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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 371x309, trumpcoin-dot-info27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1405392 No.1405392 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance. You fags better have at least 1,000 tomorrow morning.

>> No.1405408

How do I buy these in one afternoon?

>> No.1405410

send me $5 and i'll tell you newfriend

>> No.1405421 [DELETED] 

What's your Paypal?

>> No.1405426

Etherum now accepted on coin base wew lad next stop nibru

>> No.1406421

Oh yeah, this looks really promising with the new devs and their professionalism

>> No.1406475
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gtfo yo ass to /x/ bitch ass nigga

>> No.1406786

It's going to DUMP hard every single time.

Even when the elections occur, it's not going over 30 cents.
Even when Trump wins, it's not going over 30 cents.

Because you know why? Because Trumpcoin buyers are a bunch of weak-willed faggots who can't hold. There's far too few who hold and far too many who sell all their shitcoins for nothing and then the price plummets.

>> No.1406791
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Trumpcoin also, you know, serves no purpose whatsoever.

That by itself is a rather large sign that this is a P&D.

>> No.1406795


Which is why I have a buy order standing at a low price and a sell order at a higher price

>> No.1406799


>> No.1406809

Nah Mr.Samefag, we got strong hands holding, the weaklings will be all gone soon

>> No.1406814

I'm not samefagging you stupid nigger.

You don't have to shill every single thread, you know. It looks more organic if you allow SOME criticism of your blatant shitcoin.

>> No.1406904

TrumpCoin is an awesome way to take money out of the hands of big banks that constantly fuck you over and put yourself in control of your money. It's highly secure and decentralized, and the interest rate for staking, 2%, is higher than the best US saving account (1.1% from what I could find). There are also basically no fees associated with transferring your money to and from other users.

The Trump Fund has also been set up so that when the market cap increases and the value of the coins go up, so does the value of the Fund. It will be used strategically to help get Donald Trump elected president. After the election, the community will be asked to help decide what cause to support next with the Fund.

Maybe do a bit of research before getting mad about good ideas?

>> No.1406908

No one will fall for this.

Shill harder.

>> No.1406910

>when you don't understand limit orders and profit taking are healthy for any traded commodity

>> No.1406915

Then tell me the flaw instead of getting mad you faggot OR keep your rants off my /biz when you're standing on earth watching us leave the atmosphere

>> No.1406930

>keep your rants
>proceeds to rant

Lmao you're an idiot. I'll enjoying watching your rocket pull a Challenger when you leave the ground.


>> No.1406941

Which rant is that, the one where I explained how there if value after you said there isn't any? See, that's called an explanation. I guess you're not familiar because I can see you don't know jack shit about anything.

Still waiting on any kind of a coherent response as to why this isn't a good idea, rather than posts calling me an asshole for trying to help people who may not understand

Stay mad frienderino :^)

>> No.1406947

Nah we goin to tha moon while u get mad whiteboi

>> No.1406948

>hurp de durp I'm a smug faggot

Yes, I can see that.

Don't pretend this shit has value. We both know it doesn't, your laughable "explanation" aside.

>> No.1406954

>Look ma! I insulted him AGAIN without even attempting an argument!

>> No.1406967

Lost a shit ton with the last pump n dump. Now I'm riding the waves. Doesn't matter what it does.

>> No.1406992

>tfw I wish I hadn't spent so much money on hookers so I could buy more TrumpCoins

You never know when a good investment is going to come along folks, just remember that, remember that

>> No.1407122


Buy bitcoins, through coinbase or somewhere.
Find an exchange that accepts Trumpcoins like Yobit.
Buy Trumpcoins with the Bitcoins.

Can be done in less than a hour.

>> No.1407181
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Your wrong trumpcoin is tied to ether with programmable dapps and teth tokens also its a registered llc superpac following FEC guidlunes in USA >>1406786
I have 300,000+ and im not dumping until 14$

>> No.1407182
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You know I could have believed you and jumped on the Trump train back when it was under just 1 cent each.

But after those 2 insanely retarded pump & dumps which didn't even allow anyone to get any cash out of it, I'm going to have to pass.

Because of that first and major dump when it hit 0.20$, Trumpcoin has lost all credibility for me.

>> No.1407196

Do not cry when you get left behind. Some of the best investments in the world are sound but distressed assets under new management. Under 1 cent was a bargain. So is 5 cents, and so is 10 cents. Look at the btc talk thread, this is real and has real value. If you are smart you might see the one thing that's missing, and might even be able to connect the dots on how it will be resolved. Think hard.

Everything is laid out for you. Do not cry when you get left behind.

>> No.1407247


>> No.1407315
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>doesn't know how markets work
>each pump and dump has a higher floor
>june 3.5-4k
>throughout july 6-8k
>now 9-10k

Get mad no coiners

>> No.1407326

I have exactly 1000. I'd buy more, but I recently quit work to head out to school and can't obtain more money.

That is, unless you guys want to buy some of my stuff for Trumpcoin! Books, electronics, you name it.

>> No.1407335

How many trumps for a bj?

>> No.1407349

Bout tree fiddy USD, or 50 Trumpcoins at current market value.

