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File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, 1541353669681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14281814 No.14281814 [Reply] [Original]

name one reason not to go all in

>> No.14281830
File: 78 KB, 600x874, photo_2019-02-09_03-07-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like LTO more , nice dip to buy .You should research project

>> No.14281851
File: 34 KB, 472x649, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin (BCH) does it better

>> No.14281854

degenerate anal bead looking logo

>> No.14281891

Pakicoin. Can't even get real pajeets.

>> No.14281943

too many bagholders

>> No.14282055

Not for much longer, kek.

>> No.14282169

I'd like to hear your reasoning that anyone would use this as currency over a stable coin?
What is the advantage to the volatility aspect?

Bitcoin already is the general store of value volatile coin

So what niche is nano covering?

I get the whole fee-less fast transfer thing but I honestly don't think thats enough.

>> No.14282206

better store of value. when bitcoin's mempool inevitably clogs up, paying $50 to send bitcoin that takes 48 hours to get there people will remember why nano is the best

>> No.14282273

Better than a stable coin?

I'm thinking mass adoption here, volatility is not an advantage in this case.

A stable coin backed by bitcoin that has fast transactions is what is actually going to happen.

>> No.14282357

If a stablecoin is backed by bitcoin, and you want to redeem your stable for bitcoin, are you willing to pay $50 and wait 48 hours?

>> No.14282470

And how do you propose to cash out the Nano? And for what reason would the rules not apply to a BTC stable coin?

In any case, 50$ and 48 hours is much faster and cheaper compared to what companies currently pay for processing transactions.

>> No.14282491


Just rendered obsolete by libra a few days ago. I won't be surprised if it drops out of the top 100.

>> No.14282502

I've done hours of research into Nano, and i've concluded it will be niche at best. Of course, this is the opinion of a random guy on the internet. Your free to do whatever you like and may even make some gains while your at it.

>> No.14282530


Nobody with real money in the game will store it in shitcoins, that's risky AF. Shitcoins are gambling vehicles. You ride the tide and jump off before it crashes down.

>> No.14282552

never heard of venmo huh. by your logic there's no reason to use crypto. If time and fees are no problem just use venmo, western, or paypal

>> No.14282554

Bitcoin's selling point in scarcity. Scarcity in supply and scarcity in the blockchain. It's mathematically designed to go up to some insane value.

>> No.14282581

It's just not plausible in the real world.
In my opinion, Nano is the next Dragonchain

>> No.14282690

bitcoins original release was "peer to peer currency". In order to do peer to peer transactions, you need a method of transfer, and preventing double spending.
You could make a scarce beanie baby, completely unique, one of and it wouldn't be valuable, because it doesn't have any other valuable properties.
saying its "mathematically designed" to be worth millions is just retarded. The halving rate is to keep an incentive to mine bitcoin. There's no law that says there will be demand for bitcoin. Sure its doing well and will continue to do so, but if demand dropped, price drops.

>> No.14282705

Of course, but If Bitcoin reaches new ATH's and all this new money is coming into the market, then vendors are going to want a slice and allow people to pay in crypto.

Having said that, your only argument so far is that it is faster. Speed is not an adequate trade for security. Vendors will feel far more comfortable with a STABLE coin backed by Bitcoin. OR a stable coin that is backed by a collection of cryptocurrencies as collateral.

I'm not a genius, but I am a finance major and this is just the way things work.

>> No.14282801

Nano is worst than a shitcoin: no halvings, no token burning, centralized, limited features, etc.

>> No.14282830

>vendors will want a slice
bitcoin has been around for 10 years. the only vendors accepting it are those who are speculating on it.
Nano is not only faster, it is cheaper to use, and cheaper to run a node since you don't have to perform expensive computations. The network doesn't have wild changes in usability due to difficulty changes and # of miners.

Tether has also been around for a very very long time. Why haven't vendors wanted any slice of that pie?

>> No.14282845


>> No.14282876

I would prefer nano if it is cheaper desu

I could always swap it for USD after the payment to avoid volatility too

>> No.14283435

I said "If BTC reaches new aths vendors will want a slice" I'm talking years from now when crypto is more acceptable.

Vendors aren't going to be running Nano nodes dude, come on.

Like I said, speed is not an adequate trade for stability. And nobody is talking about tether, it has a shady history at best.

If you honestly think vendors will prefer a volatile crypto over a stable coin backed by BTC or a basket of top cryptos then there is nothing more to say.

We will simply agree to disagree. Good luck on you trades.

