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File: 120 KB, 1222x1188, Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 8.21.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14077881 No.14077881 [Reply] [Original]

Free NUKE airdrop worth $223 usd: At today prices the 100 free tokens are worth $223 usd. do not hate free money. Discord: / 22FS22f

>> No.14077892

I dont get this, why do you guys spam this shit so much if the airdrop isnt even til later this year. How is the coin even priced if it hasnt been airdropped yet? Just the dev selling?

>> No.14077908

In a some time crypto will boom to inadvertently produce time travel. Trust us.

>> No.14077914

Its a scam just block anything nuke related

>> No.14077917
File: 149 KB, 604x496, fucking_faggit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wisen up

>> No.14077928

It’s a free airdrop, so not a scam but yeah it’s being spammed a lot. I’m not too upset since it’s free and requires $0 to join. If that’s too risky then crypto really isn’t for you. But 100 nukes is really worth that much currently. Bomb holders literally on suicide watch once they realize their token in inferior.

>> No.14077936

OP is basing it off of current market price, he’s not lying if that’s what you’re thinking. The price is just going up...

>> No.14077949

lurk the price moar, its the current price.

>> No.14077964

Okay I’m going to lay out the gist of this for you homos. Nuke is having an airdrop July 5th, it’s free so 0 risk. Bomb did the same thing but bomb token is fundamentally flawed and doesn’t have decimals. nuke is bomb 2.0. Bomb fags are shilling you their coin at ath rn. Nuke shills are just doing biz a favor before this thing blows up. The writing is on the wall. This is our coin. Nobody shilling nuke is trying to dupe you out of your crypto. That’s fucking rare to see especially on this cunt of a board.

>> No.14077977

couldnt have said it better.

>> No.14078002

Here Here

>> No.14078033

Why do they shill their coin so hard tho, what do they get out of it?

>> No.14078036


>> No.14078056


>> No.14078073

Checked. And they literally get nothing out of it. The community is made up of people that see the potential of this coin and have seen what bomb has done. I guess you can call it paying forward. The more marketing, the more adoption, the better chance for them to make a return. And those same people shilling nuke are in the same boat as you. Everything is $0 cost right now. Literally can’t lose and people seem to really like this idea. If you’re interested in deflationary currencies you can go two different ways;
Buy bomb at ath from deceiving shills who just want to take your money or join the nuke revolution for free and be early to something that is just beginning with 0 risk.

>> No.14078075

can someone explain how it is risk free? i dont want to sign up for it then have all my info compromised.

>> No.14078096

I hear 0 risk and 0 cost a lot, and those are usually huge red-flags for me.
Can you explain how they will use my eth account to send me nuke?

>> No.14078102

this, how long do i have to sign up? think ill do it from a public library lol

>> No.14078110

you dont give any info, just post your eth address and youre good to go

>> No.14078124

I made a new discord and a new wallet. Not sure if they can get your ip/location or why they would be interested in it

>> No.14078126

yea, but the shady discord links somehow get your info, im not falling for your chink shit on my personal device.

>> No.14078135

what kind of info?

>> No.14078136

what stops people from making a bunch of different accounts and getting more NUKE?

>> No.14078140

join our telegram and earn rep

>> No.14078143

sure, knock yourself out.

>> No.14078149

I don't know, whatever kind the chinks and jews are after.

>> No.14078184

Are you familiar with bomb? It’s the same thing but with a superior coin. Worst comes to worst, you get 100 nuke tokens that have 0 value in the future, or on the other hand you get 100 nuke tokens that are worth .01 eth or more like they are right now as I type this. Trust the process id say. Join discord, post eth adress and that’s it.

Post eth address is discord and join the movement. Nothing to be tripping about, community has grown 10x in the last few days alone. The project will be big and the best thing is that it’s just starting.

>> No.14078197

When is the airdrop?

>> No.14078209

Nothing is stopping anyone from doing this but the eth account has to be 30+ days old.

