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File: 53 KB, 800x450, 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13948585 No.13948585 [Reply] [Original]

its all fucking over man I went to every place I could think of and every solution would require a full reset. i dont use authy. my 2fa keys are gone for good and my 3.whatever bitcoin is gone for fucking ever. I am going to end it tonight. no i did not right down 2fa seed keys. I cant even access my fucking google acc to verify my identity for 2fa because i required 2fa on the fucking goggle acc. I am fucking done gone

>> No.13948601


Kek. I honestly think more people lose things because of excessive security locking them out these days than by actual hacks. The number of times I've had my family/friends complain about the same shit.

>> No.13948604


Dude loads of anons have done this before, you can access it but it takes a while and you will have to do KYC shit.

>> No.13948609

>so secure that even you cant login to it

>> No.13948615

I have no fucking access to my google because Ihad 2fa on it too

>> No.13948646

ouch. this happened to me before on polo, i was (just about) able to get back in by sending them a load of tx deets from btc core to my polo acct.

>> No.13948648

How the fuck can you not have a backup? I have two paper backups and a backup phone loaded with all my keys. Do this next time

>> No.13948664


Why on earth people do this shit is beyond me.

Exchanges are insured nowadays so if you get hacked you can claim. It's more secure leaving crypto on an exchange than anywhere else.

>> No.13948677

kek thats why my money is on binance

>> No.13948686

Just call customer support.

>> No.13948689

Google can verify you with your phone number, IP address, passport etc don't be a fucking retard. Don't forget to send me a third of your stack when you get it back.

>> No.13948697

Drink some water and get some sleep. After you're rested, you will be able to figure out how to get your stuff back. Port your number to a different phone to do the verification so you can get back in to your Google account.

>> No.13948700

> Being this retarded and not realizing you can still get it back

Anon, Indian here. I unironically work at Google Xas a software engineer. This can still be solved and even in the worst case I can escalate this to a support team who may be able to help. But I unironically won’t help since you, like 99% of this board, is racist.

>> No.13948706

OP is obviously a dumb Pajeet like yourself.

>> No.13948971
File: 82 KB, 400x300, 9D40A32E-1737-4CBA-95FC-8091F2C7C34A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no i did not right down 2fa seed keys

>> No.13948990

>i unironically

get lost pajeet

>> No.13949028
File: 97 KB, 1080x1350, 1556223114569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what you do. Baby Steps:
1) Get another phone
2) Dial directory services, ask to be put thru to Bitcoin Plc
3) Ask for their customer services dept
4) Explain calmly your situation
5) Hang yourself for not using an offline wallet

>> No.13949030

You know. You couldve used a paper and pencil. But youre too fucking retarded. You saw it as low tech so it was uncool. Youre just like facebook thots who need an iphone or nothing. You just happened to stumble into crypto but to stupid to actually know what to do. I hate zoomers because youre useless and meek.

>> No.13949037

if you know your pw google can unlock it for you, but it can take a few days.

>> No.13949042

lmao fuck off brownskin

>> No.13949045

Ignore everyone. Just kys now while you have the willpower.

>> No.13949047

Is your bootloader unlocked?

>> No.13949052
File: 33 KB, 592x518, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless youre european you shouldnt be talking mutt.

>> No.13949056

this shit is why I disabled my 2fa and why I only use "madeit" for all my passwords.

>> No.13949066

Get the fuck off my board street shitting sub human garbage.

>> No.13949081

what's your email address?

>> No.13949107

having a weird email address is all the security you need frens

>> No.13949118

If you're sweating over 2fa for a centralized exchange just contact them and they can reset it for you.

>> No.13949133

poo poo pee pee

>> No.13949169

My 2fa would fuck me too for certain things, but not my crypto. Hardware wallet niggers, get one.

>> No.13949214

This is such a shit larp meme, yet utter morons keep eating it right up

>> No.13949234

*unless you're nordic
There's a vast difference in superiority between nordic and the rest of the shithole mainland

>> No.13949249

Based retard, I really hope this is not a L.A.R.P.

>> No.13949269


>> No.13949288

>But I unironically won’t help since you, like 99% of this board, is racist.
Spot on shit eater

>> No.13949305

how do you access your money from a paper wallet? does any wallet app/program work? you just type in the keys and the wallet address like a username and pw and that's it?
am retard sorry for poor english

>> No.13949324

Just call google you moron. Contact the exchanges support and they will solve the problem for you.

>> No.13949327

>It's more secure leaving crypto on an exchange than anywhere else.
Based retard

>> No.13949802

there's always a second 2fa option on google accounts, unless you picked the paper 2fa keys and didn't write them down

>> No.13949809

Coinbase and Gemini are the only FDIC backed exchanges and it's only if the exchange gets hacked. If you get hacked and the hacker steals your funds they cover nothing