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File: 143 KB, 1345x387, qnt top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14336335 No.14336335 [Reply] [Original]

You did it, Quanties. Congratulations. t. Linkie. See you in the top 5.

>> No.14336395

Why can't LINK pump like that?
We're the cucks of crypto...

>> No.14336434

because it has 1 billion supply

>> No.14336465

Maybe because the deluded mental patients on here can't stop fudding so muh Reddit doesn't get rich

>> No.14336469

i wouldn't mind a nice 10x

>> No.14336545

Uh... are you new? It quadrupled within a couple weeks.

>> No.14336567

Fuck this shit. I'm all in Quant. I'm tired of 2 years of Chainstink stockholm syndrome.

>> No.14336573

I fomo'd in hard at $5. Thanks to the anons who convinced me it will never go under that price again.

>> No.14336576

We did 10x in a bear market.... We will be in the top 10 very soon

>> No.14336628

NDAs and white label partnerships

you need to go back

>> No.14336644

>be me
>decide to scoop some QNT when it was $3
>send 32 ETH to my idex wallet from binance
>one second after I complete the transaction I realize it's the wrong address
>I sent it to an old wallet from 2017 that I lost the private key for
>32 ETH down the drain
>if I completed the trade it would now be worth about $20,000
How much do helium tanks cost bros?

>> No.14336653

How much quant to be quamfy?

>> No.14336690

This is exactly why crypto can't be mainstream right now, people need a failsafe in case stuff like that happens. Sorry anon, plenty of opportunities to make it anyway so don't be too hard on yourself, just make sure to double check next time

>> No.14336700

Muh institutions will pump our bags. Nobody KNOWS this, it's just whats repeated endlessly. Speculation money will pump Link smoothbrain

>> No.14336741
File: 1 KB, 125x76, hjv,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINK in top 5
Never happening.

>> No.14336754

Anyone got price predictions? Got 400 and wanna know if I'm gucci

>> No.14336775

should have sent it again with higher gas to another address , i cant belive your that stupid

>> No.14336789


If Quant can get to top 20ish (seems reasonable) it would be around a 1 bil market cap right now (ignoring the bull market that is starting).

If you round the circulating supply up to 10mil just to make it easy (higher than it is now) that's $100 per Quant.

I'd say 1k QNT for some $100k short term comfyness. Long term in a bull market....phew.

>> No.14336819


I'd say $100/QNT is easily attainable w/higher moonshot dreams.

>> No.14336855

jesus, please be larping because that's fucking painful if true

>> No.14336941


Yeah if you think about it given enough time cryptos with fixed supplies will have their actual circulating supply go close to 0 because of people losing their coins.

>> No.14336951

It's 100% true. I had a panic attack. I would've already necked myself but I have 70k LINK and 500k NKN so I still might make it.

>> No.14336981

>I have 70k LINK and 500k NKN

Yep, you'll be alright dude

>> No.14337006

They're all nolinkers. They literally don't own a single link because they missed it at a cheap price. It'll pump anon don't worry

>> No.14337012

cant change gas on binance can you?