>> No.14283476

heaviest bags + normie bagholders

Even now every coin has +% against usd except nano. Weakhanded faggots sell even now, at least they get back $100 of their initial $10000.


>> No.14283506

>pump and dump
>scammer deps
>incompetent devs
>cant actually scale for shit even if they clain 1000tps

>> No.14283510

>no one will care if their money is stuck in transit for 48hours to 2 weeks, stability doesn't matter
for someone thinking about the future you don't seem to understand what block size is

>> No.14283546

>name one reason

>> No.14283552

If you want to stick with Satoshi's Vision buy Bitcoin Cash. Also let me know when your Nano shitcoin overtakes papa bitcoin in marketcap and I'll gladly quit this space forever

>> No.14283634


I can't tell if your serious or not?

As I said before,

My solution to slow btc speed (which is currently still faster and cheaper than current systems) is a BTC stable coin that could easily be just as fast as Nano.

This solves the speed and volatility issue, rendering Nano completely useless.

Maybe me explaining it a second time will help you. But I doubt it. You have been completely shut down on every point, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.

>> No.14283652

you're comparing a magical idea with reality, i can't argue with that.

>> No.14283658
File: 566 KB, 2048x1536, appia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just going to leave this here. Official videos and presentation will go public in 2 weeks.

>> No.14283673
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>> No.14283694
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>> No.14283704
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>> No.14283723

I would absolutely violate that redhead

>> No.14283735
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>> No.14283748
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>> No.14283760
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>> No.14283773
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>> No.14283777

Libra killed it Jimmy

>> No.14283787

Post more pics of the redhead

>> No.14283789
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>> No.14283804
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>> No.14283822
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>> No.14283838
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>> No.14283856
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>> No.14283877
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>> No.14283889
File: 28 KB, 825x510, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Appia is a completely different company, Separate from the Nano Foundation.
- The POS devices will cost under €50 (considerably less than competitors such as Pundi-X)
- Will support many cryptocurrencies not just Nano
- Users will send to a single QR (not separate QR codes per currency)
- Available to use on a coffee machine at the meet-up it worked really well and fast.
- The actual device is blue and white rather than black.
- Key features are
○ Decentralization
○ Security
○ Privacy
○ Multi-Channel
- Works with QR codes or NFC
- Appia main source of revenue will be through the sale of certificates and hardware.

>> No.14283932

Why do you even want to spend your rare digital assets in the first place? You should be spending your garbage fiat and holding your crypto. Payment coins are a meme right now, you can't have medium of exchange or unit of account to be true money until the price has stabilized enough that you aren't sacrificing a huge opportunity cost to spend your crypto

>> No.14283935
File: 328 KB, 700x700, george-coxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked nicely, senpai.

George Soxon, COO of the Nano foundation.

>> No.14283956
File: 259 KB, 700x700, Colin-LeMahieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course, Colin LeMahieu, CEO of the Nano foundation.

>> No.14283988
File: 397 KB, 800x480, colinlevishnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also known as Colin LeVishnu. Remember, when BTC moves back into alts, only some of them will survive. I fully expect, the losses from those that do not, to be absorbed into those that do. Choose wisely.

>> No.14283991

its feeless and instant

and by feeless i mean literally goddamn 0 fees. Not low fees, NO fees. And by instant I mean less than a second.

Also stablecoins dont moon. Eventually no one will want stable coins.

>> No.14284010

Nano around the globe demonstration. Live net.


>> No.14284017

Thats like saying no one will want to buy stocks because stocks are not stable in price. Thats dumb. You are a dumb man.

>> No.14284043

How many vendors accept stock shares as tender for goods and services?

Literally the worst argument i've ever heard.

I've honestly never understood why nano gets so much hate on here. But you guys are actually stupid. HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14284072

Funny how the price just started to rise the moment I leaked those posts here. Stay smart, anon.

>> No.14284078

Nano isn't centralized

>> No.14284109

Only reason I'm not all in is because I hold Banano

>> No.14284171

Thank you fren

>> No.14284508

np, support white devs for a white future

>> No.14285488
File: 2.02 MB, 4096x2303, george2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another for you

>> No.14286337


Its dag and its fast and it works. That are pros ofc.

>payment coins are DOA, libra and stablecoins jsut killed them, noone will use fucking volatile delaratory asset to pay for shit /thats why btc pivoted to store of value meme)...everyone is bagholding nano in hope it gets adopted and goes to moon so they can dump they bags and be rich...