>> No.1407353

When are you planning to sell?

>> No.1407367

I have 13k trumps. Will sell 3k of them when a new pump is ongoing. But will hold on the rest of them until November or when I become a millionaire.

>> No.1407371

>after the election
I wonder what other candidates do with all their leftover funds?

Probably just mail it back to the donors I'm expecting my $27 check from the Sanders campaign pretty soon

>> No.1407372

What do you think a good price is to sell on the new pump? I'm about to go on a very long flight and would like to set a sell order just in case. I have 10k total

>> No.1407405
File: 100 KB, 1326x370, pumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is up to you. The big pumps before reached 18k and then 28k. It is safe to bet that the next one will very likely reach 35k.

>> No.1407447

Did you read literally the rest of that sentence? The Fund is not being donated directly to trump, it's being held and used by the LLC to support other causes after the election. Vets healthcare, for example

>> No.1407542

are you factoring the initial knee pad investment as well

>> No.1407555

I really hope this coin is successful enough to be able to continue funding other causes and for us to profit. It's a breath of fresh air to see a coin that isn't focused on technological 'features' in pursuit of seed money.

>> No.1407572

Who else /neet2CHAD/ here?

>> No.1407581
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>> No.1407583

I'm getting favourited by strangers and definitely reaching out, but not gaining followers.
If anyone can bring more followers...

>> No.1407585
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>> No.1407588

but I put all my money in eth just like /biz/ said

>> No.1407589

Try tweeting @TrumpCoinTweets

>> No.1407961


This is how markets work, its perfectly normal especially for crypto.

Actually, take a look at the graphs on www.coinmarketcap.com

Trumpcoin has an EXCELLENT GRAPH! It's insanely good. The coin only has 2 big pumps, the rest is slow, consistent gain. There have been NO DIPS with this coin except after the 2 big pumps.

This is exceptional for a crypto currency. Like, it's really good. It's every crypto traders wet dream.

Get in and just hold bro.

>> No.1408015

Im at 1,000 trump right now and all i have is a laptop at home.

Is it even worth it for me to leave my wallet open and my laptop running to accrue interest or is my stake too small to make any decent earnings?

>> No.1408057
File: 28 KB, 523x640, 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go from here?

>> No.1408774

The latter, senpai
its 2% stake return per annum

>> No.1408796

So when so we have takeoff?

>> No.1408839

1850 here

>> No.1408928

Circle Pay.

>> No.1408957

5k trumpcoins reporting in.

Should I buy more?

>> No.1408962
File: 13 KB, 418x359, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this in the general, but

What's the best way to store Trumpcoin in cold storage, I want to put a good amount of mine in a vault that won't be easy to access.

>> No.1408967

Yes I plan on buying until I hit 50k. If the price is still low ill keep going

>> No.1408969

Buy till u have 15k

>> No.1408976

when is it expected to drop a bit more?

>> No.1408986

Well we don't expect drops, just rises
Get in while its cheap

>> No.1409071

what can i expect to sell at

>> No.1409091


>> No.1409225

yeah probably anywhere between $15 - $200. still don't quite know yet.

>> No.1409241

boop on the nose

>> No.1409242

*paws on you*

>> No.1409248


What can I trade for some quick money to buy more Trumps? Yes at the moment I'm a little poor, so I can't buy a lot. When is it going to hit the lowest? I'm sorry for being a poorfag, trumpbros.
I know you can't mine Trumpcoins, but they build up in time the more you have of them. How does that work?

>> No.1409293

Goddamnit. My btc is stuck in "reserved" when I tried to change to trump. How do I get it out?

>> No.1409340

Site needs a way to buy with fiat ASAP and publicity to get trumpers to buy the coins

>> No.1409777

i just lost all my trumpcoins when i tried to send them to the wallet before the blockchain was done
wat do?

>> No.1409817

kill yourself

>> No.1409867

as soon as the blockchain is updated you will see your trumps, you can use the blockchain explorer to double check and make sure the transaction went through friend, not to panic.

>> No.1409932

How to buy without a limit?

I want to sink 1,000 dollars into this right now, but can't I hit my limit already on Circle.

>> No.1409942

Just buy straight into the exchange

>> No.1409974

Also coinbase has a much higher limit but you have to wait up to 6 days for it to go thru. By then we've probably already left for jupiter. But maybe you can still get on because the last stop isn't till Andromeda.

>> No.1410008

is Payeer actually safe?

>> No.1410441

My wallet is unsynchronized(and won't try to sync) and my login details don't show up.

What should I do?

>> No.1410454

Go to trumpcoin.com, at the bottom is a contact form where you can get technical help.

>> No.1410552


If this is true, don't you think it's a pretty large design flaw to tie the cultural and therefore market value of your currency to such risky odds?

What if Trump loses?
> He won't

That's exactly why your idea is weak.

>> No.1410553
File: 112 KB, 980x657, AP_donald_trump_tax_mm_160513_12x5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should say political and cultural.

>> No.1410562


i gave up on trump coin because their setup is painfully bad

>> No.1410571

The devs are working really hard to make it as professional as possible,
But if you don't want gains then don't buy

>> No.1410775

Can I expect another pump & dump so I can buy lower? or should I buy now at 8 cents a piece?

