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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14094193 No.14094193 [Reply] [Original]


That's it. It is that easy. I just gave you the killer edge for the next bullrun.

1. Find the low cap projects that get deposited to this address

2. Buy as much as you can afford without worrying about the next time you can eat. Alternatively if you are a risk averse pussy, buy a basket of these weighted by how cut-throat you think the teams are (the tech doesn't matter, its fucking Binance).

3. Wait and dump on normies anywhere close to the top (you will feel ill from the gains when its coming)

Don't ignore easy money again biz, you've got the edge now. Gather wealth like you were destined for.

>> No.14094207

Harmony is cucked.

NOW is a total piece of shit that I'm under water on but will definitely pump, so weak hands not need apply.

UND is unironically one of the best short / mid moonshots lingering now.

Gifto is trash.

Many of the others will not go anywhere as well or are already been hosed.

I'm gonna go with the pedo coin.

>> No.14094209

Link doesn't work

>> No.14094221

Also, seeing FTM jump madly, you know some more low-cap are heading to Binance. Also seeing as how most are 4-5M base-line, very high chance we have 500% growth on some of these 1m cappers (UND) before they hit the big BN.

>> No.14094222
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>Link doesn't work
use vpn

>> No.14094227

Narrator : "It does"

>> No.14094239


>> No.14094247
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. You got geo-fenced. Sucks being a burger huh?

Hopefully Resistance DEX will let you in.

>> No.14094261


I've been shilling $BOLT for 2 months already.
just look at the past week, 40% gains e z.

Its gonna go to Binance CEX this month, easiest x5 on this board. DYOR

>> No.14094267

Probably not a bad bet on UND.

I'd stay away from Gifto. I think it's a good idea to just watch this address. I remember doing the same with some ETH addresses during 2017. Soon there will be some alerts infrastructure.

>> No.14094271

Finally a halfway decent thread that I can profit off of.

Biz has been pajeety the past couple weeks.

>> No.14094274


Nobody is buying shitcoins next go round bucko

>> No.14094302

brainlet here, what is this wallet used for? Binance's main DEX wallet?

>> No.14094308

this is all garbage, but anything under or around a $1M cap always pumps and could very well go way big in a new bull. remember, most have weak hands.

>> No.14094322

stoked on this.

If I'd followed your advice I'd be stuck with 200% gains instead of 2,200 since February.

Muh this time it's different, but it is. Stay all in BTC anon, miss the 1000xs. You do you. This is called rational risk management.

>> No.14094333

Will binance list HYDRO?

>> No.14094335


What about MITH? Slightly odd no one in this thread is mentioning the biggest holding.

>> No.14094354

Maybe eventually. Stick to new shit.


>> No.14094361

Mith already out of the gates, 30m MC, it may go up but it's priced in more or less. The sub 5m,MC ones are intresting because you can expect them to get up to 30m MC (where Mith is now) after getting a CZ squirt on the face.

>> No.14094422

Everyone should have AT LEAST 1-5% of their net wealth in Binance pumpshots.

They literally make their money off pumping coins. That's why Binance exists. Stacking these is like having someone work for you.

>> No.14094493


>> No.14094494

I can see Resistance pulling off a BNB style thing especially if they execute on all their promises.

Honestly though, I'd bet money on a few of these getting higher percentage gains than the so called "blue chips". Like those pajeety FTM trannies that over ran this board.

>> No.14094562

did his entire MTH just disappear and he bought more FTM or are my eyes deceiving me?

>> No.14094586

Atomic is the only decent one there, they've got a decent desktop wallet application. How much could their token pump by though?

>> No.14094631

The FTM disappeared too.

But all you really know is that it was moved

>> No.14094755

It's not a "person", it's the exchange's wallet.

>> No.14094821

not gonna make it.

>> No.14094826

the brainlets ITT. wew.

>> No.14094866

you got anything to add big boy, or you just going to run your mouth?

>> No.14094926


it's all been said. once again breadcrumbs have been given for a 1M cap moonshot, and only the smart will pick 'em.

biz hates money.

>> No.14094936

How does this work? UND is not on Binance, what does it have to do with binance? Are they gonna list it?

