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13932790 No.13932790 [Reply] [Original]

Why's women clothing and hygiene products so much more expensive than men's, even when they're made of same material? Aren't women more price sensitive?

>> No.13932831

women are less price sensitive. example: if a guy sees a nice pants for 100usd and an okay pants for 50usd, he will go with the okay pants. if a waifu sees a nice dress of 100usd and an okay dress for 50 usd, she will keep complaining until you buy here the expensive one. marketeers and producers know this shit.

>> No.13932835

Because they’re easily exploited by the jewish chad

>> No.13932843

Is that a trap?

>> No.13932847

yea women enjoy the actual act of spending and expending resources, just as men generally enjoy the act of accumulating and preserving them.

>> No.13932860

>Aren't women more price sensitive?
No. Women are less price sensitive. They are more agreeable and more driven by emotion. They pay more for the same product, be it hygiene, clothing, food or anything else.

>> No.13932908

Women are fundamentally more filthy due to their higher concave surface areas that tend to accumulate debris and bacterial infestation. This is easily verified by smell.

>> No.13932984


>> No.13932986

Women have a longer list of cosmetics to buy and they have to buy them to look good and smell great, guys can do with basic stuff and be fine but women have all the makeup and beauty stuff to deal with. Brands only exploit their needs to charge more.

>> No.13933042

Because women over the entire course of their lifetimes recieve more back from the government in tax than they pay so they can afford to spend 10 cents more on a packet of razorblades.

tl;dr: women dont pay tax.

>> No.13933083

thats a man in OP
fucking disgusting imagine that was your son. i'd kill it

>> No.13933109

I only fuck girls right after they shower
While boys i fuck even if they are 3 days without taking a shower, their genitals will still be smelling good

>> No.13933191

Things like lotions, soaps, creams, etc. are more expensive because women spend more often than men and are less conservative about their money habits. They will buy stupid shit for bragging rights, and name brand shit for ego reasons. Vendors realize this and keep prices high because they're missing out on a chance for exploiting an idiot otherwise.
Things like tampons and pads are more expensive than toilet paper just because corporations realize they can exploit the fact that women need them to be able to function in the real world during their periods. That one's fucked up, but it is what it is.

>> No.13933212
File: 53 KB, 333x333, EBA0B8FF-4A0D-474C-A990-1C6693E265DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come smell my balls after 3 days

>> No.13933254

That's a guy, isn't it?

>> No.13933298

i'll keep complaining untill you fix you fucking spelling

>> No.13933312

fuck it's a tranny

i knew it was too good to be true

>> No.13933313

god i hope so

>> No.13933322

it looks like a man you retard, not even questionable
you're a faggot

>> No.13933352

Women in general tend to see high price equal to luxury. If one seeks to show wealth, she will spend more on everything to prove her economical class.

>> No.13933381

It's to create a false sense of scarcity for women. The idea that living even a simple lifestyle and keeping up with basic hygiene is expensive plants the idea that they need more money than they have. Of course, this inevitably causes them to only have sex with people who have a lot of money to spend.

>It's important to keep in mind just how important hygiene is for women. Self care and beauty is literally all that some of them have to offer.

Due to lower cost for hygiene products, men don't share that sense of scarcity, causing them to work less hard.

You can see the imbalance here. This makes for a society where men are undervalued and women are "more expensive" and therefore overvalued. This is an economically engineered system to oppress middle class men.

>> No.13933417

no, women tend to be LESS price sensitive.

Men, on average, are more utilitarian, they use "what works", and therefore tend to be more brand-committed. If a man finds, say, deodorant or toothpaste that "does the job adequately" he's less likely to ever switch off that product/brand unless there's a utility-based reason for switching.

Women on the other hand are more product and brand sensitive, they don't care as much about utility but instead care about trends, fashionability. If their social group is praising a product, a woman is more likely (than a man) to buy and use that product regardless of expense.

Advertising has been proven to be exponentially more effective on women.

>> No.13933422

But yes, OP, women are much more price sensitive. It's a fact. That's why economic manipulation works so well to sway their outlook.

>> No.13933453

>this inevitably causes them to only have sex with people who have a lot of money to spend.