So if shitcoin you baghold is not btc or sc related its long term value is going to be 0...

>> No.14286745

It's almost like crypto as a currency is a bad idea that no one cares about.

>> No.14286759

Lmao everything else is pumping and this shitcoin is down 5%! Hahahahahah.

>> No.14286797

Only reason why Nano is feeless is because it's entirly run by volunteers doing ALL the work, taking ALL the costs. When the price of Nano is stabilized and no one will do it for future gains, that network will collapse and Nano crash. Absurd business model.

>> No.14286818


>> No.14286824


>> No.14286829
File: 38 KB, 876x424, KYC Nano BitGrail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NANO team is the shadiest team in all of crypto. Bitgrail and the team pulled off the greatest scam of 2018 and the fucking holders turn a blind eye, like nothing fucking happened. UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE. The absolute state of the NANO cult.

Dig deep unto this post so you would understand how the NANO team and Bitgrail scammed hundreds of people. I'm just trying to save you all Nano CULT from your delusion.


>> No.14286840
File: 224 KB, 1088x612, Nano..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuckcoin will have ALL the features of Nano

>Stable (not loosing 98% of value in short time, like Nano)
>Can use on Uber, and most likely Amazon etc later. Nano will then never get used by Uber, Amazon etc. Colin said no marketing, cooperation needed.
>Safe. Protected by government
>Safe to use. A fatfinger will not send all your money into oblivion
>Safe, will not be hacked
>Safe will not be regulated and suddenly banned by central banks, making it illegal to use Nano and all money lost
>Billions of dollars used in marketing

For normies, how can Nano compete? Criminals, anarchists and cyberpunks is not a great market, compared to Zucks global market.

>> No.14286841
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 527512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store of value volatile coin

>> No.14286844

Slower and more expensive than EOS?

>> No.14286908

>The POS devices will cost under €50 (considerably less than competitors such as Pundi-X)
For how many TPS, 1700? A global currency must at least have 100 000 TPS. Visa alone is calibrated for 56 000 TPS [1] and they are not aimed at micro-payments as Nano. The design of the Nano network is completely broken. How much CPU, IO and Bandwith will one node consume with 100 000 TPS, do you have any idea? And if Nano has done zero cost analysis, then this truly is an amateur project among friends that will crash hard.
[1] https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car

>> No.14286945
File: 149 KB, 800x532, 3243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rather than letting the technology wither on the vine, Nano is taking a particular interest in building a presence in countries such as Madagascar, Ghana, Brazil and South Africa, LeMahieu said.“We think Nano as a currency is widely applicable everywhere but you can’t roll it out everywhere instantaneously”.
Source: https://cryptobriefing.com/nano-adoption-target-market/

This is not comedy night. Instead of focusing on getting deals with Amazon, Ebay etc, Colin will focus on pushing Nano on poor Negroes in Ghana. Starting in Africa and other third world countries, telling already poor people to run nano nodes for free and take all the costs (as stipulated in the Nano model), will create a third world network from hell and a truly slum vibe around Nano as a brand. The Nano team does not understand the business world at all, but rather operate as a bunch of delusional Bernie supporters with zero real life experience, or plebbitors, but that's maybe redundant.

>> No.14286990
File: 24 KB, 1200x675, appia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 second tx times
>decentralized, anyone can host a node
>costs about 5$ a month for a working node, network is already supported by thes
>7000 TPS demonstrated on testnet with higher quality nodes, still not that expensive, perhaps $200 a year in costs.
>devs currently working on a crypto agnostic point of sale service that fits the same permissionless and open source model

Even if I wasn't an investor, I would totally take advantage of Appia, which happens to be platform agnostic too. Meaning ETH, BTC, LINK, NANO, etc will all be easily accepted by whoever utilizes the Appia service. Free for online vendors too as they won't need to buy the €50 terminal.

Crypto adoption is coming, the very reason why companies like Steam stopped taking BTC was due to the fees and delay. Vendors and customers using this device will naturally gravitate towards the cheaper and better options. This is why LTC has such great gains, and why Nano to will have the torch passed its way.

Time is ticking.


