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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13839275 No.13839275 [Reply] [Original]

and no one has noticed. Still only 22m mcap with mainnet arriving next month + burgers being allowed to buy on exchanges. Why has /biz/ not gotten on this train? Is it the kyc that's keeping burgers out? Bilaxy doesn't even require it to buy non-mainnet tokens after registration

>> No.13839328

40% is nothing nigga

>> No.13839560

and still so much more for growth. Seriously, a mainnet is almost always a 3-4x (especially now with burger money kept out) unless it's an absolute abominable shitcoin. DYOR, this shit is easily a $.50 coin if the bull wakes
>also backed by inventor of public key cryptography and the 2015 Turing Award winner

>> No.13839577

There was an interview with box mining where diffie didn’t know a single thing about NkN. He is just a name on the project.

>> No.13839615

Im assuming based off the whitepaper that Wolfram Research is somewhat involved? Unless they're using their findings to implement into the protocol. Hope I'm not getting chink chonged but then again this coin is getting very minimum exposure on /biz/, which always translates well

>> No.13839695

Can't wait to see this go to $0.15 cents and watch everyone on BIZ cry.

>> No.13839858
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Bump for opinions

>> No.13839987


>> No.13840093

Diffie's research team is involved and they usually know their shit. The testnet looks promising so far

>> No.13840105

Wen real exchanges u chink faggot

>> No.13840199

i'm wondering if the announce any telco partnerships with mainnet

>> No.13840803

Comfy hold

>> No.13841362


I don't care i'll drop it :

Telco : AT&T, Orange, Vodafone, China mobile
Companies : Nokia, Siemens, Oracle, Asus
Gafa & Batx: Amazon, Google, Alibaba
Listing incoming confirmed : Okex, Huobi, Binance cex, Bittrex, Kucoin.

Products who will be released : 1 streaming shit and an optimized/shared internet connection stuff for several internet application.

NKN will be the first blockchain project with a direct impact in the real economy.

You should take 10K at least. In terms of disruptcy, it is a kind of Ethereum.

Who will not buy ETH under 0,10$?

This is all i can do. Choose your destiny Anon.

>> No.13841440
File: 31 KB, 720x763, 1545714957055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like NKN for at least the next year.

>> No.13842230
File: 812 KB, 1124x1338, 1554692698917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz let some of this be true.
I am heavily invested in NKN.

>> No.13842692



"In terms of disruptcy, it is a kind of Ethereum"
Elaborate this further

>> No.13842755


Anon just DYOR..


>> No.13842850

I was one of the lucky ones who actually got in on antshares when it was antshares and rode it through the whole bull. This has the same pump potential except it's also a great project unlike NEO

Been in heavily since 2c

>> No.13842861

where did you get the telco & company info from anon? thanks!

>> No.13843283

It's not going much up anytime soon as there is a shitton of bored holders who are waiting to drop bags.
Enjoy le doomp.

>> No.13843379

it has done a 7x since you first started posting this.

>> No.13843440

Nice bagholder fantasy. Lmao I have NKN but this is just pathetic.

Truth is OP, unless they get their shit together with marketing and good exchanges, it will heavily depend on what the whole market does. The 1 cent bottom is not happening again since they at least have Bittrex and a bit more awareness than in december, but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes back to 3 cents. In the upper range we might see 10-15 cents again if the market keeps being nice. The ATH of 50 cents won't be seen until BTC is over 20k again, at least.

>> No.13843914

Consensus 2019 gossips and bla bla
Subtle hope I'm feeling in you. My pleasure

>> No.13843918
File: 429 KB, 1600x670, 1527953686774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulate NKN

- Whitfield Diffie

>> No.13843928

NKN is already on bittrex. I want to be leaf but sounds like you just made all that up

>> No.13843972

Burgers can’t buy it on trex until mainnet. The only way for burgers right now is idex.

>> No.13844031

Stop larping. It’s a good project don’t bring it down with wild larps.

>> No.13844220

Nah burgers can buy on bilaxy with only registration and no kyc

>> No.13844241

i dislike all these retarded nkn shills, but this is a fair assessment.

>> No.13844286

Wolfram is definitely involved check their medium page there's a long interview with him about it

>> No.13844305

You forgot about the CDN product they are launching

>> No.13844350

Based. This is the only coin in all of crypto I feel comfy holding long term. Once burgers are allowed in expect an explosion of shilling.

>> No.13844441

aside from how awesome the network they are building is, the pumpamentals are pretty indisputable

fenbushi, NEO GC, arrington xrp and blockVC are all invested. BlockVC put it in their accelerator program along with 3 others. all these big VCs will want their bags pumped when the time is right

yanbo li co founded onchain with dahongfei and no doubt knows a fair bit about how to make a new crypto successful just looking at what happened with NEO

i strongly believe they've just been waiting for the right moment to really push this, and to be honest im glad they didnt waste shilling in 2018 when everything was tanking. getting to buy this at 2c was a fuckin dream

once mainnet is here and they have a minimally viable product

>> No.13844446

bilaxy allows burgers to buy w/ no identity verification, plus you don’t get taxed like crazy like idex. only
problem is it’s a shitty chink exchange that’s probably untrustworthy as fuck, but that’s why I immediately withdraw from almost all cexs

>> No.13844455

...they will get the shill train going imo. being based in the US they are careful not to promote too much before they actually have something working, i think

>> No.13844481
File: 125 KB, 600x324, 1541830324282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you people keep saying burgers cant buy? its a demonstrable lie

>> No.13844500

they can only use idex which has huge spreads and low liquidity most of the time

>> No.13844591

tbf idex volume is dead and most newbies/normies can’t use it + most burgers won’t buy on a random chink exchange unless they’re already 100% committed. so once mainnet is released pairings will open up to americans on all exchanges. Plus if this thing gets onto Huobi or Binance with the mainnet launch it will go nuclear

>> No.13844662

You think blockchains will use it and run on top of it? NKN would be like the networking layer of the Internet

>> No.13845072


>> No.13846129

$1 eoy