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13927826 No.13927826 [Reply] [Original]

So fellas, where you got your buy-back-in orders set for LINK? 10k sats? 8k sats? 70 cents? 15 cents?

Wait... you DID sell above $1.00, right?

>> No.13928744
File: 205 KB, 767x471, 1518585170747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NEVER, ever sell my linkies. LINK at 18k sats? Didnt sell.
LINK at 17k? Didnt sell.
LINK at 15k? 10k? 8k?... 3k? 2k? 1k?

Not selling.

IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these linkies again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $1000 per LINK... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING

>> No.13928772


>> No.13928780


>> No.13928792

I'd rather go to 0 them sell.

>> No.13928805
File: 70 KB, 1024x512, 1537371355191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I kind of want to puke but this made me smile. I'm running on pure copium right now.

>> No.13928806

>where you got your buy-back-in orders set for LINK?
ive got buys as high as 40 cents

>you DID sell above $1.00, right?
i sold early at $1.29

>> No.13928814

bad idea, when singularity hits it’s going to $1k in 24hr. Never know when it could happen, so, not selling, retard.

>> No.13928815

haha linkies btfo
get rekt 24/7 360 faggies

>> No.13929089

8k but I think it might be too high. If all this is doing is ETH price querying we could see 20c levels again.

>> No.13929100
File: 188 KB, 790x403, F2904096-F588-4986-97DF-539AF32DA605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related but

>Pls buy??

>> No.13929124

Why? What are linkies doing for you besides current value? Isnt it better to trade and make profits now. Use any profits to actively trade then use those accumulated profits to buy link? Hodlers are massive tards.

>> No.13929215

The Jews will never get their hands on my linkies. I'd rather die then ever hand them over.