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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13870784 No.13870784 [Reply] [Original]

I deposit 10k into my bank account from coinbase that I transferred from another wallet/exchange, what happens next?

>> No.13870796

nothing. nobody gives a shit about 10k u could use ANY exchange

>> No.13870803
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>knock knock, please open up sir.
>w-who is it?
>it's the taxman, we would like you to bend over.

>> No.13870804

taxman comes to your home middle of the night and haul you off to federal pound me in the ass prison

>> No.13870810

No one gives a shit faggot. Also bull season n you’re taking money out now?

>> No.13870814

Uhhhh you pay taxes... is this a trick question you son of a bitch!

>> No.13870816

Your penis falls off, but not before eating a can of bbq beans and farting in your sister’s pee hole.

>> No.13870832


>> No.13870846

fuck this thread

>> No.13870863

The men in black show up and take you to a top secret black site overseas and torture a confession out of you about laundering money in support of terror groups. You then spend the rest of your days getting violated by Achmed in Gitmo.

>> No.13870882

Coinbase doesn’t automatically report anything to the IRS as long as its under $25k/yr in quantity. If you stay under $25k over a 1 year period the IRS can only get your info if they serve Coinbase with a warrant, which is not a difficult thing to do. However, your bank might not adhere to these rules.