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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 512x783, own swarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13865879 No.13865879 [Reply] [Original]

Own or Swarm?

>> No.13865998

Is that even a question?

Swarm is free, blockchain agnostic and a ton more other benefits, too many to write here. Just pop in the telegram group.

Also I don’t care to shill as I am not selling my masternodes anytime soon. So up to you.

>> No.13866041


You're both retarded

>> No.13866072

> says the guy who understands shit

>> No.13866094

Holding 50k CHX until 300$

>> No.13866119
File: 826 KB, 2269x1349, faggit scam 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13866156

When the rest of the STOs drop in a couple months I’ll sell you a couple Chx for 1$ don’t worry ranjesh

>> No.13866435
File: 23 KB, 540x196, faggit scam s2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some businesses might drop out due to not passing review

you know what company does pass review?
a 17 hour online certificate, Project Crowd
That one passes review
That one is high quality
That one is hand picked

Marvel in its excellence: https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho

>> No.13866543

haha bitconnect 2.0

>> No.13866843
File: 713 KB, 2026x2172, faggit scam 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13867412
File: 3.26 MB, 400x224, 0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more CHX utility tokens you buy before the swap, the higher the chances you will win the lottery frens! Sascha is not leaving us in the rain after all and this is definitely not a ploy to increase the price of CHX in the immediate short-term so the contractors can dump their 90,000 CHX on IDEX. Act quick so you can get in on the top of the pyramid, I mean, the top of the ladder.

Sascha is giving away 2 POINT 5 MILLION CHX FOR FREE to all Telegram trannies. That's right. 2,500,000 CHX which is almost ONE MILLION DOLLARS with the ATH price. Can you think of another more honest and generous CEO in the crypto world? I can't! BUY BUY BUY

>> No.13867439

I thought this was about Swarm.... special kind of autist

>> No.13867575

You have no idea what's coming for CHX. Here's a hint: look at the client list for Proven

>> No.13867630
File: 161 KB, 750x371, 1534450841863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me some hope. I have never bought a worse project apart from when I was rekt by titanium blockchain.

>> No.13867643

Also could you kindly let us know more about Proven.

>> No.13867686

What's coming for CHX: More lies. Here's what Proven's website says:


Over $9,000,000 raised via ICO. (LIE)
Breaking into the top 100 tokens via market capitalisation within 6 months. (LOL IN SASCHA'S WET DREAM)
60,000 community members across all platforms. (NOT EVEN 3000 TOKEN HOLDERS)
300,000 + views of promotional videos. (NOPE)

>> No.13867701

STOs are a dumb meme and a total flop.

>> No.13867796
File: 72 KB, 1429x1196, own-rebrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously guys. Honestly. Let's get real. We need to talk: They're giving away at least half a million dollars in a lottery next week. Pic related will be outdated, price will straight up be a horizontal line after the swap.

>> No.13867854

The business model is fucked. There is one exchange that cannot be accessed by US citizens doing the token swap. How else are they going to lock up CHX without a massive incentive? It makes me angry.

>> No.13867868


Why the fuck can't they just take that half million and pay a listing fee for a decent exchange? That would be a better use of the money. Also God help the holders of this, with BitMax as the only exchange supporting the new token, the already small buy support on there is gonna be obliterated by those contractors market dumping

>> No.13867897
File: 37 KB, 576x1024, 1554325773955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it ever been proven that it is independent contractors dumping CHX? Sketchy as hell.

>> No.13867953


It's not a secret or a conspiracy, every time they're asked about it in the telegram they say that it's in the whitepaper. They were paying these contractors around 90k chx a month a while back, didn't effect the price too much when they sold because there was support. Problem was when the teams tokens got unlocked they were dumping hundreds of thousands a day. No conspiracy either, I was watching the transactions on etherscan

>> No.13868317

It's actually the team doing the dumping, but scheming Sascha cleverly keeps insinuating it's "contractors" even though the only difference between the team and the contractors is that the former gets dental.

They're also not dumping, but selling. As if it's any different in the end result. Price? It's not murder, it's taking care of business.

>> No.13868369

remember when money skelly sold a shit ton of eth at $15? chx devs are going to be real sad next year when this thing moons

>> No.13868885

All you faggots still whining about losing money on chx and it being a scam, just sell before it goes to 0. It is a SCAM.

>> No.13869481

If you dont have a SWM masternode, you're never gonna make it. CHX fags will get even more rekt

>> No.13869533

A masternode for something that doesn't even have a blockchain?! Fucking KEK, get gooked

>> No.13869860

You're choosing to not see what is right in front of you. You're so close to putting it together you're almost there anon

>> No.13869911

Listen, I know you like roleplaying as the Riddler with your cryptic and ambiguous "coming soon just around the corner" drop-by messages, but can you throw us a bone and tell us exactly what's in store for us Sascha? Besides dumping on us even harder, better, faster, stronger with the IDEX delisting.

>> No.13870035

this is what I assume to. what kind of retard signs a contract to get paid in a shitcoin? their fee is literally a quarter of what it was the other month. it's either the team dumping, of they hired some desperate pajeets who for some kind of contract work. both are red flags thb.
that said, wtf are paying for this shit in CHX?! they raised millions in an ICO for fucks sake. that's what that money is for! building the company! instead, they are selling their own token to fund operations. sketchy as fuck. this has not gotten enough fire from everyone, cause it's absolute madness. straight up scamming you guys.

>> No.13870393


>> No.13870484
File: 14 KB, 411x115, big-bonus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that Sascha said the weekly 90,000 CHX is actually given as a bonus to all contractors and not as their sole payment. Question is since the 90,000 goes from the team's wallet straight to IDEX, who is in charge of cashing out and redistributing the ETH between all the members? If the contractors are being paid in CHX, why is it in a bulk of 90,000 instead of small portions for each member? Begs the question.

Someone please ask about this in the community channel. I want to see telegram trannies scrambling trying to explain away this one. It's a legit question everyone should be very concerned about.

>> No.13870520

Think about it. Wouldn't they simply send the contractors the CHX individually to their wallets as opposed to taking it straight to IDEX? The devs work remotely. So who is doing the selling and dumping exactly?

>> No.13870537


Own or Swarm

look at their logos

Seriously the state of (((crypto)))

muh securitized token offerings

>> No.13870680

the fraudster chx devs have been hyping their coin with lies while dumping their tokens on exchanges...no one wants to do sto's with them. it is pump and dump vaporwear. it's going to 0.

>> No.13870789

it's as simple as, "Do you want to be paid in cash or tokens?"

>> No.13870883

>it's as simple as, "Do you want to be paid in cash or tokens?"
Then it's not the contractors dumping after all, but whoever is asking the question "Do you want to be paid in cash or tokens?"

>> No.13870936
File: 774 KB, 942x1200, 1556123573489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning the 5,000 CHX per sell and 20,000 CHX daily limit per contractor was false information by Scamming Sascha.


>> No.13871062

The biggest scam these telegram trannys are operating is that (((Sascha))) has said there is a big, hidden, secret project x STO.

Given all the shady shit plus lies, why would you ever believe they have anything legit? It's a fucking lie to keep retards bought in.

Project Crowd is as good as this scam will get.

The fact that people don't question anything is breathtaking.

>> No.13871146