>> No.1410778

What's the advatange of keeping them in Trump wallet instead of Yobit, Poloniex or any other platform?

>> No.1410788

Doesn't matter if trump loses (which he probably will) just look at ron paul coin and see how it took off. Trump is so bombastic and incendiary that he'll never be president, but I'll tell you that if trumpcoin can get at least 1 kind of big media mention then the rocket will take off.

>> No.1410997

I can't help but notice that your shitcoin didn't go the Moon.


>> No.1411002

I can't help but notice that you are a butthurt nocoiner

>> No.1411024

What made trump coin spike on July the 1st?

>> No.1411051

Also I'm thinking of buying £100 worth of Trump for the bantz, I've never done cryptos before.

Or is it not worth putting such a small amount in?

>> No.1411055

anyone at this point that STILL believes Trump is gonna lose has their head shoved FAR up their ass.

>> No.1411151

lost hard

>> No.1411160

can't wait to make a meme out of all these screenshots once it moons

>> No.1411163

read it wrong

>> No.1411183

If it moons you still get a shitton of cash

>> No.1411213
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Even the roach knows his days are numbered

>> No.1411260

all good buddy, I have a stash of caps too :^)

>> No.1411266

I can't keep up, Chads!




>> No.1411313

>my stocks: doin good and gaining value while paying dividends
>trump coin: volatile pump and dump, may as well play blackjack online

>> No.1411346

You may as well stop posting Shit and go suck your dad off. Go on make daddy proud

>> No.1411349

The possibility of a Trumpcoin mention on Alex Jones' show.

>> No.1411350

pretty sure my results aren't shit

>> No.1411353

Trumpcoin has shown plenty of results including an over 3000% increase in value over two month's time. Get in while you can afford to.

>> No.1411380
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>> No.1411502

Sorry, should have said three month's time. That time is flying by.

>> No.1411563

I'm balls deep boys

>> No.1411579

I'm with you there buddy. I'm throwing in another 1.47 BTC later tonight.

>> No.1411583
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>> No.1411620

Finally in. you guys shilled me. nice rocket you got here looks like this baby just might moon

>> No.1412293
File: 129 KB, 724x611, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But after those 2 insanely retarded pump & dumps which didn't even allow anyone to get any cash out of it, I'm going to have to pass.

Speak for yourself, I made a killing from the last pump and making even more during this one

>> No.1412323

>throwing away crypto-old on literal meme coins


>> No.1412409

Stop coping so hard

>> No.1412459

this, fuck Trump coin, FUCK TRUMP COIN IT'S BULLSHIT

>> No.1412518
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>> No.1412541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1412543
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>> No.1413191

I don't have much money, I'm thinking of daytrading to make a little more so I can buy at least 5000 trumps, but it's not working very well.

Plus what I actually need is 12k a year in order to live well. I'm not sure Trump will offer me what Ethereum could have offered me if I had bought in very very early.

>> No.1413219

What caused the pump was the rumor that Alex Jones was going to mention Trump coins on his show. The coin started dumped when it became clear that wasn't happening. However at the same time, there was a lot of dev drama going on with chicken. These two events caused a crash and low faith in the coin. Overtime, however, the devs have been reorganizing and restoring faith in the coin resulting in the price we see now.

>> No.1413573

This. An Internet currency with no basis except people trying to push a political agenda. It's a terrible investment, it has no utility, it's not backed by anything other than the banks and fervor of Trump supporters. It's speculation.

Also index funds average 5% and aren't memes that have been around for a month.

>> No.1413588

Did you read Art of the Deal and are trying to apply it? It sounds retarded.

Im willing to sink several thousand dollars into Trump coin if you convince me it's a good deal. Some issues

Trumpcoin has been around for a month or so. It's graphs are worthless hype driven by Trump supporters buying it. And assuming it's not, technical analysis is a joke to me.

What is Trump coin backed by? What's the future of Trump coin? Do you expect it to become as used as bitcoin?

>> No.1413804

Could you gimme some coins? Ive got exactly 964 right now.


Thank you, /biz/ bro.

>> No.1413840
File: 632 KB, 804x932, 1469818618373-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, Trumpcoin has been around since January/February.

It's backed by confidence in the dev team and the fact that it is the only legitimate political causecoin. Once the price reaches a certain point, the 200,000 coin Trump Fund Super PAC will be donated and/or used to help Donald's POTUS campaign.

This will make cryptocurrency HISTORY. I suggest you jump onboard now while the price is low.

Look at the candle sticks; it's prime time for a moon launch. If you go back a couple months, you'll see it peaked at around 28k sat per coin. It's going to go A LOT higher this time around!

>> No.1413856

I truly hope so. But I think everyone will sell at the smallest peak

>> No.1413876

Circle have a limit on my account. Quick what do I do?

>> No.1413882

Good. Get the crypto fools who are treating trumpcoin like any other coin out. Allow supporters of trumpcoins crypto pac in.

>> No.1414503

Second /TCG/ within the time of this thread kek.


