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14094516 No.14094516 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly does this meme mean? Are 110-120 IQ people are worse businessmen than 100 and Mensa tier scorers?

I have 102, am I gonna make it?

>> No.14094534

IQ 100<x<130 is the worst range. Too retarded to acheive anything noteworthy. Intelligent enough to feel true suffering and get depression
They are also generally arrogant and overestimate their intelligence
Most IRL brainlets and normies are within this range

>> No.14094541

Just pretend to be retarded. It's way easier to live this way.

>> No.14094545

Middle brow is worse than high brow AND low brow

>> No.14094546

Millionaires are either Genius or retard

>> No.14094553

102 on a real iq test or on an online iq test?

>> No.14094573

He didnt get it....obviously online

>> No.14094576

haha, takes one to know one!

it actually is, kek

makes sense

i took the official mensa test. scored 113 in an online test before, thus was kind of disappointed

>> No.14094615

Not a meme
I know a retarded girl (clinically mental subnorm) who got in the law school
She didnôt even like it, quit and started a meme business instead (the type that is shilled by literal nigger youtube vids)
She is doing better than 99% of lawcucks will ever do.

>> No.14094677

110-120 is the peak underarchiever tier
You either end up the smartest guy in the room with dumb people or the the dumbest guy in the room with smart ones.

>> No.14094692
File: 62 KB, 1547x854, 4246d318d56f1c49535166e527629408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my mensa online test score. Is this a decent indication of real IQ?

>> No.14094728

I'd rather be the dumbest guy in the room with the smart ones and just stay humble

>> No.14094729

memes aside, most CEOs, lawyers, bankers and politicians are actually in the 110-130 range
the world is a pyramid and the ideal intelligence level is one standard deviation above your subordinates
one third of people over 150iq are underachievers. if you can't relate to others, it's harder to make the necessary connections to get ahead

t. statistic

>> No.14094771
File: 23 KB, 578x490, 1559580810412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that image. From life experience youll realize its true.. also best business partnerships are between retards and geniuses. Youll get balls and intelligence

Also this x1000

>> No.14094777

>if you can't relate to others, it's harder to make the necessary connections to get ahead

more often than not this is a cop out; it's not that these high IQ people are like some advanced race or something, so isolated that they can't communicate with their fellow man. Most of them are just entitled lazy cunts, they don't want to do any work, they feel like life should have been handed to them, and they feel the effort expected/required is offensive.

The majority of people who claim to be in the 140-150 range but who haven't achieved anything in life are genreally liars who haven't actually been tested. They might seem smart if they have high verbal IQ, they'll speak well, but they're likely average intelligence at best and have deluded themselves into thinking they're something special, probably because their mom and childhood friends told them they were "so smart!" during formative years.

People who are exceptionally intelligent will always be able to find a path to success, since that's really all intelligence is — navigating to solve problems.

>> No.14094784

Can confirm. 124 checking in. Have to work incredibly hard to produce anything of value. Also quite aware of my mediocrity. Get very bored in retard normie jobs, and not smart enough to do something interesting in science.

>> No.14094791

Online tests are always -20.
I was tested in 3rd grade, got 140, on a gov test.
Now I'd bet I'm at 120 just because IQ lowers as you get older.
If you want to keep your intellectual gains, do sport and eat healthy. And do some reading, intelligence is information.
Intelligence is also vocabulary, your verbal proficiency is key because social interactions govern our society.
Ideally, at least for me, and I'm sorry I didn't follow an IT/accounting career, is that if you have a affinity towards the REAL sciences, don't stop at that, get involved in literature, use your brain to amass words and make them your own. Learn how to phrase certain questions, how to make demands, how to influence people to gravitate towards you and not vice-versa.
There's so much more than simple IQ, verbal IQ is king, ask the Jews, who've been taught how to "haggle", manipulate, use, not only the system but every person to their own benefit.
140+ is great, but that doesn't mean you're extraordinary, you're more likely to have success but success is not only financial gain it's much more than that. And more often than not, it's not based on intelligence, but on your social ability to control the circumstances (which are most of the times created by people).

>> No.14094911

Yes, I had a genuine WISC IQ test where I scored 132. On the exact same online Mensa test I scored 131
my gf scored 121 on a WISC IQ test and 119 on the Mensa one

>Online tests are always -20.
not the mensa one apparently

>> No.14094917

>memes aside, most CEOs, lawyers, bankers and politicians are actually in the 110-130 range
No wonder the world is in such a shit state then when all politicians and bankers are this retarded

>> No.14094957

>if you can't relate to others, it's harder to make the necessary connections to get ahead


>> No.14095004

Actually just tested 160 on the mensa online. So they're obviously bullshit.