>> No.14094997

Binance Chain incoming. -> binance? nobody knows...but it could. yeah, they "all" could, but... anyone that's not completely daft should recognize the potential of UND. ten-fold at a 1m cap.

these will be the millionaire makers of 2020-2021.

>> No.14095010
File: 65 KB, 560x420, 1510859717348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if it was really this easy
fuck it would be like literal free money

>> No.14095038

only 4% of supply circulating


>> No.14095076

who cares. explain why this actually matters. it doesn't.

>> No.14095128


>> No.14095139

because there will obviously be way more coins put into circulation in the future massively inflating the marketcap

>> No.14095153


you all must be new.

>> No.14095162

Hoping that:

LTO pumps
PHB pumps
FTM continues

>> No.14095169


of course it doesn’t work it only has two devs and the ceo is a philosophy major

>> No.14095276

lmao this is like the bittrex erc20 address all over again. remember when people were sending chainlink tokens to it, and then someone sent a confido one? fuck those were great times

>> No.14095468
File: 166 KB, 1250x821, shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about all these coins on the binance chain that are currently unlisted but have already been created and stored on chain?

>> No.14095482


lol no

>> No.14095530

Brainlet here please explain

>> No.14095867
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>> No.14095901

>I'm gonna go with the pedo coin.
I didn't see XRP, what coin are you taklin about?

>> No.14096142

wtf is this

>> No.14096153

Autistic sleuthing to locate where Boinonce pre-lists its to-be-announced Binance Chain DEX shitcoins.

>> No.14096219

this doesnt look like that at all

>> No.14096356

You can see existing tokens being issued on the BEP2 platform. Idk what other reason that would happen other than testing the conversion from ERC20 to BEP2 for new listings

>> No.14096355

what do you not understand? think about it.

>> No.14096362

so nice of you to spell it out.

>> No.14096412

Basically this. Its Chingpong's little test area to make sure switching over the token has worked. Those tokens you see on this page will soon be coming to normal binance and the DEX. They're currently available nowhere and have no announcements.

This is how much of a fucking bucketshop Binance is, total amateur shit so bad that some autist from an anime website can plainly see all the tokens they're going to list before anything has been said. Binance is a shitshow. No one talk or this backstage pass will get revoked.

>> No.14096744

I think they are passing codes throguh the amount of tokens sent and the block number that caught it (or producer name) because they know it's public and to send flags . In a low-key way. Running some simulations now

>> No.14096995

Actually I slightly fucked up, some of them made announcements a while back but nobody saw them on their Twitter accounts. All of these except those that /biz/ shilled are under the radar. Like I said AWC is my favorite because I use multiple AWC wallets across machines. It needs a bit more functionality but its the only software/desktop wallet I trust.

I don't want to spend $60 on hardware and shit, I don't deal with that. Desktop wallet or nothing.

>> No.14097313

Bumping this for visibility. More bizraelies need to see.

>> No.14097341

I went all in on UND, literally bought 100k. And it's already 8% up.

>> No.14097481

I wonder when Wright will release the fork of SV for homosexual jeets? That would probably be money.

>> No.14097678

which one do you guys buy?

>> No.14097864

What exchange do you guys use to buy shitcoin pre pump?

>> No.14097909


>> No.14097944

But how do i send to binance chain?

>> No.14098035

So much for that, all of these coins are already getting shilled in other threads

>> No.14098256

Next UND token release dates?

>> No.14098289

And: better sign up to Bitforex or Digifinex?

>> No.14098385

Just opened a thread about it and see very little interest.

Why do you guys know it is going to be listed.

>> No.14098421



They literally made it public a week ago. Surpised everyone missed this

>> No.14098436
File: 1.10 MB, 680x1147, 1551848512481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Find the binance testing address
>Guaranteed millions as long as long as binance don't figure it out
>Have to keep this secret
>Immediately tell biz

>> No.14098516





>> No.14098655

I mean it doesn't seem very difficult. You can search on the binance chain for assets. Sort by price and you can see all the coins that were created, but not yet in circulation. Follow the trails of transactions from there to find those seeking listings.