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14272829 No.14272829 [Reply] [Original]

I bought the presale of dag and lost 95 percent before selling. Ever since then I think of nothing else but destroying them. I FUD every single thread and have an alert whenever Constellation is talked about. Ill die before this shit coin ever has its pump. Im only 19 /biz/ I went from being a millionaire to being worth less than six figures because of these people. help me get past this hatred I feel.

>> No.14272840

have you tried not being retarded?

>> No.14272954

19 yr olds have subIQ brains they have no perspective. So you probably think that was your one shot and they fucked you. Truth is you can do it again.

>> No.14273240

Is it true that you are a trust fund kid and wasted your inherited money and your mom is super pissed?
Why don't you just buy more when it's so low and enjoy the ride to be multi-millionaire?
Is it you or the Nano whale doing the constant flash crashes, or both of you?
Is it true that you are gay and spend your whole day with porn, masturbation and spamming biz with pro-Nano nonsense and anti-DAG garbage? Do you have mental health issues?

>> No.14273268

Are you more or less desperate/insane than this guy? >>14273144
Why do both of you gravitate around Nano?

>> No.14273451

at least hes coming clean and atoning
for his mistakes. thats the first step

>> No.14273470

That’s not Raphael. It’s Megaman from telegram.

>> No.14273709

You sound just as shizo and paranoid as Raphael. Are you gay and into dog rape as well? Or "Zoophilia" (NOT bestiality) as he calls it?

>> No.14273732

True. Unless he is just playing us and later post another hundred insane and rabid posts, completely void of any logic and analysis. Just his usual mental garbage.

>> No.14273778

Why do you engage this "troll" over and over?

Fuck you're both sad as shit. Sitting arguing on biz all day. No matter what time of the day something DAG related is posted you are both in the thread within minutes, wtf? Get a life

>> No.14273789


No. This is Cryptfaux from telegram. Are you Vito or R P?

>> No.14273790

I feel bad for Raph since the OP is literally what happened. Probably had a single parent who neglected him. Probably very short and very autistic.

>> No.14273815

Why do you let him run amuck with his FUD? trying to buy cheaper?

>> No.14273835

I am not on telegram.

>> No.14273863
File: 2.35 MB, 3739x1320, 19198D05-E387-4296-A46B-E9797DE4EC89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look its the dag troll again. No sympathy from me.

>> No.14273910

He probably had his dad sign him up for the pre-sale

>> No.14273943

>Swing trading a slow vol microcap

>> No.14273993

If DAG is failing to take off it's not because of one fucking troll on a corner of the internet with like 1000 individuals browsing regularly