>> No.14095073

just kys my man and let the big brains such as myself right the world

>> No.14095087

mensa is only Performance IQ. Your verbal 124 IQ might be full scale IQ where your verbal IQ drag you down

>> No.14095536

I did 130, and I think at this point in my life I'm actually at 120, as I said, age is a factor mensa doesn't take into account.
If you start doing IQ tests on a regular basis, you'll score higher.

>> No.14095876

How does one actually get a real IQ test done?

>> No.14096009

122 IQ and I completely agree with this. I wish i had 10 IQ more.

>> No.14096027

>verbal IQ

>> No.14096032

Retardation > genius

Life gets fun/better with no effort

>> No.14096172

this hits hard...

>> No.14096210

I have 132 IQ according to Raven matrices and I am by far and away one of tthe biggest losers you will ever find in the history of the universe.
IQ is a meme.

>> No.14096258

Smart enough to be generally risk averse and capable of following directions, but too stupid to be able to effectively assess opportunities and make your own choices. Also incapable of understanding just how dumb you are in the grand scheme because you're a few notches above the sub-100 masses. Basically you're doomed to work at McWagies. If you're lucky though, you could become a store manager some day.

>> No.14096271

That image is not 100% accurate. What it means is that best iq is almost retardation and below OR extremely high IQ. U aint that smart since u on 4chan.

U fall in d shit range

>> No.14096301

>It's inaccurate because the person drawing it might be making a dig at him/herself as collateral
sure thing tardo

>> No.14096370

132 gang gang. I’m certainly not a loser (hot wife, able to hold down a decent job, kid on the way) but I’m never gonna make it, no matter how much copium I sniff. I’m way waaaaay to self-conscious to take any major risks and not smart enough to find clever low-risk money making opportunities.

>> No.14096381

I wish I was sub 100 and not redpilled. Dont want to live in this clown world anymore.

>> No.14096528

Yeah well, a 120 IQ ruthless business man with great social skill (social butterfly), is gonna get further than a 135 autistic nerd suffering from social anxiety.

>> No.14096578

>She is doing better than 99% of lawcucks will ever do.
Law really is the ultimate meme. Boring as fuck, pretty hard (lots of researches to do), low salary. Youngfags advice: always do business studies instead of law. Less work, more money. Less boring.

>> No.14096684

By the way, in our current (shit) society, success and social value are not necessarily correlated to talent and intelligent.
A sucker like Craig Wright is way richer than a genius like Linus Torvalds.

>> No.14096756

It's proven time and time again that the ability to deceive lies in the average. People who see things for the way they are are either above average in intelligence or below average.
It's how human pack dynamics work, and it's observable if you look for it.

>> No.14096918

>A sucker like Craig Wright is way richer than a genius like Linus Torvalds.
CSW has a negative net worth. Calvin on the other hand...

>> No.14097026

>tfw too dumb to know how to take an IQ test

>> No.14097164


>normies thinking his intelligence is holding him back

>> No.14097179

You wish normies were in the range. Sadly most at below this range statistically speaking. And non-normies below this range are the worst people on the planet

>> No.14097213

Being 115-135 is prime, going above 140 loses you some humanity, below and its hard to even understand simple things in life. If you have charisma and in this iq range you will be anything from succesful to president. Everyone who makes it is in this range, wildly lucky, uniquely suited for some task. They key is intelligence and charisma, attractiveness/height for a guy dramatically increases chances of making it. Pretty much me and i do fuck all with it

>> No.14097229

>jew iq
If your people are dumb as shit how else can you make a system that tells everyone you are smart?

>> No.14097243

You miss the mark. Exploiting people relies on understanding your target audience. Einstein wouldn't even think of selling pet rocks to become a millionaire because he would never believe anyone would be stupid enough to buy a rock.

Some elite autists do extremely well as researchers but even that path is often blocked to many by social interactions.

>> No.14097251

A certain percentage of retards make it based on not understanding all the risks, and dumb luck. Also the very high IQ businessmen know they are useful to keep around, as they are easily manipulated, and blamed. A certain percentage of geniuses make it because they see the entire picture, and are able to beat the system with sheer brainpower. Those with unremarkable above average intelligence are too smart to take wild risks because they are aware of what they could lose, but not smart enough to beat the system. These are the people that carry society on their shoulders. The system was designed to get maximum value from this group without ever letting them actually grab a hold of the carrot at the end of the stick.

