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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1392550 No.1392550 [Reply] [Original]

>he buys stocks he hears about on /biz/

poors going to poor

atleast it's entertaining to watch

>> No.1392595
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I don't know who I like better: the anons shilling index/value investing while they rim Bogle and Buffett, or the ones claiming they traded their way to riches on $100 while they shill Robinhood.

>> No.1392630

well atleast i know you are one of the idiots buying memestocks from that response

buying/reccommending individual stocks when you dont know shit about financial statements, eh?

i bet you are killing it

>> No.1392643
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sounds like OP thinks hes good

>> No.1392650

We should be a community that helps one another find good investments and trades. The problem at the moment is too many suggestions without actual backing or data - e.g., Buy XYZ because on Monday it is going to the moon!

OP's thread is similar in a sense. There are too many "greentext followed by smug remark" posts on /biz/. This forum has great potential because of its anonymous nature, but the quality of posts is not well controlled.

I'm going to try to help improve the quality here by contributing with that goal in mind. Either things slowly change or I give up. I'm sure others are doing the same.

I've noticed things are a bit better than before. A year ago, every other thread was about the cryptocurrency of the month. Now, I'd say roughly 20% of threads have at least some quality content.

>> No.1392670

>somethin somwthin we shud all b friends

pfft, eth is a mess, mgt is a mess, buy trumpcoin lad

>> No.1392671

Buy ethereum you complete faggot

>> No.1392678

you misunderstand

if /biz/ is shilling for a stock i short it, or buy the inverse

When /biz/ was shilling DUST- a inverse GOLD MINERS stock i bought NUGT when it was $25, now its at $130

/biz/ is useful, particularily the robinhood threads for this advice and to have a few laughs at the idiots who use the shit brokerage

>> No.1392714

I daytrade NUGT, and I can tell you that you're going to get burned.

>> No.1392719

meh, i made a shit ton of money in the last 3 months off of it i have 2 grand in the thing right now. If i lost it all im still up 600% from what i originally put in it

why do you think Gold is going to plummet soon?

>> No.1392736

"why do you think Gold is going to plummet soon?"

That's not what I meant. If you buy NUGT or DUST based off fundamental reasons, including rumors, you'll find that these ETFs are unwieldy and only predictable in the short-term. The correlation between miners and gold is coming apart at the seams, so gold-based theses should not be applied to ETFs such as the NUGT.

NUGT is only practical for day-trading. For longer-term holding, you've got two problems that will cut into your gains even if you are right about the market:

error fees

The first is inherently a problem of leveraged ETFs; the second is money flow from you (the investor) to me (the daytrader).

I'm actually writing a course on daytrading the NUGT at the moment. I'll give you access when I'm done (aiming for August/September).

>> No.1392861


>> No.1392864

Truthfully we know as much as people who are supposedly experts. We like to think there is a predictability with markets and financial instruments but there is a strong degree of unpredictability. My advice is take any and all advice and opinions of things with a grain of salt and do your own research and make your own opinions.

>> No.1393136

>buying memestocks
reccommending individual stocks
Have fun with that shit, idiot.
You'll just lose what little money you have.

>> No.1393197

>>1393179 :^)