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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 237 KB, 801x684, B3AEF93E-3BEC-4BC8-AE6A-B155337A55A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14114954 No.14114954 [Reply] [Original]

You literally cannot compete with gen z

>Be me
>Born in 1998
>Grew up with all things tech
>PCs, macs, ipads, Android, iOS experience
>Learned html and javascript in middle school
>Learned python and C++ in high school and college
>Grew up with social media. Thousands of friends and followers
>On all platforms that matter
>Graduated in May with a double major in finance, economics, and comp sci minor
>Internship offers with both tech and finance firms
>Went with major financial institution
>Debating whether to do the CFA this year or start a PhD program in a year or two
>Sky’s the limit

I swear on everything holy, millennials, Xers, and whatever remnants of boomers still occupying a desk and retired in place, you’re days of gainful employment are fucking over now that me and my boys are entering the workforce. How will you compete with a generation raised with every technological advantage known to man?

>> No.14114972

All those things yet still an insufferable faggot.

>> No.14114983

>be me

Who the fuck else would you be now go an feel special somewhere else faggot

>> No.14114990

You'll be working and paying for my monthly gib-i-dens

>> No.14114995

Cope dinosaurs you’re going the way of the dodo bird

>> No.14115038

Have fun at school tomorrow kiddo

>> No.14115141

millenials did exactly the same. You will just end up as a programmer in some company. Congrats.

>> No.14115224

>be you
>given every advantage in life and never had to experience hardship
>will crumble at the first sign of difficulty, or the first time you realize your mommy telling you you're special doesn't mean your boss will accept your sub-par work ethic and attitude problems
>destined to be a code monkey wageslave along with the rest of the millenials you mock

>> No.14115322
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>be millenial

>still do all those "accomplishments" you described above.

wow, gen z is weak and delusional as fuck.

We had to compete with our parents kiddo (boomers). I'm not about to let some snot nose faggot like you even get close to punking me. Now go make me a happy meal.

>> No.14115325
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You'll do great anon. But be careful of jealous boomers and gen xers when you enter the working world. They have better social skills and will make your life a living hell through complicated office politics. Or if you run your own business they can do a much better job with marketing and partnerships. I'm a gen z prodigy like yourself but unfortunately you can't brute force life with talent alone. I've had my ass handed to me by plenty of piece of shit gen Xers with 1/10th of my talent. If I ever become CEO of a company I will lay off anyone born before 1990

>> No.14115355
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you'll never be CEO. also I'm not retiring till i'm 90.

You'll never take my job faggot.

>> No.14115374

If you got your ass handed to you it's because you're shit.

>> No.14115375

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

>> No.14115417

94 master race

I already made it due to my absolute perfect discovery and timing of the market get fucked burger flipper zoom zoom

>> No.14115436
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86 legendary race.

Don't forget to dry my mirrors after washing my car, son.

>> No.14115457

I said I already made it old man the dementia getting pretty bad geezer

>> No.14115471

prove it.

Link me your myspace.

>> No.14115480

Jej, you don't know shit, kiddo. I took two jobs away from you when I started where I work now. That's right, they replaced two millennial compsci grads with me alone and my HS diploma. They will NEVER hire someone born after 1990 for IT for at least 20 more years. Lazy fuckups with no grasp of concepts, all of you millennials. Fuckin snot nosed degenerate, I bet you're covered in ridiculous tattoos as well, aren't you? Lmao you adult children.

t. sysadmin w/24 years

>> No.14115498

only desperate shitstain companies hire zoomers with an inflated ego. and they'll fire you in a year if you don't get it fixed. enjoy your irrelevancy. also

>comp sci minor

you will never a great job without a bachelors from an elite school or masters degree from a good one

>> No.14115507

87 here
I did have a myspace page, but I did not know what that was really

>> No.14115525

>Grew up with social media. Thousands of friends and followers
Oh, and this is rich as fuck. You have zero IRL friends. This I am sure.

This thread has to be bait. 10/10 anon, 10/10.

>> No.14115563

Why the fuck aren't zoomers doing trades like HVAC and shit?

>> No.14115574
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Keep dreaming little squirt

>> No.14115598

Jokes on you my back is fucked and I'm physically unable to work
suck it nerd

>> No.14115748

Boomer in M&A here.
Is the greentext appears to be true, you got a bright future ahead of you. One tip though, don't get too cocky, skills alone won't make you MD.

>> No.14115835

It’s going to hurt when you realise all those “social media” connections mean absolutely fucking nothing, and your ego has to suffer working an entry level job.

Straight white male? Shame. No promotion for you. That would be problematic. I better promote Shaniqua instead.

>> No.14115950

>having all these dreams until you forced to move out of moms room

>> No.14116033

87 checking in. Still have MySpace pass saved.

>> No.14116071

Gen Z is weak. You grew up coddled and surrounded with tech. You don't know the basics of anything and you go insane if 15 minutes go by and you don't prod a touchscreen.

>> No.14116100

I'm a millennial and I still did all that shit. GenZ think they're great cause they watch Belle Delphine porn

>> No.14116113

This is factual and it pisses me off that I'm surrounded by people who behave this way.

>> No.14116143

Planet only has 12 years faggot, enjoy wage slaving while I'm out fucking tenderthots because I won't live to see the repercussions.

>> No.14116202
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>Grew up with social media. Thousands of friends and followers
Nice larp

>> No.14116243
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>never worked a day in his life
>wants all the wagecuck jobs

>> No.14116380

Because manual labor is for peasants. Consulting, banking, tech all pay way more.