

>far biggest samefag
Go back to plebbit.

>> No.14504452

After lying about DAG losing all money on daytrading and being out of money for over one year, you STILL keep on lying about this? They have money to hire people with a very good salary. How do you explain that, lying psycho? Here:

>> No.14504470

Constellation should contact CMC and ask them to change the description.

>> No.14504489

and yet they still haven't filled these jobs after months, because they aren't actual open positions. This is smoke and mirrors

>> No.14504599

That video showed them notarizing streaming location data onto their blockchain in virtually real time. It's the tech they're selling to enterprises for IOT, a groundbreaking solution that very few projects can match.

And you're complaining about the fact that they didn't spend time more time making that random demo look flashy.

>> No.14504628

Fuck you reddit