Literally nothing unusual can happen from this. Get a vpn if you’re that sketched out lol. This airdrop is to help spread the word and grow the community and let people in without spending money to do so

>> No.14078213

I'm not familiar with bomb, and I understand that I can't lose. I would like to know why they need my eth address tho

>> No.14078234

>30 days old

how can they know that in a eth adress

>> No.14078255

Search etherscan and you’ll see

You need an address to get the tokens sent to. Where else would you hold the tokens?

>> No.14078274

You can’t just send tokens to nowhere

>> No.14078288



i assume you are not talking about transaction history, right?

there is no such thing as an age for a eth adress

>> No.14078331

see? right there! fuck you im not giving you personal transaction history just for your retarded terrorist tokens faggot. ill buy it on the open market when it dips down to .25 cents.

>> No.14078369

Yeah pretty sure that’s what he means

>> No.14078376

Does it have to be a registered account?

>> No.14078375

LMFAO HOW NEW ARE YOU?!?!?! Fucking Kek I don’t think it gets any more braindead than you. Holy fuck this must be bait.

>> No.14078407

alright, so this is the inof they are after

>> No.14078417
File: 58 KB, 755x547, pajeetshitinstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, you faggots data miners are not getting my shit, get the fuck out of here, no one gives a shit about your stupid pajeet project.

>> No.14078420

You guys are too new and shouldn’t be in crypto

>> No.14078429

>data miners
Ok this is bait lmfao. You’re worried about your .001 eth transactions or what fucking Kek

>> No.14078450
File: 70 KB, 668x400, BAHAHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, you are never seeing what i have. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.14078454

this has to be larp.

>> No.14078456

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA wow are you really this retarded? Wew lad

>> No.14078545
File: 18 KB, 384x384, 7EC008AD-5DDA-4FE8-9597-EF294C1C9020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are just pretending to be that retarded, but then again, maybe they are.

>> No.14078554

>why do they need my eth address for an erc20 token

Kill yourself

>> No.14078563

jesus christ

>> No.14078564

This anon knows what he's talking about.

>> No.14078634

how can they know if I post 4 active addresses with 4 discord accounts

>> No.14078667

they can't, the whole point is to give people some coins to trade around to artificially generate interest in their product so they don't really give a fuck who they give it to

>> No.14078745

We have a system. Wasn't a problem until the price shit up today.

>> No.14078748
File: 20 KB, 288x301, 96EA8588-DAA8-48B0-BF04-DA69D4E5A085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys bomb fag

>> No.14078803

Bomb fags are shilling their coin at ATH because it's been hitting new ATHs all week. It's impossible not to shill it at ATH because it's constantly going up.

>> No.14079042
File: 103 KB, 527x396, NUKE TOKEN LOGO 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will replace BTC one day mark my words.

>> No.14079278

Bomb fags needa chill with the FUD they running scared saying devs dumping on fork delta...I'm a fucking dev and i am locked the fuck in pamp it

>> No.14079302


>> No.14079305

it is an open crowd source 0 money down air drop token--completely grass roots--no sending ether on a down payment for some shitty ICO scam coin

>> No.14079357


>> No.14079440

then why have this whole 30+ days eth thing?

>> No.14079454

People are pissed there's so many threads but they'll be pissed when they miss out, too. Oh well.

>> No.14079462

I still havent got my free crypto, how long it take?

>> No.14079466

Why do these air drop threads reek of stinky pajeets?

>> No.14079473

The devs are selling their coins on Fork Delta a month before the airdrop. That is the scammiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.14079511

what are you talking about? no research...join telegram t.me/joinchat/Mi3FGBWwrWA4HGLL22p-YQ

>> No.14079535

I know pajeets and believe me no pajeets here join our telegram and find out bitch t.me/joinchat/Mi3FGBWwrWA4HGLL22p-YQ

>> No.14079552

I have not sold smoke my pole find out and shake your onions boy ways t.me/joinchat/Mi3FGBWwrWA4HGLL22p-YQ

>> No.14079567

edit: I have not sold, smoke my pole, and find out. Shake your onions boys ways and man up t.me/joinchat/Mi3FGBWwrWA4HGLL22p-YQ