>> No.14287022
File: 61 KB, 700x467, Nano Influencers Meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regards to finance, technology and other products they can't easily evaluate themselves (unlike food or clothes), people in the third world are very skeptical if it's not a well known brand in the West. They can't afford to take risks on unknown brands, or brands that didn't make it in the West, and will stay far away from Nano. For them fluctuations and as little as a 20% fall in the price of Nano or more, would be catastrophic. A truly crazy business strategy. Nano will not be able to compete with Bitcoin and Lightning Network, or Facebook's Libra, in the third world, - unless Nano first has conquered the US/European market as a bare minimum. This business strategy is just a replay of the insane no-comment, no-help, no-apology, kick-them-off-our-Plebbit-page business strategy they had after the Bitgrail disaster. Failure after failure. This will not end well.

>> No.14287044
File: 57 KB, 1080x939, LTCchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC chart

>> No.14287050
File: 71 KB, 1080x1018, nanochart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano chart

Seems familiar...

>> No.14287056

Its shit

>> No.14287067
File: 867 KB, 974x880, cobleenano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh whats this..? Charlie Lee, the creator of LTC owns a stack of Nano? Hmm...

>> No.14287090
File: 104 KB, 670x708, Nan 75 TPS Aug 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because run entirely by volunteers taking all the costs and man-hours.
>1 second tx times
Sometimes, has been up to 20 s. How many seconds will it be with a 100 000 TPS? The bare minimum for a global currency with micro-payments? Have Nano even done any kind of analysis?
>7000 TPS demonstrated on testnet with higher quality nodes
This Nano has 7000 TPS lie pushed by the Nano team and Italian scammers, mooned Nano in Dec 2016. Here is the sad reality, pic.

Nano's network is not designed to be a global currency. Only functions as a kitchen table run by amateur friends >>14286797

>> No.14287104
File: 104 KB, 1016x544, Charlie Lee Nano not uncensorable as BTC, LTC etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain pic.

>> No.14287112

One word

>> No.14287120
File: 100 KB, 647x892, charlieleenano2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from Charlie Lee on Nano

>> No.14287121

No value if it is fast and cheap.

>> No.14287132
File: 1.34 MB, 1592x929, CharlieLeeNanoCoinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie Lee when asked about Nano and Coinbase, a year and a few months ago

>> No.14287137 [DELETED] 

Nano is a crashed coin with a broken system. The very basis for Nano network is that people will run the whole system for free, for all eternity, all the time, with no downtime, or the Nano network will crash. Can any of you nanoids guarantee that? The integrity of your network is solely based upon people that will work for maybe thousands of hours for free and pay tens of millions in costs for nodes, bandwith for free, for all eternity? How insane, delusional and away from real life is that?

Compare that to Constellation (DAG) where all micro payments are free, but industrial consumers will have to pay for bandwidth and nodes with either DAG tokens or running a node. A very simple, yet elegant solution. DAG has a market cap of 6M (a clear 1000x candidate) and is better than Nano and IOTA in every way.
Tech Gem Solves DAG Centralization: Bye, bye Nano, IOTA and Hedera. Enter Constellation

>> No.14287179

Because we don't want to lose money? Tech, fundamentals, whatever doesn't matter when all the coin can do is fall in price.

>> No.14287180
File: 307 KB, 678x678, 2019-06-17_20-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a crashed coin with a broken system. The very basis for Nano network is that people will run the whole system for free, for all eternity, all the time, with no downtime, or the Nano network will crash. Can any of you nanoids guarantee that? The integrity of your network is solely based upon people that will work for maybe thousands of hours for free and pay tens of millions in costs for nodes, bandwith for free, for all eternity? How insane, delusional and away from real life is that?

Compare that to Constellation (DAG) where all micro payments are free, but industrial consumers will have to pay for bandwidth and nodes with either DAG tokens or running a node. A very simple, yet elegant solution. DAG has a market cap of 6M (a clear 1000x candidate) and is better than Nano and IOTA in every way.
Tech Gem Solves DAG Centralization: Bye, bye Nano, IOTA and Hedera. Enter Constellation

>> No.14287192
File: 119 KB, 1024x606, Coming Nano Disaster Part II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name one reason not to go all in
OK, here are some:

Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

>> No.14287217

That was BEFORE the constant node crashes on all exchanges, frozen accounts etc, right? Explain this from Charlie Lee >>14287104

>> No.14287233

What has she actually done all these years? Can you name her three greatest achievements?

>> No.14287274

Sad truth

Bitcoin game theory works, nano doesn't

>> No.14287278
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>> No.14287297


Dogs bark. Wolves don't.

>> No.14287388
File: 58 KB, 640x400, The Nano Van looking for New Investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanoids from plebbit. The s o y boiz are here and they are desperate. Pic.

