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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14328242 No.14328242 [Reply] [Original]

The potential is so fucking huge. Imagine the Request plugin easily being implemented on all Ecommerce websites, suddenly it's super easy paying with request on every webshop that implements it.
And not only do you get half of the revenue by holding REQ, everytime a new order goes through, an amount of REQ gets burned so there will be less and less REQ! Seriously don't sleep on this one

>> No.14328256

200K holder here comfy as fuuuuck

>> No.14328263
File: 385 KB, 447x438, 1561322714955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14328285


so, what price did you all in at?

>> No.14328295

The one button I want is the button on their website to request my money back.

>> No.14328298

These bags must be heavy.

>> No.14328308

Sure anon, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

>> No.14328381
File: 108 KB, 700x933, 1560949741666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still holding 11k. Ann I gonna make it or do I need to acquire more?

>> No.14328423

Say it with me

>> No.14328444


>> No.14328479
File: 193 KB, 697x534, 1551825966310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The potential is so fucking huge.

Yeah, and there's ZERO, and I mean fucking ZERO change of this particular team of French communist fuck-ups from ever claiming even a sliver of the market share.

>> No.14328492



What is that worth now? Like $600?

I'd be sweating bullets, because every week you see a new low.

>> No.14328674

this team has no indication of producing anything worthwhile. they've been blowing money away with nothing to show. they even recently released a testnet and no one is using it. they're probably blowing through their investor's money traveling and paying rent on a nice parisian flat. totally retarded. the top people on the team aren't even developers, they're just "entrepreneurs," which means you deal in making money and wearing button down shirts.

i understand that this looks like a valuable buy but it really is like the bargain bin at a dying video game store; you think you're gonna find a used copy of a AAA game and get it 95% off but really, all the games are dogshit old sports titles that no one's ever heard of.

>> No.14328700

ill say one thing positive though; last time i looked the price did look like it was being artificially suppressed; i.e., the sell walls were constantly moving downward. i could see this happening, where a whale buys all the offers and progressively turns around and sells everything back at a slightly lower price. not sure how that's even profitable though. either way, super high risk. could 4x, could get booted.

>> No.14328741

I'd like to request my money back

>> No.14328788

Burning mechanisms for the sake of burning mechanisms are literally ponzi scams and don't work out in the long run, a competitor without this unnecessary friction will come along where you will get the identical service for a cheaper price because no part of the fee is burnt and everything goes to a network node operator instead of rewarding free riders.

>> No.14328832

token not needed

>> No.14328842


>> No.14328848


One of the few shill coins on here that I am thankful not to have purchased.

>> No.14328862

In the future there will be just Papal and REQ.

>> No.14328869

Nimiq has already done this.

>> No.14328959

I love how people hop on hypetrains due to FOMO and step in on the ATH but refuse to look at coins which have amazing X potential but are currently in a bit of a dip.

>> No.14329275

get out of all last-gen alts. buy SNTVT.

>> No.14329840

Can we reach the ath eoy?

>> No.14329915

bit of a dip? req tanked 99% into oblivion and still shows no sign of rebounding, reaching atl after atl. the volume is pitiful; it’s become one of the most hated projects because it’s team is completely inept; without binance american customers, it will be DOA soon.

>> No.14329974

Someone else other than a bunch of 20 year old frenchies will figure it out before them lol

>> No.14330019
File: 2 KB, 225x225, request.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your rebrand bro. this shit never will going back above 0.10$ again, i lost fucking 5.000$.

brotip: never invest in french projects

>> No.14330099

yep. Ark, Req, Rlc, all French projects with shit execution. Req is the worst though

>> No.14330113

Why did it tanked?

>> No.14330131

team stopped delivering

>> No.14330252

but it's hard for someone to offer identical service for a cheaper price because they won't be backed by $32 million investment and therefore it will be extremely hard for them to be adopted at large scale. also, I don't understand how does buring mechanism reward free riders.

>> No.14330292

What is papal