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File: 16 KB, 575x502, C1CE9558-7775-40F2-9BEC-284C642BD008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14418842 No.14418842 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14418851


>> No.14418855

no thats a scam

>> No.14418856
File: 34 KB, 593x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jk, but pic related might be the "devs" hinting at pumping and dumping this shit soon...

>> No.14418860

You may need a glass of water for this one. I'll let you in on a little secret, /bant/.

Black balls are far superior at making semen, being able to hold 4x more than white men. Their sperm is also more dominant, easily beating white sperm, which allows them to always fertilize the egg.

Their cocks are also much bigger, easily able to push their heads right up against the woman's cervix. Allowing their seed to be shot directly into the womb. After they are finished filling the fertile woman, they slowly withdraw their thick shaft and head. This allows them to scrape any other males semen out of the vagina.

Often they will keep the woman pinned down, as a way to make sure no other males attempt to mate. They keep their penis at least partly inside the woman, while holding down her arms. This arouses the women to no end, causing her to have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. These orgasms pull his sperm even more quickly towards her soon to be fertilized egg.

White women know this, it's completely natural for women to sense the dominant males. Unable to control themselves, their vaginas quickly lubricate in the presence of black men. I mean how could they not? The idea of a huge powerful black man deep inside them, must drive them crazy.

White women long to be filled with black cum, because they know it's superior. They dream of being bent over, with a black man stretching their pussy like no white man could even dream of doing. Watching as all the little white men cower in fear, as the black man claims what's rightfully his. White women are proud to take black mans DNA, and grow their babies inside their round little tummies.

>> No.14418862

no thats a scam.

you can tell that 0xbitcoin isnt a scam by the pathetically low price

>> No.14418872

Take your racial slurs back to pol man come on.

>> No.14418875


>> No.14418876

interesting post.

>> No.14418894


>> No.14418904

no thats a scam

>> No.14418923

if you cant read a smart contract and determine if its a scam or not, you might not be cut out to invest in crypto.

>> No.14418930

fertilization doesn't occur during intercourse, and can actually take place days afterwards


>> No.14418931
File: 311 KB, 669x749, 1561419711191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that aren't Bitcoin.

>> No.14418937


>> No.14418938

if you think so, then what the fuck is a period?
You retarded dense motherfucker.

>> No.14418942
File: 35 KB, 610x311, 0xbtcoeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason people holding 0xBTC will tell you to read the contract
because they already did

>> No.14418944

Reddit is strong in this one

>> No.14418947

Hi shlomo. Take your cuck fantasies elsewhere

>> No.14418948

Digibyte uninironically.

>> No.14418949

I don't want to deflate your fantasy or w/e but that's why sperm have motility, you don't bukkake all over the egg

>> No.14418997

bro its an obvious troll, shut the fuck up.

ps. OP is a faggot.
pss. fuck jannies and nannies.

>> No.14419009


>> No.14419016
File: 90 KB, 300x300, ZBUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the only 100x of 2019-2020.

>> No.14419035


>> No.14419069

I feel like such a genius for understanding and believing in 0xBTC. It's a high IQ token

>> No.14419155

low iq post