>> No.14287449
File: 129 KB, 990x1024, xrbcvince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you realize this is the God protocol and may very well become as ubiquitous as http://

>> No.14287466
File: 137 KB, 1712x484, p49zMEo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While retail investors were stuck with fake KYC, frozen accounts and at best a limit of 1 BTC withdrawal per day, Nano devs and their friends, due to their incestuous relationship with bitgrail, could withdraw millions of Nano, worth tens of millions of USD out off Bitgrail without any problem. Pic. Before Bitgrail crashed where Nano retail investors lost 170 million dollars.

>> No.14287506 [DELETED] 
File: 986 KB, 1440x1277, Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent 4 Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is dev Zack Shapiro, a rabid open border Jew and vile Trump hater, just a few days before Bitgrail crashed with a loss of 170 million for Nano investors. Pic.

>> No.14287545
File: 986 KB, 1440x1277, Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent 4 Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nan dev Zack Shapiro just a few days before Bitgrail crashed with a loss of 170 million USD for Nano retail investors.

>> No.14287552

Nano Thanks

>> No.14287560 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x289, Zack Shapiro2545636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zack Shapiro, a rabid open border Jew and vile Trump hater, always ready to inject his political activism with his work for Nano.

>> No.14287570
File: 16 KB, 673x362, 2019-06-17_20-02-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare that to other devs and founders.

>> No.14287586
File: 15 KB, 300x289, Zack Shapiro2545636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zack Shapiro, a rabid open border Jew and vile Trump hater, always ready to inject his political activism into his work for Nano.

>> No.14287591

Pro-tip #2

Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.

>> No.14287605

If you understood the code and vision, you'd buy at least 500k just as reassurance. It's the highest potential on the market currently.
Hashgraph is another no-brainer, unfortunately it will launch with a humongous market-cap and inflationary metrics initially.
Constellation on the other hand is switching to a DEFLATIONARY token model on top of burning ALL founders tokens. AKA 7.2% of the supply

>> No.14287658
File: 117 KB, 520x282, sst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14287665

>Steam stopped taking BTC was due to the fees and delay
Mostly volatility as per their own words. Fees were ridiculous at the time but that's not so much an issue now. They still won't touch Bitcoin again until it's stable (never).

>> No.14287738
File: 255 KB, 1418x746, Bitconnect moved to Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you in Nano have such a nasty community? Probably the worst in crypto.

>> No.14287746
File: 89 KB, 782x844, appiaterminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a business perspective, refusing to take as many payments as possible is a losing strategy. Volatility is easily solved by converting your crypto of choice to cash when the payment is made. Appia aims to facilitate this process.


>> No.14287792
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 024388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From a business perspective, refusing to take as many payments as possible is a losing strategy
That's why you can pay with multiple currencies in every shop even today, right? Even for hard currencies, how many shops in the US accept Japanese Yen? I guess Zuckbuck will be used and then BTC. Outside that you will have tokens in an ecosystem, if large enough, like ETH and, I believe, DAG >>14287605

>> No.14287827

Oh look, the retarded nano fudder is back again flooding the nano thread with empty fud while wasting another hour of is life on a japanes basket-weaving board. everyone point and laugh

>> No.14287842

oh yeah and he works for DAG, think about that while you're pointing and laughing

>> No.14287857
File: 245 KB, 1417x674, Nasty Nano Community II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point. Also, see pic.

>> No.14287871
File: 68 KB, 998x708, Pathological Nano Lies BoA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah and he works for DAG, think about that while you're pointing and laughing
I don't, at all. I am not even in the crypto business. What is it with you Nanoids and pathological lying?

>> No.14287885 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1376x422, Pathological Nano Lies PayPal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hired for my analytical skills, but don't have anything to do with crypto. I just find the tech interesting and it have the potential to be a blessing for mankind. Why do you nanoids lie so much? Pic.

>> No.14287889

fucking kek, it was widely known that was you making up a degenerate nano shiller account. Gotto think twice if the DAG team tries so hard to fud competition, probably because they actually have a working product

>> No.14287915
File: 121 KB, 1376x422, Pathological Nano Lies PayPal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hired for my analytical skills, but don't have anything to do with crypto. I just find the tech interesting and it has the potential to be a blessing for mankind. Why do you nanoids lie so much? Pic.

>> No.14287916

All online payment processors take just about any major form of currency. You don't see this as much in person as currency is generally nationalized.

>> No.14287920

>plebbit spacing
Of course it’s a nano thread

>> No.14287925

Pro-tip #3

Don't feed the trolls.

