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14386538 No.14386538 [Reply] [Original]

What was your first job after you graduated high school/college?

I need ideas

>> No.14386542


>> No.14386551

investment bank

>> No.14386560

Worked at Wendy's, then got crypto rich. You also have this opportunity.

>> No.14386566


>> No.14386577

I pretended to be an author for a few months then just started selling sissy hypnosis cams of myself.

>> No.14386584

I was a janitor at a gym.

>> No.14386597

This is hilarious because its probably real.

>> No.14386613

I worked in a research library. Literally picked up my diploma on the last day of school and headed right to my first day. It was a minimum wage student job that I worked at for two years during undergrad until I transferred schools. Chill job, interesting reading materials, shit pay. Pretty good for an 18 year old. Nowadays minimum wage here is over double what it was when I started working which was 9 years ago.

>> No.14386619

Hired a Mexican lady to make tamales and then sold them to construction workers at job sites in my city, out of the back of my van.

>> No.14386622

how. i have a btc, what should I do to get rich?

>> No.14386632

I worked at McDonald's no joke.. I quit cuz autism, I should of stayed working and buying the 100$ btc lol

>> No.14386636

I became a LINK hodler

>> No.14386659

Dunkin Donuts
Free food and drinks, tips, and sometimes you get to work with a lot of qts. It's the jackpot if it's one with qts and no drive-thru

>> No.14386689

People...tip at dunkin donuts? For literally pouring coffee?

>> No.14386700

part of a genetic microbiology R&D group. a specialization in a specific niche market gets you a job pretty easily. it's likely something we've made indirectly gave you new antibiotics and shit.

>> No.14387336

I realize we're all memeing here, but you do tip your barista, right? 15% is customary here in the states for a medium cup of joe.

>> No.14387351

I don't even have the option to tip at dunkin

>> No.14387404

Hate to break it to you, but you're probably just "that guy who doesn't tip". I wouldn't be surprised if they don't spit in your coffee at least sometimes. Go to a different location and tip for gosh sakes.

>> No.14387550

They love me I and have given me free coffee before. I set up a chess board after work and play with random people there

>> No.14387626

connections, contact everyone u know

>> No.14387648

Muhreen Corps Infantry

Rifleman specifically

>> No.14387683

Commercial banker. Don’t become a banker

>> No.14387688

Rural post office

>> No.14387693


>> No.14387748

Private high school tutoring

>> No.14387793
File: 22 KB, 817x833, 1487117669271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT helpdesk
Getting a software engineering job is hard when you're competing with thousands if not millions of chinks and pajeets
t. compsci major

>> No.14387829

you are implying i wasn't working in restaurants and grocery stores far before i stopped going to high school.

>> No.14388169

My first job was as a butcher block clerk in a grocery store

Not recommended

>> No.14388235

why? that job is fun.

>> No.14388237

There were a couple days where I made an extra $30-$40 in tips
It was nice

>> No.14389177

Is someone gonna tell him?

>> No.14389232

When I graduated college my first job was software consulting

>> No.14389271

Hvac installer

Absolute critical point in my development into a utter chad

>> No.14389288

Army (Oz)

>> No.14389290

software consultant.
initial was 65k/yr and now i got bumped to 70k/yr. i began work about 7 months ago. i work in detroit.

>> No.14389298

I was a substitute teacher for like 2 years.

>> No.14389423

14-21 - tech department at library
14-20 - umpire
16 - paid intern @ fortune 500 company
18 - graduate high school
18-23 - worked @ supermarkets eating free tendies and cold cuts
23 - intern @ financial services company
23 - graduate college
23-25 Compliance Analyst @ large bank
25-29 ecommerce manager @ mid sized business
29-Finish my MBA
29-Small Business owner

>> No.14389481
File: 977 KB, 1189x810, 1548183798382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. you'll make fuckin bank leeching off of rich families and their shitty little trust fund babies

>> No.14389495

Working fast food to put myself through school. It's alright. Shift manager. More money than all my friends.

>> No.14389524

What industry?

>> No.14389598

"trust fund babies" are mostly a meme made up by poor people to cope with being poor

>> No.14389693

I would say being born into a rich family and being spoon-fed a decent job would be pretty synonymous with that term.