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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14195407 No.14195407 [Reply] [Original]

Making it has made the most unhappy I have ever been. I have the feeling that the game is over and now I am stuck in an unfulfilling endgame. When you can buy everything you instantly want, nothing is fulfulling anymore. You don't have to save up for anything so it doesn't feel as a reward. Actually having to earn money is a great external motivator. And now that's gone.
My friends don't want to hang out with me anymore because they are envious of my apartment, because it is way too expensive in comparison to what my peers can afford. We can't talk anymore because I can't talk about work or other normie things. Unironically want to kill myself now.

>> No.14195456

Please give me your money and you can be happy again. Just get a wife and kids

>> No.14195475

do it you fucking faggot.

>> No.14195499


Just send me your shit and you'll be able to live again the life of poverty you yearn for

>> No.14195515

There are other ways to advance yourself besides material possessions. Like knowledge and skills and wisdom.

>> No.14195521

I cant tell if the “money doesnt buy happiness” meme is just the Jews trying to prevent us from making it, or just retards who managed to fall into wealth through dumb luck. To anyone who has wageslaved for many years, I guarantee you making it is more fulfilling. The only people who could possibly be unhappy with being freed from debt prison are NPCs with no internal motivation outside of acquiring material possessions. The point of making it isnt to continue to play the capitalism game, its to exit from it.

>> No.14195526

yeah go ahead and kys normie

>> No.14195529


This. Give us your money to achieve happiness.

>> No.14195537

shit larp

>> No.14195538

nice wagie mentality
that's why 90% of the people can't handle being a NEET

>> No.14195539
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Unironically this is why when you make a lot of money you actually start doing some scum work. Poors do not have time to volunteer and whatnot. If you're a rich anon you should give back a little.

> Just another 9-5 M-F am I right?
Yeah this week's been killer.
> What do you know? I worked til 6 today! You have all the money!
I spent 30 hours this week at a soup kitchen helping people, delivered a lot of that food with my own car and gas. Spoke with some people from the community that are struggling.

You see Anon, you're so childish you can't even think outside your own self. Improve the world, moron.

>> No.14195553
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>> No.14195586
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How about you fuck off
If your net worth is below 50 million you are just comfortable rich

>> No.14195594


Man if I ever "make it", I would just pick up a passion project. I would probably make investing / trading videos for young people on Youtube. That would make me so happy and I could help out some scrubs. Something like this is all you need, you need meaning.

>> No.14195616

Do you have any hobbies fren?

>> No.14195641 [DELETED] 

I have two chronic conditions and a house that is worth 50% of what i paid..

Money would make my life infinitely better. So I you want to feel better by helping someone who really needs it here my btc wallet: 3AgBst17SRK5jhT5EmWVXiqtDSYUEYnn6L

We can also talk about life on Telegram or something if you want. Just let me know.

>> No.14195649

Good advice. Giving back to society. Thank you anons.
I've also been thinking about getting a philosophy degree to deal with my personal existential crisis because my worldview is seriously distorted now and also to help the development of our society (by engaging in writing, politics, entrepeneurship, education, activism) to perhaps expose the ridiculousness of the system and to work on changing it

>> No.14195664

send out all your shitcoins to frens on biz if you are unhappy with it..

>> No.14195693

yoga, meditation, guitar, long-distance hiking, reading, cooking. My problem mostly is that I don't have a lot of close friends because I'm a diagnosed sociopath (aspd). It's easy to make new friends, it's hard to maintain a close relationship

>> No.14195728

i would travel, you feel at the endgame because you are at home still shitposting here, get a plane, try new foods, new chicks enjoy the lucky life you have fucking idiot, i fucking hate retards like you. Im back to work :(

>> No.14195755

Boring people get bored

Be better

>> No.14195795

Are you gonna give back to your biz bros as well? I'm literally impoverished

>> No.14195890

Solo-traveling all the time doesn't make you happy because when you come home a lot of friends start to kind of forget about you. Also you need a goal while traveling, exploring isn't that fulfilling. I don't want a life spent by going from dopamine hit to dopamine hit, I don't care, I want long term gratification and things that give me fulfilment, like a wife, kids, carreer, friends, strong relationships. Travel life is a meme.

>> No.14195914

They weren't good friends, short them
Get new friends from your new position
Use your time wisely, improve yourself
Help poor people

>> No.14195987

Go volunteer at a museum or something, I dig up dinosaur bones every year and get to work with ancient shit.

And im doing it as a wagie

>> No.14195997


Use your assets to help someone other than yourself. That's the final endgame of money.

>> No.14196007

Why not make it your goal to be in the forbes top 100. Like that be my goal.

>> No.14196015

You need some hobbies. I have so many hobbies I have to be picky about which I focus on since I don’t have time for them all because of work. They’re all fulfilling in different ways. I would love to replace my work day with hobbies all day.

>> No.14196059

Thank you. I have been thinking about a societal approach: philosophy, politics, economics and entrepeneurship. I'm 22 years old now, if I have enough knowledge by the age of 30, I can still use my money to bring change.

>> No.14196193

You're young, you have plenty of time to improve yourself, and you have never to wagecuck again.
Louis de Broglie was very rich, and dedicated himself to study phisics, for example.

>> No.14196333
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Drugs. Start a coke habit. Problem solved.

>> No.14196409

I can remove that particulare problem. Just wire me all your money. Then you'll be poor and everything will be fine, right? Crybaby!

>> No.14197219
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Still trying to make it with ubt, hard hold lmao

>> No.14197410

this. it's all a scam to rob you of your youth. no one needs money when they get older than 45. you'll be lucky to habe enough energy to even jerk off once a week.

>> No.14197432

How high is your net worth?

>> No.14197703

I've got an idea OP.

Send me a good chunk of it, I'll keep a percentage and devise an elaborate scavenger hunt for you to find the key to the wallet where it's all stored. I'll be having you doing indiana jones shit, answering riddles, fucking colombian whores etc.. just give me a portion to keep for my time and i'll make you feel alive.

>> No.14197762

>Literally "The Game"
Kek, good idea :^)

>> No.14197795

So sell the apartment, pretend you lost it all, and get a job. Your friends will pity you for awhile then things will go back to normal. You're still secretly rich, but they have no idea.

>> No.14197801

Money isn’t everything. I’ve lost most of my family the past year, people who supported me through the worst of times. Now I have money and success and none of the peope I wanted to share it with. Seek knowledge and wisdom, this is how you find internal peace

>> No.14198106

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