>> No.14287937
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x1602, Zack.Shapiro.Bomber is a good guy.extended.HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making up a degenerate nano shiller account.
What are you talking about?
>Gotto think twice if the DAG team tries so hard to fud competition
It's based on business analysis. I have shown it here in the thread while I will stay the hell away from Nano and why I believe DAG is a great investment opportunity, especially with the insanely low market cap, 6M.

>> No.14287948

by analytical skills you mean shitposting your retarded nanofud jpeg collection? pathetic

>> No.14287953

>All online payment processors take just about any major form of currency
Visa pays in USD in the US. Centralized FOREX conversion before that.

>> No.14287988
File: 2.06 MB, 1760x1107, wirexcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wirex, a fiat->crypto gateway, will be working with Nano and Appia to facilitate conversion of cash to crypto and vice versa. They are currently active in Europe, but will be opening their doors to US customers in Q3 2019.


>> No.14288010

And when customers from Germany, or Israel, or any number of countries make purchases from my business, they use their native currency to perform the transaction. I receive USD in my bank account. I would be missing out on quite a bit of profit if I was unable to accept their choice currency. Fortunately, the systems are in place already that make conversion quite simple. I actually don't have to do anything, I just receive USD automatically.

>> No.14288037

The benefit with a system that utilizes Nano, is that I get to bypass the banks, meaning to permission is needed, and the fees are non-existent. I do expect to pay a small fee when my received Nano (or other crypto) is converted into fiat, but when the base unit is free, there will be obvious savings. Merchants currently pay between 1.5% to 10% per transaction, with an average of 3% per tx. Many payment processors also charge a 30 cent minimum per tx in addition to this.

Money talks, my friend.

>> No.14288047

*No permission is needed.

>> No.14288052

Nano in this cycle only needs exchange listings to moon. Nano is already getting Point of Sales adoption but its the exchanges that are restricting it. I think v19 or v20 should allow them to more easily onboard it then its hello superpump v2.0

>> No.14288062

This anon is smart. See the Wirex post above. We get our gateway in the US Q3 2019.

>> No.14288066

because you'd be buying someone else's HEAVY gains.

buy a floor like SNTVT on IDEX.

>> No.14288088

Now that isn't even the least bit true. Simply look at the chart. We are at the absolute bottom. Last time Nano tested this low, it mooned to 40k+ sats in a day.

>> No.14288107
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Facebucks globohomo currency will blow Nano out off the water. Your dev fund is 5M and your idiotic dev team has no-marketing as their only marketing strategy, besides targeting third world countries first. How will you compete Zuck's GlobohomoCoin? And you never answer my questions regarding Nano being solely based on volunteers taking ALL the costs and maintenance for the network for free. For all eternity with NO downtime. It only functions now as an amateur project with hardly any traffic at all.

>> No.14288269
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Remember, only an idiot would buy $3.00 ETH :^)

>> No.14288304
File: 86 KB, 1200x627, Constellation_Labs_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano's tech is great and their solutions are far superior to Nano.
Just as Nano, DAG is:

However, they are superiour to Nano in virtually every way.
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Banks regulators, like Ethereum IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system.
>Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. This will either lead to a crash where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. Constellation has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwith will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens or run their own node.

>> No.14288404
File: 210 KB, 1584x1092, 1560566833150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation knew what was coming and had no ICO and did not allow sales to Americans. Whitelisted and will be on all major trading platforms. Unlike Nano, pic related. That being said. Nano is no security. Should be whitelisted. What has the Nano team done? Nothing as usual?

>> No.14288429
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>> No.14288885
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That is it for tonight /biz/. I will be sure to keep you all informed about future updates as this coin develops and paves the way for future crypto adoption.

>> No.14288979
File: 43 KB, 574x392, Shapiro Opposite of Exit Scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimum TPS for a global currency with micro-payments is 100 000 TPS. Visa alone is calibrated for 56 000 TPS. [1] Your cost model is for a kitchen table amateur project. For 100 000 TPS give me the total CPU, IO and Bandwith, then the total costs. You have no clue, do you? Has the Nano team ever done a cost analysis at all? If so, where? If not, you are all insane.

Pic, Dev Zack Shapiro days before Bitgrail crashed, after Devs and their friend took Nanos worth tens of millions of dollars out of Bitgrail, due to their incestuous relationship wiht BitGrail, while retail investors were stuck with fake KYC and frozen accounts.

[1] https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car

>> No.14289084
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