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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1994x1320, reserve-rsr-la-gi-tiendientu.org-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14445326 No.14445326 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeet scam?

Technology is needed imho. Any other alternatives?

>> No.14446219

Its not a bad idea, but it is probably going to get Zuckenberged by Libre. Which is basically trying to do the same thing.

Basically Thiel tried to intercept the Zuck. They probably just attented the same SV conference that gave them the idea or something.

But the Zuck always wins.

>> No.14446569

I've been looking more into Reserve and yeah, the tech is needed but I really doubt they can pull something like that out.

Any way to take part on the Libre project or something. Buying Facebook shares?

>> No.14446578

Being stuck with this unholy shit when chainlink soared will have me quit crypto when either I break even or in a few months.


>> No.14446608

yeah i agree with all of what you said, but to add to that i'd say Reserve's biggest takeaway should be "buy link". because the biggest diff between reserve and libre is that libre isn't decentralized yet and they're gonna need something like LINK for price resolution (and that's what reserve chose)

>> No.14446817

This one gets hate. It's a longshot OP. I can't not have a suicide stack of it, but I'm scared to put too much in it also, since Libra might btfo it. I don't have a bag right now, but next btc pump should drive it down even more, I'll pick some up at 21 sats. Then after that forget it, because it'll probably be gone after that.