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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14041947 No.14041947 [Reply] [Original]

The only project to offer secret encrypted smart contracts. The next industry standard.
The majority of dApps will utilize these.

Valuable information is private information. If the information becomes public, it is no longer valuable. All of this value will flow into ENG. I hope you are ready.

>> No.14041980

g8 m8
problem is real usage and adoption of anything is 0.01%, just look who is the king shitcoin

>> No.14042279
File: 59 KB, 1052x418, Screenshot 2019-06-07 at 11.13.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love ENG. Feeling incredibly comfy.

>> No.14042291

>MIT Media lab
at least it's got good marketing

>> No.14042307

Finally Enigmarines are coming out of the brush...fucking was lonely.

>> No.14042318

No thanks I got my LINK

>> No.14042320
File: 45 KB, 978x322, Screenshot 2019-06-07 at 11.19.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14042351
File: 47 KB, 750x465, 5E71104F-EC59-44CC-85B3-17219666080B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in this together. We will never break even again.

>> No.14042382

Don't fear the ath will be back and will make a new ath

>> No.14042421


Based and justed.

>> No.14042506
File: 55 KB, 700x698, 1559701414548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening soon I had the noodle dream

>> No.14042508



>> No.14042516
File: 499 KB, 350x198, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Makes me feel less alone.

>> No.14042539

Huge news coming soon, allot of behind the scenes stuff happening. They don't like to hype so when it drops it drops big.

Test net is coming any day you can check the GitHub and mainnet will follow suite

>> No.14042571

Thank you for this delicious hopium. It has been a long 24 months. Where do you get this info?

>> No.14042585

They are pretty transparent

Tor started a daily countdown feed to testnet

GitHub is very active and they are polishing off remaining bugs

They provide monthly Dev updates and

>> No.14042681


Honestly, I needed this so badly. Thanks.

>> No.14042689

>Tor started a daily countdown feed to testnet
And he looks like he doesn't like it so he knows he's not going to do it for long

>> No.14042699

I stopped mid sentence

and answer any questions on their blog or telegram as well.

>> No.14042720

Do what for long? The feeds?

He's doing it until testnet basically.

So if I understand you correctly that means very soon news is coming

>> No.14042728

ya, man iam so ready
I mean who remembers a certain CEO (ENIGMA) getting hacked because he used the same password for his Ashley Madison account as for his business emails. Iam sure alot of people will trust him with super private information.

>> No.14042738

>Do what for long?
Those 3min countup videos

He wouldn't have started it if he wasn't sure he wouldn't have to do many of them

>> No.14042758


>> No.14042764

The use case doesn't start with super private information, it offers tools to expand the ability of the decentralized web for DApps.

So for example, right now on Dexs boots and asshats can undermine buyers and sellers by using a higher gas fee to snake their buys and sells, making you buy higher or sell lower then what is really offered. This is because of the nature of the Blockchain, but with secret contracts Dexs can fix that issue. They already are in talks to do this

>> No.14042774

The guy also wrote this paper on privacy with 602 citations, so at least 602 researchers trust him https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7163223

>> No.14042781


Based friend, is there a timeframe on this at all? Are we talking 2020/2021?

>> No.14042797

So it's just for DEXs? Because Chainlink TEEs and Nightfall basically solves everything else related to privacy it would seem to me

>> No.14042818

Test net is soon af this month is looking really good. I mean there's no exact date but you can see the GitHub and how everything is accelerating

Main net, follows after genisis games which is about two months after.

During test net the node running test , developers can start building. Actually they can start now already.

>> No.14042855

No no no, that's just one use case in the talks with people like 0x

The use case is huge, if you are able to think about it. Something as simple as a card game, poker, gambling to identity and voting.

The ability to hide information from potential threats is huge

>> No.14043081

If it took TWO YEARS for testnet to begin (it’s still not ready yet btw) how do you expect anyone to believe Mainnet will be ready TWO MONTHS after testnet? KEK

>> No.14043451

Because test net is literally to set up the nodes and genisis games. Test net IS basically main net.