>> No.14097560

I got 128 on the more difficult Danish test and 135 on the Norwegian MENSA test, which correlated suprisingly well with my childhood IQ test (132). At this range I still feel incredibly stupid and when I compare my self to intellectuals and realize that there are people walking around with 145, 150 and above it is pretty scary that at my level of competency I am still more ‘intelligent’ than the vast majority of the populace. I also have to put in serious effort to communicate effectively with those on the lower IQ ranges at times but also find them incredibly easy to manipulate if I dumb my self down correctly and use terminology they understand.

>> No.14097631

I have a friend that was 140 and he went crazy and I don’t blame him. The guy was insanely intelligent and had won multiple scholarships and was doing all his schooling for free but I literally watch him unravel over the years as he became more and more ‘redpilled’ until he was in and out of mental institiutions and calling people niggers and screaming about Muslims in the streets (he got arrested for that) he became a severe hypochondriac. He was more of a glass half empty guy while I was always more optimistic and I think when you are that intelligent and you figure out how things really work and you are a pessimist is, it is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.14097687

Black people are generally very low IQ. Black people almost never commit suicide(statistics back this up) ,while it's very common among whites and Asians. This proves that low IQ is bliss.

>> No.14097735

a lot of people here conflating potential and actual performance. IQ only represents your potential as far as ability to adapt and think creatively goes but it doesn't tell you if said potential will be actually put to good use. There are a billion variables that affect how your potential will be used, which range from your personality and temperament to environmental factors, that may help or harm it, or may even direct it towards a extremely unexpected direction.

>> No.14097737

> smart people lose their composure from the lovecraftian horror of correlating the contents of their mind
> the system notices them and removes them from society through institutional psychology

Normie take: yo dis nibba crazy finna bout to go off on reptilians

>> No.14097824

>Normie take: yo dis nibba crazy finna bout to go off on reptilians

>> No.14097839

Someone who's truly intelligent won't project his own self on everyone else but rather will be able to separate the reality of his mind from the reality of other people and of other things.

At most you can claim that Einstein wouldn't think of selling pet rocks to become a millionaire because that's not related to a field of interest and thus knowledge to him, but otherwise he certainly could learn to do that better than the overwhelming majority of people.

>> No.14098021

>if you can't relate to others, it's harder to make the necessary connections to get ahead
Actually, sophisticated social skills is one of the indicators we look for to stream genuinely gifted children.
You've been watching too many cartoons.

>> No.14098117

Explain a bit to me.
"Sophisticated social skills" - We're not talking about mannerism, like knowing what plate is for what type of food, what silverware should you use, that's education (which is prevalent in the upper classes but anyone can learn it).
Are you talking about snobbism?
I feel like the only thing that links the upper classes isn't education but wealth. I'm basing this on the Roman Republic for example, where status was everything but people like Crassus achieved status trough wealth. (and status without wealth meant nothing, Caesar.)
>>14094729 Has a point.

>> No.14098139

That's why what we're doing here is so important. I've had a mental breakdown myself in regards to being without income and feeling unable to evaluate my reality. I would've killed myself without my newfound purpose of becoming the Jew.

Now I'm 100% focused on acquiring assets and my life is much better. I will stop at nothing to become wealthy

>> No.14098195

From what I have read that spesific online test is very accurate compared to the official mensa test. People who have taken both report that it match very vell, so it should be trustworthy.

t. Norwegian

>> No.14098279

>unironically eating stockfish

>> No.14098369

Any country that became relevant only due to oil isnt to be trusted

>> No.14098504

t stupid fisher

>> No.14098538

>I'm 102
>Can't comprehend a meme


>> No.14098604
File: 74 KB, 686x761, consc_income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is basically a meme, it doesn't quarantee you'll make money but it helps a little bit. Most people don't even know what IQ actually even means and they conflate high IQ with high conscientiousness instead because they have absolutely 0 knowledge of psychology.

>> No.14098615


>> No.14098784

It's easy to understand that different people will think&behave different but it doesn't help you in any way to understand someone elses way of thought. They have to study normie behaviour like biologists study animals to get a grasp on them. Most of them never do and thus they can't hope to understand them.

>> No.14098799

Yes. Some people are genuinely intelligent and others are just autistic. Like talking about "memes." If you talk about memes, then you are probably just autistic.

>> No.14098809

Maybe I'm a brainlet but this still seems to show that psychological traits have a high impact on lifetime earnings.