This is such a crazy concept when you think about it... if a man is poor and wants a better life he actually has to go out and better himself, get an education, find a better job or career, climb the ladder, innovate, start a business, invest, whatever.

If a woman is poor and wants a better life she just needs to find a dick to jump on that happens to be attached to a successful man.

>> No.13933493

Yep. And it's actually better that way IMO. Women have a strong biological drive to "mate up" and thus it would line up much better with their natural incentives to fuck a successful man than to get a better job herself.

It's just the natural order of things.

>> No.13933496

>can't even spell yours

>> No.13933511


>> No.13933540

>paying more than $25 for pants
Never ever going to make it.

>> No.13933559

penis makes it bettter

>> No.13933584

idk men wear the same shit clothes for like 10+ years
also this >>13932831

>> No.13933604

This is why you gotta get yourself a waman who knows how to sew. They still always want the more expensive things in general though.

>> No.13933781

>Why's women clothing and hygiene products so much more expensive
Are you shitting me? I can walk into Kohl's with my girlfriend and in the span of 20 minutes she can find five cute dresses/tops for literally $5 each. Meanwhile the best price I'll ever get for a quality button down is maybe $20. Sure a lot of those dresses have an original MSRP of like $80 but you'd have to be an absolute brainlet to pay full price.
Women have way better opportunities to find cheap clothes because there is so much more variety in women's fashion; stores are constantly cycling new styles, therefore tons of nice women's clothing ends up on the clearance rack. Men's fashion never changes so it's harder to find deals.
>Not having a cheapskate gf
>Not having a gf that doesn't wear makeup
Wew lads

>> No.13934000

This makes a lot of sense, but there's no way this is by design rather than random chance.

>> No.13934113


>> No.13934133


>> No.13934165

>even when they're made of same material?
They're not though. If you actually compare two "identical" products, they never have the same ingredients, or amount in the packet, or whatever. Fuck, even pink plastic costs more than blue plastic, which commands a higher price.
The pink tax doesn't exist (which is the route you appear to be going for) as far as "same product but higher price for de wimminz", rather companies know women will pay out the nose because the "identical" products that aren't smell a lot nicer in the female product.

>> No.13934200
File: 358 KB, 599x902, 1559285359852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores

>> No.13934238

Because women don't pay for their shopping habits.

>> No.13934290

>having a girlfriend who doesn't wear makeup.
How are you going to entice bulls to take her while you look? Are you some sort of Muslim who think adultery is morally wrong? There exists no non-religious reason why it should not be done, it is beneficial from an evolutionary point of view.

>> No.13934334


I think that just means you're gay

>> No.13934350

>having to look this up

I have some bad news for you anon...

>> No.13934352

you'd fuck it probably

>> No.13934404

The lot of you

>> No.13934419

No I'm not gay mate

>> No.13934435

its not gay anon
its a girl
also hotter when its ur child

>> No.13934434

1. It’s not always the same material. Women invest more in beauty products and call more about quality. A guy would be happy with a bar of soap

2. Even with quality is the same. Women are more prone to market strategies because of their investment in social status.

>> No.13934446


>> No.13934449

Care more*

>> No.13934457

No it's a guy in girls clothing mate, you're a homosexual

Come out of the closet and be done with it
Lterally mentally ill

>> No.13934500

We both know the answer

>> No.13934502
File: 94 KB, 1000x636, pinkpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the crypto pinkpill /biz/ and MAXIMIZE your gains while also getting to be a qt girl like in OP.

>> No.13934516

bangin someone that identifies as female
never gonna make it

>> No.13934556

Yeah they're men in girls clothing and wigs
Are you mentally ill? Lmao step back into reality kid

>> No.13934589

how many Bittorents for her?

>> No.13934804

About half of the "girls" onChan are dudes. You either have to assess closely before getting excited, or just admit that with the right filters, makeup, and angles, some sissy faggots can look like attractive girls when you don't look too close

>> No.13934824


Absolutely degenerate

>> No.13934924

Faggots look more feminine than most women, sad

>> No.13935058

RAPE! what are your first thoughts and what are your next actions? reveal.

>> No.13935444

>How are you going to entice bulls to take her while you look?
I don my sequin suit and wave a red flag at them, obviously.