>> No.14098835

>being able to obtain information from let's say an important document is a meme
Fuck off, I have a IQ of 143 and it makes life easier. I learn faster than my peers so please shut the fuck up. COPE BRAINLET

>> No.14098878

>People who are exceptionally intelligent will always be able to find a path to success, since that's really all intelligence is — navigating to solve problems.

>> No.14098884
File: 184 KB, 710x665, 1559420251360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just intelligent enough to realize I'm dumb

>> No.14098948


I mean, it seems neither of you can even read so....yeah

>> No.14098991

First you call IQ a meme than you say it "helps a little bit". It helps a whole fucking lot.

>> No.14099075

OP here, very cool to see the discussion is still flowing

How does it feel to be so very intelligent? Do you always have a clear mind and can describe things easily?
I always thought I'm super smart because I can see through people's facades quite easily and understand things fast and I'm right about my gut feelings most of the time BUT I have a really hard time explaining my feelings. Is this the big difference?

>> No.14099109

i got 128 at mensa.no. Im constantly depressed, hate the world and cant connect with anybody. Im doing ok money-wise but Im too retarded to ever become a billionaire. Id rather be full-blown retarded and happy desu

>> No.14099111

Do not listen to what 4chan has to say about IQ. Very few people here or elsewhere have taken an actual, IRL test. You know this because they don't say the name of the test they supposedly have taken; the number itself is meaningless unless you know which test.

>> No.14099124

rest in pepperoni oil, was fun knowing you

>> No.14099141



>> No.14099176

why not just say 100<130 u brainlet

>> No.14099213

It helps a bit but its a meme that it's the end all be all. IQ largely doesn't matter because it's largely a waste unless you also have meticulous traits to complement it. However, someone with average or low IQ that exhibits high conscientiousness can still make it far, and they will do much better than their higher IQ peers who lack the trait. These are the kind of people you can rely to show up to work on time every time, who will put their best effort forward on a project, and generally enjoy finishing what they start. Being able to be autistically dedicated to a task is infinitely more valuable than IQ alone.

>> No.14099296

ITT: people in the 100-130 range.

>> No.14099388

Fuck you i'm at 95

>> No.14099408
File: 39 KB, 864x517, coolt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post results

>> No.14099591

I'd say the more primitive the form is the easiest to understand it. As such someone intelligent has the potential to grasp normie behavior extremely quickly.

>> No.14099639

What about a humble 125 person?

>> No.14099704

I can't even solve a basic puzzle and my communication skills are that of a brown skin. All because of severe ADD. Every 5 seconds my thoughts are interrupted with something random. Impossible to get anything done, my IQ if tested would probably be sub 80. To prove it. All I hold is LINK

>> No.14099710


>> No.14099712
File: 141 KB, 1334x972, Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-11 um 20.02.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, so weird I scored 119 this time. The Mensa test I took was only 20 minutes, had 45 questions and cost me 80 bucks WTF!

Does this mean I belong to that terrible 110-120 range? :(

>> No.14099737

I will try but I can't escape the sounds of the screaming kids.

>> No.14099925

High IQ being strongly correlated to positive outcome is something supported by a overwhelming amount of data from many different fields. It isn't the only factor that will determine your outcome obviously but it certainly has one of the highest predictive capacity.

Also, not that personality traits aren't strong factors to determine your outcome as well, but your picture only takes into account earnings, which isn't the only metric for success. If you look for example into specific professions and fields, like good writers, doctors, engineers, physicians, mathematicians and etc conscientiousness and extroversion will have smaller prediction power than IQ.

>> No.14099955
File: 99 KB, 1336x872, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 2.22.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck im retarded

>> No.14099987

97 here lmao

>> No.14100063

online doesnt mean shit. i scored 133 online. real iq by psychologist was 105. feels bad man

>> No.14100084

this. pattern recognition is only like 25% of the test. verbal iq fucked me

>> No.14100093

>Tfw 115
You have no idea how right you are, anon.

>> No.14100101

131 here, but I dropped my sunglasses somewhere, can any anon around here help me find them?

>> No.14100126

post IQ and have sex

>> No.14100195

unironically true

>> No.14100600

What kind of an excuse is that? Headphones, earplugs, whatever.

>> No.14100675


99 IQ master race reporting in

>> No.14100751

Some people are smart enough to get by, but not smart enough to mercilessly doubt themselves in to inaction.

>> No.14100809

Read this and you'll understand

>> No.14100825
File: 991 KB, 320x240, deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFL retard

>> No.14101404

>success is money

t. pajeet